2,754 research outputs found

    A Mars orbital laser altimeter for rover trafficability: Instrument concept and science potential

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    Limited information on the types of geologic hazards (boulders, troughs, craters etc.) that will affect rover trafficability on Mars are available for the two Viking Lander sites, and there are no prospects for increasing this knowledge base in the near future. None of the instrument payloads on the upcoming Mars Observer or Soviet PHOBOS missions can directly measure surface obstacles on the scales of concern for rover safety (a few meters). Candidate instruments for the Soviet Mars 92 orbiter/balloon/rover mission such as balloon-borne stereo imaging, rover panoramic imaging, and orbital synthetic aperature imaging (SAR) are under discussion, but data from this mission may not be available for target areas of interest for the U.S. Mars Rover Sample Return (MRSR) mission. In an effort to determine how to directly measure the topography of surface obstacles that could affect rover trafficability on Mars, we are studying how to design a laser altimeter with extremely high spatial and vertical resolution that would be suitable for a future Mars Orbiter spacecraft (MRSR precursor or MRSR orbiter). This report discusses some of the design issues associated with such an instrument, gives examples of laser altimeter data collected for Mars analog terrains on Earth, and outlines the scientific potential of data that could be obtained with the system

    Constraints on the depth and geometry of the magma chamber of the Olympus Mons Volcano, Mars

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    The summit caldera of the Olympus Mons volcano exhibits one of the clearest examples of tectonic processes associated with shield volcanism on Mars. The radial distance from the center of the transition from concentric ridges to concentric graben within the oldest crater provides a constraint on the geometry and depth of the subsurface magmatic reservoir at the time of subsidence. Here, researchers use this constraint to investigate the size, shape, and depth of the reservoir. Their approach consists of calculating radial surface stresses corresponding to the range of subsurface pressure distributions representing an evacuating magma chamber. They then compare stress patterns to the observed radial positions of concentric ridges and graben. The problem is solved by employing the finite element approach using the program TECTON

    Minimally Allowed Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Rates From Approximate Flavor Symmetries

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    Neutrinoless double beta decay (ββ0ν\beta\beta0\nu) is among the only realistic probes of Majorana neutrinos. In the standard scenario, dominated by light neutrino exchange, the process amplitude is proportional to meem_{ee}, the e−ee-e element of the Majorana mass matrix. Naively, current data allows for vanishing meem_{ee}, but this should be protected by an appropriate flavor symmetry. All such symmetries lead to mass matrices inconsistent with oscillation phenomenology. I perform a spurion analysis to break all possible Abelian symmetries that guarantee vanishing ββ0ν\beta\beta0\nu rates and search for minimally allowed values. I survey 230 broken structures to yield meem_{ee} values and current phenomenological constraints under a variety of scenarios. This analysis also extracts predictions for both neutrino oscillation parameters and kinematic quantities. Assuming reasonable tuning levels, I find that mee>4×10−6m_{ee}>4\times 10^{-6} eV at 99% confidence. Bounds below this value might indicate the Dirac neutrino nature or the existence of new light (eV-MeV scale) degrees of freedom that can potentially be probed elsewhere.Comment: 19 Pages, 4 .eps Figures, 3 Table

    Evolution of the Olympus Mons Caldera, Mars

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    Extensive high-resolution (15 to 20 m/pixel) coverage of Olympus Mons volcano permits the investigation of the sequence of events associated with the evolution of the nested summit caldera. The sequence of the intra-caldera events is well illustrated by image data collected on orbits 473S and 474S of Viking Orbiter 1. These data cover both the oldest and youngest portions of the caldera floor. The chronology inferred from the observations is presented which in turn can be interpreted in terms of the internal structure of the volcano (i.e., magma chamber depth and the existence of dikes)

    Planetary geosciences, 1989-1990

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    NASA's Planetary Geosciences Programs (the Planetary Geology and Geophysics and the Planetary Material and Geochemistry Programs) provide support and an organizational framework for scientific research on solid bodies of the solar system. These research and analysis programs support scientific research aimed at increasing our understanding of the physical, chemical, and dynamic nature of the solid bodies of the solar system: the Moon, the terrestrial planets, the satellites of the outer planets, the rings, the asteroids, and the comets. This research is conducted using a variety of methods: laboratory experiments, theoretical approaches, data analysis, and Earth analog techniques. Through research supported by these programs, we are expanding our understanding of the origin and evolution of the solar system. This document is intended to provide an overview of the more significant scientific findings and discoveries made this year by scientists supported by the Planetary Geosciences Program. To a large degree, these results and discoveries are the measure of success of the programs

    A new approach to the inverse problem for current mapping in thin-film superconductors

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    A novel mathematical approach has been developed to complete the inversion of the Biot-Savart law in one- and two-dimensional cases from measurements of the perpendicular component of the magnetic field using the well-developed Magneto-Optical Imaging technique. Our approach, especially in the 2D case, is provided in great detail to allow a straightforward implementation as opposed to those found in the literature. Our new approach also refines our previous results for the 1D case [Johansen et al., Phys. Rev. B 54, 16264 (1996)], and streamlines the method developed by Jooss et al. [Physica C 299, 215 (1998)] deemed as the most accurate if compared to that of Roth et al. [J. Appl. Phys. 65, 361 (1989)]. We also verify and streamline the iterative technique, which was developed following Laviano et al. [Supercond. Sci. Technol. 16, 71 (2002)] to account for in-plane magnetic fields caused by the bending of the applied magnetic field due to the demagnetising effect. After testing on magneto-optical images of a high quality YBa2Cu3O7 superconducting thin film, we show that the procedure employed is effective

    A 40th deg and order gravitational field model for Mars

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    Understanding the origin and evolution of major photographic features on Mars, such as the hemispheric dichotomy and Tharsis rise, will require improved resolution of that planet's gravitational and topographic fields. The highest resolution gravity model for Mars published to date was derived from Doppler tracking data from the Mariner 9 and Viking 1 and 2 spacecraft, and is of 18th degree and order. That field has a maximum spatial resolution of approx. 600 km, which is comparable to that of the best topographic model. The resolution of previous gravity models was limited not by data density, but rather by the computational resources available at the time. Because this restriction is no longer a limitation, the Viking and Mariner data sets were reanalyzed and a gravitational field was derived complete to the 40th degree and order with a corresponding maximum spatial resolution of 300 km where the data permit

    A Minimum Time for the Formation of Holden Northeast Fan, Mars

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    The recently discovered deposits of a channelized fan located northeast of Holden Crater preserve a history of vertical and lateral accretion and avulsion of many channels, indicating water flowed freely across the surface of the fan during its construction. These sedimentary deposits, however, do not unambiguously discriminate between a deltaic or purely riverine origin for the feature. By using a numerical model describing fan construction solely by river channels, we estimate a minimum formation time of several decades to centuries. A minimum value for the total volume of transporting fluid required to construct the fan is modest, 900 km3, and may not have required precipitation

    From modular invariants to graphs: the modular splitting method

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    We start with a given modular invariant M of a two dimensional su(n)_k conformal field theory (CFT) and present a general method for solving the Ocneanu modular splitting equation and then determine, in a step-by-step explicit construction, 1) the generalized partition functions corresponding to the introduction of boundary conditions and defect lines; 2) the quantum symmetries of the higher ADE graph G associated to the initial modular invariant M. Notice that one does not suppose here that the graph G is already known, since it appears as a by-product of the calculations. We analyze several su(3)_k exceptional cases at levels 5 and 9.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures. Version 2: updated references. Typos corrected. su(2) example has been removed to shorten the paper. Dual annular matrices for the rejected exceptional su(3) diagram are determine

    Graphs and Reflection Groups

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    It is shown that graphs that generalize the ADE Dynkin diagrams and have appeared in various contexts of two-dimensional field theory may be regarded in a natural way as encoding the geometry of a root system. After recalling what are the conditions satisfied by these graphs, we define a bilinear form on a root system in terms of the adjacency matrices of these graphs and undertake the study of the group generated by the reflections in the hyperplanes orthogonal to these roots. Some ``non integrally laced " graphs are shown to be associated with subgroups of these reflection groups. The empirical relevance of these graphs in the classification of conformal field theories or in the construction of integrable lattice models is recalled, and the connections with recent developments in the context of N=2{\cal N}=2 supersymmetric theories and topological field theories are discussed.Comment: 42 pages TEX file, harvmac and epsf macros, AMS fonts optional, uuencoded, 8 figures include
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