137 research outputs found

    Zero-tillage Technology and Farm Profits: A Case Study of Wheat Growers in the Rice Zone of Punjab

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    This study presents the results from a field survey of the wheat growers in the rice-wheat zone of Punjab. The late maturing basmati rice varieties and the post paddy-harvest conventional tillage practices to prepare seedbed for wheat sowing often result in delayed planting of the crop. The late sowing is a major factor responsible for low wheat yields obtained by the farmers of the area. Introduction of the new zero-tillage seed drill in the area during early 1980s made it possible to sow wheat in freshly harvested untilled paddy fields utilizing residual moister. Presently, more than eighty thousand hectares of wheat are sown with zero-tillage drill technology. The partial budget analysis showed that zero-tillage is more profitable than conventional wheat sowing methods of ‘wadwatter’ or ‘rauni’. The new technology saves tillage and irrigation costs, results in yield gains through a possible improvement in sowing time and enhanced fertilizer and water use efficiencies. The results showed that the zero-tillage adopters earn an extra income of 253 and 2278 rupees per acre of wheat over that earned from wheat sown with rauni and wadwattar methods respectively. The results of multiple regression analysis confirmed that the zero-tillage technology enhances water and fertilizer use efficiency. However, sufficient evidence was not present to prove any positive or adverse affect of the technology on the incidence of weeds in wheat crop. It is suggested that this aspect of zero-tillage technology be focused more in future research.wheat; Zero-tillage; technology; irrigated Punjab; rice-wheat zone; Pakistan

    Contribution of Onion Seed Production to Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Malakand Division, Pakistan

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    According to the latest estimates, roughly one-third of the total population of the developing countries live in poverty, majority of which are rural inhabitants (as reported 35 percent of the Pakistani rural mass). In Pakistan, the income distribution has worsened in the rural areas while it has marginally improved in urban areas during the period 1979 through 1996-97 [Pakistan (2001)]. The rural poverty is continuously feeding unemployment through migration of unskilled people to the urban areas. Poverty reduction is a priority area for Pakistan. The government is taking measures for addressing problems of the poor who are the most vulnerable amongst the different socioeconomic groups. Poverty alleviation is the main focus of the government in addition to develop physical infrastructure in rural areas and remove income disparities between income groups and regions. The government of Pakistan has initiated measures to poverty reduction through establishing number of institutions namely Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, Micro-credit Bank (Khushali Bank), Pakistan Baitual Mal, Income Safety Nets, and launching Khushal Pakistan Programme and Food Support Programme. All these programmes are aiming at helping poor and hungry people by providing them food for temporary relief and micro credit for initiating sustainable economic activities. Since the majority of our population is living in rural areas, so the government is diverting more resources to improve the access for rural services and encourage greater participation in economic activities through creating employment opportunities. The programmes in education, health and population sectors have been specifically designed to extend socioeconomic opportunities to rural poor.

    Moral Hazard, Monitoring and Punishment: Evidence from a Field Experiment

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    The existing literature establishes that there exists inefficiency in energy consumption in Pakistan. In particular, with regard to electricity consumption, the problem of moral hazard is prevalent in the public sector. In this study, we observe this aspect by focusing on the behaviour of consumers once they are held liable to monitoring with the associated punishment mechanism. By providing evidence from a field experiment, we make three conclusions. First, individuals respond to both the monetary and non-monetary punishments. Alternatively, with the introduction of punishments, they reduce moral hazard with respect to electricity consumption. Second, the habitual violators of rules reform their behaviour after they are made accountable for their actions. Third, if appropriate monitoring systems along with the associated punishment mechanism are introduced, we can have beneficial effects in terms of resolving the energy crisis on the aggregate level. JEL Classification: H83, D12, D00, D03, D04 Keywords: Moral Hazard, Monitoring, Punishment, Electricity Consumption, Public Secto

    Strategi Peningkatan Tata Kelola Sistem Resi Gudang di Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    Warehouse receipt system (SRG) is a solution prepared by the government to overcome the financing constraints faced by farmers in obtaining financing or capital assistance. However, this program not widely used by farmer. The aimed of this research was to recommend strategies for improving SRG governance in West Lombok Regency. This research was conducted in West Lombok Regency with the consideration that there is a warehouse managed by PT Pertani (Persero) which is registered as an institution in the Warehouse Receipt System. This study uses secondary data and primary data. Secondary data were obtained from literature studies. Meanwhile, primary data obtained from direct observation, in-depth interviews and by using a questionnaire with experts. The data in this study were analyzed using descriptive analysis and pairwise comparison with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of this study indicate that to improve SRG governance in West Lombok Regency, the government must focus on recruiting warehouse managers who are professional and have strong entrepreneurial characteristics. 

    Contribution of Onion Seed Production to Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Malakand Division, Pakistan

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    According to the latest estimates, roughly one-third of the total population of the developing countries live in poverty, majority of which are rural inhabitants (as reported 35 percent of the Pakistani rural mass). In Pakistan, the income distribution has worsened in the rural areas while it has marginally improved in urban areas during the period 1979 through 1996-97 [Pakistan (2001)]. The rural poverty is continuously feeding unemployment through migration of unskilled people to the urban areas. Poverty reduction is a priority area for Pakistan. The government is taking measures for addressing problems of the poor who are the most vulnerable amongst the different socioeconomic groups. Poverty alleviation is the main focus of the government in addition to develop physical infrastructure in rural areas and remove income disparities between income groups and regions


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    Sebagai salah satu negara importir bawang putih terbesar di dunia, dimana lebih dari 95 persen kebutuhan domestik saat ini dipenuhi dari impor, pemerintah Indonesia berupaya meningkatkan produksi bawang putih dalam negeri. Artikel ini membahas salah satu upaya peningkatan produksi bawang putih tersebut yaitu kebijakan wajib tanam bawang putih oleh importir yang bermitra  dengan petani. Hubungan kemitraan tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Model Principal Agent, dimana hubungan kerja masing-masing komponen pendukung kebijakan didiskusikans dan dievaluasi secara kritis. Hak dan kewajiban para pihak (principal dan agent) dianalisis dan dievaluasi implementasinya berdasarkan kontrak Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) yang telah ditandatangani, serta peran dan fungsi koordinasi pemerintah melalui dinas terkait dievaluasi berdasarkan petunjuk teknis pelaksanaan kebijakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan wajib tanam oleh importir yang bermitra dengan petani bawang putih telah sesuai dengan PKS dan menguntungkan para pihak tanpa adanya moral hazard. Namun demikian peran koordinatif pemerintah sangat minimal terutama pada tahap monitoring dan pelaporan hasil

    A Study on Injection Moulding of Two Different Pottery Bodies

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    Injection moulding of a conventional high clay pottery body and an unconventional low clay pottery body has been described. The Sheffield Binder System comprising of a major component of PEG and a minor component of PMMA was used. The behavior of these pottery bodies during various stages of injection moulding has been analyzed. Optical and scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the structure of green and sintered specimens

    Injection Moulding and Heat Treatment of Ni-Cr-Si-B Alloy Powder

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    Injection moulding, debinding, sintering and heat treatment of Ni-Cr-Si-B alloy powder of high hardness value have been studied. A binder system comprised of two polymers, a major component of water soluble polyethylene glycols (PEGs) and a minor component of very finely dispersed polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) derived from an emulsion was employed. Mixing of a number of different feedstocks was carried out manually. Following the identification of the optimum binder composition (20 wt. % PMMA, 80 wt. % PEGs) and solid loading (65 Vol. %), several test specimens were injection moulded for further processing. The PEGs were removed by leaching with water. The PMMA was removed by pyrolysis, prior to the sintering stage. Samples were sintered to ~ 99 % of theoretical density. With careful control of the various processing parameters, including sintering temperature and time, cooling rate and heat treatment conditions, good mechanical properties including high hardness of HRC ~57 were attained. In an attempt to reduce the process cycle time, the sintering ramp was modified to include solutionising and oil-quenching in a single sintering cycle. The hardened samples were tempered at temperatures from 250 to 350 °C for 2 hours. Scanning electron microscopy was used to reveal the micro-structural changes during various sintering and heat-treatment stages
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