740 research outputs found

    Eredmények és kudarcok a gazdatisztek jogállásukért és érdekképviseletük szabályozásáért folytatott küzdelmében a 20. század elejéig

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    This study examines certain elements of the institutional structure surrounding farm stewards in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, especially the ones affecting their struggles for representation. I’m presenting the arguments and conflicts of interest in the farm stewards’ fight for recognition in their own press, within their associations and in national conventions. The divide between trained, or certified stewards and the untrained, practical stewards slowly deepened ever since the middle of the 19th century and turned into an actual split in the group in the final decades of the century. The certified stewards aimed to achieve autonomy and market monopoly, citing their education and similarities to other, already recognised intellectual professions, which in their opinion placed them above their peers without formal training. This essay presents how the struggle for recognition was not only visible in the operation of these institutions but are recognisable in the statistical and normative sources of the era as well. At last, but not least, I’m examining the contents and conception of Article XXVII of 1900, which codified the legal status of farm stewards, using sources from the parliamentary committees preparing the article, and its debate in the House of Representatives. In this segment I’m also presenting how formal and certified education became the basis of market monopoly and recognition by the state in the case of farm stewards

    The impact of ten years of European Union membership on Hungarian agricultural trade

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    The main objective of this paper is to analyse the impact of European Union (EU) membership on Hungarian agricultural trade with the EU-27 in the period 2003-2013, based on our own calculations using the latest statistical data. We concluded that the agricultural orientation of Hungarian foreign trade and the export orientation of the agricultural sector have strengthened during these ten years. Hungarian agricultural trade with the EU-27 grew dynamically, with expansion of exports being accompanied by increasing import penetration. As a result of the three-fold export and import value growth, the EU-27 became the leading market for Hungarian export products (with an 80 per cent share) and the main source of imports (with a 91 per cent share). While, owing to low competitiveness, the Hungarian export commodity structure is dominated by raw materials and semi-processed goods, the import structure is rather diversified, though processed goods oriented. The share of the Member States that joined the EU from 2004 onwards has increased to almost 40 per cent in Hungary’s intra-EU agricultural trade, at the expense of the EU-15. Following a post EU accession deterioration, the balance of Hungary’s agricultural trade with the EU had improved to a record of EUR 2.7 billion by 2012

    A lupus nephritis kezelésének irányelvei, valamint a mycofenolat mofetil hatékonyságának bemutatása intézetünk lupus nephritises betegeinek körében | Clinical guideline for the treatment of lupus nephritis and single-centre results of mycofenolate mofetil among patients with lupus nephritis in the National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy, Budapest

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    Absztrakt A szerzők közleményükben a lupus nephritis kezelésének legújabb irányelvei mellett bemutatják saját mycofenolat mofetillel szerzett tapasztalataikat a betegség kezelésében. A lupus nephritis és főleg a proliferatív formája olyan gyakori és komoly manifesztációja a szisztémás lupus erythematosusnak, amely végstádiumú veseelégtelenséghez vagy akár halálhoz is vezethet. Az elmúlt évtizedekben a lupus nephritis kezelése sokat fejlődött, ma már a kedvezőbb mellékhatás-profilú mycofenolat mofetil a cyclophosphamid alternatívájává vált a III-as és IV-es osztályú glomerulonephritis indukciós és fenntartó kezelésében. Lupus nephritis diagnózissal eddig 25 betegüknek kértek egyedi méltányosság alapján támogatást mycofenolat mofetil adására. Szövettanilag legtöbben a WHO III (A/C) és IV (A) szövettani osztályába tartoztak (30-30%), beszűkült vesefunkció csak 16%-ukban volt jelen. Glükokortikoid és cyclophosphamid indukciós kezelés után adott mycofenolatterápia mellett az átlagos napi proteinuria 3,18 g/napról 1,06 g/napra csökkent. A betegek 24%-ánál jött létre komplett, 48%-ánál részleges remisszió. Ezek alapján a mycofenolat mofetil hatékony kezelésnek tartható a proliferatív lupus nephritis kezelésében. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(35), 1385–1393. | Abstract The authors present the latest guideline for the treatment of lupus nephritis and their own single-centre results with mycofenolate mofetil treated lupus nephritis. Lupus nephritis and mainly its proliferative form is a frequent and potentially life-threatening manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus that can lead to end-stage renal disease. The treatment of lupus nephritis greatly improved in the last decades; mycofenolate mofetil has become an alternative of cyclophosphamide both in remission induction and as a maintenance regimen as well in the treatment of Class III and IV glomerulonephritis. The authors ordered mycofenolate mofetil for 25 patients with lupus nephritis so far. Histologically most of them had Class III (A/C) or IV (A) glomerulonephritis (30–30%), and only 16% of the patients had renal impairment at that time. Mycofenolate mofetil given after glucocorticoid and cyclophosphamide induction therapy reduced the daily proteinuria from 3.18 grs to 1.06 grs. Complete remission could be achieved in 24% and partial remission in 48% of the patients. The authors conclude that mycofenolate mofetil is effective in the therapy of lupus nephritis. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(35), 1385–1393
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