193 research outputs found


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    Civil aviation will soon celebrate its centenary. It emerged as a universal means of transportation, to which the latest technological innovations of many kinds have never ceased to be applied. Nowadays different vendor companies have developed an extensive range of solutions to improve the passenger´s journey, streamline and integrate airline and airport operations, track baggage and cargo, and ensure that the highest levels of maintenance and aircraft safety and security are effectively communicated. Their objective is simple - to assist their customers in delivering the highest quality to the passengers. This paper provides details on all the latest solutions available at every step of journey for passengers from providing up-to-the-minute fare and flight information, to safe arrival, and everything in between. We have to know that air passengers cannot be served by the airline on an appropriate level having no effective information systems available


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    Airport Operational Database is the enabler of airport system integration. The overall information technology strategy within airports comprises multiple specialist application systems, such as Flight Information Display System, Baggage Handling System, Building Management System, Air Traffic Control etc., which are purchased to provide specific application functionality. The Airport Operational Database integrates the information from these specialist systems and provides: - Central storage for a wide range of airport data; - Access to the data from any client user or system; - Distribution of selected data to any airport system. This paper provides details on the Airport Operational Database, the latest solutions available at airport information system integration and the current project at Budapest Ferihegy International Airport

    Airport information system integration by using message broker

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    Modern airports are being equipped with an ever growing number of modern electronic systems for specific tasks: Baggage Handling Systems (BHS), Flight Information Display Systems (FIDS), Departure Control Systems (DCS), Weight & Balance Systems; Common Used Terminal Equipment (CUTE) Systems; Building Management Systems (BMS), Access Control Systems (ACS), Airport Operation Databases (AODB), Resource Management Systems (RMS) ... there is virtually no end to the list. Nevertheless, many airports are still difficult to navigate for passengers, still have to face departure delays and frequent changes in operations, and still miss substantial revenue opportunities or waste money because of unused resources of every kind. Key to using all those powerful systems to their full capacity and reaping all their benefits is bringing them into tune. A task that is commonly known is the System Integration by using Message Broker solutions. This rather technical term subsumes all activities aimed at establishing the physical connection of disparate systems. The concept of system integration is one step beyond the simple installation of cables and the translation of a few protocols. This paper provides details on the Integration Message Broker solutions in the airport information system industry

    Strategic Management of Air Traffic Operations

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    This paper provides details on several key issues on strategic management of passenger services in the air traffic industry focusing on creation a competitive strategy in air transport, namely the information system development, using of new technologies, staff management, airline marketing and finally possibilities and benefits of airline alliances. I deal neither with cargo transport nor with the revenues coming from other activities of airlines

    A hímvessző görbületei, torzulatai, szövethiányos állapotai = Reconstructive surgery of penile deformities and tissue deficiencies

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    A hímvessző torzulatai és szövethiányos állapotai zavarják a közösülést vagy akár lehetetlenné tehetik. A dolgozat célja a különböző betegségek összefoglalása klinikai megjelenésük és kórfolyamataik alapján, a műtéti módszerek meghatározása és eredményességük bemutatása gyakorlatunkban. A hypo- és epispadiasis ellátása rendszerint gyermekkorban megtörténik, de a sikertelen műtétek utáni torzulatok a húgycső, a bőr és esetlegesen a barlangos testek helyreállítását is szükségessé tehetik. Az induratio penis plastica (Peyronie-kór) és a penis fractura utáni görbület a tunica albuginea műtétét igényli. A plakksebészet irha-, hereburok- vagy vénagraft felhasználását jelenti, a legjobb eredményeket azonban a Heinecke–Mikulitz-elv szerinti ellenoldali rövidítéssel érték el. Szövethiányos állapotokat és görbületeket észleltek olyan nekrotizáló, gyulladásos folyamatok után, mint a Fournier-gangraena vagy az idült bőrgyulladás. A bőrhiányokat lebenyekkel és graftokkal pótolták. Az erectilis diszfunkció kezelésében alkalmazott intracavernosus injekciók után a hímvessző súlyos tályogos szövetpusztulását vagy heges torzulatát észlelték. A helyreállító műtét lehetőségei ezen esetekben meglehetősen korlátozottak. Új feladatként jelentkezett a hímtag zsírgranulomájának eltávolítása. A bőrpótlás legjobb módszerének a hímvessző átmeneti herezacskóba bújtatása bizonyult. | Penile deformities and tissue deficiencies can disturb sexual intercourse or make it impossible. The aim of the study is to summarize the different diseases according to their clinical appearance and pathological processes and to review operative methods and personal experiences. Surgical treatment of hypo- and epispadias is usually performed in childhood, but curvatures after unsuccessful operation can demand the reconstruction of urethra, skin and corpora cavernosa eventually. Peyronie’s disease and curvature after penile fracture desire the reconstruction of tunica albuginea. Plaque surgery used to be performed with dermal, tunica vaginalis or venous grafts, but best results are obtained by shortening procedure on the contralateral side according to the Heinecke–Mikulitz principle. Tissue deficiencies and curvatures were observed after necrotic inflammatory processes, like Fournier’s gangrene or chronic dermatitis. Skin defects were cured by flaps and grafts. Abscesses of penis, severe tissue defects and also curvatures were observed after intracavernous injection in cases of erectile dysfunction. Possibilities of reconstruction seem to be very poor. Oil granuloma of penis presents a new task for penile reconstruction. The best results of skin replacement were achieved by temporary embedding of the penis in scrotum

    Kőnig Kelemen és Az Egység Útja című folyóirat indulása

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    In der ökumenischen Bewegung des XX-en Jahrhunderts spielte die Zeitschrift „Der Weg der Einheit" eine bedeutende Rolle. Die Periodik erschien ab Januar 1943 bis November 1944. Von katolischer und protestantischer Seite wird das von Kelemen König redigierte Presseprodukt positiv bewertet. Die Fachleute schrieben anerkennend vor allem über die aufrichtige Bestrebung des Blattes zur Verbesserung der Beziehungen unter den Kirchen. In der Horthy-Ara belasteten öftere Meinungsunterschiede, sogar heftige Streite das Verhältnis zwischen der katolischen und reformierten Kirche. Die Zahl der Auseinandersetzungen verminderten sich aber am Ende der 1930-er Jahre, und die Gegenmänner beweisen ein aussöhnenderes Benehmen gegen einander. Im Jahre 1937-38 entfaltete sich ein Meinungsaustausch in der ungarischen Presse unter katolischen und protestantischen Persönlichkeiten über die Chance der religiösen Union der Christlichen. Die Zusammenarbeit der historischen Kirchen Betreibenden wurden von der Erkennung geführt, daß die Existenz des Christentums neben den linksgerichteten Ideologien auch durch den Nazismus gefährdet ist. Sie bewerteten die Lage so, daß die Verteidigung gegen die erstarkten christenfeindlichen Strömungen nur mit dem Zusammenschluß der Kirchen erfolgreich sein kann. Gleichzeitig verbanden sie den Schutz des christlichen Glaubens mit der Bewahrung der Unabhängigkeit des Landes. Man schrieb je mehr über „seelische Einheit des Ungarntums" die vor allem durch Annäherung verschiedener religiösen Gruppen zu erreichen schien. An diesem Punkt schloß sich der Franziscaner Kelemen König an die Diskussionan. König verschaffte sich als Pfarrer der Berliner Botschaft Ungarns Erfahrungen über das Schicksal der von der nazistischen Unterdrückung leidenden Katoliker und Protestanten. Nach seiner Rückkehr in Ungarn hat er das Buch „Die Einheit der christlichen Kirchen. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf den deutschen Protestantismus" geschrieben. Er drängte auf die Annäherung der Konfessionen und das Zustandebringen ihrer Einheit. Sich aber auf dem offiziellen Standpunkt der katoüschen Kirche beharrend hielt er die religiöse Unio nur dadurch für möglich, wenn darin die führende Rolle des Papstes anerkannt wird. Diese Voraussetzung wurde von den Protestanten abgelehnt, obwohl sie die Zusammenarbeit für ebenso wichtig gahalten haben. Um der Annäherung zwischen den Katolikern und Protestanten noch größeren Schwung zu geben liess er die Zeitschrift „Der Weg der Einheit" im Januar 1943 losgehen. Auf diesen Schritt dürfte es nur mit der Bewilligung der höchsten Führung der katolischen Kirche darangekommen sein. Im Einverständnis mit Jusztinian Serédi hat das Klerus die Ausgabe des Blattes zugelassen, um die „verirrten Brüder0 auf den von Rom festgesetzten Weg zurückzufuhren. Die Zeitschrift hat ihr Ziel nicht erreicht. Jedoch haben die Superintendanten der reformierten Kirche, László Ravasz und Imre Révész die Initiative mit gutem Wille empfangen. Trotz des praktischen Mißerfolgs hat das Blatt der Besserung der Verhältnisse zwischen den beiden Kirchen beigetragen

    1,4-Additions of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines – a novel system to study pi-bond activation and dispersion interactions

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    The dienic nature of the aromatic π-system in 1,4-diphosphinines remained largely unexplored to this day due to a lack of facile and efficient synthetic protocols. Recently reported stable, tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines were used to explore the thermal reactivity of the π-system towards an array of dienophiles in [4π+2π]- and, for the first time, in [4π+2σ]-type cycloaddition reactions

    Social Cognition and Democracy: The Relationship Between System Justification, Just World Beliefs, Authoritarianism, Need for Closure, and Need for Cognition in Hungary

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    This research was aimed at examining just-world beliefs, system justification, authoritarianism, and cognitive style in a nationally representative sample (N = 1000) in Hungary, and at relating these phenomena to various demographic and political variables to find out whether the findings in Hungary would differ from its Western counterparts. According to system justification theory, there is a psychological motive to defend and justify the status quo. This theory has been tested several times in North American and Western European samples. The core finding of our study was that Hungarian people, unlike people in Western democracies, did not justify the existing establishment. There was strong pessimism with regard to the idea that the system serves the interests of the people. Members of disadvantaged groups (people with low economic income and/or far right political preference) strongly rejected the system. System justification beliefs were moderately related to just world beliefs, and there was a significant relationship between some aspects of need for closure (need for order, discomfort with ambiguity, and closed-mindedness) and authoritarian beliefs. Need for cognition was only related to one aspect of need for closure: closed-mindedness. The voters of right-wing parties did not display higher levels of authoritarianism than the voters of the left social-democrat party. The role of demographic and political variables, limitations, and possible developments of this research are discussed

    A P-Functionalized [3]Ferrocenophane with a Dynamic SPS-Bridge

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    Ferrocene-1,1 '-dithiol reacts with PCl3 and P(NMe2)(3) to give [3]ferrocenophanes with SPS-ansa-bridges comprising potentially reactive P-Cl and P-N bonds at the central bridge atom. The products were characterized by NMR data and single-crystal XRD studies. The P-chloro-derivative exists both in the solid state and in solution as a mixture of two energetically nearly degenerate conformers with different stereochemical disposition of the ansa-bridge. Activation parameters for the dynamic equilibration between both isomers in solution were determined by dynamic NMR spectroscopy. Computational studies suggest that the isomerization proceeds via a torsional motion of the bridging SPS-unit rather than via configuration inversion at the phosphorus atom.Peer reviewe