72 research outputs found


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    White matter lesions are defining characteristics of multiple sclerosis (MS), whereas grey matter involvement is a less recognised attribute. Recent investigations using dedicated imaging approaches have made it possible to depict cortical lesions. Additionally, grey matter atrophy may be estimated using various methods. Several studies have suggested that grey matter atrophy closely correlates to clinical disability. In this review we have collected information on grey matter atrophy in MS and the effect of disease modifying therapies upon brain atrophy

    I-Block: a simple Escherichia coli-based assay for studying sequence-specific DNA binding of proteins

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    We have developed a simple method called I-Block assay, which can detect sequence-specific binding of proteins to DNA in Escherichia coli. The method works by detecting competition between the protein of interest and RNA polymerase for binding to overlapping target sites in a plasmid-borne lacI promoter variant. The assay utilizes two plasmids and an E. coli host strain, from which the gene of the Lac repressor (lacI) has been deleted. One of the plasmids carries the lacI gene with a unique NheI restriction site created in the lacI promoter. The potential recognition sequences of the tested protein are inserted into the NheI site. Introduction of the plasmids into the E. coliΔlacI host represses the constitutive β-galactosidase synthesis of the host bacterium. If the studied protein expressed from a compatible plasmid binds to its target site in the lacI promoter, it will interfere with lacI transcription and lead to increased β-galactosidase activity. The method was tested with two zinc finger proteins, with the lambda phage cI857 repressor, and with CRISPR-dCas9 targeted to the lacI promoter. The I-Block assay was shown to work with standard liquid cultures, with cultures grown in microplate and with colonies on X-gal indicator plates

    DNA-dependent protease activity of human Spartan facilitates replication of DNA-protein crosslink-containing DNA

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    Mutations in SPARTAN are associated with early onset hepatocellular carcinoma and progeroid features. A regulatory function of Spartan has been implicated in DNA damage tolerance pathways such as translesion synthesis, but the exact function of the protein remained unclear. Here, we reveal the role of human Spartan in facilitating replication of DNA-protein crosslink-containing DNA. We found that purified Spartan has a DNA-dependent protease activity degrading certain proteins bound to DNA. In concert, Spartan is required for direct DPC removal in vivo; we also show that the protease Spartan facilitates repair of formaldehyde-induced DNA-protein crosslinks in later phases of replication using the bromodeoxyuridin (BrdU) comet assay. Moreover, DNA fibre assay indicates that formaldehyde-induced replication stress dramatically decreases the speed of replication fork movement in Spartan-deficient cells, which accumulate in the G2/M cell cycle phase. Finally, epistasis analysis mapped these Spartan functions to the RAD6-RAD18 DNA damage tolerance pathway. Our results reveal that Spartan facilitates replication of DNA-protein crosslink-containing DNA enzymatically, as a protease, which may explain its role in preventing carcinogenesis and aging

    Temporal instability of salience network activity in migraine with aura.

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    This study aims to investigate whether intra-network dynamic functional connectivity and causal interactions of the salience network is altered in the interictal term of migraine. 32 healthy controls, 37 migraineurs without aura and 20 migraineurs with aura were recruited. Participants underwent a T1-weighted scan and resting-state fMRI protocol inside a 1.5T MR scanner. We obtained average spatial maps of resting-state networks using group independent component analysis, which yielded subject-specific time series via a dual regression approach. Salience network ROIs (bilateral insulae and prefrontal cortices, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex) were obtained from the group average map via cluster-based thresholding. To describe intra-network connectivity, average and dynamic conditional correlation was calculated. Causal interactions between the default-mode, dorsal attention and salience network were characterised by spectral Granger's causality. Time-averaged correlation was lower between the right insula and prefrontal cortex in migraine without aura vs. with aura and healthy controls (p<0.038, p<0.037). Variance of dynamic conditional correlation was higher in migraine with aura vs. healthy controls and migraine with aura vs. without aura between the right insula and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (p<0.011, p<0.026), and in migraine with aura vs. healthy controls between the dorsal anterior cingulate and left prefrontal cortex (p<0.021). Causality was weaker in the <0.05 Hz frequency range between the salience and dorsal attention networks in migraine with aura (p<0.032). Overall, migraineurs with aura exhibit more fluctuating connections in the salience network, which also affect network interactions, and could be connected to altered cortical excitability and increased sensory gain

    Evaluation of transorbital sonography measures of optic nerve diameter in the context of global and regional brain volume in multiple sclerosis

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    Transorbital sonography (TOS) could be a swift and convenient method to detect the atrophy of the optic nerve, possibly providing a marker that might reflect other quantitative structural markers of multiple sclerosis (MS). Here we evaluate the utility of TOS as a complementary tool for assessing optic nerve atrophy, and investigate how TOS-derived measures correspond to volumetric brain markers in MS. We recruited 25 healthy controls (HC) and 45 patients with relapsing-remitting MS and performed B-mode ultrasonographic examination of the optic nerve. Patients additionally underwent MRI scans to obtain T1-weighted, FLAIR and STIR images. Optic nerve diameters (OND) were compared between HC, MS patients with and without history of optic neuritis (non-ON) using a mixed-effects ANOVA model. The relationship between within-subject-average OND and global and regional brain volumetric measures was investigated using FSL SIENAX, voxel-based morphometry and FSL FIRST. OND was significantly different between HC-MS (HC = 3.2 ± 0.4 mm, MS = 3 ± 0.4 mm; p < 0.019) and we found significant correlation between average OND and normalised whole brain (β = 0.42, p < 0.005), grey matter (β = 0.33, p < 0.035), white matter (β = 0.38, p < 0.012) and ventricular cerebrospinal fluid volume (β = - 0.36, p < 0.021) in the MS group. History of ON had no impact on the association between OND and volumetric data. In conclusion, OND is a promising surrogate marker in MS, that can be simply and reliably measured using TOS, and its derived measures correspond to brain volumetric measures. It should be further explored in larger and longitudinal studies

    Optimal Cyanobacterial Pigment Retrieval from Ocean Colour Sensors in a Highly Turbid, Optically Complex Lake

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    To date, several algorithms for the retrieval of cyanobacterial phycocyanin (PC) from ocean colour sensors have been presented for inland waters, all of which claim to be robust models. To address this, we conducted a comprehensive comparison to identify the optimal algorithm for retrieval of PC concentrations in the highly optically complex waters of Lake Balaton (Hungary). MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) top-of-atmosphere radiances were first atmospherically corrected using the Self-Contained Atmospheric Parameters Estimation for MERIS data v.B2 (SCAPE-M_B2). Overall, the Simis05 semi-analytical algorithm outperformed more complex inversion algorithms, providing accurate estimates of PC up to ±7 days from the time of satellite overpass during summer cyanobacteria blooms (RMSElog 0.66, p < 0.001). In-depth analysis of the Simis05 algorithm using in situ measurements of inherent optical properties (IOPs) revealed that the Simis05 model overestimated the phytoplankton absorption coefficient [aph(λ)] by a factor of ~2. However, these errors were compensated for by underestimation of the mass-specific chlorophyll absorption coefficient [a*chla(λ)]. This study reinforces the need for further validation of algorithms over a range of optical water types in the context of the recently launched Ocean Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) onboard Sentinel-3
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