158 research outputs found

    "Sosem elégedettek, szívtelenek... nyilvánvaló, hogy ruandai vér ivására és ölésre lettek teremtve" - az 1994-es ruandai népirtás elkövetői : nők a médiában

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    The 1994 Rwandan genocide was one of the bloodiest conflict of the 20th century, during which 800,000 to 1 million Tutsis and moderate Hutus lost their lives in about a hundred days in the then small Central African country of eight million. The genocide was planned in advance by the Hutu political elite, triggered by the assassination of the then – Hutu – president of the country, Juvenal Habyarimana. During the wars and genocides of the 20th century, the means of modern media played a central role, since leading politicians and repressive regimes in each country were able to utilize them to mobilize the masses of concerned societies or use them against their enemies. Even before several modern conflicts and genocides, the direction of events was already perceptible in various forms of media; divisive, inciting, hateful propaganda served as a precursor sign of conflict and then accompanied it. A similar pattern was shown during the 1994 Rwandan genocide, as newspapers and radios conveyed extreme views, their influencing force had a great impact on both men and women who became perpetrators. Even before and during the genocide, several women took an active role in spreading hate propaganda, and they also helped the murderers by providing the names of the victims during radio broadcasts, as well as other information that made it easier to locate the whereabouts of the victims. In my paper, among other things, I am looking for the answer to the role of the Rwandan media before and during the genocide, furthermore how it affected the perpetrators. Then I will show that Rwandan women working in the media which extent to involved in the genocide, and the nature of their involvement, and thus what extent they can be held responsible for what happened

    Modeling diachronic change in the Thai tonal space

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    This paper investigates a diachronic change that has taken place in the production and perception of the “rising” tone in Bangkok Thai, comparing data collected in the 1960’s and 1970’s with data collected 2004 to 2006. Regarding production, several studies have found that the abrupt pitch rise that had characterized the rising tone in earlier studies is now curtailed, such that the pitch of the rising tone does not actually rise above the middle of the pitch range. Concomitant with the change in the production has been a change in perception. Abramson (1978) found that a steeply rising trajectory, from the bottom of the pitch range at syllable onset to the top of the pitch range at syllable offset, was identified as a lexical item with a rising tone in 90% of presentations. In a partial replication and extension of Abramson’s experiment by Zsiga & Nitisaroj (2007), the same steeply rising trajectory was identified with the lexical item bearing the rising tone in only 5% of presentations; 85% of the time, this trajectory was identified with the high tone item. Zsiga & Nitisaroj found that the only tokens reliably identified as “rising” were those in which the pitch contour reached the bottom of the range at or near syllable midpoint, and that any actual rise is optional in citation form and prohibited in connected speech. It is argued here that this change can be understood only in the context of an abstract phonological representation, specifically, an autosegmental representation in which contour tones are compositional, and the mora is the tone-bearing unit in Thai. In this representation the rising tone has two pitch targets: L associated to the first mora, H associated to the second. The diachronic change can then be modeled as phonetic reduction of the H tone associated to the second (weaker) mora, followed by a shift of attention to the L tone associated to the first mora. Viewed through the lens of an abstract phonological representation, the diachronic change can be understood as a shift in perceptual importance from one phonologically specified target to another. Without reference to such a representation, the reversal in perception of rising trajectories makes no sense. This research thus supports the importance of abstract phonological representations in constraining the targets and outcomes of diachronic change in both perception and production

    Phonetic variability and grammatical knowledge: an articulatory study of Korean place assimilation.

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    The study reported here uses articulatory data to investigate Korean place assimilation of coronal stops followed by labial or velar stops, both within words and across words. The results show that this place-assimilation process is highly variable, both within and across speakers, and is also sensitive to factors such as the place of articulation of the following consonant, the presence of a word boundary and, to some extent, speech rate. Gestures affected by the process are generally reduced categorically (deleted), while sporadic gradient reduction of gestures is also observed. We further compare the results for coronals to our previous findings on the assimilation of labials, discussing implications of the results for grammatical models of phonological/phonetic competence. The results suggest that speakers’ language-particular knowledge of place assimilation has to be relatively detailed and context-sensitive, and has to encode systematic regularities about its obligatory/variable application as well as categorical/gradient realisation

    Cystic fibrosis: Progress in mapping the disease locus using polymorphic DNA markers. I.

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    The conventional approach to the identification of the affected gene in inherited diseases is through the demonstration of specific biochemical abnormalities in patients, their tissues, or cells. This approach has, unfortunately, been unsuccessful in the case of cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common severe autosomal recessive disorder in Causasians. An alternative approach is to locate the CF gene by linkage studies with chromosomal markers. We report here our results of testing 39 DNA restriction fragment length polymorphic (RFLP) markers using a panel of 45 two-generation Canadian families each with two or more affected children. The probability of linkage between each marker and CF was analyzed by the lod score method using the LIPED program. The results of these analyses show that none of the markers tested is closely linked to the disease locus.published_or_final_versio

    Közel és mégis távol – két új családiház épület egy kisvárosban: Near but far - two new houses in a same town

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    In 2018, by chance, we had the opportunity to design two newly built family houses in a same small town, quite close to each other. The Clients are couples of similar age, thinking, life situation, living in the same family situation, yet the result of the design work has become quite perceptibly different. The study seeks to answer the question of what decision processes may have influenced these results. Kivonat 2018-ban a véletlen folytán lehetőségünk adódott egy kisvárosban, egymáshoz meglehetősen közel, két új építésű családi házat tervezni. A Megrendelők hasonló korú, gondolkodású, élethelyzetű, azonos családi szituációban élő párok, a tervezési munka eredménye mégis teljesen jól érzékelhetően más lett. A tanulmány arra keresi a választ, hogy milyen döntési folymatok befolyásolhatták ezeket az eredményeket

    Design, Creation and Implementation of Software Applications in the Corporate Environment

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    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá návrhom, tvorbou a implementáciou softvérovej aplikácie vo firemnom prostredí podniku Velká Pecka s.r.o., známejší pod názvom Rohlík. Prvým cieľom je analyzovať daný podnik a zistiť jeho nedostatky. Druhým, hlavným cieľom je práve tvorba a implementácia aplikácie, ktorá tieto nedostatky eliminuje. Samotné riešenie je mobilný softvér, ktorý prináša zamestnancom lepšie zaznamenávanie problémov v rámci skladových priestorov, čím sú ušetrené celkové prostriedky.The diploma thesis deals with the design, creation and implementation of a software application in the corporate environment of Velká Pecka s.r.o., better known as Rohlík. The first goal is to analyze the given company and find its shortcomings. The second, the main one, is to create and implement a software, which would eliminate them. The resulting solution is a mobile application, which improves issue reporting in their warehouses, thus saving resources overall.