13 research outputs found

    Evolution and environment of the eastern linear pottery culture: A case study in the site of Polgár-Piócási-Dűlő

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    A salvage excavation preceding a major investment project was conducted in 2006–2007, during which associated settlement features of a Middle Neolithic, Eastern Linear Pottery Culture (Alföld Linearbandkeramik – ALBK) were uncovered in an area called Piócási-dűlő on the eastern outskirts of Polgár. The features of the ALBK settlement date from two periods. The cluster of multi-functional pits yielding a rich assortment of finds, the handful of post-holes and an unusual ritual well found in the southern part of the investigated area formed one unit from the earliest phase of the Middle Neolithic (ALBK I). The settlement’s other occupation can be assigned to the late phase of the Middle Neolithic (ALBK IV). Five houseplans representing the remains of timber-framed buildings outlined a distinct area with three multi-functional pits. Associated with the above features were 8 burials. The preliminary archaeobotanical results from Polgár–Piócási-dűlő are based on the plant material found within the sediments of 11 archaeological structures, which mainly represent pits and a welI. It can be stated that the natural environment offered habitats in which oak trees dominated in the local vegetation, forming floodplain forests and wooded steppes. They also provided food in the form of fruits and formed an optimal habitat for domestic animals. Arable fields were probably also established in the vicinity of the settlements, suggested by findings of macroscopic plant remains that represented cultivated species. In both settlement phases lithic production activities are manifested both by the local on-site lithic production and – most importantly – by the presence of imported, mainly mesolocal, raw materials that point to contacts with deposit areas, or off-site preliminary working of obsidian and limnoquartzites. The kit of harvesting tools and a large number of grinding stones – especially in the younger phase – for the preparation of plant food suggest a major role of plant cultivation

    International competitive analysis of wine producer small and midsize companies on enterprise resource management

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    In our research using primary data sources we are searching for satisfactory evidences, that the impressive economical growth of China has a strong impact on Chinese grape and wine production, wine market. However grape cultivation has long tradition in China, modem grape wine and wine production has only started 20 years ago. During my research I have collected the very rare and unreliable information on this theme to make a picture of Chinese grape and wine production. Using primary sources describe the present situation of Chinese grape industry, verify the supposition that the rise of Chinese grape crop land includes the growth of the total size of wine grape plantations. After this verification I make a comparative analysis of Chinese and Hungarian grape cultivation costs, to confirm, that grape and wine producing is a more requital activity in China than in Hungary

    International comparative analysis for enterprise resource management on the developing wine market of China

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    However grape cultivation has long tradition in China, modem grape wine and wine production has only started 10 years ago, parallel with the Chinese economic boom, in 1998. The rise of the social welfare caused a higher demand for luxury products, wine drinking came more popular, since on the one hand it is representing the standard of western style living for the higher society class, on the other hand Chinese people can live a more healthy life and spend money on wine drinking, instead of drinking traditional spirits. This tendency opened a wide market for Chinese and international grape producers and winemakers. During our research we have collected the rare, available market information on the Chinese wine market. With the use of this statistical data we will analyse the collected information and rough out the future trends and opportunities and threads for trade companies on the emerging wine market

    International comparative analysis for enterprise resource management on the developing wine market of China

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    However grape cultivation has long tradition in China, modem grape wine and wine production has only started 10 years ago, parallel with the Chinese economic boom, in 1998. The rise of the social welfare caused a higher demand for luxury products, wine drinking came more popular, since on the one hand it is representing the standard of western style living for the higher society class, on the other hand Chinese people can live a more healthy life and spend money on wine drinking, instead of drinking traditional spirits. This tendency opened a wide market for Chinese and international grape producers and winemakers. During our research we have collected the rare, available market information on the Chinese wine market. With the use of this statistical data we will analyse the collected information and rough out the future trends and opportunities and threads for trade companies on the emerging wine market