10 research outputs found

    Technológiai Előretekintési Program

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    Az Országos Mûszaki Fejlesztési Bizottság döntése alapján 1998-ban átfogó elemzés kezdôdött Technoló- giai Elôretekintési Program (TEP) néven. A program célja, hogy a piaci és technológiai lehetôségek feltá- rásával hozzájáruljon a hosszú távú versenyképesség növeléséhez és ezen keresztül az életminôség javításá- hoz. A TEP a gazdasági, társadalmi folyamatok, a tudo- mány és technika eredményeinek elemzésével megje- löli azon kulcskérdéseket, döntési pontokat, amelyek meghatározzák az egyes szakmai területek illetve az ország jövôjét a következô 15-25 évben. Az Irányító Testület és a munkacsoportok elemezték a jelenlegi helyzetet, eltérô jövôképeket vázoltak fel, és a legked- vezôbbnek ítélt – de a mai feltételek mellett, tudatos, összehangolt erôfeszítések nélkül nem feltétlenül a leg- valószínûbb – jövôkép megvalósítását célzó ajánlásokat fogalmaztak meg. A legkedvezôbb jövôképbôl leve- zetett ajánlások tehát mindazoknak szólnak, akik köz- vetlenül vagy közvetve hatással lehetnek az egyes szakterületek vagy a magyar társadalom és gazdaság egészének jövôjére

    Distribution of oxytocin-immunoreactive neuronal elements in the rat spinal cord

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    We investigated the distribution of oxytocin in rat spinal cord using immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay (RIA). Each segment of the spinal cord from cervical to coccygeal contained oxytocin-immunoreactive fibers. The Rexed laminae I and II of the dorsal horn showed moderate to intense immunoreactivity. A dense network was found around the central canal where some fibers apposed the ependyma. The autonomic centers of the spinal cord at the thoracolumbar and sacral segments were heavily innervated. Few fibers were found around the motoneurons. In the white matter, the immunoreactivity was localized mainly in the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus, in the pars funicularis of the nucleus intermediolateralis and in a longitudinal network of the lateral funiculus below the spinal cord surface. Some fibers from this network entered the pia mater. RIA measurements revealed that the cervical spinal cord had lower oxytocin content than that found in either the thoracic, lumbar, sacral or coccygeal region. Our results show that the distribution of oxytocin-immunoreactive fibers in the spinal cord correlates with anatomic locations related to nociceptive, autonomic and motor functions. We assume that oxytocin-containing axons play a role in secreting oxytocin directly into the liquor space of the spinal cord

    The Pak1 kinase : an important regulator of neuronal morphology and function in the developing forebrain

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    The mammalian central nervous system (CNS) represents a highly complex unit, the correct function of which relies on the appropriate differentiation and survival of its neurones. It is becoming apparent that the Rho family of small GTPases and their downstream targets have a major function in regulating CNS development. Among the effectors, the role of the Pak family of kinases, especially Pak1, is becoming increasingly evident. Although highest levels of Pak1 expression and activation are detected in the developing nervous system, much remains undiscovered concerning its function in neurones. This review summarises what is currently known regarding the biological and molecular role of Pak1 in the mammalian forebrain. It emphasises the importance of Pak1 in regulating neuronal polarity, morphology, migration and synaptic function. Consequently, there are also strong indications that Pak1 is required for normal cognitive function. Furthermore, loss of Pak1 has been associated with the progression of neurodegenerative disorders, particularly Alzheimer's disease, while up-regulation and de-regulation may be responsible for oncogenic transformation of support cells within the CNS, especially astrocyte progenitors. Together, these new and exciting findings encourage the future exploration into the function of Pak1 in the nervous system, thus, paving the way for novel strategies towards improved diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of diseases that affect the CNS.Peer reviewe

    PAK1 as a therapeutic target

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