70 research outputs found

    Quantization and renormalization of the manifest left-right symmetric model of electroweak interactions

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    Quantization and renormalization of the left-right symmetric model is the main purpose of the paper. First the model at tree level with a Higgs sector containing one bidoublet and two triplets is precisely discussed. Then the canonical quantization and Faddeev-Popov Lagrangian are carried out ('t Hooft gauge). The BRST symmetry is discussed. Subsequently the on mass shell renormalization is performed and, as a test of consistency, the renormalization of the ZNiNj vertex is analyzed.Comment: 74 pages, 65 Postscript figures, submitted to Annals of Physic

    The Minimal Extension of the SM and the Neutrino Oscillation Data

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    We study the simplest Standard Model estension with only one extra right-handed neutrino. In this case there are two massless m1,2m_{1,2} and two massive m3,4m_{3,4} neutrinos, and in principle both solar and atmospheric anomalies can be described in two different scenarios, m3<<m4m_3 << m_4 (scheme I) and m3m4m_3 \simeq m_4 (scheme II). However, neither bi-maximal mixing nor the dark matter problem are explained in this minimal extension. Only scheme II can accommodate simultaneously maximal mixing for atmospheric neutrinos and the small mixing angle MSW solution for the solar anomaly. This scenario can be tested in the BOREXINO experiment.Comment: 9 pages, Presented by J. Gluza at the XXIII School of Theoretical Physics, Ustron'99, Poland, September 15-22, 199

    Neutrino oscillations beyond the Standard Model

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    We address the possible impact of New Physics on neutrino oscillation experiments. This can modify the neutrino production, propagation and/or detection, making the full cross section non-factorizable in general. Thus, for example, the neutrino flux may not be properly described assuming an unitary MNS matrix and/or neutrinos may propagate differently depending of their Dirac or Majorana character. Interestingly enough, present limits on New Physics still allow for observable effects at future neutrino experiments.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, Presented at the Neutrino 08 Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, May 25-31, 200

    Confronting electroweak precision measurements with New Physics models

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    Precision experiments, such as those performed at LEP and SLC, offer us an excellent opportunity to constrain extended gauge model parameters. To this end, it is often assumed, that in order to obtain more reliable estimates, one should include the sizable one--loop Standard Model (SM) corrections, which modify the Z0Z^0 couplings as well as other observables. This conviction is based on the belief that the higher order contributions from the ``extension sector'' will be numerically small. However, the structure of higher order corrections can be quite different when comparing the SM with its extension, thus one should avoid assumptions which do not care about such facts. This is the case for all models with ρtreeMW2/(MZ2cos2ΘW)1\rho_{\rm tree} \equiv M_W^2/(M_{Z}^2\cos^2{\Theta_W}) \neq 1. As an example, both the manifest left-right symmetric model and the SU(2)LU(1)YU~(1)SU(2)_L \otimes U(1)_Y \otimes \tilde{U}(1) model, with an additional ZZ' boson, are discussed and special attention to the top contribution to Δρ\Delta \rho is given. We conclude that the only sensible way to confront a model with the experimental data is to renormalize it self-consistently, if not, parameters which depend strongly on quantum effects should be left free in fits, though essential physics is lost in this way. We should note that arguments given here allow us to state that at the level of loop corrections (indirect effects) there is nothing like a ``model independent global analysis'' of the data.Comment: 10 page