11 research outputs found

    Stalna spremnost na selidbu

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    Procjena Monin-Obukovog skaliranja za blago nagnute padine

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    In this note we combine two recent findings related to sloped stably-stratified boundary layers (SBL). One of them contrasts Monin-Obukhov height, L, and the low-level jet (LLJ) height, zj, induced by simple katabatic flows. Another result connects turbulent Prandtl number, Pr, to gradient Richardson number, Ri. In this way, one finds the ratio of the two heights (L/zj) as a single value function of the underlying slope and Ri, thus giving a criterion where L may not be the most relevant near-surface layer scaling parameter for turbulent processes. For (L/zj) > 1 it is the LLJ which determines most of near-surface turbulent properties. This has significant consequences on properties of various near-surface fluxes as treated in NWP, air-chemistry and wind-energy exploring models because most of them deploy L in one or another way for describing the lower boundary condition. This note shows that for ever finer horizontal resolution in our models, L should accommodate slope effects on the near-surface turbulent fluxes.U ovom priopćenju povezujemo dva nedavna rezultata o nagnutim stabilnim graničnim slojevima. Jedan rezultat uspoređuje Monin-Obukhovu duljinu, L, i visinu niske mlazne struje zj, uzrokovane katabatičkim strujanjem. Drugi rezultat povezuje Prandtlov broj, Pr, s gradijentnim Richardsonovim brojem, Ri. Tako se dolazi do omjera spomenutih duljina, (L/zj) kao jednoznačne funkcije nagiba terena i Ri, Å”to daje kriterij adekvatnosti L u skaliranju prizemnih turbulentnih procesa. Naime, u slučaju (L/zj) > 1 niska mlazna struja određuje prizemne karakteristike turbulencije, a ne skaliranje pomoću L. To ima značajne posljedice na modelirane osobine prizemnih turbulentnih tokova u numeričkim prognostičkim modelima, kemijskim modelima, modelima za procjenu energije vjetra, itd. jer većina tih modela koristi L za definiranje donjeg rubnog uvjeta. Ova nota pokazuje da u modelima sve detaljnije i finije horizontalne rezolucije, L treba uvažavati efekte nagnutosti podloge radi adekvatnije procjene prizemnih turbulentnih tokova

    Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy Using Carboplatin and Etoposide-induced Cutaneous Vasculitis in a Patient with Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Drug-induced vasculitis occurs after drug exposure and consequent inflammation of small blood vessels which can lead to damage of affected tissue. Rare cases of drug-induced vasculitis during chemotherapy or concomitant chemo- radiotherapy have been described in the literature. Our patient was diagnosed with stage IIIA (cT4N1M0) small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Four weeks after the application of the second cycle carboplatin and etoposide (CE) chemotherapy, the patient de- veloped cutaneous vasculitis and rash on the lower extremities. CE chemotherapy was discontinued and symptomatic therapy with methylprednisolone was admin- istered. On prescribed corticosteroid therapy, there was an improvement in local finding. After completion of chemoradiotherapy, the patient continued treatment with four cycles of consolidation chemotherapy with cisplatin (six cycles of chemo- therapy in total). Clinical examination verified further regression of the cutaneous vasculitis. Elective radiotherapy of the brain was performed after completion of consolidation chemotherapy treatment. The patient was clinically monitored until disease relapse. Subsequent lines of chemotherapy for platinum-resistant disease were administered. The patient died seventeen months after diagnosis of SCLC. To our knowledge, this is the first described case of a patient who developed vasculitis of lower extremities during concomitant administration of radiotherapy and CE che- motherapy as a part of the primary treatment for SCLC

    Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy Using Carboplatin and Etoposide-induced Cutaneous Vasculitis in a Patient with Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Drug-induced vasculitis occurs after drug exposure and consequent inflammation of small blood vessels which can lead to damage of affected tissue. Rare cases of drug-induced vasculitis during chemotherapy or concomitant chemo- radiotherapy have been described in the literature. Our patient was diagnosed with stage IIIA (cT4N1M0) small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Four weeks after the application of the second cycle carboplatin and etoposide (CE) chemotherapy, the patient de- veloped cutaneous vasculitis and rash on the lower extremities. CE chemotherapy was discontinued and symptomatic therapy with methylprednisolone was admin- istered. On prescribed corticosteroid therapy, there was an improvement in local finding. After completion of chemoradiotherapy, the patient continued treatment with four cycles of consolidation chemotherapy with cisplatin (six cycles of chemo- therapy in total). Clinical examination verified further regression of the cutaneous vasculitis. Elective radiotherapy of the brain was performed after completion of consolidation chemotherapy treatment. The patient was clinically monitored until disease relapse. Subsequent lines of chemotherapy for platinum-resistant disease were administered. The patient died seventeen months after diagnosis of SCLC. To our knowledge, this is the first described case of a patient who developed vasculitis of lower extremities during concomitant administration of radiotherapy and CE che- motherapy as a part of the primary treatment for SCLC

    Expression of SALL4 and HOXA9 proteins in human testicular germ cell tumor

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    Tumori zametnih stanica sjemenika (TGCT, engl. testicular germ cell tumor) su raznolika skupina neoplazmi koju možemo podijeliti na seminome i neseminome. Seminomi su najčeŔći oblik TGCT-a, a prezentiraju se homogenom populacijom nediferenciranih tumorskih stanica. Neseminomi obuhvaćaju četiri histoloÅ”ka podtipa: embrionalni karcinom, koriokarcinom, tumor žumanjčane vreće i teratom. Smatra se da (mikro)okoliÅ”ni i (epi)genetički čimbenici dovode do njihovog razvoja. Za detekciju pojedinih histoloÅ”kih podtipova te zbog postavljanja precizne dijagnoze koriste se biomarkeri. Budući da postojeći biomarkeri nisu dovoljno osjetljivi i specifični, znanstvena istraživanja i klinička praksa ukazuju na potrebu razvoja novih preciznijih biomarkera. U ovom radu istražen je potencijal antigena SALL4 i HOXA9 kao dijagnostičkih tkivnih biomarkera. Koristila sam metode histoloÅ”kog bojenja, imunohistokemiju, morfometriju te statistički obradila podatke. Prema dobivenim rezultatima dokazana je značajna razina ekspresije antigena SALL4 u embrionalnom karcinomu, tumoru žumanjčane vreće, seminomu te u neoplaziji zametnih stanica in situ te HOXA9 u svim komponentama TGCT-a kao i u zdravom tkivu, osobito u koriokarcinomu i teratomu. Kombinacijom bojenja oba antigena možemo detektirati sve histoloÅ”ke podtipove TGCT-a.Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) are a diverse group of neoplasms that can be divided into seminomas and nonseminomas. Seminomas are the most common form of TGCT, and are presented as homogeneous population of undifferentiated tumor cells. Nonseminomas include four histological subtypes: embryonal carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, yolk sac tumor, and teratoma. (Micro)environmental and (epi)genetic factors are thought to lead to their development. Biomarkers are used to detect different histological subtypes and to make an accurate diagnosis. Because existing biomarkers are not sensitive and specific enough, scientific research and clinical practice point to the need to develop new, more precise biomarkers. In this thesis, the potential of SALL4 and HOXA9 antigens as diagnostic tissue biomarkers was investigated. I used histological staining methods, immunohistochemistry, morphometry and statistically processed the data. According to the obtained results, a significant level of SALL4 antigen expression was demonstrated in embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac tumor, seminoma and in germ cell neoplasia in situ. HOXA9 was demonstrated in all components of TGCT and healthy tissue, especially in choriocarcinoma and teratoma. By combining the staining of both antigens, we can detect all histological subtypes of TGCTs

    Expression of SALL4 and HOXA9 proteins in human testicular germ cell tumor

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    Tumori zametnih stanica sjemenika (TGCT, engl. testicular germ cell tumor) su raznolika skupina neoplazmi koju možemo podijeliti na seminome i neseminome. Seminomi su najčeŔći oblik TGCT-a, a prezentiraju se homogenom populacijom nediferenciranih tumorskih stanica. Neseminomi obuhvaćaju četiri histoloÅ”ka podtipa: embrionalni karcinom, koriokarcinom, tumor žumanjčane vreće i teratom. Smatra se da (mikro)okoliÅ”ni i (epi)genetički čimbenici dovode do njihovog razvoja. Za detekciju pojedinih histoloÅ”kih podtipova te zbog postavljanja precizne dijagnoze koriste se biomarkeri. Budući da postojeći biomarkeri nisu dovoljno osjetljivi i specifični, znanstvena istraživanja i klinička praksa ukazuju na potrebu razvoja novih preciznijih biomarkera. U ovom radu istražen je potencijal antigena SALL4 i HOXA9 kao dijagnostičkih tkivnih biomarkera. Koristila sam metode histoloÅ”kog bojenja, imunohistokemiju, morfometriju te statistički obradila podatke. Prema dobivenim rezultatima dokazana je značajna razina ekspresije antigena SALL4 u embrionalnom karcinomu, tumoru žumanjčane vreće, seminomu te u neoplaziji zametnih stanica in situ te HOXA9 u svim komponentama TGCT-a kao i u zdravom tkivu, osobito u koriokarcinomu i teratomu. Kombinacijom bojenja oba antigena možemo detektirati sve histoloÅ”ke podtipove TGCT-a.Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) are a diverse group of neoplasms that can be divided into seminomas and nonseminomas. Seminomas are the most common form of TGCT, and are presented as homogeneous population of undifferentiated tumor cells. Nonseminomas include four histological subtypes: embryonal carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, yolk sac tumor, and teratoma. (Micro)environmental and (epi)genetic factors are thought to lead to their development. Biomarkers are used to detect different histological subtypes and to make an accurate diagnosis. Because existing biomarkers are not sensitive and specific enough, scientific research and clinical practice point to the need to develop new, more precise biomarkers. In this thesis, the potential of SALL4 and HOXA9 antigens as diagnostic tissue biomarkers was investigated. I used histological staining methods, immunohistochemistry, morphometry and statistically processed the data. According to the obtained results, a significant level of SALL4 antigen expression was demonstrated in embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac tumor, seminoma and in germ cell neoplasia in situ. HOXA9 was demonstrated in all components of TGCT and healthy tissue, especially in choriocarcinoma and teratoma. By combining the staining of both antigens, we can detect all histological subtypes of TGCTs

    Expression of SALL4 and HOXA9 proteins in human testicular germ cell tumor

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    Tumori zametnih stanica sjemenika (TGCT, engl. testicular germ cell tumor) su raznolika skupina neoplazmi koju možemo podijeliti na seminome i neseminome. Seminomi su najčeŔći oblik TGCT-a, a prezentiraju se homogenom populacijom nediferenciranih tumorskih stanica. Neseminomi obuhvaćaju četiri histoloÅ”ka podtipa: embrionalni karcinom, koriokarcinom, tumor žumanjčane vreće i teratom. Smatra se da (mikro)okoliÅ”ni i (epi)genetički čimbenici dovode do njihovog razvoja. Za detekciju pojedinih histoloÅ”kih podtipova te zbog postavljanja precizne dijagnoze koriste se biomarkeri. Budući da postojeći biomarkeri nisu dovoljno osjetljivi i specifični, znanstvena istraživanja i klinička praksa ukazuju na potrebu razvoja novih preciznijih biomarkera. U ovom radu istražen je potencijal antigena SALL4 i HOXA9 kao dijagnostičkih tkivnih biomarkera. Koristila sam metode histoloÅ”kog bojenja, imunohistokemiju, morfometriju te statistički obradila podatke. Prema dobivenim rezultatima dokazana je značajna razina ekspresije antigena SALL4 u embrionalnom karcinomu, tumoru žumanjčane vreće, seminomu te u neoplaziji zametnih stanica in situ te HOXA9 u svim komponentama TGCT-a kao i u zdravom tkivu, osobito u koriokarcinomu i teratomu. Kombinacijom bojenja oba antigena možemo detektirati sve histoloÅ”ke podtipove TGCT-a.Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) are a diverse group of neoplasms that can be divided into seminomas and nonseminomas. Seminomas are the most common form of TGCT, and are presented as homogeneous population of undifferentiated tumor cells. Nonseminomas include four histological subtypes: embryonal carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, yolk sac tumor, and teratoma. (Micro)environmental and (epi)genetic factors are thought to lead to their development. Biomarkers are used to detect different histological subtypes and to make an accurate diagnosis. Because existing biomarkers are not sensitive and specific enough, scientific research and clinical practice point to the need to develop new, more precise biomarkers. In this thesis, the potential of SALL4 and HOXA9 antigens as diagnostic tissue biomarkers was investigated. I used histological staining methods, immunohistochemistry, morphometry and statistically processed the data. According to the obtained results, a significant level of SALL4 antigen expression was demonstrated in embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac tumor, seminoma and in germ cell neoplasia in situ. HOXA9 was demonstrated in all components of TGCT and healthy tissue, especially in choriocarcinoma and teratoma. By combining the staining of both antigens, we can detect all histological subtypes of TGCTs

    Turbulence near deep convection

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    Ā© 2015 Dr. Dragana Zovko RajakDeep convective clouds are one of the most important sources of turbulence that affect aviation. This type of turbulence does not only occur within clouds but also in the clear-air regions outside the cloud (so-called near-cloud turbulence [NCT]). NCT can occur significant distances from thunderstorms making it invisible and hard to detect using standard on-board or ground-based radars and is therefore a significant hazard to aircraft. Mechanisms that generate NCT are not yet fully understood and are the focus of this study. This thesis explores mechanisms behind turbulence that is generated around deep convection, with a focus on turbulence that is generated remotely from convection. Firstly, it investigates the generation of turbulence in the upper outflow regions of simulated idealised mesoscale convective systems (MCSs); sensitivity to vertical wind shear is also investigated. It then examines a case study of two actual turbulence encounters that occurred in the clear air outside mesoscale convective systems on 3 June 2005; these are examined using observations and convection-permitting simulations. In the idealised simulations without initial upper-level background shear, parameterised turbulence extends more than 100 km away from the main convective regions and is associated with Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instabilities that occur in the shear zones above and below the storm-induced upper-level outflow jet, which is centered near the tropopause. The simulations show KH-like billows within regions of low Richardson (Ri) number, as well as short-scale gravity waves that locally modulate the jet and contribute to further destabilisation and susceptibility to turbulence. These waves appear to be generated by the shear (i.e. KH) instability. Additional simulations with different initial upper-tropospheric wind shear show similar results, turbulence and dynamic instabilities that are also caused by the storm-induced upper-level outflow and associated enhanced vertical shear. However, in these simulations parameterised turbulence, low Ri regions and KH-like billows are found mainly below the outflow jet, as above the jet wind shear is weaker and stability is stronger. Convection-permitting simulations that examined the first observed turbulence encounter, which occurred on the south side of a warm-season MCS, showed that parameterised turbulence is generated more than 50 km away from the active convective regions. It is associated with a large-amplitude gravity wave that propagates ahead of the convective system, in the region with enhanced vertical shear that is caused by the storm-induced upper-level outflow. This wave amplifies, likely due to partial wave reflection, overturns and breaks down into turbulence. For the second case, turbulence occurs in the clear air and on the north-eastern side of the same MCS and is likely associated with both convection and large-scale (non-convective) forcing. Convection perturbs an environment already prone to turbulence (i.e. small background Ri) and the increase in wind shear due to the upper-level storm outflow contributes to a much larger and widespread area of low Ri, thus increasing turbulence likelihood. Other areas of simulated turbulence, which are not associated with the observed turbulence encounter, are entirely due to convectively-induced upper-level outflow

    A case study of South Australiaā€™s severe thunderstorm and tornado outbreak 28 September 2016

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    An analysis of the South Australian severe thunderstorm and tornado outbreak of 28 September 2016, which produced at least seven tornadoes and contributed to a state-wide power outage, is presented here. Although challenging, prediction and understanding of tornadoes and other hazards associated with severe thunderstorms is very important to forecasters and to community and emergency services preplanning and preparedness. High-resolution deterministic and ensemble simulations of the event are conducted using the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS) model and the simulations are compared to radar and satellite observations. The deterministic simulation and two of the ensemble members show that the overall structure, orientation, intensity and timing of simulated thunderstorms is in good agreement with the observations. In the deterministic simulation, a hook-echo feature in the simulated reflectivity, indicating the presence of a mesocyclone, appeared at the time and location of one of the observed tornadoes. Two diagnostics were found to have good value for identifying tornado-formation risk. Updraft helicity successfully identified the potential for mesocyclone development, and the Okuboā€“Weiss parameter identified model-resolved mesocyclone rotation. The ensemble simulations show a wide range of outcomes for intensity, timing and structure of the event, as well as differences in potential for tornado formation. This emphasises the importance of ensemble simulations in forecasting severe weather and associated hazards, as ensembles identify a range of possible scenarios and the uncertainty, leading to improved guidance for forecasters and emergency services