203 research outputs found


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    Arterial hypertension (HT) is a reason for raising a question about need for antithrombotic therapy. At the same time, increased blood pressure associated with an increased risk of hemorrhagic complications. Possible ways to minimize the hemorrhagic risk in different groups of hypertensive patients who need in antithrombotic therapy are discussed

    Self-similarity of rogue wave generation in gyrotrons: Beyond the Peregrine breather

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    Within the framework of numerical simulations, we study the gyrotron dynamics under conditions of a significant excess of the operating current over the starting value, when the generation of electromagnetic pulses with anomalously large amplitudes ("rogue waves") are realized. We demonstrate that the relation between peak power and duration of rogue waves is self-similar, but does not reproduce the one characteristic for Peregrine breathers. Remarkably, the discovered self-similar relation corresponds to the exponential nonlinearity of an equivalent Schr\"odinger-like evolution equation. This interpretation can be used as a theoretical basis for explaining the giant amplitudes of gyrotron rogue waves

    Strategic analysis of sustainable socioeconomic situation of rural areas in the Samara Region of the Russian Federation

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    On the one hand, the relevance of this problem is primarily determined by growing gap of rural territorial entities in socioeconomic development, and on the other hand, due to their significance in such prominent aspects for the country as food security, maintaining the existing land, industrial, ecological, demographic and human potential. The purpose of the article is comprehensive assessment of socioeconomic, institutional and ecological situation of rural areas in order to justify managerial decisions and effective policy making at the regional and local levels. The leading method for studying this problem is stratigic analysis of processes of developing rural areas, as well as factors, affecting development. The results of the study: In this article the authors assessed the situation in socioeconomic sphere of munitipalities in the Samara Region of the Russian Federation, accordingly, based on this, the authors concluded about a predominance of degradation processes, which form instability in the development of rural areas. The results of this study can be used by the regional authorities in their practice for making and implementation both regional policy, as well as strategy of socioeconomic development of rural area. © 2016 Belyaeva et al

    Polaron transformations in the realistic model of the strongly correlated electron system

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    Electron-phonon coupling, diagonal in a real space formulation, leads to polaron paradigm of smoothly varying properties. However, fundamental changes, namely the singular behavior of polarons, occur if non-diagonal pairing is involved into consideration. The study of polaron transformations and related properties of matter is of particular interest for realistic models, since competition between diagonal and non-diagonal electron-phonon contributions in the presence of other strong interactions can result in unconventional behavior of the system. Here we consider the multiband pd-model of cuprate superconductors with electron-phonon interaction and analyze the features of the systems that are caused by the competition of diagonal and non-diagonal electron-phonon contributions in the limit of strong electron correlations. Using the polaronic version of the generalized tight-binding method, we describe the evolution of the band structure, Fermi surface, density of states at Fermi level, and phonon spectral function in the space of electron-phonon parameters ranging from weak to strong coupling strength of the adiabatic limit. On the phase diagram of polaron properties we reveal two quantum phase transitions and show how electron-phonon interaction gives rise to Fermi surface transformation (i) from hole pockets to Fermi arcs and (ii) from hole to electron type of conductivity. We also demonstrate the emergence of new states in the phonon spectral function of the polaron and discuss their origin.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Situational and game technologies of training in students’ professional competence development

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    The transition from traditional educational paradigm to competence one has marked new ways of higher educational institutions development. The implementation of modern Federal state educational standards requirements has determined the need to use modern specialist methods in training that develop students’ competence and the ability to carry out highly qualified professional activities. Higher education institutions face the task of implementing technologies that contribute to the development of practical orientation of students, their independence in this process. The purpose of the article is to reveal the experience of using situational-game technologies of training, as one of the most practice-oriented, aimed at activating students’ students, contributing to professional competence development. The concept of "technology" came to education from the sphere of production. Technologization implies a clear subordination to a certain algorithm of actions, so the technology allows you to achieve specific results in the allotted amount of time. In the field of professional education, technology has changed, but its meaning remains the same-the regulation of the activities of the subjects of the educational process to achieve the planned goals. The article defines the essence of educational technologies in the training of University students, reveals the features of their application, the role and advantages of situational and game technologies of training in the conditions of implementation of the competence approach. The research given in this article shows the importance of game educational technologies and the prospects of their use in the training a highly qualified, creative specialist who can quickly solve professional problems in non-standard ways


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    The present article contains the results of observation for 8 generalized cryptococcosis patients with HIVinfection. The disease occurred in the presence of strongly marked immunodeficiency (the reduction of CD-4 lymphocytes less than 100 cells/mkl) in generalized form with the damage of central nervous system and without any clinical features of internal disturbances. The disease was characterized by severe progressing course of the infection which led to lethal outcome in 5 cases. Pathomorphological appearance was presented by multiple necrotic focuses with cryptococcus accumulation in brain, lungs, liver, lien, lymphatic nodes, intestines. Early complex diagnosis including obligatory mycological examination of liquor and other pathological material and timely added adequate antimycotic therapy are obligatory conditions for effective treatment of cryptococcosis. The clinical example of effective treatment of invasive cryptococcosispresented.В статье представлены результаты наблюдений за 8 пациентами с диссеминированным криптококкозом, развившемся на фоне ВИЧ-инфекции. Заболевание возникало при резко выраженном иммунодефиците (снижении СD-4 лимфоцитов менее 100 кл/мкл) в виде генерализованной формы с поражением ЦНС при отсутствии каких-либо клинических признаков нарушения со стороны внутренних органов, характеризовалось тяжелым прогрессирующим течением, быстро приводящим к летальному исходу в пяти случаях. Патоморфологическая картина была представлена множественными фокусами некроза со скоплениями криптококков в головном мозге, легких, печени, селезенке, лимфатических узлах, кишечнике. Необходимым условием успешного лечения криптококкоза является ранняя комплексная диагностика с включением обязательного микологического исследования ликвора и другого патологического материала и своевременная адекватная антимикотическая терапия. Приведен клинический пример успешного лечения инвазивного криптококкоза

    Geological Characteristics and Assessment of the Potential Production of the Tyumen Suite Deposits

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    Проведен анализ геологических особенностей строения тюменской свиты, представлены условия осадконакопления среднеюрских отложений на территории ХМАО-Югры. Приведена характеристика коллекторов основной продуктивной части горизонта ЮС2. Выявлены геолого-физические факторы, оказывающие влияние на технологические решения по выработке запасов. Проведена вероятностно-статистическая оценка распределения основных подсчетных параметров для среднеюрских отложений. Охарактеризован «портрет» прогнозируемой залежи при вероятности ее открытия. Дан прогноз уровней добычи нефти по разрабатываемым и не введенным в эксплуатацию объектам на территории ХМАО Югры.Depositional environments of the Middle Jurassic deposits on the territory of KHMAO-Yugra were reconstructed based on the analysis of geological characteristics of the structure of Tyumen Suite. The characteristics of reservoir within the main productive part of YS2 horizon are given. The geological and physical factors that influence the development of engineering solutions for the effective oil recovery were identified. The probabilistic evaluation of the distribution of main parameters of the Middle Jurassic deposits development was conducted. The model of the predictable reservoir was worked out. The forecast of the oil production at the exploited and known but not exploited deposits on the territory of KHMAO-Yugra is presented

    Geological Characteristics and Assessment of the Potential Production of the Tyumen Suite Deposits

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    Depositional environments of the Middle Jurassic deposits on the territory of KHMAO-Yugra were reconstructed based on the analysis of geological characteristics of the structure of Tyumen Suite. The characteristics of reservoir within the main productive part of YS2 horizon are given. The geological and physical factors that influence the development of engineering solutions for the effective oil recovery were identified. The probabilistic evaluation of the distribution of main parameters of the Middle Jurassic deposits development was conducted. The model of the predictable reservoir was worked out. The forecast of the oil production at the exploited and known but not exploited deposits on the territory of KHMAO-Yugra is presented

    Experimental observation of superradiance in millimeter-wave band

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    The first experimental results of the observation of superradiance from a single subnanosecond electron bunch are presented. Superradiance was associated with different varieties of stimulated emission (bremstruhlung, cyclotron, Cherenkov, etc). Unique megawatt power level microwave pulses of short duration (0.3-0.5 ns) have been obtained