147 research outputs found

    Influence of Supporting Agrarian Policy Measures onto Increase of Cattle Production in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Bosnia and Herzegovina has a deficit of most agricultural products, and that is why it is compelled to import significant quantities of food. In order to increase the degree of self sufficiency, particularly for those products that have good potentials for production growth, creators of agrarian policy try to apply different agrarian policy measures for stimulation of agricultural production growth. One production with good potential is cattle production, i.e. production of milk and meat, for which Bosnia and Herzegovina has significant development potentials, and for whose advancement there have been provided different supporting measures. This paper presents the possible application of the cost-benefit analysis in evaluation of efficiency for some supporting agrarian policy measures adopted in order to improve the cattle production in Bosnia and Herzegovina . The cost-benefit analysis was completed for the six year period, taking into account the productive period of bought heifer. The analysis includes economic and financial parameters (inflows and outflows), which annual amounts were discounted to the present values by utilization of the average social discount rate, in order to put all annual amounts at the same trend of calculation and to account for opportunity capital costs as well


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    Agricultural products are bought for personal consumption or for further production. Fruit and vegetables are an important sector of agricultural production in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as they ensure population food suffi ciency as well as income for rural farms. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the market supply chain of fruit and vegetables is short, which means that the products are sold near the production site or at local markets. Longer market chains are largely not represented because the producers remain passive and have no contractual relationship with wholesalers and retailers. Th e main objective of the paper is to identify and analyze the production and sales sectors of fruit and vegetables in B&H, as well as to improve the market supply chain through the proposed application of modern management methods. Th e data in this research were collected through a survey of agricultural producers (primary sources of information) as well as by conducting an analysis of secondary data sources (scientifi c and professional literature, data of offi cial statistics). Th e following research methods were used: survey method, descriptive method, methods of analysis and synthesis, method of comparison. As a challenge in managing and establishing a more effi cient market chain, the question arises of how to include small producers into the modern market chain.Poljoprivredni proizvodi se kupuju za osobne potrošnje ili kao sredstvo za daljnju proizvodnju. Voće i povrće su važan sektor poljoprivredne proizvodnje Bosne i Hercegovine, jer opskrbljuje stanovništvo dostatnom hranom a ruralna gospodarstava zaradom. U Bosni i Hercegovini je opskrbni lanac tržišta voća i povrća kratak što znači da se proizvodi prodaju u blizini mjesta proizvodnje ili na lokalnim tržištima. Duži lanci opskrbe na tržištu nisu u tolikoj mjeri zastupljeni zbog pasivnosti proizvođača i nepostojanja ugovorne suradnju sa trgovcima na veliko i malo. Osnovni cilj ovoga rada je identificiranje i analiza proizvodnje i prodaje voća i povrća u BiH, te prijedlog primjene suvremenih menadžerskih metoda u cilju poboljšanja njihova lanca opskrbe. Podaci za ovo istraživanje prikupljeni su pomoću anketnog upitnika upućenog poljoprivrednim proizvođačima (primarnih izvora informacija), kao i analizom sekundarnih izvora podataka (znanstvene i stručne literature, podaci službene statistike). Pri istraživanju koristile su se slijedeće metode: metoda anketiranja, metoda analize i sinteze, metoda deskripcije i metoda uspoređivanja. Kao izazov u upravljanju i uspostave učinkovitijeg tržišnog lanca, postavlja se pitanje kako uključiti male proizvođače u suvremene tržišne lance

    Strategijsko upravljanje troškovima kao instrument unapređenja konkurentnosti agrobiznis kompleksa

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    Cost accounting as a segment of an integrated accounting information system by generation of the relevant information provides significant support for both financial and managerial accounting. The above information represents the information base for decision making of internal and external users (management, investors, creditors and other stakeholders). In this paper a special attention is paid to contemporary systems of cost accounting, the application of which can be seen as an integral part of the effort undertaken in order to measure and control costs, since cost management is one of the indispensable elements to achieve, maintain and improve the competitiveness of enterprises. Having in mind the significant potential the Republic of Serbia has in the field of agricultural production, the aim of this paper is to highlight the challenges and specifics of cost management in the agribusiness complex enterprises. Hence, this paper discusses the modern systems of cost accounting as well as the cost management methods suited to the specific agricultural management activities, which could help to the local companies in efforts for share in the global agri-food products' market.Računovodstvo troškova kao segment integrisanog računovodstvenog informacionog sistema produkovanjem relevantnih informacija obezbeđuje značajnu podršku kako za finansijsko, tako i upravljačko računovodstvo. Navedene informacije predstavljaju informacionu osnovu za odlučivanje internih i eksternih korisnika (menadžmenta, investitora, poverilaca i drugih stejkholdera). U ovom radu posebna pažnja biće posvećena savremenim sistemima obračuna troškova čija primena se može posmatrati kao sastavni deo napora preduzetih u cilju merenja i kontrole troškova, budući da upravljanje troškovima predstavlja jedan od neizostavnih elemenata postizanja, održanja i unapređenja konkurentnosti preduzeća. Polazeći od značajnih potencijala koje Republika Srbija ima u domenu poljoprivredne proizvodnje cilj rada je da ukaže na izazove i specifičnosti upravljanja troškovima u preduzećima iz agrobiznis kompleksa. Otuda se u radu razmatraju savremeni sistemi obračuna troškova i metode upravljanja troškovima prilagođene specifičnostima poljoprivredne delatnosti koji menadžmentu domaćih preduzeća može pomoći u borbi za globalno tržištu poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda

    Predžetveno finansiranje u poljoprivredi

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    This paper's goal is to determine the significance of pre-harvest financing system for agricultural sector. The system of pre-harvest financing was introduced successfully for the first time in Brazil in 1994. Pre-harvest financing was implemented as a pilot project for Serbia and Ukraine, with great support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). A comparative analysis of Brazilian, Serbian and Ukrainian system of pre-harvest financing was carried out in this paper. Its results show that the system of pre-harvest financing is of great significance for the agricultural production financing. The analysis shows that a basic difference among these three systems was in issuing a contract for pre-harvest financing. Therefore, the Brazilian contract has a specific standardization level and ensures the secondary trading with these contracts.Cilj rada je utvrđivanje značaja predžetvenog finansiranja za poljoprivredni sektor. Sistem predžetvenog finansiranja je prvi put uveden u Brazilu 1994. godine. Ovaj sistem je uveden kao pilot projekat u Srbiji i Ukrajini od strane Evropske banke za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD). U ovom radu je sprovedena komparativna analiza brazilskog, ukrajinskog i srpskog sistema predžetvenog finansiranja. Rezultati su pokazali da je sistem predžetvenog finansiranja od velikog značaja za finansiranje poljoprivre-dne proizvodnje. Prema rezultatima u ovom radu osnovna razlika između tri sistema je u izdavanju samog ugovora o predžetvenom finansiranju. U bra-zilskom sistemu ugovor je u potpunosti standa-rdizovan što omogućuje sekjuritizaciju i sekundarno trgovanje ovim ugovorima

    Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteria isolated from cystic fibrosis patients

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    Uvod: Oštećenje respiratornog trakta usled hronične mikrobne kolonizacije i infekcije je glavni uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta kod bolesnika sa cističnom fibrozom (CF). Procenjuje se da preko 80% osoba sa CF umire direktno ili indirektno od plućne bolesti. Burkholderia cepacia kompleks (Bck) čini jednu od najvažnijih grupa mikroorganizama koji uzrokuju infekciju u plućima obolelih od CF, praćenu neizvesnom prognozom i značajnim potencijalom za interhumani prenos. Infekcija respiratornog trakta izazvana Bck bakterijama može da perzistira mesecima ili godinama ili da bude udružena sa akutnom bolešću koja ugrožava život. Otkako su opisani prvi slučajevi tokom kasnih 1970-ih i ranih 1980-ih godina, prevalencija Bck infekcija u populaciji bolesnika sa CF je varirala između različitih zemalja i različitih centara za lečenje CF. Usled epidemijskog širenja infekcije, prevalencija je dostizala i 30%, na primer u Češkoj i Velikoj Britaniji. Visokotransmisivne i virulentne klonalne linije koje su izazivale epidemije pripadale su vrsti B. cenocepacia, a najrasprostranjeniji klonovi su ET12 (ST28), CZ1 (ST32), PHDC i Midwest. Iako je većina vrsta u okviru Bck potencijalno sposobna da izazove infekcije kod bolesnika sa CF, B. cenocepacia i B. multivorans su značajno zastupljenije od ostalih vrsta i zajedno su odgovorne za oko 70% svih Bck infekcija kod bolesnika sa CF. Od ranih 2000-ih godina, epidemiologija Bck se promenila u mnogim zapadnoevropskim zemljama, Kanadi i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, i prevalencija Bck kolonizacije sada iznosi između 1,4% i 6%, što je rezultat efikasnih mera prevencije. Međutim, podaci o prevalenciji i epidemiologiji Bck bakterija u zemljama Balkanskog poluostrva su oskudni. Ciljevi rada: Cilj ove studije je bio da se ispitaju prevalencija, epidemiološke karakteristike, prisustvo molekularnih markera udruženih sa virulencijom i transmisivnošću, osetljivost na antimikrobne lekove i sposobnost stvaranja biofilma kod izolata Bck bakterija u Centru za cističnu fibrozu Instituta za zdravstvenu zaštitu majke i deteta Srbije „Dr Vukan Čupić“, koji je i nacionalni referentni centar za ovu bolest. Materijal i metode: Izolati Bck bakterija sakupljeni tokom četvorogodišnjeg perioda trajanja studije (2010.–2013.) su analizirani PCR metodom za amplifikaciju gena za 16S rRNK, recA PCR metodom, elektroforezom na gelu u pulsirajućem polju (PFGE) genomske DNK, metodom tipizacije sekvenciranjem više lokusa (multilocus sequence typing, MLST), i filogenetskom analizom na osnovu konkatenata sekvenci sedam alela korišćenih u MLST analizi...Introduction: The respiratory tract impairment due to chronic microbial colonization and infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. It is estimated that over 80% of individuals with CF die directly or indirectly from pulmonary disease. The Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) is one of the most important groups of organisms causing infection in the CF lung, associated with a dubious prognosis and patient-to-patient transmissibility. Respiratory tract infection may persist for months or years or be associated with acute life-threatening illness. Since the first cases were described in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the reported prevalence of Bcc in CF population varied between different countries and CF care centres reaching up to 30%, e.g. in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom due to the epidemic spread. The highly transmissible and virulent clonal lineages associated with outbreaks belong to B. cenocepacia, and the most successful are ET12 (ST28), CZ1 (ST32), PHDC and Midwest clones. Although most species within Bcc are potentially capable of causing infections in CF patients, B. cenocepacia and B. multivorans are significantly more common than the remaining species and together they account for around 70% of all Bcc infections in the course of CF. Since the early 2000s the epidemiology of the Bcc has changed. In many Western European countries as well as in Canada and the United States, overall Bcc prevalence rates decreased and now range from 1.4% to around 6% as a result of effective prevention strategies. Notwithstanding, data regarding prevalence and epidemiology of Bcc in countries on the Balkan Peninsula is scarce. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence, epidemiological characteristics, presence of molecular markers associated with virulence and transmissibility, antimicrobial susceptibility and biofilm formation capacity of the Bcc strains in the National Cystic Fibrosis Centre which is located at the Mother and Child Health Care Institute of Serbia “Dr. Vukan Cupic”, a university-affiliated tertiary care paediatric hospital in Belgrade. Materials and methods: The Bcc isolates collected during the four-year study period (2010–2013) were further examined by 16s rRNA gene, recA PCR, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA, multilocus sequence typing analysis, and phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated sequence of seven alleles. Selected isolates, previously characterized with respect to the species status and the genotype, were tested for their susceptibility to seven antimicrobials using the E-test method. PCR screenings of eight genetic determinants (cblA, BCESM, cepI, cepR, fliG, llpE, wbiI, bcscV) associated with virulence were performed on genomic DNA extracted from the 14 isolates representative of all genotypes

    Model investiranja u poljoprivredno zemljište kao element razvojnog programa

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    Investments represent basic source and mean for creation and increase of national wealth in each country, then for undisturbed development of reproduction process as well as for implementation of development goals. Structural adjustment of economy, particular economic branches and economic subjects, beside other relevant factors, to a great extent depend upon adequate size and structure of available investment capital. Agrarian economy of transition countries is facing with the capital lack problem for investment needs as well as structural adjustment toward requirements necessary as an imperative during preparation period for European integrations. In the situation when available investment capital is lacking, while the needs for the capital are significant, it is very important to direct properly existing financial resources into those purposes and projects where it could be achieved the highest investment economic effectiveness. Having in mind segmentation of land property both in Serbia and in surrounding countries, a need for investments into the land purchase appears as one of priority investment purposes. In this paper it is presented the microeconomic model of capital investments into agricultural land as one of possible methodological approaches in adequate and correct decision making process on investments into agricultural land purchase. .Investicije predstavljaju osnovni izvor i sredstvo za stvaranje i povećanje nacionalnog bogatstva svake zemlje, za nesmetano odvijanje procesa reprodukcije kao i za realizaciju razvojnih ciljeva. Strukturno prilagođavanje privrede, pojedinih privrednih grana i privrednih subjekata, pored drugih relevantnih faktora, u značajnoj meri zavisi i od adekvatnog obima i strukture raspoloživog investicionog kapitala. Agrarna privreda zemalja u tranziciji suočava se sa problemom nedostatka kapitala za potrebe investicionih ulaganja i strukturno prilagođavanje zahtevima koji se nameću kao imperativ tokom pripreme ovih zemalja za evropske integracije. U situaciji kada je raspoloživ kapital za investiciona ulaganja oskudan, a potrebe za njim značajne, veoma je važno pravilno usmeriti postojeća sredstva u one namene i projekte u kojima će se postići najveća ekonomska efektivnost ulaganja. S obzirom na usitnjenost zemljišnog poseda kako u Srbiji tako i u zemljama u okruženju, kao jedna od prioritetnih investicionih namena se nameće i potreba ulaganja u kupovinu zemljišta. U ovom radu je prikazan mikroekonomski model investiranja kapitala u poljoprivredno zemljište kao jedan od mogućih metodoloških prilaza adekvatnom i pravilnom donošenju odluka o investiranju u kupovinu poljoprivrednog zemljišta.

    Mogućnost izbora između alternativnih investicija u preduzeću

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    Expected profitability level of particular alternative investments could be quite different, so in the case of some investments it is even lower than the one investor likes to obtain for the total invested amount of money. In that situation it is necessary to be calculated expected minimal profitability level, which should serve as the basis in the process of selection the possibly accepted investment projects. In the process of investment decision making it is not only the question should some investment has to be implemented, but it has frequently appeared a problem of selection the best project between two or more alternative investment projects in an enterprise. The investor will decide to implement those investment projects, which have real possibilities for as great as possible contribution to the enterprise development goal. That is why the solving of such problem has been deduced onto the economic analysis, calculation of economic parameters as well as their comparison among alternative investments. Such problem could be solved according to the methodological procedure applied in the models analyzed in this paper. On the basis of determined indicators, the investor could make decision on economically most profitable project.Očekivani stepen rentabilnosti pojedinih alternativnih investicija može da bude dosta različit, tako da je kod nekih investicija čak niži od stepena rentabilnosti koji investitor želi da postigne za ukupno uložena sredstva. Tada je potrebno da se utvrdi željeni minimalni stepen rentabilnosti, koji bi trebao da posluži kao osnova pri izboru mogućih investicionih projekata. Prilikom donošenja investicionih odluka ne postavlja se samo pitanje da li neka investicija treba da bude realizovana, već se često javlja problem izbora između dve ili više alternativnih investicionih projekata u preduzeću. Investitor će se odlučiti za realizaciju onih investicionih projekata za koje postoje realne mogućnosti da bi mogli u najvećoj meri da doprinesu ostvarenju cilja razvoja preduzeća. Zato se rešavanje ovakvog problema svodi na ekonomsku analizu, utvrđivanju ekonomskih pokazatelja i njihovom poređenju za alternativne investicije. Dati problem se može rešiti prema metodološkom postupku analiziranih modela u ovom radu. Na osnovu utvrđenih pokazatelja investitor može da donese odluku o ekonomski najcelishodnijem projektu

    Dinamika investiranja u sredstva mehanizacije na gazdinstvu

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    At the farms it has to be paid particular attention to the mechanization utilization degree. Namely, annual costs calculated on the basis of depreciation and accompanying maintenance costs, then insurance, interests and investment maintenance are of fixed character and they do not depend on mechanization utilization. Higher utilization of available farm mechanization facilities decreases the unit fixed costs calculated on the basis of production volume, which causes decrease of the unit product costs as well as an increase of the farm economic efficiency. In accordance with that, in the case of investments into farm mechanization it is necessary first of all to be examined economic justification of such investment. Such analysis could give an answer: Is it economically more favorable for the farm to provide its own mechanization or to fulfill such needs by utilization of external mechanization services? Besides, if it is necessary to be provided own mechanization, it is important to be determined phasing of investments due to the faster paying back of invested capital. In this paper on an economic model it is shown a methodological procedure for finding out answers onto the asked questions.Na poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima posebnu pažnju treba pokloniti stepenu iskorišćavanja sredstava mehanizacije. Naime, godišnji troškovi obračunati preko amortizacije i pratećih troškova održavanja, zatim, osiguranje, kamate i investiciono održavanje su fiksnog karaktera i ne zavise od obima upotrebe mehanizacije. Veće korišćenje raspoloživih sredstava mehanizacije na gazdinstvu smanjuje fiksne troškove po jedinici ostvarenog obima proizvodnje što utiče na smanjenje cene koštanja proizvoda i povećanje ekonomske efikasnosti gazdinstva. Prema tome, pri investiranju u sredstva mehanizacije na gazdinstvu, prethodno je potrebno da se ispita ekonomska opravdanost takve investicije. Pri tome se može dobiti odgovor na pitanje: Da li je za poljoprivredno gazdinstvo ekonomski povoljnije da nabavi sopstvena sredstva mehanizacije ili da takve potrebe podmiruje koristeći usluge sa strane? Takođe, ukoliko je neophodno da nabavi sopstvena sredstva, u cilju brzog povraćaja uloženog kapitala, važno je da se utvrdi dinamika investiranja. U ovom radu je na ekonomskom modelu prikazan metodološki postupak za iznalaženje odgovora na navedena pitanja

    Uticaj promene cene goriva na optimizaciju ukupnih troškova upotrebe poljoprivredne mehanizacije za obradu zemljišta

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    Serbian agricultural producers are facing currently with a large number of challenges that significantly influence their business activities. One of them is for sure a high fuel price. The recent fuel price increase has caused a lot of concern among agricultural producers regarding its impact on operating costs and farm profitability. However, those higher costs will probably reflect themselves onto direct reduction in profit in the short run because the producers' possibilities are limited as to the changes they can economically make. While no one knows with certainty what will happen in the future, the current developments on the world market as well as the analysts' estimates indicate that we are likely to see continued high diesel fuel prices. Bearing this in mind, the objective of this research is to emphasize an importance of the fuel price change for optimization of total operating costs of the tillage agricultural machinery, then to detect the most important factors influencing this change and finally to contribute successfully to the formulation of the answers on mentioned questions. The results of this study suggest that for an increase of the agricultural machinery utilization efficiency as well as for minimization of their operating costs, it is necessary to start making more adequate management decisions. This is certainly one of the safe ways for alleviation of the consequences caused by the high fuel price mostly influenced by the world fuel market trends.Poljoprivredni proizvođači u Srbiji suočavaju se sa velikim brojem izazova koji značajno utiču na njihovo poslovanje. Jedan od njih je svakako visoka cena goriva. Skorašnje povećanje cene goriva nateralo je mnoge od njih da se zapitaju kakav će to uticaj imati na troškove proizvodnje tj. kako će se odraziti na profitabilnost poslovanja gazdinstva. Ono što je izvesno je da će u kratkom roku, ovako visoka cena dovesti do smanjenja profita, zato što su mogućnosti vlasnika da u kratkom roku učine ekonomska prilagođavanja prilično limitirane. I dok niko sa sigurnošću ne može da pretpostavi šta će se dešavati u budućnosti, trenutna kretanja na svetskom tržištu i procene analitičara govore da i dalje treba očekivati održavanje cene na visokom nivou. Imajući to u vidu, cilj ovog istraživanja je da se ukaže na značaj promene cene goriva za optimizaciju ukupnih troškova upotrebe poljoprivredne mehanizacije za obradu zemljišta, da se otkriju najvažniji faktori koji na to utiču i da se sagleda njihov uticaj, uz nastojanje da se na taj način doprinese uspešnijem formulisanju odgovora na napred postavljena pitanja. Na osnovu dosadašnjih rezultata istraživanja može se konstatovati da je za povećanje efikasnosti korišćenja poljoprivredne mehanizacije i minimiziranje troškova njihove upotrebe, od presudnog značaja celishodno i blagovremeno sprovođenje adekvatnih mera iz oblasti menadžmenta. To je svakako jedan od sigurnih načina za ublažavanje posledica izazvanih visokom cenom goriva na čije formiranje prevashodni uticaj imaju kretanja na svetskom tržištu derivata