11 research outputs found

    Teksturalne i fizikalno-kemijske karakteristike bijelih kozjih sireva u salamuri od smrznutog mlijeka i gruša. Primjena kvadratnog I - odstupanja

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    Objective of this study was to investigate the effect of short term frozen storage of milk and curd on textural properties and physico-chemical composition of white brined goat cheese. Raw milk and curds (at various stages of pressing) were frozen and kept for seven days at -27 °C. Following the freezing, all the experimental cheeses were manufactured by the standard procedure, the same that was used for the control cheese sample which did not undergo freezing at any stage of production. The Square I - distance was used in order to rank the cheeses according to their similarity to the control cheese in terms of texture attributes and physico-chemical characteristics. The results show that, in terms of all examined variables, the cheese made from frozen milk is the most similar to the control cheese.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istpitivanje utjecaja kratkotrajnog skladištenja smrznutog mlijeka i gruša na teksturalne i fizikalno-kemijske karakteristike kozjeg bijelog sira u salamuri. Sirovo mlijeko i gruš (u različitim fazama prešanja) smrznuti su i skladišteni sedam dana na temperaturi od -27 °C. Po odmrzavanju, svi eksperimentalni sirevi proizvedeni su prema standardnoj proceduri, identičnoj kao i za kontrolni sir, koji nije bio podvrgnut smrzavanju ni u jednoj fazi proizvodnje. Kvadratno I – odstupanje primijenjeno je pri rangiranju eksperimentalnih sireva prema sličnosti s kontrolnim sirom u smislu teksture i fizikalno-kemijskih karakteristika. Rezultati pokazuju da je sir od smrznutog mlijeka najsličniji kontrolnom siru prema svim ispitivanim parametrima teksture i fizikalno-kemijskih karakteristika

    Quality characteristics of ‘Pasta-Filata’ Serbian Kačkavalj cheese and regulatory compliance assessment

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the chemical, proteolysis, microbiological, colour and textural characteristics of Serbian Kačkavalj cheese in order to determine the variability degree between cheeses, compare their properties to other similar ‘Pasta Filata’ cheeses and to determine if they comply to the regulative requirements. A broad range of variations of cheese characteristics was found among Kačkavalj cheeses. The composition showed high variations: dry matter ranged from 51.52 % to 58.71 %; fat from 20.00 % to 29.50 %; fat in dry matter from 36.08 % to 55.96 %; NaCl from 0.93 % to 3.69 %; total protein from 23.25 % to 30.79 %. The proteolysis parameters in Kačkavalj cheeses differed significantly. The colour evaluation showed significant differences in a* and b* values, however in L* values there were no significant differences (p>0.05). The traditional Kačkavalj cheese represents the part of national heritage; thus, the comprehensive characterization was conducted to investigate quality variations between Serbian Kačkavalj cheeses. The study identified that term Kačkavalj is used despite some cheeses are not fully compliant with the National Standard. The control of fulfilling the requirements of the National Standard should be improved, as well as raising awareness and prevention of inadequate cheese labelling. © 2023, Hrvatska Mljekarska Udruga. All rights reserved

    Quality of liquid goat whey affected by heat treatment of milk and coagulation type: case study of the Serbian market

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    Two groups of market samples were collected: four samples of whey produced in small scale facilities, and four samples produced in large scale dairy factories. The additional two groups: acid (a) and sweet whey(s) were collected in laboratory from cheeses produced from differently heated goat milk (A—65°C/30 min, B—80°C/5 min and C—90°C/5 min). Gross composition (dry matter content, fat content, protein content), pH, protein, mineral composition and microbial counts were determined. Obtained results for laboratory and market whey samples were analyzed by two-way and one-way ANOVA, respectively. Visualization of quantitative relationships within market and laboratory whey samples has been done by principal component analysis (PCA). Comparison of the protein composition of market samples with those from the laboratory suggested that the majority of goat whey from the market originated from milk heated between 65 and 80°C. While heat treatment of milk affected protein composition, coagulation type determined mineral composition of whey. The amount of Ca content was almost four times higher, while the amount of Zn is more than 15 times higher in acid than in sweet goat whey. The lack of influence of heat treatment on the Ca and Mg content in whey has been detected. Such behavior is the opposite of cow milk behavior, in which with the subsequent increase in heating temperature, the amount of soluble Ca and Mg decreases. For all analyzed samples, dry matter content was in agreement with the legally required minimum level (5.5%). Although legal requirements for safety and quality of small scale dairy products are more flexible than that of the large counterparts, there was not a single characteristic that differed significantly between small scale and large scale market goat whey

    Rheological Properties of Goat Milk Coagulation as Affected by Rennet Concentration, pH and Temperature

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    Various factors affect rennet coagulation and consequently cheese yield, but the subject of research has been mainly the cow milk. For the purpose of goat cheese production optimization, this paper investigated the influence of enzyme concentration (0.01–0.054 g/L), pH (6.5–6.1) and temperature (27–35 °C) on rennet coagulation of goat milk. Coagulation time (RCT), aggregation rate (AR), and gel firmness (G’60 and GF), were measured by oscillatory rheometry. The decrease in rennet concentration extended RCT. At lower rennet concentrations, a lower AR was recorded, which ranged from 0.02 Pa/s to 0.05 Pa/s. The decrease in pH from 6.5 to 6.1 caused a two times shorter RCT, and a two times faster AR. There was no effect of pH on the firmness of the rennet gel. The increase in coagulation temperature from 27 °C to 35 °C reduced the RCT of pasteurized milk from 12.6 min to 8.6 min, and caused a linear increase in the AR, but did not significantly affect the firmness of the gel. The present study revealed that the optimization of the rennet coagulation process could be directed towards pH lowering, or temperature increase, since they accelerate the process, but do not alter the examined gel firmness parameters

    Challenges in Evaluating Quality of the Serbian Traditional Dairy Product Kajmak

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    Kajmak, a traditional Serbian dairy product, is a top, crust layer of milk containing a high amount of aggregated milk fat and proteins, formed during long cooling of boiled milk. Due to variations in production technologies, environmental conditions, and the composition of raw milk which varies from region to region, the quality of kajmak produced traditionally in households is very inconsistent. Attempts to produce kajmak in the industry environment (dairy plants) turned out to be highly challenging in terms of achieving a uniform quality and safety of the product. In order to have a deeper insight into the quality of kajmak produced by the traditional manufacture and the industry, the main objective of the study was to investigate sensorial, physicochemical, and textural properties of kajmak produced in households and dairy plants and distributed through open markets and retail stores, respectively. A total of 36 samples of kajmak were analyzed for thirteen quality characteristics. The results obtained showed a high variability in kajmak quality. The study applied a mathematical calculation of a single total quality index (TQI) that makes all quality attributes comparable. Based on the obtained results, it was determined that kajmak produced in households had a better TQI, which leads to the conclusion that in terms of kajmak quality, the traditional production method is still superior to the industrial one. The correlation between the examined quality characteristics was investigated using Pearson’s bivariate correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). By applying PCA, four principal components highlighting the most important quality characteristics were extracted. The results of the study suggest that further research on the quality of this valuable dairy product, as well as government support and investment in the small scale dairy sector, could be beneficial

    The effect of fresh or frozen black truffle Tuber aestivum on ripening and sensory quality of semi hard cheese

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    The use of truffles in food is primarily based on their pleasant smell to the consumer, to achieve this effect, artificial flavours are usually added. Considering that truffles have not only a hedonistic effect on consumers, this work aims to investigate the characteristics of semi hard cheese, using fresh or for three months frozen truffles without adding artificial flavours, as well as their influence on proteolytic changes during ripening and the sensory quality. Six experimental Gouda type cheeses were prepared: control without truffles; with fresh truffles sterilized in autoclave; with fresh truffles flambéed on burner; with frozen truffles sterilized in autoclave; with frozen truffles flambéed on burner; with addition of artificial flavoring agents. The chemical composition and proteolytic changes of the cheese, microbiological status and sensory evaluation during the three months of ripening were studied. The chemical composition did not differ significantly, but truffles significantly affect the biochemical processes of cheeses ripening. Addition of flambéed fresh or frozen truffles in cheeses, accelerate ripening processes, where the ripening index (25.03%–25.16%) was significantly higher in these cheeses than in the others (14.25%–15.81%). A 1 log unit higher number of lactic acid bacteria was also found in these cheeses and their sensory quality were excellent with ratings 98.08% and 95.41% of the maximum possible quality. It was shown that addition of flambéed fresh or frozen truffles, can be used, resulting in a completely natural cheese with pleasant odor, without the addition of artificial flavours

    Serbian, Croatian and Spanish consumers' beliefs towards artisan cheese

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    Purpose: In the past two decades the popularity of artisan cheese emerged. The present study aimed to investigate similarities and differences in beliefs towards artisan cheeses among participants from Serbia, Croatia and Spain and to determine consumer profiles. Better understanding of their behaviours and beliefs could serve as the basis for the development of appropriate production and marketing strategies and for further popularisation of artisan cheeses. Design/methodology/approach: The data on demographic structure, behaviours and beliefs of 947 participants in total were obtained via a questionnaire collected online. In order to identify consumer profiles and to define their specific beliefs, a cross-country cluster analysis has been conducted. Four clusters were identified: “highly educated men”, “highly educated women”, “millennials” and “educated senior women”. Mann–Whitney U test was used to identify statistically significant differences between countries and clusters. Findings: Respondents from different countries had different preferences for cheese types and different ways of consumption. All participants valued artisan cheeses more than industrial cheeses in terms of healthiness and quality, but they believe that there is still much to be done in terms of proper packaging, labelling, branding, widening of assortment and providing better availability. The results of the present study revealed that participants had no clear opinion regarding trust in artisan cheese safety. Originality/value: Up to date, no study investigated beliefs of consumers from Serbia and Croatia towards artisan cheese. Original consumer pool has unique characteristics: they are far more oriented towards open markets and purchasing cheese directly from producers; they have different preferences towards cheese types and different consuming habits. Unique consumer characteristics provided original findings considering their beliefs.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Utjecaj autohtonih bakterija mliječne kiseline na proteolizu, mikrostrukturu i senzorska svojstva niskomasnih UF sireva tijekom zrenja

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    The influence of commercial bacteria Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis and Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris (cheese A) and combinations of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei 08, Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris 656, Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis 653 (cheese B and C) on composition, proteolysis, microstructure and sensory properties of low fat cheeses during ripening was investigated. Low fat cast ultra-filtered (UF) cheeses were produced according to the defined production procedure by mixing UF milk protein powder, skim milk and cream. Significant influence of different LAB strains on composition, primary proteolysis and microstructure was not found. Cheeses made with autochthonous LAB showed a higher rate of secondary proteolysis, as well as higher flavour scores, and were more acceptable than control cheese.U radu je utvrđen utjecaj komercijalnih Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis i Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris (sir A) i kombinacija autohtonih bakterija mliječne kiseline (BMK) Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei 08, Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris 656, Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis 653 i (sir B i C) na sastav, proteolizu, mikrostrukturu i senzorska svojstva niskomasnih sireva tijekom zrenja. Niskomasni sirevi od ultrafiltriranog mlijeka (UF) proizvedeni su prema definiranom tehnološkom postupku proizvodnje miješanjem UF proteina mlijeka u prahu, obranog mlijeka i vrhnja. Nije utvrđen značajan utjecaj različitih BMK na sastav, primarnu proteolizu i mikrostrukturu. Sirevi sa autohtonim BMK odlikovali su se višim stupnjem sekundarne proteolize, kao i boljim senzorskim svojstvima u odnosu na kontrolni sir

    Microbiological Assessment of Dairy Products Produced by Small-Scale Dairy Producers in Serbia

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    The microbiological quality of dairy products from small-scale producers in Serbia was analysed. A total of 302 dairy products [raw (n = 111) and pasteurized milk cheeses (n = 79) and kajmak (n = 112)], were collected and tested for the presence of pathogens, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp., and enumerated for Coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS), Escherichia coli, and yeasts and moulds. None of the samples tested positive for Salmonella spp., while L. monocytogenes was recovered from one raw milk cheese and five kajmak samples. Raw milk cheese and kajmak also had higher levels of indicator microorganisms, namely E. coli and yeast and moulds. Molecular serotyping grouped L. monocytogenes isolates into serogroups 1 (1/2a and 3a) and 3 (1/2b, 3b, and 7). When exposed to eight antibiotics, L. monocytogenes isolates were mostly sensitive, with the exception of oxacillin and reduced susceptibility to clindamycin, penicillin G, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, emphasizing the importance of continuous surveillance for antimicrobial resistance. Samples that tested positive for Listeria spp. also had higher loads of indicator microorganisms, namely E. coli and yeast and moulds, suggesting lapses in hygiene practices during production. Collectively, these data emphasize the need for improved food safety and hygiene practices among small-scale dairy producers. This is crucial to reduce the microbial contamination and improve both the quality and safety of dairy products in the Serbian market

    How do consumers perceive food safety risks? – Results from a multi-country survey

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    An online survey was distributed to consumers in nine countries in order to investigate their perceptions related to causers of food safety risks, types of food associated with food-borne illnesses and the role of actors in the food supply chain. A total of 2723 respondents have participated in the survey. Results indicated that food hygiene has been recognized as the most important issue associated with food safety risks. Consumers considered meat and meat products as well as egg and egg-based products, as types of food that pose the highest risks to consumer's health. Food processors and food inspection services play the most significant role in food supply chains. Results further revealed that country of origin has the highest influence on consumer perception, opposed to gender with the least influence. Overall, results obtained in this study confirmed the role of food hygiene as the predominant factor in ensuring food safety in the mind of consumers and that animal-originated food has been perceived as the type of food holding higher health risk opposed to food of plant origin. At the same time, these results challenge the trust in food processors and food inspection services.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio