37 research outputs found

    Uticaj dodavanja zeolita na kvalitet mesa pastrmke

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    U radu je ispitivan uticaj zeolita tipa "Minazel" kao aditiva hrane za pastrmke primenjenog u koncentraciji od 1% i 2% na sledeće proizvodne parametre: osnovni hemijski sastav mesa, mikotoksikoloơku ispravnost, senzorne osobine, randman i koncentraciju pojedinih makro i mikroelemenata. Primenjene koncentracije zeolita, kao aditiva hrane nisu uticale na hemijski sastav pastrmskog mesa, koncentraciju minerala (Ca, Cu, Zn, Pb i Mn) i njegove senzorne osobine. Izvesni stepen pozitivnog uticaja ispoljen je u pogledu randmana mesa i prosečne telesne mase pastrmki posle ezenteracije


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    The introduction and application of the revised 9001:2008 standard resulted in the discussion among quality managers about the need to perform risk assessment and the volume of the performance. This led to conflicting opinions as few people focused on interpretation and intentions of the standard regardless of where it was applied- in production organizations or in those that sell services. This paper points out not only the importance of risk assessment but risk management too as a precondition for safer business operations of the Specialized Veterinary Institute ‘Kraljevo” (VSI) from Kraljevo in its environment

    Slipped capital femoral epiphysis: A modern treatment protocol

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    The treatment of a patient with slipped capital femoral epiphysis begins with an early diagnosis and accurate classification. On the basis of symptom duration, clinical findings and radiographs, slipped capital femoral epiphysis is classified as pre-slip, acute, acute-on-chronic and chronic. The long-term outcome of slipped capital femoral epiphysis is directly related to severity and the presence or absence of avascular necrosis and/or chondrolysis. Therefore, the first priority in the treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis is to avoid complications while securing the epiphysis from further slippage. Medical treatment of patients with acute and acute-on-chronic slipped capital femoral epiphysis, as well as those presented in pre-slip stage, is the safest, although time-consuming. Manipulations, especially forced and repeated, are not recommended due to higher avascular necrosis risk. The use of intraoperative fluoroscopy to assist in the placement of internal fixation devices has markedly increased the success of surgical treatment. Controversy remains as to whether the proximal femoral epiphysis in severe, chronic slipped capital femoral epiphysis should be realigned by extracapsular osteotomies or just fixed in situ. The management protocol for slipped capital femoral epiphysis depends on the experience of the surgeon, motivation of the patient and technical facilities

    Triple pelvic osteotomy: Complications and how to avoid them

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    Authors reviewed their eight-year long experience with triple pelvic osteotomy. They explained the way of introduction of this procedure into everyday clinical practice. Seventy hips were operated using Tonnis-Vladimirov method in fifty nine patients of an average age of 15 years and one month. Treatment results were evaluated, both anatomically and functionally. Anatomic improvement was recorded by measuring the CE angle of Wiberg. Preoperatively, it ranged from -6 to 33 degrees (16.1±10.2 degrees), and at the end of treatment, it ranged from 15 to 68 degrees (43.1±11.1 degrees) - the difference proved to be highly significant (Student test t=-14.27, p<0.01). Functional improvement (absence of waddling gait or limp as well as better range of motion) was noted in almost all cases, although the difference was not statistically significant. In addition, the authors presented some very rare complications - asymptomatic pubic and/or ischial nonunion in seven patients

    Framtagning av en Maintenance Organisation Expositon

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    För att fĂ„ bedriva underhĂ„llsverksamhet pĂ„ flygplan över 5700kg sĂ„ mĂ„ste underhĂ„llsorganisationen i frĂ„ga vara godkĂ€nd av Transportstyrelsen samt följa EU:s flygsĂ€kerhetsmyndighet EASAs Part 145 regelverk. För att berörda myndigheter ska fĂ„ sig en insikt i hur underhĂ„llsorganisationera ser ut och fungerar sĂ„ mĂ„ste dessa skriva en verkstadshandbok som beskriver verksamheten och processer. Detta Ă€r ett krav som finns beskrivet i Part 145 regelverket. Uppgiften blev att skriva ett förslag pĂ„ kapitel 2 till PAMs vekstadshandbok frĂ„n grunden genom att intervjua personal pĂ„ plats för att fĂ„ reda pĂ„ hur respektive tillĂ€mande procedurer sĂ„g ut. Syftet var att skapa en verkstadshadbok som var aktuell och som personalen kunde anvĂ€nda som handbok att slĂ„ upp i och hitta respektive procedurer.In order to conduct maintenance activity on aircraft exceeding 5700kg, the maintenance organization must be approved by the Swedish National Aviation Authorities (Transportstyrelsen) and abide to the European Aviation Security Agency’s Part 145 regulations. To give the concerned authorities an insight to the maintenance organization’s activities and procedures the maintenance organization must compile a MOE. This is a requirement that is described in the Part 145 regulations. The task was to write a draft of Chapter 2 to PAM MOE from scratch by interviewing staff on site to find out how each applied procedures looked like. Our objective was to create a MOE that was up to date and to which the staff could turn to when in need of guidance of prodcedures

    Framtagning av en Maintenance Organisation Expositon

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    För att fĂ„ bedriva underhĂ„llsverksamhet pĂ„ flygplan över 5700kg sĂ„ mĂ„ste underhĂ„llsorganisationen i frĂ„ga vara godkĂ€nd av Transportstyrelsen samt följa EU:s flygsĂ€kerhetsmyndighet EASAs Part 145 regelverk. För att berörda myndigheter ska fĂ„ sig en insikt i hur underhĂ„llsorganisationera ser ut och fungerar sĂ„ mĂ„ste dessa skriva en verkstadshandbok som beskriver verksamheten och processer. Detta Ă€r ett krav som finns beskrivet i Part 145 regelverket. Uppgiften blev att skriva ett förslag pĂ„ kapitel 2 till PAMs vekstadshandbok frĂ„n grunden genom att intervjua personal pĂ„ plats för att fĂ„ reda pĂ„ hur respektive tillĂ€mande procedurer sĂ„g ut. Syftet var att skapa en verkstadshadbok som var aktuell och som personalen kunde anvĂ€nda som handbok att slĂ„ upp i och hitta respektive procedurer.In order to conduct maintenance activity on aircraft exceeding 5700kg, the maintenance organization must be approved by the Swedish National Aviation Authorities (Transportstyrelsen) and abide to the European Aviation Security Agency’s Part 145 regulations. To give the concerned authorities an insight to the maintenance organization’s activities and procedures the maintenance organization must compile a MOE. This is a requirement that is described in the Part 145 regulations. The task was to write a draft of Chapter 2 to PAM MOE from scratch by interviewing staff on site to find out how each applied procedures looked like. Our objective was to create a MOE that was up to date and to which the staff could turn to when in need of guidance of prodcedures

    Ewing’s sarcoma in children: Prognosis in relation to the method of treatment

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    Ewing’s tumor of bone is the second primary malignant bone tumor. Localized lesion is found in nearly 80% of cases and metastatic lesions are present in 20% at the time of diagnosis. Treatment protocols were analyzed, prognostic parameters were evaluated, and overall survival as well as survival until relapse of disease was studied. Prognostic features included age and sex, localization of tumor, type of applied surgical resection and treatment protocol, and presence of necrosis after neoadjuvant therapy as well as morphological characteristics of the tumor. Wide surgical resection (χ2=7.855; p<0.05), and tumor necrosis (χ2=7.855; p<0.05) were verified to be significant parameters for the outcome. Multimodal chemotherapy with local radiation and/or surgical resection is the best mode of modern treatment. Follow-up included the period from the completion of therapy to final control, with remission period defined by development of recurrence or metastatic lesions. Localization on distal parts of the extremities and axial skeleton is good prognostic feature, while localization on proximal parts of the extremities and pelvic girdle, presence of metastatic disease and low index of postchemotherapeutic necrosis, are associated with poor outcome. In Ewing’s sarcoma, prognosis of good outcome is definitely very delicate process