58 research outputs found


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    The aim of the research presented in this paper was to identify the relation of mechanical engineering studentsā€™ individual motives and their choice of specialty to success in their studies. The research includes consideration of motivational factors from a number of aspects. The results suggest a connection between academic success and the motives of professional advancement, success in the profession, achieving perceptible success at work, opportunities for hierarchical advancement in a company and others. In accordance with the expressed motives, the results highlight the importance of individual specialties for students depending on the success achieved in the course of their studies.Cilj je istraživanja prikazanog u ovom radu utvrditi povezanost između pojedinačnih motiva studenata strojarstva i njihovog odabira specijalizacije s obzirom na uspjeh u tijeku studija. Istraživanje uključuje razmatranje motivacijskih čimbenika s različitih glediÅ”ta. Rezultati upućuju na povezanost između uspjeha na studiju i motiva profesionalnog napredovanja, uspjeha u struci, postignuća vidljivog uspjeha na poslu, mogućnosti hijerarhijskog napredovanja u tvrtki i drugih. U skladu s izraženim motivima, rezultati upućuju na važnost pojedine specijalizacije za studente ovisno o postignutom uspjehu u tijeku studij

    Multivariate approach to imposing additional constraints on the Benefit-of-the-Doubt model: The case of QS World University Rankings by Subject

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    Composite indexes have become a valuable asset for stakeholders as they provide ranks of entities and information upon which decisions are made. However, certain questions about their development procedure have been raised recently, especially regarding the weighting process. To tackle the observed issue, in this paper we propose a new multivariate approach for defining weights. Namely, the model based on the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), the Benefit-of-the-Doubt (BoD) model, has been used with significant success in the process of composite index development. On the other hand, the Composite I-distance Indicator (CIDI) methodology stands out as an impartial method for assigning weights to indicators. By combining these two approaches, some of the limitations of the original BoD model could be overcome. As a result, new entity-specific weights which maximize the value of the composite index can be proposed. As a case study, we analysed the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by Subject in the field of statistics and operational research. The obtained results, which are based on the data-driven weights, can provide new insights into the nature of the observed ranking. The approach presented here might provoke further research on the topic of composite index weights and on the university rankings by subject

    Shedding Light on the Doing Business Index: a Machine Learning Approach

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    Background: The World Bank (WB) acknowledged the importance of business regulatory environment and therefore created a metric which ranks 190 countries based on their level of business regulation for domestic firms measured by the Doing Business Index (DBI). Objectives: The question which attracted our attention is whether all the observed entities should be given the same weighting scheme. Methods/Approach: The approach we propose as an answer is two-fold. First, we cluster the countries covered by the DBI. In the next step, we apply the statistical multivariate Composite I-distance Indicator (CIDI) methodology to determine new, data-driven weights for each of the retained clusters. Results: The obtained results show that there is a difference between the weighting schemes proposed by the CIDI methodology. Conclusions: One can argue that one weighting scheme does not fit all the observed countries, meaning that additional analyses on the DBI are suggested to explore its stability and its weighting scheme

    Excellence with leadership: the crown indicator of SCImago Institutions Rankings Iber report

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    Although there are many models for ranking higher education institutions, the SCImago Institutions RankingsĀ  methodology stands out for its ability to present quantitative and qualitative indicators of scientific output. Besides Total number of published papers, several indicators are concerned with quality dimensions of published papers, such as International collaboration, Scientific leadership or High quality publications . However, official rankings are provided solely on the basis of one indicator: Output (total number of published papers ). This paper presents a statistical I-distance method that integrates all the indicators into one value, which therefore represent a rank and show which of the input indicators is the most important for the process of ranking. Our results clearly showed that Excellence with LeadershipĀ  occupies the most significant spot

    Trihineloza u Srbiji i mogućnost unapređenja kontrolnih mera

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    Background. Trichinellosis is zoonotic disease caused by parasites of the genus Trichinella, which have a cosmopolitan distribution. In the Balkan region, including Serbia, trichinellosis is endemic. Although trichinellosis shows a decreasing incidence in Serbia, this disease remains a serious problem for human health and animal husbandry. Scope and Approach. To prevent and control Trichinella spp. infections in domestic and sylvatic animals, risk analysis for these zoonotic parasites should be conducted. In Serbia, a limited number of Trichinella have been identified to the species level so far. An institutional, multi-sectoral surveillance system, supported by an adequate legal framework for the detection, surveillance, prevention, control and reporting of this infection in animals and humans, harmonized with the EU legislation, is a priority. Key Findings and Conclusions. One of the main goals of the Serbian veterinary and public health services should be progressive improvement of animal rearing practices, food safety, and hunters' and consumers' education through the "One-health" approach.Uvod. Trihineloza je zoonotska bolest uzrokovana parazitima roda Trichinella koji imaju kosmopolitsku rasprostranjenost. U regionu Balkana, uključujući Srbiju, trihineloza je endemska. Iako trihineloza pokazuje trend smanjenja učestalosti u Srbiji, ova bolest ostaje ozbiljan problem za zdravlje ljudi i stočarstvo. Cilj i pristup. Za sprečavanje i kontrolu infekcije domaćih i silvatičnih životinja trihinelama, treba sprovesti analizu rizika za ove zoonotske parazite. U Srbiji je do sada identifikovan ograničeni broj trihinela na nivou vrste. U tom smislu, priorit je institucionalni, multisektorski sistem nadzora, podržan odgovarajućim pravnim okvirom za otkrivanje, nadzor, prevenciju, kontrolu i izveÅ”tavanje o ovoj infekciji kod životinja i ljudi, usklađen sa zakonodavstvom EU. Ključni nalazi i zaključak. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva veterinarske i zdravstvene službe trebalo bi biti progresivno unapređenje prakse uzgoja životinja, bezbednost hrane i obrazovanja lovaca i potroÅ”ača kroz pristup "One-Health"

    Clinical and echocardiographic predictors of the anterior mitral leaflet repair failure

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    Background: Anterior mitral leaflet prolapse repair is a highly effective procedure, but despite excellent operative results still has an inferior longā€term durability when compared to posterior leaflet repair. Methods: We analysed mitral repair durability in 74 consecutive patients operated for anterior leaflet prolapse between 2010 and 2021. Their preā€ and postoperative clinical, echocardiographic data and repair durability as well, were compared with 74 randomly assigned posterior leaflet prolapse patients who underwent valve repair during the same period. Results: While groups were of similar age, patients with anterior leaflet prolapse had an inferior preoperative status in terms of functional reserve, atrial fibrillation, operative risk, ejection fraction and had more dilated left heart chambers as well. 1, 5, and 10ā€year freedom from repair failure was 87.1 Ā± 4.6%, 79.8 Ā± 6.5% and 50.7 Ā± 12.5% in the anterior, and 98.5 Ā± 1.5% respectively in the posterior leaflet group. Atrial fibrilation (hazard ratio [HR] 5.365; 95%; confidence interval [CI] 1.093ā€“26.324 p = .038) and left ventricle endā€systolic diameter (HR 1.160 95%; CI 1.037ā€“1.299 p = .010) independently predicted anterior leaflet repair failure. Receiver Operating Curve analysis established left ventricle endā€systolic diameter ā‰¤42 mm as a cutā€off value associated with improved anterior leaflet repair durability. Accordingly, 10ā€year repair durability in a subset of patients, with preserved left ventricle endā€systolic diameter (ā‰¤42 mm) was 86.4 Ā± 7.8%. Conclusion: Better longā€term repair durability in patients with anterior mitral leaflet prolapse and preserved sinus rhytm and leftā€ventricle diameters justifies early reconstructive approach

    Analysis of growing and turnover of tobacco in Republic of Serbia

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    Raw tobacco production in the world has a long tradition and is widespread throughout the continents. Due to polymorphism as one of its most prominent traits, tobacco has adapted to all conditions under which it is grown. In addition to natural conditions, the most important of which are soil type and climate, raw tobacco production is also influenced by economic factors, such as the world market price of tobacco, government support and global anti- smoking policies. The aim of this paper is to present and analyze tobacco growing and turnover in Serbia, based on the collected data and information. The importance of the paper is in recognizing the structure and dynamics of production and marketing, as well as their causes, primarily because the production of this species brings significant economic benefits to the state, both through the realization of the products themselves, as well as through the creation of new jobs and income from taxes. The statistical data of the Statistical Office of Republic of Serbia, as well as the research results of the place and role of tobacco production in Republic of Serbia, served as the main source of data in the preparation of this paper. The data was analyzed using mathematical and statistical analysis, while relative dynamics indicators, baseline indices and average growth rates were used to demonstrate the status, changes and potential in tobacco production in Republic of Serbia

    Efekti inkorporacije tečnog startnog đubriva u proizvodnji soje

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    Conventional saybean production assumes usage of standard inorganic fertilizers which can be added to the soil by different methods. Unlike conventional production, this research was conducted with assumption that by using different application rates of basic and liquid starter fertilizers, as well as, with improved method of their application, higher yield values and lower moisture content of harvested kernels would be realized. This paper explored influence of mechanized application with different rates and ways of broadcasting basic and liquid starter fertilizer to the soil for soybean production. Liquid starter fertilizers were applied concurrently with plantation. The results obtained show that kernel yield was higher in areas where starter fertilizer application was performed for 1,13 tĀ·ha-1, compared to results obtained over control surfaces.Konvencionalna proizvodnja soje podrazumeva upotrebu standardnih mineralnih hraniva koja se u zemljiÅ”te mogu uneti na različite načine. Za razliku od konvencionalne proizvodnje, ova istraživanja su sprovedena uz predpostavku da će se primenom različitih normi osnovnih i tečnih startnih đubriva kao i unapređenim načinom njihove aplikacije ostvariti veće vrednosti prinosa i niži sadržaj vlage ubranog zrna. U radu je istraživan uticaj mehanizovane aplikacije različitih normi unoÅ”enja osnovnog i tečnog startnog đubriva u zemljiÅ”te pri proizvodnji soje. Aplikacija tečnih startnih đubriva vrÅ”ena je istovremeno sa setvom. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je prinos zrna na povrÅ”inama gde je vrÅ”ena aplikacija startnog đubriva viÅ”i za 1,13 tĀ·ha-1 u odnosu na rezultate dobijene na kontrolnoj povrÅ”ini


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    Establishment of a treatment plan is based on efficiency and easy application by the clinician and acceptance by the patient. Treatment of patients with Class III malocclusion (hypoplasio maxillae) might require orthognathic surgery, especially when the deformity is severe, with a significant impact on facial esthetics. We report here the case of a 16-year-old boy who had a skeletal Class III malocclusion, leading to remarkable deviation of the maxillary midline; this was his chief complaint. Treatment included rapid maxillary expansion followed by leveling, alignment, correction of compensatory tooth positioning, and orthognathic surgery to correct the skeletal Class III malocclusion because of the severe maxillary deficiency. This treatment approach allowed correction of the maxillary dental midline discrepancy to the midsagittal plane and establishment of good occlusion and optimal esthetics.Key words: class III malocclusion, hypoplasio maxillae, orthognatic surger

    Twenty-five-year study of Nosema spp. in honey bees (Apis mellifera) in Serbia

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    A total of 7386 samples of adult honey bees from different areas of Serbia (fifteen regions and 79 municipalities) were selected for light microscopy analysis for Nosema species during 1992-2017. A selection of honey bee samples from colonies positive for microsporidian spores during 2009-2011, 2015 and 2017 were then subjected to molecular diagnosis by multiplex PCR using specific primers for a region of the 16S rRNA gene of Nosema species. The prevalence of microsporidian spore-positive bee colonies ranged between 14.4% in 2013 and 65.4% in 1992. PCR results show that Nosema ceranae is not the only Nosema species to infect honey bees in Serbia. Mixed N. apis/N. ceranae infections were detected in the two honey bee samples examined by mPCR during 2017. The beekeeping management of disease prevention, such as replacement of combs and queens and hygienic handling of colonies are useful in the prevention of Nosema infection
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