11 research outputs found

    Destruction of chemical warfare surrogates using a portable atmospheric pressure plasma jet

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    Today’s reality is connected with mitigation of threats from the new chemical and biological warfare agents. A novel investigation of cold plasmas in contact with liquids presented in this paper demonstrated that the chemically reactive environment produced by atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) is potentially capable of rapid destruction of chemical warfare agents in a broad spectrum. The decontamination of three different chemical warfare agent surrogates dissolved in liquid is investigated by using an easily transportable APPJ. The jet is powered by a kHz signal source connected to a low-voltage DC source and with He as working gas. The detailed investigation of electrical properties is performed for various plasmas at different distances from the sample. The measurements of plasma properties in situ are supported by the optical spectrometry measurements, whereas the high performance liquid chromatography measurements before and after the treatment of aqueous solutions of Malathion, Fenitrothion and Dimethyl Methylphosphonate. These solutions are used to evaluate destruction and its efficiency for specific neural agent simulants. The particular removal rates are found to be from 56% up to 96% during 10 min treatment. The data obtained provide basis to evaluate APPJ’s efficiency at different operating conditions. The presented results are promising and could be improved with different operating conditions and optimization of the decontamination process

    The nodal centres - determinant of sustainable development of system settlement in Zlatibor district

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    Целокупна структура рада усмерена је на простор урбане географије односно мреже функционално најзначајнијих насеља као носилаца одрживог развоја Златиборског округа. У основи рада заступљен је функционално-процесни приступ и нодални регионализам базиран на скупу просторних односа и веза између хијерархијски и демографски хетерогених насеља. Применом ових принципа створен је услов егзактног детерминисања просторне и функцијске организације одрживог развоја система насеља Златиборског округа. Као основни очекивани резултат и допринос истраживања може се означити целовито сагледавање функцијског развоја нодалних центара и њиховог утицаја на социо-економску трансформацију осталих насеља. Идеја самог рада је да се географски сложен простор прикаже у светлу друштвено-економског развоја, а као основа даљег привредног развоја овог дела Републике Србије. Временски оквир рада обухватио је временски период од 1991. године до последњег пописа 2011. године, обзиром да су се у овом периоду десиле значајне промене у укупном друштвено-економском поретку земље. У мањим сегментима коришћени су подаци ранијих пописа у циљу квантитативног поређења различитих сегмената друштвене сфере. На основу постављеног предмета, циља и задатака истраживања постављене су хипотезе обједињене у: доминантној улози нодалних центара као геопросторног фактора на одрживи развој система насеља Златиборског округа; зависности развоја функционалних центара од структурних и демографских промена унутар социо-економског простора; комплементарности насеобинских специфичности и развојних потреба функционалних центара сублимираних у одрживом развоју социо-економске сфере насеља Златиборског округа; перспективном развоју фунцијских центара и интеграције у просторни систем нодалних насеља Србије; изражености диференцираног планирања и истраживања одрживог развоја комлексних гепросторних целина значајних за систем насеља Златиборског округа. Генералном поставком рада кроз пет поглавља аналитичким приступом извршена је анализа просторне организације нодалних и осталих насеља валоризовањем сложених интеракција унутар насеобинских структура, а преко вредности, размештаја и функцијских параметара. На основу изложеног проблемског приступа формулисан је закључак да је одржив развој система насеља заснован на следећим основама: главна подручја концентрације становништва су урбана окружења; велика условљеност друштвено-економског развоја система насеља заснован на гравитационо- подстицајним и поларизационим ефектима утицаја нодалних насеља; из процеса редистрибуције у оквиру активног становништва проистиче насеобинско- функцијска концентрација и развој осталих насеља.The overall structure of this study is focused on the area of urban geography or the network of the most important settlements as the bearers of the sustainable development in the Zlatibor District. The basic part of the study includes the functional - process approach and nodal regionalism based on a set of spatial relationships and connections between hierarchical and demographic heterogeneous settlements. By applying these principals, the condition for the exact determination of the special and functional organization of the sustainable development, in the system of settlements in the Zlatibor District has been created. A comprehensive overview of the functional development of nodal centers and their impact on the socio-economic transformation of other settlements can represent the basic expected result and contribution of this research. The idea behind the study is for the geographically complex area to be displayed in the light of socio-economic development, and as a basis for further economic development of this part of the Republic of Serbia. The time frame of the study includes the period from 1991 to the last census in 2011, given that significant changes in the overall socio-economic order of the country occurred in this period. In smaller segments, the data from previous censuses has been used in order to conduct quantitative comparison between different segments of the social sphere. Based on the set subject, objective and tasks of the research, the hypotheses that were set unified in: the dominant role of the nodal centers as geospatial factors on the sustainable development of the system of settlements in the Zlatibor District; dependency of the development of functional centers from the structural and demographic changes in the socio-economic environment; complementarity of settlements specifities and development needs of the functional centers , sublimated in the sustainable development of the socio-economic sphere of the settlements in the Zlatibor District; promising development of functional centers and the integration into spatial system of nodal settlements in Serbia; expressions of differentiated planning and research of Sustainable Development of complex geospatial units, significant for the system of settlements in the Zlatibor District. By generally organizing the study within five chapters, using analytic approach, an analysis of the spatial organization of nodal and other settlements by valorization of complex interactions within the settlements structures has been performed and through the values ,deployment and functional parameters. According to the previously stated problem-oriented approach, a conclusion is formulated, that the sustainable development of the system of settlements is based on the following grounds: main areas of concentration of the population are urban environments; high conditionality of the socio-economic development of the system of settlements based on the gravity-motivative and polarization effects of nodal settlements′ influence; the settlement- functional concentration and the development of other settlements stems from the process of redistribution within the active populatio

    The nodal centres - determinant of sustainable development of system settlement in Zlatibor district

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    Целокупна структура рада усмерена је на простор урбане географије односно мреже функционално најзначајнијих насеља као носилаца одрживог развоја Златиборског округа. У основи рада заступљен је функционално-процесни приступ и нодални регионализам базиран на скупу просторних односа и веза између хијерархијски и демографски хетерогених насеља. Применом ових принципа створен је услов егзактног детерминисања просторне и функцијске организације одрживог развоја система насеља Златиборског округа. Као основни очекивани резултат и допринос истраживања може се означити целовито сагледавање функцијског развоја нодалних центара и њиховог утицаја на социо-економску трансформацију осталих насеља. Идеја самог рада је да се географски сложен простор прикаже у светлу друштвено-економског развоја, а као основа даљег привредног развоја овог дела Републике Србије. Временски оквир рада обухватио је временски период од 1991. године до последњег пописа 2011. године, обзиром да су се у овом периоду десиле значајне промене у укупном друштвено-економском поретку земље. У мањим сегментима коришћени су подаци ранијих пописа у циљу квантитативног поређења различитих сегмената друштвене сфере. На основу постављеног предмета, циља и задатака истраживања постављене су хипотезе обједињене у: доминантној улози нодалних центара као геопросторног фактора на одрживи развој система насеља Златиборског округа; зависности развоја функционалних центара од структурних и демографских промена унутар социо-економског простора; комплементарности насеобинских специфичности и развојних потреба функционалних центара сублимираних у одрживом развоју социо-економске сфере насеља Златиборског округа; перспективном развоју фунцијских центара и интеграције у просторни систем нодалних насеља Србије; изражености диференцираног планирања и истраживања одрживог развоја комлексних гепросторних целина значајних за систем насеља Златиборског округа. Генералном поставком рада кроз пет поглавља аналитичким приступом извршена је анализа просторне организације нодалних и осталих насеља валоризовањем сложених интеракција унутар насеобинских структура, а преко вредности, размештаја и функцијских параметара. На основу изложеног проблемског приступа формулисан је закључак да је одржив развој система насеља заснован на следећим основама: главна подручја концентрације становништва су урбана окружења; велика условљеност друштвено-економског развоја система насеља заснован на гравитационо- подстицајним и поларизационим ефектима утицаја нодалних насеља; из процеса редистрибуције у оквиру активног становништва проистиче насеобинско- функцијска концентрација и развој осталих насеља.The overall structure of this study is focused on the area of urban geography or the network of the most important settlements as the bearers of the sustainable development in the Zlatibor District. The basic part of the study includes the functional - process approach and nodal regionalism based on a set of spatial relationships and connections between hierarchical and demographic heterogeneous settlements. By applying these principals, the condition for the exact determination of the special and functional organization of the sustainable development, in the system of settlements in the Zlatibor District has been created. A comprehensive overview of the functional development of nodal centers and their impact on the socio-economic transformation of other settlements can represent the basic expected result and contribution of this research. The idea behind the study is for the geographically complex area to be displayed in the light of socio-economic development, and as a basis for further economic development of this part of the Republic of Serbia. The time frame of the study includes the period from 1991 to the last census in 2011, given that significant changes in the overall socio-economic order of the country occurred in this period. In smaller segments, the data from previous censuses has been used in order to conduct quantitative comparison between different segments of the social sphere. Based on the set subject, objective and tasks of the research, the hypotheses that were set unified in: the dominant role of the nodal centers as geospatial factors on the sustainable development of the system of settlements in the Zlatibor District; dependency of the development of functional centers from the structural and demographic changes in the socio-economic environment; complementarity of settlements specifities and development needs of the functional centers , sublimated in the sustainable development of the socio-economic sphere of the settlements in the Zlatibor District; promising development of functional centers and the integration into spatial system of nodal settlements in Serbia; expressions of differentiated planning and research of Sustainable Development of complex geospatial units, significant for the system of settlements in the Zlatibor District. By generally organizing the study within five chapters, using analytic approach, an analysis of the spatial organization of nodal and other settlements by valorization of complex interactions within the settlements structures has been performed and through the values ,deployment and functional parameters. According to the previously stated problem-oriented approach, a conclusion is formulated, that the sustainable development of the system of settlements is based on the following grounds: main areas of concentration of the population are urban environments; high conditionality of the socio-economic development of the system of settlements based on the gravity-motivative and polarization effects of nodal settlements′ influence; the settlement- functional concentration and the development of other settlements stems from the process of redistribution within the active populatio

    Tablets with thyme (Thymus Vulgaris L) extracts

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    The strongly antiseptic and antifungal activities of thyme is mainly due to the presence of phenolic compounds, thymol and carvacrol. Thyme extracts essential oil, extract obtained using 70% ethanol and extract obtained by supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) using carbon dioxide, were incorporated in the most useful form of pharmaceutical products - tablets. The work is concerned with the characterisation of the obtained tablets containing thyme extracts

    Determination of extraction conditions of Ginkgo biloba L. leaves by supercritical CO2 using response surface methodology

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    The effects of process parameters on the extraction of Ginkgo biloba L. leaves with supercritical carbon dioxide were investigated. The investigated parameters include particle size (mean particle diameter 0.19, 0.467 and 1.009 mm), solvent flow rate (1.5810-3, 3.2210-3 and 4.1610-3 kg CO2/min) and pressure (100-300 bar), which were obtained by the response surface methodology (RSM) under the following condition ranges: temperature 40-50-60ºC, pressure 100-140-180 bar and extraction time of 2-3-4 h at the flow rate of 3.2210-3 kg/min. Based on the experimental results of kinetics of Ginkgo biloba leaves extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide, modeling of the extraction system of Ginkgo biloba-supercritical CO2 was done. Two mathematical models (Reverchon-Sesti Osseo and Sovová) were applied to correlate the experimental data. RSM was applied to optimize the process parameters of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of Ginkgo biloba L. leaves. A second-order polynomial response surface equation was developed indicating the effect of variables on Ginkgo biloba extraction yield. The statistical analysis of the experiment indicated that pressure (X1), extraction time (X3), the quadratic of temperature (X22), and the interaction between pressure and extraction time (X1X3), show significant effect on the extraction yield. The results showed that the data were adequately fitted into the second-order polynomial model. It was predicted that the optimum extraction process parameters within the experimental ranges would be the extraction temperature of 52.7ºC, the pressure of 184.4 bar, and the extraction time of 3.86 h. Under these conditions, the predicted extraction yield is 2.39% (g/100 g drug)

    Inhibitory effects of medical plants on the Candida albicans and bacterial growth in the oral cavity

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    In this mini-review, the authors discuss the effects of ethanol extracts, essential oils and cytotoxicity of some medicinal plants and their compounds used in ethno-medicine in different geographic regions worldwide, including Serbia, on the growth, mul­tiplication and pathogenicity of Candida albicans and bacteria that play the main role in the balance of the oral ecosystem. Various medicinal plants, such as Rosmarinus officinalis (Fam. Lamiaceae), Artemisia dracunculus, Artemisia absinthium (Fam. Asteraceae), exist in different geographic regions and continents, as well as in the Balkan region, and among them there are some indigenous species like Hypericum perforatum L. (Fam. Hypericaceae), Urtica dioica L. (U. dioica) (Fam. Urticaceae), Achillea millefolium L. (Fam. Asteraceae), Matricaria chamomilla L. (Fam. Asteraceae), Sambucus nigra L. (Fam. Caprifoliaceae), and Thymus serpyllum L. (Fam. Lamiaceae) with impressive antimicrobial activity against microorganisms originating from the oral cavity. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 34021

    In situ photoreduction of Ag+-ions on the surface of titania nanotubes deposited on cotton and cotton/PET fabrics

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    This study discusses the possibility of in situ photoreduction of Ag+-ions on the surface of titania nanotubes (TNTs) deposited on the cotton and cotton/PET fabrics in the presence of amino acid alanine and methyl alcohol. TNTs were synthetized by hydrothermal method. The proposed interaction between titania, alanine and Ag+-ions was based on the results obtained by FTIR measurements. In order to enhance the binding efficiency between TNTs and fibers, the fabrics were previously impregnated with polyethyleneimine. The presence of TNT/Ag nanocrystals on the surface of fibers was proved by SEM, AAS, XRD and XPS. Larger amount of silver was detected on the cotton fabric. Fabricated TiO2/Ag nanocrystals provided maximum reduction of bacteria E. coli which was preserved after five washing cycles despite significant release of silver. The perspiration fastness tests indicated that silver release did not depend on pH. The presence of TNT/Ag nanocrystals imparted maximum UV protection to fabrics

    In situ photoreduction of Ag+-ions by TiO2 nanoparticles deposited on cotton and cotton/PET fabrics

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    The possibility of in situ photoreduction of Ag+-ions using TiO2 nanoparticles deposited on cotton and cotton/PET fabrics in the presence of amino acid alanine and methyl alcohol has been discussed. The possible interaction between TiO2, alanine and Ag+-ions was evaluated by FTIR analysis. The fabrication of TiO2/Ag nanoparticles on both fabrics was confirmed by SEM, EDX, XRD, XPS and AAS analyses. Cotton and cotton/PET fabrics impregnated with TiO2/Ag nanoparticles provided maximum reduction of Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli and Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Although excellent antibacterial activity was preserved after ten washing cycles, a significant amount of silver leached out from the fabrics into the washing bath. The perspiration fastness assessment revealed that smaller amounts of silver were also released from the fabrics into artificial sweat at pH 5.50 and 8.00. In addition, deposited TiO2/Ag nanoparticles imparted maximum UV protection to fabrics

    In situ generation of Ag nanoparticles on polyester fabrics by photoreduction using TiO2 nanoparticles

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    This study discusses the possibility of in situ generation of Ag nanoparticles on polyester fabric by photoreduction of Ag+ ions with deposited TiO2 nanoparticles in the presence of amino acid alanine and methyl alcohol. The presence of TiO2/Ag nanoparticles on the polyester fiber surface was confirmed by XRD, XPS, and SEM analyses. Such nanocomposite textile material provides excellent antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacterium E. coli, Gram-positive bacterium S. aureus, and fungus C. albicans. Maximum microbial reduction was preserved even after ten washing cycles. In spite of satisfactory laundering durability, the release of silver occurred during washing. The leaching of silver was also present when the fabrics were exposed to artificial sweat at pH 5.5 and pH 8.0 for 24 h. In addition to excellent antimicrobial properties, TiO2/Ag nanoparticles imparted maximum UV protection to polyester fabrics