126 research outputs found

    Hubungan Literasi Sains dengan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa pada Materi Ikatan Kimia

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    This research aimed at knowing and describing the correlation between scientific literacy and student critical thinking skill on Chemical Bond lesson.  The research method was Quantitative Descriptive with Correlation Hypothesis testing.  This research was administered at Vocational High School of Telkom Pekanbaru.  The subjects of this research were the eleventh-grade students.  The objects of this research were scientific literacy and student critical thinking skill on Chemical Bond lesson.  The instruments of collecting the data were Chemical Bond questions based on scientific literacy indicators and critical thinking skill.  The questions and questionnaire were stated worthy, if they passed valid aspects.  The validity could be seen from validity result by using validation sheet.  The technique of analyzing the data was Product Moment Correlation with SPSS 21.0 program.  Based on the research findings, it was obtained that there was a significant difference between scientific literacy and student critical thinking skill on Chemical Bond lesson at Vocational High School of Telkom Pekanbaru.  The Hypothesis was analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation with α that was 0.05.  The correlation coefficient was 0.910 with probability that was 0.000.  It meant that there was a positive correlation between scientific literacy and student critical thinking skill on Chemical Bond lesson.            Keywords: Scientific Literacy, Critical Thinking Skill, Chemical Bon

    Desain dan Uji Coba Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (Lkpd) Berbasis Sets (Science, Environment, Technology, And Society) pada Materi Koloid

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    This research aimed at knowing the level of validity and practicality students workbook SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Society) Based on Colloid Lesson. It was a Research and Development (R&D) Method with 4-D Model. It was administered at State Senior High School 1 East Kampar.  Subject of this research were  Media design expert, Learning material expert, Chemistry teacher and Fifteenth studenst. Object of this research were SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Society) Based on Colloid Lesson. the Instrument of collecting the data were questionnaire of validity test by the experts and questionnaire of practicality test by taecher and students.  student workbook was appropriate, if it was valid and practice aspect qualify.The validity and practicality could be seen from the result of validity and practicality using sheet of  validity and practicalisation. student workbook  resulting was tested with the validity level was 88.125% (Very valid)and practice was 90.4% (Very practice). The research result indentify that Student Workbook was tested, it appropriate to be an additional teaching teacher at school. Keywords : Student Workbook, SETS, Colloi

    State of air quality in and outside of hospital wards in urban centres – A case study in Lahore, Pakistan

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    Particulate pollution in healthcare facilities is a potential threat to healthcare workers, patients and visitors. A study was carried out to monitor particulate levels in and outside of five wards of Sheikh Zayed Hospital, a tertiary healthcare facility of Lahore. Measurements indicated that the hourly mean concentrations of PM2.5 in a medical, pulmonology (chest), surgical, pediatric and nephrology ward were 78 ± 37, 86 ± 46, 94 ± 48, 169 ± 122 and 488 ± 314 µg m-3 respectively. The outside levels of PM2.5 of the same wards were 69 ± 27, 81 ± 49, 178 ± 85, 282 ± 164 and 421 ± 240 µg m-3. Indoor levels were higher than outdoors in all the wards except surgical and pediatric ward. Such elevated levels of PM can result in aggravation of the poor health status of the patients as well as affecting the hospital staff and visitors

    Regulation of PERK expression by FOXO3: a vulnerability of drug-resistant cancer cells

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    The major impediment to effective cancer therapy has been the development of drug resistance. The tumour suppressive transcription factor FOXO3 promotes cell cycle arrest, senescence and cell death, and mediates the cytotoxic and cytostatic functions of cancer therapeutics. In consequence, FOXO3 is often downregulated as an adaptive response in cancer and particularly in chemotherapeutic drug-resistant cells. Consistently, we find that FOXO3 expression is attenuated in the drug-resistant MCF-7-EpiR and MCF-7-TaxR compared to the parental MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Using ChIP, short-interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown, and overexpression assays as well as Foxo1/3/4−/− MEFs, we establish the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-stress defence modulator PERK (eIF2AK3) as a direct downstream transcriptional target of FOXO3. In agreement, there is also a positive correlation between FOXO3 and PERK expression at the protein and RNA levels in breast cancer patient samples. We uncover that PERK expression is downregulated but its activity constitutively elevated in the drug-resistant cells. With this in mind, we exploit this adaptive response of low FOXO3 and PERK expression, and high PERK activity in drug-resistant breast cancer cells and show that these drug-resistant cells are specifically sensitive to PERK inhibition. In support of this finding, we show that ectopic overexpression of FOXO3 can reduce the sensitivity of the resistant cells to the PERK inhibitor GSK2606414, while the Foxo1/3/4−/− MEFs expressing lower levels of PERK are more sensitive to PERK inhibition compared to wild-type MEFs. PERK inhibitor-titration and -time course experiments showed that the drug-resistant cells, which express lower expression and higher activity levels of PERK, are more sensitive to the increasing concentrations of PERK inhibitor compared to parental MCF-7 cells. Our present work thus reveals a chemotherapeutic drug-resistant cancer cell vulnerability in PERK and suggests PERK as a potential target for cancer therapy, specifically in the context of drug-resistant cancers

    Monitoring of particulate matter concentrations at high altitude ecosystems of Pakistan and China

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    Particulate matter exhibits different behavior with altitude. A comparative analysis was carried out to monitor PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10 and PMTotal at elevations above 3000 m in both China and Pakistan. Real time monitoring of PM was carried out at both sites using a DustTrak DRX (model 8533, TSI Inc.) for 24 hours each. In Pakistan, the average value of PMTotal was 415 ± 16 μg/m3 while in China the value was considerably lower i.e. 110 ± 57 μg/m3. The 24-hour mean values recorded were well above the WHO recommended limit of 25 μg/m3. These results indicate that, even at sites some distance from anthropogenic sources, PM concentrations still pose a health risk

    Menentukan Koefisien Ekspansi Linier Batang Kuningan Dengan Teknik Espi (Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry)

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    Telah dilakukan eksperimen untuk menentukan koefisien ekspansi linier batang kuningan dengan teknik ESPI (Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry). Objek uji yang digunakan terbuat dari kuningan dengan diameter 45 mm, panjang 44 mm, dan dikenai beban thermal dari temperatur 30°Csampai dengan 40°C menggunakan heater (pemanas) yang ditempelkan erat dibelakang objek. Data citra spekel selama pemanasan diamati dan setiap selang waktu 1 menit disimpan di memori komputer untuk diproses. Pemrosesannya dilakukan dengan cara mensubtraksikan (mengurangkan) ke dua citraspekel pixel per pixel dan hasilnya ditampilkan di layar monitor dalam bentuk pola frinji. Dari eksperimen diperoleh harga koefisien ekspansi linier kuningan α = (1,96 ± 0,02)10-5/°C dengan standard deviasi terhadap rata-rata sebesar 1,02%.An experiment to determine the linear coefficient of expansion for the brass rod have been done by using the ESPI (Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry) technique. The specimen we used were brass with diameter 45 mm, length 44 mm, and thermal loaded from temperature 30°C up to 40°C use heaters behind object. The image speckle data for each 1 menit during thermal were record by the computers. Its process done by subtraction to image speckle data pixel by pixel, and the result presented on monitor screen in the fringe pattern. From experiment obtained that the average value of the linear coefficient of expansion for the brass is, α = (1,96 ± 0 ,02)10-5/°C with the deviation from average value is 1.02 %

    Changes in particulate matter concentrations at different altitudinal levels with environmental dynamics

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    Ambient air quality is defined not only by the source strength but a variety of meteorological parameters as well. In the current study, ambient concentrations of PM along with temperature and relative humidity levels were monitored at seven different locations of Pakistan. A DustTrak DRX (Model 8533, TSI Inc.) was employed for twenty four hours real time monitoring of particulate matter at the selected sites. A considerable variation was observed in the 24 hour trend of particulate matter (PM) at different locations owing to variation in meteorological conditions due to different altitudes and seasons, and natural and anthropogenic sources in the vicinity. The highest average concentrations of PM2.5 (407μg/m3 were observed at highest elevation (Makra Peak, Shogran, 3089 m) while lowest averages (102 μg/m3) were obtained at the seaside (Hawks Bay, Karachi, 0 m).On the other hand PMTotal fraction exhibited highest levels at site B (506 μg/m3) and lowest at Site A (121 μg/m3).Correlation factors were determined for PM and meteorological parameters at each location. More research needs to be conducted to have a comprehensive knowledge about the physical parameters controlling particulate dispersal at different altitudes within the country

    Seasonal variation of particulate matter in the ambient conditions of Khanspur, Pakistan

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    Concentrations of particulate matter tend to vary with shifting seasons. Levels of particulate matter were monitored during the summer and winter season in Khanspur, a high altitude tourist resort in Pakistan. A DustTrak DRX (Model 8533, TSI Inc.) and Kestrel 4500 Pocket Weather Tracker (Nielsen- Kellerman) were installed at selected site in Khanspur and run for 24 hours. During summer the 24- hour average concentrations of PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10 and PMTotal were 96 ± 26.42, 106± 29.02, 118± 33.3, 163± 52.5 and 209 ± 79.5 μg/m3 while these were considerably lower during the winter season for the same size fractions (62 ± 48.6, 63± 49.3, 63 ± 49.5, 65.33 ± 50.06 and 66.96 ± 50.78μg/m3). A one way ANOVA was applied on the obtained data and it was concluded that seasons have a substantial impact upon PM concentrations. Moreover, this study provides evidence that seasonal variation of particulate matter is influenced by meteorological parameters

    Changes in particulate matter concentrations at different altitudinal levels with environmental dynamics

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    Ambient air quality is defined not only by the source strength but a variety of meteorological parameters as well. In the current study, ambient concentrations of PM along with temperature and relative humidity levels were monitored at seven different locations of Pakistan. A DustTrak DRX (Model 8533, TSI Inc.) was employed for twenty four hours real time monitoring of particulate matter at the selected sites. A considerable variation was observed in the 24 hour trend of particulate matter (PM) at different locations owing to variation in meteorological conditions due to different altitudes and seasons, and natural and anthropogenic sources in the vicinity. The highest average concentrations of PM2.5 (407 mu g/m(3)) were observed at highest elevation (Makra Peak, Shogran, 3089 m) while lowest averages (102 mu g/m(3)) were obtained at the seaside (Hawks Bay, Karachi, 0 m). On the other hand PMTotal fraction exhibited highest levels at site B (506 mu g/m(3)) and lowest at Site A (121 mu g/m(3)). Correlation factors were determined for PM and meteorological parameters at each location. More research needs to be conducted to have a comprehensive knowledge about the physical parameters controlling particulate dispersal at different altitudes within the country
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