130 research outputs found

    Structures of bacterial kynurenine formamidase reveal a crowded binuclear zinc catalytic site primed to generate a potent nucleophile

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    Tryptophan is an important precursor for chemical entities that ultimately support the biosynthesis of key metabolites. The second stage of tryptophan catabolism is catalysed by kynurenine formamidase, an enzyme that is different between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. In the present study, we characterize the catalytic properties and present the crystal structures of three bacterial kynurenine formamidases. The structures reveal a new amidase protein fold, a highly organized and distinctive binuclear Zn2+ catalytic centre in a confined, hydrophobic and relatively rigid active site. The structure of a complex with 2-aminoacetophenone delineates aspects of molecular recognition extending to the observation that the substrate itself may be conformationally restricted to assist binding in the confined space of the active site and for subsequent processing. The cations occupy a crowded environment, and, unlike most Zn2+ -dependent enzymes, there is little scope to increase co-ordination number during catalysis.We propose that the presence of a bridging water/hydroxide ligand in conjunction with the placement of an active site histidine supports a distinctive amidation mechanism.</p

    Microbe Profile:Euglena gracilis: photogenic, flexible and hardy

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    Euglena gracilis is a unicellular photosynthetic eukaryotic flagellate of the Discoba supergroup, which also encompasses Kinetoplastida and Diplonema. Plastids have green algal origin and are secondarily acquired. The nuclear genome is extremely large and many genes suggest multiple endosymbiotic/gene transfer events, i.e. derivation from prokaryotes of various lineages. E. gracilis is remarkably robust and can proliferate in environments contaminated with heavy metals and acids. Extraordinary metabolic plasticity and a mixotrophic lifestyle confers an ability to thrive in a broad range of environments, as well as facilitating production of many novel metabolites, making Euglena of considerable biotechnological importance.</p

    Membrane interactions and self-association of components of the Ess/Type VII secretion system of Staphylococcus aureus

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    The Ess/Type VII protein secretion system, essential for virulence of pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus, is dependent upon the four core membrane proteins EssA, EssB, EssC and EsaA. Here, we use crosslinking and blue native PAGE analysis to show that the EssB, EssC and EsaA proteins individually form homomeric complexes. Surprisingly, these components appear unable to interact with each other, or with the EssA protein. We further show that two high molecular weight multimers of EssC detected in whole cells are not dependent upon the presence of EsxA, EsxB or any other Ess component for their assembly

    Evolving differentiation in African trypanosomes

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    Differentiation is a central aspect of the parasite life cycle and encompasses adaptation to both host and environment. If we accept that evolution cannot anticipate an organism’s needs as it enters a new environment, how do parasite differentiation pathways arise? The transition between vertebrate and insect stage African trypanosomes is probably one of the better studied and involves a cell-cycle arrested or ‘stumpy’ form that activates metabolic pathways advantageous to the parasite in the insect host. However, a range of stimuli and stress conditions can trigger similar changes, leading to formation of stumpy-like cellular states. We propose that the origin and optimisation of this differentiation program represents repurposing of a generic stress response to gain considerable gain-of-fitness associated with parasite transmission

    Comparative proteomics of the two T. brucei PABPs suggests that PABP2 controls bulk mRNA

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    <div><p>Poly(A)-binding proteins (PABPs) regulate mRNA fate by controlling stability and translation through interactions with both the poly(A) tail and eIF4F complex. Many organisms have several paralogs of PABPs and eIF4F complex components and it is likely that different eIF4F/PABP complex combinations regulate distinct sets of mRNAs. Trypanosomes have five eIF4G paralogs, six of eIF4E and two PABPs, PABP1 and PABP2. Under starvation, polysomes dissociate and the majority of mRNAs, most translation initiation factors and PABP2 reversibly localise to starvation stress granules. To understand this more broadly we identified a protein interaction cohort for both <i>T</i>. <i>brucei</i> PABPs by cryo-mill/affinity purification-mass spectrometry. PABP1 very specifically interacts with the previously identified interactors eIF4E4 and eIF4G3 and few others. In contrast PABP2 is promiscuous, with a larger set of interactors including most translation initiation factors and most prominently eIF4G1, with its two partners TbG1-IP and TbG1-IP2. Only RBP23 was specific to PABP1, whilst 14 RNA-binding proteins were exclusively immunoprecipitated with PABP2. Significantly, PABP1 and associated proteins are largely excluded from starvation stress granules, but PABP2 and most interactors translocate to granules on starvation. We suggest that PABP1 regulates a small subpopulation of mainly small-sized mRNAs, as it interacts with a small and distinct set of proteins unable to enter the dominant pathway into starvation stress granules and localises preferentially to a subfraction of small polysomes. By contrast PABP2 likely regulates bulk mRNA translation, as it interacts with a wide range of proteins, enters stress granules and distributes over the full range of polysomes.</p></div

    Expression of a specific variant surface glycoprotein has a major impact on suramin sensitivity and endocytosis in Trypanosoma brucei

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    Suramin was introduced into the clinic a century ago and is still used to treat the first stage of acute human sleeping sickness. Due to its size and sixfold negative charge, uptake is mediated through endocytosis and the suramin receptor in trypanosomes is thought to be the invariant surface glycoprotein 75 (ISG75). Nevertheless, we recently identified a variant surface glycoprotein (VSG; Sur; ) that confers strong in vitro resistance to suramin in a; Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense; line. In this study, we introduced; VSG; Sur; into the active bloodstream expression site of a; T. b. brucei; line. This caused suramin resistance and cross resistance to trypan blue. We quantified the endocytosis of different substrates by flow cytometry and showed that the expression of VSG; Sur; strongly impairs the uptake of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and transferrin, both imported by receptor-mediated endocytosis. However, bulk endocytosis and endocytosis of the trypanolytic factor were not affected, and the; VSG; Sur; -expressors did not exhibit a growth phenotype in the absence of suramin. Knockdown of ISG75 was synergistic with; VSG; Sur; expression, indicating that these two proteins are mediating distinct suramin resistance pathways. In conclusion, VSG; Sur; causes suramin resistance in; T. brucei; bloodstream forms by decreasing specific, receptor-mediated endocytosis pathways

    Heterogeneity in ess transcriptional organization and variable contribution of the Ess/Type VII protein secretion system to virulence across closely related <em>Staphylocccus aureus </em>strains

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    The Type VII protein secretion system, found in Gram-positive bacteria, secretes small proteins, containing a conserved W-x-G amino acid sequence motif, to the growth medium. Staphylococcus aureus has a conserved Type VII secretion system, termed Ess, which is dispensable for laboratory growth but required for virulence. In this study we show that there are unexpected differences in the organization of the ess gene cluster between closely related strains of S. aureus. We further show that in laboratory growth medium different strains of S. aureus secrete the EsxA and EsxC substrate proteins at different growth points, and that the Ess system in strain Newman is inactive under these conditions. Systematic deletion analysis in S. aureus RN6390 is consistent with the EsaA, EsaB, EssA, EssB, EssC and EsxA proteins comprising core components of the secretion machinery in this strain. Finally we demonstrate that the Ess secretion machinery of two S. aureus strains, RN6390 and COL, is important for nasal colonization and virulence in the murine lung pneumonia model. Surprisingly, however, the secretion system plays no role in the virulence of strain SA113 under the same conditions
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