78 research outputs found

    Questions on complex dynamic security

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    Modelling the spatial structure of Europe

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    How can spatial location affect the operation of society, population or economic conditions? What is the role of neighbourhood and distance in social phenomena? In what way can a social organisation limit spatial barriers? How would spatial structures be affected by the attraction and repulsion of territorial units? Does society only use or also design regions? These questions are explored in this study. This work analyses some important issues, concepts and analysis procedures of the territorial structure of society and social processes of spatiality. It does not contain a comprehensive theory of spatiality and regional science; it is primarily a practical empirical research. Many theoretical works aim at defining the spatial structure of Europe. This article provides an overview of models describing the spatial structure of Europe. The study describes the economic spatial structure of Europe using bi-dimensional regression analysis, based on the gravity model. The spatial structure of Europe is illustrated with the help of the gravity model and spatial auto-correlation. With these patterns, it is possible to justify the appropriateness of the models based on different methodological backgrounds by comparing them with the results of this paper. The subject of field theory concepts and methods that can aid regional analyses is examined, and attempts to offer a synthesised knowledge with a wide variety of examples and methods

    The spatial structures of Europe

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    Our study aims at describing the spatial structure of Europe with spatial moving average, potential model and the bidimensional regression analysis based on gravity model. Many theoretical and practical works aim at describing the spatial structure of Europe. Partly zones, axes and formations, partly polycentric models appear in the literature. We illustrate their variegation by listing, without any claim to completeness (since that could be the subject of another study), a part of them. Based on our examinations, the engraving of the structures that we described can be seen. The position of the core area of EU countries clearly justifies the banana shape and in relation to it, the catching up regions take shape in several areas

    Die Beziehungen zwischen USA und Ukraine - besser als erwartet: unter Präsident Trump ist eine Abkehr Washingtons von Kiew bislang ausgeblieben

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    Ein gutes Jahr nach dem Amtsantritt von Präsident Donald Trump sieht das Verhältnis zwischen den USA und den postsowjetischen Staaten anders aus als erwartet. Statt mit Präsident Wladimir Putin einen »deal« eingehen zu können, ist Trump gezwungen, sich in der Russland-Politik zurückzuhalten. Verantwortlich dafür sind die laufenden Ermittlungen zur Rolle Moskaus im vergangenen US-Wahlkampf. Das Heft des Handelns haben der Kongress sowie ein kleines Team von Ministern und Beamten übernommen. Diese Entwicklung hat wesentliche Folgen für die Ukraine. Washingtons heutige Politik gegenüber Kiew ähnelt jener, die unter Präsident Barack Obama betrieben wurde. In mancher Hinsicht verhalten sich die USA unter Trump sogar noch ukraine-freundlicher – vor allem was die Lieferung letaler Waffen an das Land betrifft. (Autorenreferat

    Indoor Localization Simulation Framework for Optimized Sensor Placement to Increase the Position Estimation Accuracy

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    Indoor position estimation is an important part of any indoor application which contains object tracking or environment mapping. Many indoor localization techniques (Angle of Arrival – AoA, Time of Flight – ToF, Return Time of Flight – RToF, Received Signal Strength Indicator – RSSI) and technologies (WiFi, Ultra Wideband – UWB, Bluetooth, Radio Frequency Identification Device – RFID) exist which can be applied to the indoor localization problem. Based on the measured distances (with a chosen technique), the position of the object can be estimated using several mathematical methods. The precision of the estimated position crucially depends on the placement of the anchors, which makes the position estimate less reliable. In this paper a simulation framework is presented, which uses genetic algorithm and the multilateral method to determine an optimal anchor placement for a given pathway in an indoor environment. In order to make the simulation more realistic, the error characteristics of the DWM1001 UWB ranging module were measured and implemented in the simulation framework. Using the proposed framework, various measurements with an optimal and with a reference anchor placement were carried out. The results show that using an optimal anchor placement, a higher position estimation accuracy can be achieved

    Talajok könnyen felvehető bórkészletének meghatározására alkalmas kivonószer kidolgozása, az egyes talajtulajdonságok szerepének megállapítása = Development of soil extractant for determination of mobile boron contents, and establish of the role of some soil properties

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    Következtetések: * A standard eljárásnak tekintett forró vizes extrakcióval gyakorlatilag azonos eredményt szolgáltat a forró 0,01 M kalcium-klorid oldat alkalmazása * A szobahőmérsékleten alkalmazott kivonószerek közül a legjobb eredményt az 1 M ammónium-acetát (pH=4,8) alkalmazásával kaptuk. * Hasonlóan jól használhatónak találtuk a Lakanen-Erviö módszert, amelynél az extrakciót 0,5 M ammónium-acetát és 0,02 M EDTA közös oldatával (pH=4,65) végezzük el. A lucerna bórtartalma a legszorosabb összefüggést a talaj forró vízzel extrahálható bórkoncentrációjával mutatja. Gyakorlatilag ezzel azonos eredményt szolgáltat a forró 0,01 M CaCl2 használata. Jól jellemzi a lucerna bórfelvételét mind az 1 M ammónium-acetát oldat (pH=4,8), mind pedig a Lakanen-Erviö extrahálószer (0,5 M ammónium-acetát + 0,02 M EDTA oldat; pH=4,65). A forró 0,01 M CaCl2 oldat éppen annyira alkalmatlan a sorozatvizsgálatra, mint a forró víz, el kell tekintenünk attól, hogy ez szolgáltatta a forró vízzel a legszorosabb összefüggést. Végső következtetésként megállapítható, hogy a talajok mobilis bórkészletének a meghatározására mind az 1 M ammónium-acetát oldat (pH=4,8), mind pedig a Lakanen-Erviö extrahálószer eredményesen felhasználható. | Conclusions: * The hot 0,01 M CaCl2 extractant for the determination plant available boron content of soils give the plactically same results as the standard hot water boron extraction method. * The most suitable boron extractant for the room temperature application is the 1 M ammonium acetate (pH=4,8) solution. * To a similar good results lead the application of Lakanen-Erviö extractant (a joint solution of 0,5 M ammonium acetate and 0,02 M EDTA (pH=4,65)). The strongest relationship between boron concentration of alfalfa (luzerne) and hot water extractable boron content was found. Practically the same results were observed by the usage of hot 0,01 M CaCl2 solution. Both of the 1 M ammonium acetate (pH=4,8) solution and the Lakanen-Erviö solution extractable boron are in a strong correlation of the boron uptake of plant. Unfortunatelly the hot 0,01 M CaCl2 solution is unsuitable for the routine serial analysis like the hot water, that is why this results must be ignored. As a final cunclusion we can state, that for the determination of plant available boron content of soils are both of the the 1 M ammonium acetate (pH=4,8) solution and the Lakanen-Erviö solution suitable

    European Spatial Structure

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    Europe's spatial structure is very special. Moreover, the structure is undergoing a continous transformation. We were looking for the areas which are the winners and the losers in this process. We used different approaches and pointed out the causes and context of differences. Finally, we showed which were the core areas of Europe in economic terms based on the methods used, and how they confirmed the previous modeling studies