14 research outputs found

    Examination of the causes of mortality in non-beak-trimmed pure line laying hens with special regard to aggression

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    The experiment was started with 1,508 Rhode Island Red (RIR) and 1,820 Rhode Island White (RIW) type non-beak-trimmed day-old pullets, which were originated from 58 RIR and 70 RIW different pedigree cocks, respectively. From all of the 128 cocks 26 half sibling offspring were tested. The pure line pullets were raised up to 18 weeks of age in a closed building, in deep litter pens and moved to the laying house and placed into three types of keeping systems [furnished cage, alternative pen (litter and floor) and conventional cage] thereafter. The number of dead birds and the cause of mortality were recorded daily during the whole rearing and egg-laying period, up to 72 weeks of age. During the rearing period the most frequent cause of mortality was wasting, which accounted for nearly 36% of the total mortality. Aggression was responsible for 28.3% of the total mortality. Depending on the type of the pullets (RIR or RIW), differences were observed in the frequency of occurrence of mortality causes. For example, oedema and beak deformation occurred only in the RIR, whereas technological injury and aggression only in the RIW pullets during the rearing period. During the egg-laying period aggression was the most common cause of mortality. Its lowest occurrence was observed in the alternative pens. In both of the examined types there were found cocks, whose offspring died exclusively by aggression, and cocks, whose offspring did not show any loss due to aggression. The ratio of these cocks differed significantly (P<0.05) between the two types examined. Based on the results it was established that the genetic background has significant effect on the mortality caused by aggression in non-beak-trimmed laying hens.A szerzők a vizsgálatukat 1508 Rhode Island Red (RIR) és 1820 Rhode Island White (RIW) nem csőrkurtított naposjércével kezdték meg, melyek 58 RIR és 70 RIW pedigré kakastól származtak. Mind a 128 kakastól 26 utódot (jércét) állítottak kísérletbe. A jércék 18 hetes életkorig tartó nevelése zárt épületben, mélyalmos fülkékben történt, majd ezt követően áttelepítették őket a tojóházba, ahol 72 hetes életkorig háromféle tartásmódban (berendezett ketrec, alternatív fülke és hagyományos ketrec) termeltették őket. A nevelés és a tojástermelés időszaka alatt napi rendszerességgel regisztrálták az elhullott állatok számát és az elhullások okát. Az eredmények alapján megállapították, hogy a nevelési időszak alatti leggyakoribb elhullási ok az eléhezés volt, ami az összes elhullás közel 36%-áért volt felelős. Emellett még az agresszió okozta kiesés volt jelentős arányban (28,3%) megfigyelhető. A jércék típusától (RIR vagy RIW) függően különbségeket lehetett megfigyelni az egyes elhullási okok előfordulási gyakoriságában. Például, amíg a vizenyő és a ferde csőr miatti kiesés csak a Vörös Rhode jércéknél, addig a technológiai sérülés és az agresszió okozta elhullás csak a Fehér Rhode jércéknél fordult elő a nevelés során. A tojástermelési időszak alatt a leggyakoribb elhullási ok az agresszió volt. Az agresszióra visszavezethető elhullás az alternatív fülkékben fordult elő a legkisebb mértékben. Mindkét vizsgált típusban találtak olyan kakasokat, amelyek utódai kizárólag agresszivitásra visszavezethető okból estek ki a termelésből, de olyanokat is, amelyek utódai között egyáltalán nem fordult elő agresszivitásra visszavezethető elhullás. Ezeknek a kakasoknak az aránya szignifikáns (P<0,05) eltérést mutatott a két vizsgált típus között. Ezek a vizsgálati eredmények azt igazolják, hogy a genetikai háttérnek jelentős hatása van az agresszivitásból eredő elhullások arányának alakulására a nem csőrkurtított tojótyúk állományokban

    A Recurrent Suprapituitary Ependymal Cyst Managed by Endoscopy-Assisted Transsphenoidal Surgery in a Canine: A Case Report

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    A 9-years-old spayed female mixed-breed dog was referred for the evaluation of intermittent head tremors, obtundation, long-standing blindness, and a tendency to seek confined spaces. The dog lost its vision 6 months before the current presentation. A menace response was absent on ophthalmological examination. Neurological examination did not show any abnormalities. A cyst measuring 16 Ă— 18 Ă— 14 mm was observed above the pituitary gland on magnetic resonance imaging. It extended toward the frontal area and compressed the optic chiasm and hypothalamic regions. A minimum preoperative database, including the findings of other required blood tests, was prepared. No abnormal laboratory findings were observed. Endoscopy-assisted transsphenoidal hypophysectomy was performed to remove the pituitary gland, drain the cyst, and partially excise the cyst wall. Normal pituitary gland tissue was observed on histopathology, and the mass was found to have a neuroendocrine or ependymal origin on cytology. Strict post-operative laboratory tests were performed at 1-h intervals for 24 h. An empty sella turcica region, and a collapsed and empty cyst wall was observed on follow-up magnetic resonance imaging. After 3 days of observation, the dog was discharged with a prescription of substitution therapy. However, the dog presented with the same signs and symptoms 73 days after the surgery. Cyst recurrence was apparent on magnetic resonance imaging. The owner requested euthanasia, and an ependymal cyst was observed on necropsy. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first case of an intra- and suprasellar ependymal cyst, and its surgical management in a canine. The findings from this case suggest that endoscopic transsphenoidal drainage and hypophysectomy could be a good surgical approach in cases where involvement of the pituitary gland is confirmed or strongly suspected on the basis of cytological and imaging findings

    Transcriptional Alterations by Ischaemic Postconditioning in a Pig Infarction Model: Impact on Microvascular Protection

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    Although the application of cardioprotective ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R) stimuli after myocardial infarction (MI) is a promising concept for salvaging the myocardium, translation to a clinical scenario has not fulfilled expectations. We have previously shown that in pigs, ischaemic postconditioning (IPostC) reduces myocardial oedema and microvascular obstruction (MVO), without influencing myocardial infarct size. In the present study, we analyzed the mechanisms underlying the IPostC-induced microvascular protection by transcriptomic analysis, followed by pathway analysis. Closed-chest reperfused MI was induced by 90 min percutaneous balloon occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery, followed by balloon deflation in anaesthetised pigs. Animals were randomised to IPostC (n = 8), MI (non-conditioned, n = 8), or Control (sham-operated, n = 4) groups. After three hours or three days follow-up, myocardial tissue samples were harvested and subjected to RNA-seq analysis. Although the transcriptome analysis revealed similar expression between IPostC and MI in transcripts involved in cardioprotective pathways, we identified gene expression changes responding to IPostC at the three days follow-up. Focal adhesion signaling, downregulated genes participating in cardiomyopathy and activation of blood cells may have critical consequences for microvascular protection. Specific analyses of the gene subsets enriched in the endothelium of the infarcted area, revealed strong deregulation of transcriptional functional clusters, DNA processing, replication and repair, cell proliferation, and focal adhesion, suggesting sustentative function in the endothelial cell layer protection and integrity. The spatial and time-dependent transcriptome analysis of porcine myocardium supports a protective effect of IPostC on coronary microvasculature post-MI

    Complex X chromosome rearrangement associated with multiorgan autoimmunity

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    BACKGROUND: Turner syndrome, a congenital condition that affects 1/2,500 births, results from absence or structural alteration of the second sex chromosome. Turner syndrome is usually associated with short stature, gonadal dysgenesis and variable dysmorphic features. The classical 45,X karyotype accounts approximately for half of all patients, the remainder exhibit mosaicism or structural abnormalities of the X chromosome. However, complex intra-X chromosomal rearrangements involving more than three breakpoints are extremely rare. RESULTS: We present a unique case of a novel complex X chromosome rearrangement in a young female patient presenting successively a wide range of autoimmune diseases including insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, celiac disease, anaemia perniciosa, possible inner ear disease and severe hair loss. For the genetic evaluation, conventional cytogenetic analysis and FISH with different X specific probes were initially performed. The complexity of these results and the variety of autoimmune problems of the patient prompted us to identify the exact composition and breakpoints of the rearranged X as well as methylation status of the X chromosomes. The high resolution array-CGH (assembly GRCh37/hg19) detected single copy for the whole chromosome X short arm. Two different sized segments of Xq arm were present in three copies: one large size of 80,3 Mb from Xq11.1 to Xq27.3 region and another smaller (11,1 Mb) from Xq27.3 to Xq28 region. An 1,6 Mb Xq27.3 region of the long arm was present in two copies. Southern blot analysis identified a skewed X inactivation with approximately 70:30 % ratios of methylated/unmethylated fragments. The G-band and FISH patterns of the rearranged X suggested the aspect of a restructured i(Xq) chromosome which was shattered and fortuitously repaired. The X-STR genotype analysis of the family detected that the patient inherited intact maternal X chromosome and a rearranged paternal X chromosome. The multiple Xq breakages and fusions as well as inverted duplication would have been expected to cause a severe Turner phenotype. However, the patient lacks many of the classic somatic features of Turner syndrome, instead she presented multiorgan autoimmune diseases. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical data of the presented patient suggest that fragmentation of the i(Xq) chromosome elevates the risk of autoimmune diseases

    In vivo MRI and ex vivo histological assessment of the cardioprotection induced by ischemic preconditioning, postconditioning and remote conditioning in a closed-chest porcine model of reperfused acute myocardial infarction: importance of microvasculature

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    BACKGROUND: Cardioprotective value of ischemic post- (IPostC), remote (RIC) conditioning in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is unclear in clinical trials. To evaluate cardioprotection, most translational animal studies and clinical trials utilize necrotic tissue referred to the area at risk (AAR) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, determination of AAR by MRI' may not be accurate, since MRI-indices of microvascular damage, i.e., myocardial edema and microvascular obstruction (MVO), may be affected by cardioprotection independently from myocardial necrosis. Therefore, we assessed the effect of IPostC, RIC conditioning and ischemic preconditioning (IPreC; positive control) on myocardial necrosis, edema and MVO in a clinically relevant, closed-chest pig model of AMI. METHODS AND RESULTS: Acute myocardial infarction was induced by a 90-min balloon occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) in domestic juvenile female pigs. IPostC (6 x 30 s ischemia/reperfusion after 90-min occlusion) and RIC (4 x 5 min hind limb ischemia/reperfusion during 90-min LAD occlusion) did not reduce myocardial necrosis as assessed by late gadolinium enhancement 3 days after reperfusion and by ex vivo triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining 3 h after reperfusion, however, the positive control, IPreC (3 x 5 min ischemia/reperfusion before 90-min LAD occlusion) did. IPostC and RIC attenuated myocardial edema as measured by cardiac T2-weighted MRI 3 days after reperfusion, however, AAR measured by Evans blue staining was not different among groups, which confirms that myocardial edema is not a measure of AAR, IPostC and IPreC but not RIC decreased MVO. CONCLUSION: We conclude that IPostC and RIC interventions may protect the coronary microvasculature even without reducing myocardial necrosis

    Study on performance traits of laying hens with crossing the White Leghorn and the Rhode Island breeds: Review

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    The current steady increase in the global population is accompanied by a dramatic growth in demand for food, whose satisfaction relies heavily on animal protein sources. Poultry farming is already mankind’s key source of protein. Changes in consumer habits combined with the negative impacts of climate change are posing new challenges to poultry breeding companies today. Certain traits properties relating to egg production among offspring groups resulting from the crossing of the White Leghorn and the Rhode Island breeds show improvements relative to the corresponding properties of pure-bred offspring. This literature review is aimed at summing up experiments focusing on White Leghorn and Rhode Island crosses in terms of the main traits properties relating to egg production. Experiments involving the crossing of the White Leghorn and Rhode Island breeds tend to occur mainly during pure-bred poultry breeding. Studies discussing the performance of groups of offspring of White Leghorn (WL) and Rhode Island (RI) breeds, without analysing physiological types of experiments, have been few and far between in the past 20 years. Most of the few such studies originate from countries of the third world focusing in most cases on matters of feeding. This is explained, for the most part, by the fact that in the current period of modern poultry farming, only the world’s top breeding companies are in possession of high performance Leghorn and Rhode lines and they seldom ever publish scientific papers allowing glimpse into breeders’ development or strategic activities of breeders.The current steady increase in the global population is accompanied by a dramatic growth in demand for food, whose satisfaction relies heavily on animal protein sources. Poultry farming is already mankind’s key source of protein. Changes in consumer habits combined with the negative impacts of climate change are posing new challenges to poultry breeding companies today. Certain traits properties relating to egg production among offspring groups resulting from the crossing of the White Leghorn and the Rhode Island breeds show improvements relative to the corresponding properties of pure-bred offspring. This literature review is aimed at summing up experiments focusing on White Leghorn and Rhode Island crosses in terms of the main traits properties relating to egg production. Experiments involving the crossing of the White Leghorn and Rhode Island breeds tend to occur mainly during pure-bred poultry breeding. Studies discussing the performance of groups of offspring of White Leghorn (WL) and Rhode Island (RI) breeds, without analysing physiological types of experiments, have been few and far between in the past 20 years. Most of the few such studies originate from countries of the third world focusing in most cases on matters of feeding. This is explained, for the most part, by the fact that in the current period of modern poultry farming, only the world’s top breeding companies are in possession of high performance Leghorn and Rhode lines and they seldom ever publish scientific papers allowing glimpse into breeders’ development or strategic activities of breeders

    Increased circulating heat shock protein 70 (HSPA1A) levels in gestational diabetes mellitus: a pilot study.

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    Recent data indicate that serum Hsp70 (HSPA1A) levels are increased in type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. However, there is no report in the literature on circulating Hsp70 levels in gestational diabetes mellitus. In this pilot study, we measured serum Hsp70 levels in 11 pregnant women with pregestational diabetes, 38 women with gestational diabetes, and 40 healthy pregnant women with ELISA. Plasma glucose levels, serum insulin concentrations, HbA1c values, and the Homeostatic Model Assessment-Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) index were also determined. According to our results, serum Hsp70 concentrations were significantly higher in women with pregestational and gestational diabetes mellitus than in healthy pregnant women. In addition, pregestational diabetic women had significantly higher Hsp70 levels than those with gestational diabetes. Furthermore, in the group of women with gestational diabetes mellitus, serum Hsp70 levels showed a significant positive correlation with HbA1c values. However, there was no other relationship between clinical features and metabolic parameters of the study subjects and their serum Hsp70 levels in either study group. In conclusion, we demonstrated for the first time in the literature that serum Hsp70 levels are increased and correlate with HbA1c values in women with gestational diabetes mellitus. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to determine whether circulating Hsp70 plays a causative role in the pathogenesis of gestational diabetes or elevated serum Hsp70 levels are only consequences of the disease

    Examination of the Usage of a New Beak-Abrasive Material in Different Laying Hen Genotypes (Preliminary Results)

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    The aim of the experiment was to investigate the use and effect of a new beak-abrasive material not yet examined on mortality of non-beak trimmed laying hens of different genotypes housed in an alternative pen. The study was performed on 636 females belonging to three genotypes of Bábolna TETRA Ltd. (a1 = commercial brown layer hybrid (C); a2 = purebred male line offspring group (maternal); a3 = purebfigure ed female line offspring group (paternal)). A total of 318 hens, i.e., 106 hens/genotype distributed in six pens (53 hens/pen), were evaluated. Cylindrical beak-abrasive blocks of 5.3–5.6 kg were suspended (0.1–0.4 mm diameter gravel, limestone grit, lime hydrate, and cement mixture) in six alternative pens. In six control pens without abrasive material, 318 hens, i.e., 106 hens/genotype (2 pens control group/genotype, i.e., C1 = commercial brown layer hybrid, C2 = purebred male line offspring group, C3 = purebred female line offspring group; 53 hens/pen;) were placed where there were no beak-abrasive materials. The rate of change in the weight of the beak-abrasive materials and the mortality rate were recorded daily. In the six pens equipped with beak-abrasive materials, infrared cameras were installed, and 24 h recordings were made. The number of individuals pecking the beak-abrasive material, the time and duration of dealing with the material were recorded. Data coming from one observation day are given. During the 13 experimental weeks of observation, the weight loss of beak-abrasives differed significantly in the different genotypes (a1 = 27.4%; a2 = 29.6%; a3 = 56.6%). During the only day analyzed, the hens from all the genotypes mostly stayed between 17:00 and 21:00 h in the littered scratching area where the beak-abrasive material was placed (a1 = 48.4%; a2 = 49.2%; a3 = 54.4%). In the case of each genotype, the rate of the hens dealing with beak-abrasives in the first two periods of the day was relatively low (0.2%–0.7%). Peaks of the activity were between 17:00 and 21:00 (a1 = 0.8%; a2 = 1.3%; a3 = 1.8%). The a3 dealt with the beak-abrasive materials to a significantly greater extent in the period from 13:00 to 17:00 (0.8%) and from 17:00 to 21:00 (1.8%) than the a1 (0.2% and 0.8%, respectively). Due to the use of the beak-abrasive materials, the mortality rate decreased the most in the genotypes that used them (a1 with beak-abrasive material 0.0% vs. C1 9.4%; a2 with beak-abrasive material 2.9% vs. C2 12.4%; a3 with beak-abrasive material) 15.4% vs. C3 5.7%). It can be concluded that the insertion of beak-abrasive materials increased the behavioral repertoire of hens, which is particularly beneficial from an animal welfare point of view. Further and longer-term research is needed to determine whether the insertion of the beak-abrasive material has a beneficial effect on the mortality data of the experimental groups through enrichment, either through physical abrasion of the beak or both