301 research outputs found

    Computer Aided Processing of Industrial Radiographs

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    The main purpose of this article is to show a method, which allows digital storage, retrieval and transmission through computer network of radiographs. The complex system based on X-ray image database realises computer aided evaluation of industrial records in radiology. In addition it gives an efficient assistance for digitization, display, archiving and interactive evaluation of images giving substantial aid for radiologists. In the first part the versatile system is described, enumerating the main features it provides, in the second part I show the opportunity of automatic evaluation by the help of knowledge-based vision. The system was developed for the Hungarian Gas Company Gázmûvek Rt., and the radiographs of power plant of Újpest are digitised and stored in the database

    A spatiotemporal stochastic framework of groundwater fluctuation analysis on the South - Eastern part of the great Hungarian plain

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    The current study was performed on a Hungarian area where the groundwater has been highly affected in the past 40 years by climate change. The stochastic estimation framework of groundwater as a spatiotemporally varying dynamic phenomenon is proposed. The probabilistic estimation of the water depth is performed as a joint realization of spatially correlated hydrographs, where parametric temporal trend models are fitted to the measured time series thereafter regionalized in space. Two types of trend models are evaluated. Due to its simplicity the purely mathematical trend can be used to analyze long-term groundwater trends, the average water fluctuation range and to determine the most probable date of peak groundwater level. The one which takes advantage of the knowledge of expected groundwater changes, clearly over performed the purely mathematical model, and it is selected for the construction of a spatiotemporal trend. Model fitting error values are considered as a set of stochastic time series which expresses short-term anomalies of the groundwater, and they are modelled as joint space-time distribution. The resulting spatiotemporal residual field is added to the trend field, thus resulting 125 simulated realizations, which are evaluated probabilistically. The high number of joint spatiotemporal realizations provides alternative groundwater datasets as boundary conditions for a wide variety of environmental models, while the presented procedure behaves more robust over non-complete datasets

    Dunántúli tölgyek gesztesedési folyamatai

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    The two main parts of a log, sapwood and heartwood, have different properties. With regard to utilization in the wood industry, the latter is of great importance because of its higher durability and better mechanical properties. In case of wood species with colored heartwood, this fact is considered through the removal of the sapwood. This is especially true for oak, which is one of the most valuable dominant hardwood species in Hungary that prefers full sunlight and has a wide range of utilization. More than one third of the domestic wood volume consists of oak species. The heartwood formation process of oak – just like in any other wood species – is influenced by many factors. Perhaps the most important is the genetic features of the tree, namely the wood species. There are several external determinative factors, however, like the growing conditions and ecological circumstances (geographical situation, climate, site, hydrology, etc.). Unfortunately, the effect of the circumstances is usually not taken in account despite its high importance. In terms of the quality improvement of oak stands, the examination of the relationship between heartwood-sapwood ratio and environmental factors can be a new approa ch. Increasing heartwood ratio, among numerous other benefits, primarily results in economic asset, therefore the investigation of the heartwood formation rate cannot be neglected. To confirm this statement, the present study demonstrates that the geographic situation of forest stands is an impor tant factor in the heartwood formation process

    Coordination of cell division and differentiation in plants in comparison to animals

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    During animal and plant development all cells are originated from a single fertilized oocyte, the zygote. To generate an adult organism from the single-celled zygote many rounds of cell division are required to be completed. Cell division is manifested through a well-defined series of molecular and cellular events that is often referred as the cell cycle. Studies in various model organisms demonstrated that the eukaryotic cell cycle is regulated in a conserved manner with cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) in the centre. It is widely believed that cells must exit the cell cycle for cell differentiation. Accordingly, cell division and differentiation do not happen at the same time. The main questions in developmental biology are how these processes are coordinated during development, how do cells stop division before differentiation, and why and how cells maintain or re-initiate cell division activity? Recent studies indicate direct links between molecular cell cycle and cell differentiation machineries. The basic mechanisms regulating the balance between cell proliferation and differentiation are remarkably similar in plants and animals despite their fundamentally different developmental strategies. There is considerable dissimilarity, however, in the upstream signalling pathways affecting this balance in developmental and environmental contexts. In this chapter we focus our attention on the molecular regulatory mechanism controlling and coordinating cell division and differentiation both in animals and plants with emphasis on the entry and exit points of the cell cycle

    Nocturia | Nocturia

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    Absztrakt A nocturia a mai napig egy jelentős mértékben alábecsült panasz, amelynek kapcsán az érintett személy életminősége minden tekintetben romlik, ezzel párhuzamosan morbiditása és mortalitása növekszik. Hátterében számos urológiai és egyéb, például belgyógyászati kórok is állhat, amelyek közt súlyos kimenetelű megbetegedések is szerepelnek. Fentiek miatt javasolt a nocturia részletes kivizsgálása és célirányos kezelése. Jelen dolgozatban a szerzők összefoglalják a nocturiával kapcsolatos ismereteiket. A PubMed és a ScienceDirect adatbázisa alapján áttekintik a nocturiával kapcsolatos nemzetközi szakirodalmat és összegzik a releváns információkat. Részletesen elemzik a nocturia előfordulási gyakoriságát, annak okait és kedvezőtlen hatásait, továbbá kitérnek a diagnosztikai és a kezelési lehetőségekre. Megállapítják, hogy sok esetben az életmódváltás és a klasszikus gyógyszeres terápia enyhítheti a tüneteket, de éjszakai polyuria esetén dezmopresszinnel érhető el klinikailag szignifikáns javulás. A nocturia potenciálisan negatív hatással van az egyén életminőségére, sőt negatív társadalmi hatásai is vannak. A korai felismerés és a megfelelő kezelés elengedhetetlen. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(36), 1419–1426. | Abstract Nocturia is a significantly underestimated disorder, resulting in general worsening of patients’ quality of life, while morbidity and mortality are increasing. Several urologic and other pathologic causes can be described in the background including relatively severe conditions. Therefore, accurate evaluation and adequate treatment is recommended. In this review the authors summarize the international literature regarding nocturia. PubMed and ScienceDirect databases were accurately reviewed for the relevant information. Epidemiology, etiology, unfavourable effects, diagnosis and possible treatment options were analysed. They found that symptoms can be releaved by lifestyle changes and traditional therapy in several cases, but clinically significant improvement can be reached using desmopressin in patients suffering from nocturnal polyuria. The authors conclude that nocturia may have negative effects on patients’ quality of life and also on the society. Early detection and proper treatment is essential. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(36), 1419–1426

    A kormányzás háttérintézményei : amerikai és európai példák – I. rész

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    In memoriam Pintér László (1942–2002)

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