42 research outputs found

    Digitization Methods of Grinding Pins for Technological Process Planning

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    The paper presents different techniques for digitizing grinding pins and discusses the use of digitalized pins and the results of measurements in technological process planning (TPP), focusing on the challenges of the digital era. It describes the potential of different measuring devices, taking into account the digitization of a real tool shape into virtual 2D and 3D models. The following methods for measuring grinding pins are presented in the study: contact and non-contact coordinate measurements – performed on coordinate measuring machines (CMM); optical measurements on microscopes (i.e. focus-variation technique); optical measurements using tool presetters; optical measurements with measuring arm; laser micrometer measurements; and laser triangulation sensor measurements. Moreover, the use of testers which are applied in contour measurements is analyzed. On the basis of the presented methods, taking into account their possibilities and limitations, we discuss how the obtained digital data can be used in the planning of technological processes.publishedVersio

    Permafrost Landscape History Shapes Fluvial Chemistry, Ecosystem Carbon Balance, and Potential Trajectories of Future Change

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    Intensifying permafrost thaw alters carbon cycling by mobilizing large amounts of terrestrial substrate into aquatic ecosystems. Yet, few studies have measured aquatic carbon fluxes and constrained drivers of ecosystem carbon balance across heterogeneous Arctic landscapes. Here, we characterized hydrochemical and landscape controls on fluvial carbon cycling, quantified fluvial carbon fluxes, and estimated fluvial contributions to ecosystem carbon balance across 33 watersheds in four ecoregions in the continuous permafrost zone of the western Canadian Arctic: unglaciated uplands, ice-rich moraine, and organic-rich lowlands and till plains. Major ions, stable isotopes, and carbon speciation and fluxes revealed patterns in carbon cycling across ecoregions defined by terrain relief and accumulation of organics. In previously unglaciated mountainous watersheds, bicarbonate dominated carbon export (70% of total) due to chemical weathering of bedrock. In lowland watersheds, where soil organic carbon stores were largest, lateral transport of dissolved organic carbon (50%) and efflux of biotic CO2 (25%) dominated. In watersheds affected by thaw-induced mass wasting, erosion of ice-rich tills enhanced chemical weathering and increased particulate carbon fluxes by two orders of magnitude. From an ecosystem carbon balance perspective, fluvial carbon export in watersheds not affected by thaw-induced wasting was, on average, equivalent to 6%–16% of estimated net ecosystem exchange (NEE). In watersheds affected by thaw-induced wasting, fluvial carbon export approached 60% of NEE. Because future intensification of thermokarst activity will amplify fluvial carbon export, determining the fate of carbon across diverse northern landscapes is a priority for constraining trajectories of permafrost region ecosystem carbon balance

    Meta-analysis of the detection of plant pigment concentrations using hyperspectral remotely sensed data

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    Passive optical hyperspectral remote sensing of plant pigments offers potential for understanding plant ecophysiological processes across a range of spatial scales. Following a number of decades of research in this field, this paper undertakes a systematic meta-analysis of 85 articles to determine whether passive optical hyperspectral remote sensing techniques are sufficiently well developed to quantify individual plant pigments, which operational solutions are available for wider plant science and the areas which now require greater focus. The findings indicate that predictive relationships are strong for all pigments at the leaf scale but these decrease and become more variable across pigment types at the canopy and landscape scales. At leaf scale it is clear that specific sets of optimal wavelengths can be recommended for operational methodologies: total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a quantification is based on reflectance in the green (550–560nm) and red edge (680–750nm) regions; chlorophyll b on the red, (630–660nm), red edge (670–710nm) and the near-infrared (800–810nm); carotenoids on the 500–580nm region; and anthocyanins on the green (550–560nm), red edge (700–710nm) and near-infrared (780–790nm). For total chlorophyll the optimal wavelengths are valid across canopy and landscape scales and there is some evidence that the same applies for chlorophyll a

    Problemy metaplantacji gatunków chronionych na przykładzie mikołajka nadmorskiego (Eryngium maritimum L.) i kruszczyka rdzawoczerwonego (Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser)

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    In June 2005 metaplantation of Eryngium maritimum and Epipactis atrorubens, from the build area of the Gdańsk Container Terminal into Sobieszewska Island was carried out. The reason for that immediate action was the unreliable report of the influence of investment on the environment, in which the mentioned above species have not been included. Metaplantation was conducted during one day time, by 21 volunteers. Altogether, 146 individuals of Sea Holly and 184 ones of Dark Red Helleborine have been translocated. Detailed measurements of each individual were made. On the new site, all planted individuals were permanently labelled. The newly constituted populations have been taken under monitoring. With regard to species of special concern, metaplantation of threatened populations seems to be the most beneficial form of nature compensation expected from the investors. Still, there are no unambiguous procedures for its executing.Rozwoj gospodarczy i związana z tym nasilająca się antropopresja powodują istotne przekształcenia środowiska przyrodniczego na rożnych poziomach jego organizacji: ekosystemalnym, biocenotycznym i gatunkowym. Zgodnie z obowiązującą w Polsce polityką zrównoważonego rozwoju zmiany te, często nieuniknione, powinny być poprzedzone działaniami minimalizującymi ich skutki. W związku z tym podejmowane są działania czynnej ochrony przyrody. Jedną z tych metod, która dotyczy ochrony ginących i zagrożonych gatunków roślin, jest metaplantacja. Według „Poradnika ochrony siedlisk i gatunków Natura 2000” (Sudnik- Wojcikowska i Stebel 2004) metaplantacja to: „metoda ochrony gatunków ginących, polegająca na przenoszeniu roślin i zwierząt z zagrożonych stanowisk naturalnych na stanowiska zastępcze”. W czerwcu 2005 roku przeprowadzona została metaplantacja populacji Eryngium maritimum i Epipactis atrorubens z terenu budowy terminalu kontenerowego Portu Północnego w Gdańsku na Wyspę Sobieszewską. Przygotowanie i przeprowadzenie metaplantacji musiało odbyć się bardzo szybko ze względu na rozpoczęte już prace budowlane. Tak późne rozpoczęcie starań o uratowanie lokalnych populacji obu gatunków wynikało z nierzetelnie sporządzonego raportu oddziaływania inwestycji na środowisko, w którym wyżej wymienione gatunki nie zostały uwzględnione. Metaplantację przeprowadzono w ciągu jednego dnia, a wzięło w niej udział 21 wolontariuszy. Ogółem przeniesiono 146 okazów mikołajka nadmorskiego i 184 kruszczyka rdzawoczerwonego. Wykonano szczegółowe pomiary każdego przenoszonego okazu. Na nowym stanowisku posadzono i trwale oznakowano wszystkie przeniesione rośliny. Nowo powstałe populacje objęte zostały monitoringiem. W przypadku gatunków szczególnej troski metaplantacja zagrożonych populacji wydaje się najkorzystniejszą formą kompensacji przyrodniczej, wymaganej od inwestorów. Nadal brak jest jednak jasno określonych procedur jej przeprowadzania

    Courts as Gate Keepers in Managed Care Settings

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    Recently, a court ordered that a woman convicted for driving while intoxicated receive alcohol treatment.1 The managed care company responsible for administering the program that was to treat her denied payment. A representative of the company, commenting on its decision, was quoted as saying that “treatment is not medically necessary [simply] because it is courtordered.” 2 This dispute illustrates a type of conflict thatmay become increasingly common as government contracts with private managed care companies to administer publicly financed human services programs in which judges function as primary gatekeepers. This conflict and suggestions for resolving it are the subject of this Commentary