7 research outputs found

    Realization of National Programme of Municipal Wastewater Treatment and the quality of surface water in Poland

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    One of the aims of improving water quality, resulting directly from the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, is to achieve in 2015, at least good status for all waters in the country. Following the adoption by Poland of the Water Framework Directive assessment of the economic and general cleanliness of water was replaced by an assessment of ecological status. In this way, the analysis of water status shall be treated as not only economic resources, but primarily as part of the ecosystem. The most important from the standpoint of human health protection, is the quality of water intended for human consumption.In the document „The purity of rivers based on the results of tests carried out within the national environmental monitoring in 2007–2009” is given that: – only 10.6% of the surface of flowing water meets the requirements of collective waters used for water supply for drinking, – up 28.7% of the length of monitored water is too polluted for them mildest demands posed conditioned needs of the economy. The decrease in water quality was affected by the physico-chemical pollutants such as pH, total suspension, manganese, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), CODCr, BOD5 and TOC. Large impact on reducing water quality category also had microbial contamination, the number of fecal coliform bacteria, fecal streptococci and total coliforms

    The Effectiveness of Organic Pollutants Removal in Constructed Wetland with Horizontal Sub-Surface Flow / Efektywność Usuwania Zanieczyszczeń Organicznych W Oczyszczalni Hydrofitowej

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące efektywności usuwania ze ścieków zanieczyszczeń organicznych w oczyszczalni hydrofitowej. Średnia skuteczność oczyszczania wyrażona jako obniżenie wartości ChZT w ściekach była na poziomie 77%, dla BZT5 80%, a dla OWO 82%. Analizowano również wpływ sezonowych zmian temperatury oraz okresu wegetacji i spoczynku roślin na skuteczność oczyszczania ścieków. Wyniki badań wykazały obniżenie efektywności usuwania zanieczyszczeń organicznych ze ścieków wyrażonych przez ChZT i BZT5 oraz zawiesiny ogólnej w okresie jesienno-zimowym. W okresie wegetacyjnym obiekt w Małyszynie charakteryzował się efektywnością oczyszczania ścieków na poziomie: 78% dla ChZT, 82% dla BZT5, a w sezonie pozawegetacyjnym skuteczność uległa obniżeniu do 75% w przypadku ChZT oraz 74% dla BZT5. Zawiesina ogólna w okresie wegetacji trzciny usuwana była w 88%, a w okresie powegetacyjnym w 69%

    Evaluation of Biodegradability of Waste Before and After Aerobic Treatment

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    An important advantage of use of an aerobic biostabilization of waste prior to its disposal is that it intensifies the decomposition of the organic fraction of waste into the form which is easily assimilable for methanogenic microorganisms involved in anaerobic decomposition of waste in the landfill. In this article it is presented the influence of aerobic pre-treatment of waste as well as leachate recirculation on susceptibility to biodegradation of waste in anaerobic laboratory reactors. The research has shown that in the reactor with aerobically treated waste stabilized with recilculation conversion of the organic carbon into the methane is about 45% higher than in the reactor with untreated waste stabilized without recirculation

    The influence of preliminary aerobic treatment on the efficacy of waste stabilisation under leachate recirculation conditions

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    This article presents the changes in the chemical composition of leachate and the concentrations and quantity of methane production in each individual decomposition phases, determined for untreated and after aerobic treatment of waste stabilised in anaerobic reactors with and without leachate recirculation. The research results demonstrate that leachate recirculation intensifies the decomposition of both aerobically treated and untreated waste. The methane production in the reactor with untreated, stabilised waste with recirculation was 28% higher; and in the reactor with aerobically treated waste, the methane production was 24% higher than in the reactors without recirculation. An important finding of the study is that aerobic treatment of waste prior to landfilling effectively reduces the quantity of pollutant emissions in leachate and biogas from waste and increases the availability for methane micro-organisms of organic substrates from difficult-to-decompose organic substances

    Impact of Fertilisation with Sewage Sludge on the Content of Lead in Salix Viminalis Biomass

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    Sewage sludge is considered to be high quality fertilizer. Therefore, in Poland, it is used to fertilize energy plants. On the one hand, it allows using large amount of sewage sludge on the other hand it contributes to the production of renewable energy

    Impact of Fertilisation with Sewage Sludge on the Content of Lead in Salix Viminalis Biomass

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    Sewage sludge is considered to be high quality fertilizer. Therefore, in Poland, it is used to fertilize energy plants. On the one hand, it allows using large amount of sewage sludge on the other hand it contributes to the production of renewable energy