14 research outputs found
Traitement chirurgical par plaque à compression des fractures de Galeazzi chez l’adulte: À propos de 28 cas
La fracture de Galeazzi associe une fracture diaphysaire du radius ou des deux os de l'avant bras à une luxation de l'articulation radio ulnairedistale. Décrite en 1934, sa fréquence varie chez l'adulte entre 2,7% et 6,8% de l'ensemble des fractures de l'avant bras. Le traitement admis defaçon consensuel chez l'adulte est chirurgical reposant sur une ostéosynthèse stable par une plaque vissée de compression dynamique associée ou non à un embrochage de la radio ulnaire distale. Nous rapportons dans notre étude les résultats cliniques de 28 patients colligés au service de traumatologie et orthopédie A du CHU Hassan II de Fès sur une période de 06 ans. L'âge moyen de nos patients était de 30 ans avecprédominance masculine de 90%; tous nos patients ont présenté un traumatisme de poignet lors d'un accident de sport. Le côté droit était atteint dans 75 % des cas. Le bilan radiologique objectiva une fracture diaphysaire du raduis associée à une luxation radio ulnaire distale; nous avons adopté la classification de de Mansat. Le traitement a consisté en une synthèse par une plaque vissée dynamique associée à un embrochage transversal chez six patients qui ont présenté une instabilité de la radio ulnaire distale. L'immobilisation par attelle plâtrée postérieure BABP était de mise. Après un recul de 36 mois, nos résultats ont été très satisfaisants suivant le score de Mestdagh, avec bonne récupération de la mobilité du poignet et reprise de toute activité sportive
Study of strandings of the jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca in the Mediterranean coastline of Tetouan (NW of the Morocco)
Trabajo presentado en el 2nd Scientific Workshop PERSEUS, celebrado en Marrakesh del 2 al 4 de diciembre de 2014.For a decade, we noticed outbreaks of jellyfish strandings in the coastline of Tetouan especially during heat waves. To examine factors that may be responsible for the stranding of the jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål, 1775) in the coastline of Tetouan (occidental Mediterranean part of Morocco), a monthly monitoring was done at 2 sites (M'diq and Martil) in the years 2011 and 2012. In this study the appearance of these organisms is studied in relation with the tidal currents, wind currents (East wind), weather conditions of the area and physic-chemical parameters of seawater. The appearance of this jellyfish began in June (22.1° C) and reached the maximum of abundance or density in September (24.7° C) to disappear in October. This density fluctuation is correlated with changes in ambient temperature. Analysis of the structure of the population size (umbrella diameter) of the jellyfish shows a size range between 10 mm and 90 mm and an average of 49 mm. Other studies have also observed that the outbreak of the Medusa seems to be related to warm temperatures. Nevertheless, the different processes that are involved in the appearance of jellyfish in a specific coastal area operate at diverse time and spatial scales, which demand to take into account an wide perspective in order to analyze their population dynamics.N
A comparative study of marine zooplankton communities in the Tangier and M’Diq (Gibraltar strait) regions
This comparative study of mesozooplankton communities in the Tangier (Atlantic) and M’Diq (Mediterranean) regions was carried out in March, May and December 2006 and in May, July and November 2007. In both sectors, the zooplankton is mainly dominated by copepods, which represent 93% in Tangier and 87% in M’Diq, with respectively 85 species in 24 families and 81 divided into 22 families. Spatio-temporal analysis of Copepod specific richness data revealed highest values occurring in both areas during December 2006 and November 2007 with 36 and 30 species respectively. During other seasons, specific richness did not generally exceed 25 species. However, irrespective of area, the composition of the Copepoda population was usually dominated by Paracalanus parvus and Oncaea venusta. In terms of total density, the Atlantic is greater than the Mediterranean sector with a maximum density of 1093 ind.m-3 and 796 ind.m-3, respectively, recorded in July and May, 2007. The Shannon diversity index was calculated and indicated that the Copepod community is more stable and balanced in the Tangier region compared to the M’Diq area, and in 2007 compared to 2006. Moreover, seasonal variation is more marked in the Atlantic than in the Mediterranean area and in both sectors, the autumn season is characterized by a low productivity but high specific diversity
Carbon exchanges through the strait of Gibraltar
Symposium GLOBEC–IMBER España, Valencia, 28-30 marzo 2007Although the role of the ocean in global climate is not fully understood, there is general agreement that it is significant, particularly through its involvement in the exchange of CO2 with the atmosphere. It is well established that the atmospheric CO2 concentration has been increasing for many decades due to anthropogenic activities and although the ocean is believed to be removing much of it, the actual extent of CO2 uptake by the marine environment remains a question. Therefore, many efforts are being directed towards investigating the participation of the ocean in the carbon sequestration, the consequences of the CO2 rise on the marine ecosystems and the associated feedbacks with the terrestrial systems. In this sense, the European Integrated Project CARBOOCEAN is aimed at determining the ocean’s quantitative role for uptake of CO2 since the correct estimation of this sink is a fundamental necessary condition for all realistic prognostic climate simulations. As part of the project, the exchange of carbon through the Strait of Gibraltar is being studied since it is through this channel where both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean mix and interact, transferring substances and energy that must be considered in the assessment of matter inventories in the North Atlantic. Therefore, the variables involved in the CO2 system in the Strait of Gibraltar are currently being examined extensively in order to monitor their temporal variability and determine the mechanisms controlling the carbon fluxes between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean basin. This work presents the results obtained in five campaigns performed in the area that have allowed to estimate the fluxes of total inorganic carbon through the StraitN
Monitoring carbon Exchange at a times of change: observations at the GIFT (Gibraltar Fixed Time Series)
Trabajo presentado en la IMBeR Open Science Conference (Future Oceans: Research for marine sustainability: multiple stressors, drivers, challenges and solutions), celebrada en Bergen del 23 al 27 de junio de 2014.The Strait of Gibraltar, as the only connection of the Mediterranean Sea with the rest of theworld ́s oceans, represents the most suitable spot to track carbon exchange between basins. Water circulation in the Strait is characterized by an eastward surface inflow of Atlantic waters (AI) that is compensated by a deep outflow of Mediterranean waters (MOW), which abandons the basin towards the North Atlantic through the Gulf of Cadiz. This pattern of water exchange exhibits large fluctuations at different time scales, from seasonal and subinertial, both modulated by the change of atmospheric pressure in the Mediterranean basin, to tidal variability. The MOW and AI are the mixture of different water bodies that appear either intermittently or mixed in changing proportions throughout the year, which creates considerable spatial and temporal variations in the position and intensity of both water flows. This exchange of water masses with distinct thermohaline properties and carrying compounds at a different concentration influences the biogeochemical inventories of the Mediterranean and Atlantic basins. In particular, atmospheric CO2 capture in theregion and carbon transport through the channel are complex processes that are being monitored since 2005 at the Gibraltar Fixed Time Series (GIFT). In addition, a mooring linewas deployed at the GIFT in 2011 to examine the temporal variability of the carbon content in the Mediterranean water. The mooring line contains submersible autonomous sensors(SAMI-‐CO2 and SAMI-‐pH) to continuously record in situ pCO2 and pH. Data gathered at theGIFT is allowing us to identify relevant carbon cycle processes, such as ocean acidification, at a basin scale. Here we present a summary of the main results obtained in the area as a consequence of this monitoring program along with new records at a high temporal resolution. Data analysis has been preformed taking into account the variability in theproportion of the different water masses appearing in the Strait of Gibraltar.Peer reviewe