430 research outputs found

    Characteristic of intrafamily succession in Chinese family business from a knowledge and resource-based view

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    The thesis reviews relevant theories on family business and its succession firstly then summarizes the challenge of Chinese family business on the whole. It adopts the qualitative research method of a single-study, Mr. Zhang’s family business, and interviews on multi-stakeholder. It systematically analyses the characteristic of Chinese succession strategy, successor’s qualification, inside family training from a multi-stakeholders perspective. After the context analysis on interviewing result and summarizes of evolution of Chinese family business, it proposes that Chinese entrepreneurs have particular strategies on succession and foster program based on Chinese culture and social background. Chinese family business has high consciousness and realization requirement for a suitable successor. And over-stress and over-optimistic outcome on inside-family business training and lack of outside training can be a hidden uncertainty of intra-family succession and further prosperity of Chinese family business. Also, it puts forward the research limitations and future direction.A tese analisa teorias relevantes sobre negócios familiares e sua sucessão em primeiro lugar, em seguida, resume o desafio das empresas familiares chinesas em geral. Adota o método de pesquisa qualitativa de um estudo único, os negócios da família do Sr. Zhang e entrevistas com vários interessados. Analisa sistematicamente a característica da estratégia de sucessão chinesa, a qualificação do sucessor, dentro da formação familiar, a partir de uma perspectiva de múltiplas partes interessadas. Após a análise de contexto sobre o resultado da entrevista e resume a evolução do negócio familiar chinês, propõe que os empresários chineses tenham estratégias especiais de sucessão e fomentem programas baseados na cultura e no contexto social chineses; A empresa familiar chinesa possui alta exigência de consciência e realização para um sucessor adequado; o estresse excessivo e o resultado excessivamente otimista no treinamento de negócios dentro da família e a falta de treinamento externo podem ser uma incerteza oculta da sucessão intrafamiliar e da prosperidade adicional das empresas familiares chinesas. Além disso, apresenta as limitações da pesquisa e a direção futura

    Supervision Timing Simulation Analysis of Community E-commerce Platform Supply Chain Based on Tripartite Game Model

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    With the development of network and the popularity of e-commerce, the network service industry has shown strong development potential, and many community e-commerce platforms have emerged as the times require. In order to ensure the profit of the supply chain of community e-commerce platform and supervise whether the suppliers of enterprises and grid station service providers try their best to participate in value co-creation, this paper introduces the delay parameter a of community e-commerce platform, constructs a three-party evolutionary game model of "community e-commerce platform-grid station service provider-supplier", simulates the strategies of each agent with matlab, studies the behaviours of community e-commerce platform under different delay parameters, and concludes that the delay parameter a of community e-commerce platform has a great influence on the timing of community e-commerce platform supervision. Finally, three suggestions are put forward for the supervision of the supply chain of community e-commerce platform: (1) encourage consumers to report; (2) formulate the reward and punishment system for the settled enterprises; (3) formulating a reasonable supervision system

    Functional PCA and Deep Neural Networks-based Bayesian Inverse Uncertainty Quantification with Transient Experimental Data

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    Inverse UQ is the process to inversely quantify the model input uncertainties based on experimental data. This work focuses on developing an inverse UQ process for time-dependent responses, using dimensionality reduction by functional principal component analysis (PCA) and deep neural network (DNN)-based surrogate models. The demonstration is based on the inverse UQ of TRACE physical model parameters using the FEBA transient experimental data. The measurement data is time-dependent peak cladding temperature (PCT). Since the quantity-of-interest (QoI) is time-dependent that corresponds to infinite-dimensional responses, PCA is used to reduce the QoI dimension while preserving the transient profile of the PCT, in order to make the inverse UQ process more efficient. However, conventional PCA applied directly to the PCT time series profiles can hardly represent the data precisely due to the sudden temperature drop at the time of quenching. As a result, a functional alignment method is used to separate the phase and amplitude information of the transient PCT profiles before dimensionality reduction. DNNs are then trained using PC scores from functional PCA to build surrogate models of TRACE in order to reduce the computational cost in Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling. Bayesian neural networks are used to estimate the uncertainties of DNN surrogate model predictions. In this study, we compared four different inverse UQ processes with different dimensionality reduction methods and surrogate models. The proposed approach shows an improvement in reducing the dimension of the TRACE transient simulations, and the forward propagation of inverse UQ results has a better agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 31 pages, 21 figure

    Introduction: synchrotron radiation time resolved concurrent experiments—a new Italian route to China

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    On November 11, 2010 in Shanghai qualified Chinese and Italian scientists met for the first Bilateral Italo/Chinese Workshop on Synchrotron Radiation Time Resolved Concurrent Experiments: Advantages and Future Applications. The workshop had been conceived to increase the scientific exchange between Italy and the P.R. China with the main goal to promote the development of new and unique methods of investigation by the means of synchrotron radiation. From its discovery in 1947 the development of synchrotron radiation sources and the growth of the related applications have been impressive and continuous all over the world, in particular in the major industrialized countries. In more than 50 years since its discovery, facilities around the world constantly evolved to provide beams in different forms, at different energies and with different properties for an incredible number of applications. Experimental researches based on this technology involve many academic disciplines and synchrotron radiation is nowadays an essential tool in many frontier disciplines. Because of its outstanding features, synchrotron radiation is a high-level multidisciplinary experimental platform that plays an essential role in many researches and technological applications, being universally acknowledged by the scientific community, the society as well as the governments. Actually, with more than 50 operational storage rings existing all over the world, laboratories based on synchrotron radiation sources are the most widely operated large-scale facilities with a total investment in the range of billions of dollars. Synchrotron radiation helped to push forward a huge number of researches that led to important discoveries. The reconstruction of the atomic structure of many proteins or of the local structure of high critical temperature superconductors may give just an idea of th

    Few-Shot 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation via Stratified Class-Specific Attention Based Transformer Network

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    3D point cloud semantic segmentation aims to group all points into different semantic categories, which benefits important applications such as point cloud scene reconstruction and understanding. Existing supervised point cloud semantic segmentation methods usually require large-scale annotated point clouds for training and cannot handle new categories. While a few-shot learning method was proposed recently to address these two problems, it suffers from high computational complexity caused by graph construction and inability to learn fine-grained relationships among points due to the use of pooling operations. In this paper, we further address these problems by developing a new multi-layer transformer network for few-shot point cloud semantic segmentation. In the proposed network, the query point cloud features are aggregated based on the class-specific support features in different scales. Without using pooling operations, our method makes full use of all pixel-level features from the support samples. By better leveraging the support features for few-shot learning, the proposed method achieves the new state-of-the-art performance, with 15\% less inference time, over existing few-shot 3D point cloud segmentation models on the S3DIS dataset and the ScanNet dataset

    Direct and inverse problems on free vibration analysis of cracked non-uniform beams carrying spring-mass systems by finite element method

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    This paper presents an analytical approach to investigate the free vibration analysis of cracked non-uniform beam carrying spring-mass systems by finite element method and illustrates a valid and reliable damage identification method which using hybrid neural genetic technique. Firstly, based on the finite element method, the dynamic characteristics of non-uniform cracked beam carrying spring-mass systems are obtained. Then, the first five frequencies are used as input parameters by combining genetic algorithm with neural network to identify the damage. Finally, Numerical simulations of direct and inverse problems of non-uniform cracked beams carrying a spring-mass system are carried out

    The interlayer structure of trioctahedral lithian micas: An AXANES spectroscopy study at the potassium K-edge

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    abstra C t We recorded angle-dependent XANES (AXANES) spectra at the potassium K-edge for three compositionally intermediate polylithionite-siderophyllite trioctahedral 1 M-micas using polarized synchrotron radiation. We evaluated the experimental spectra for both their in-plane and out-of-plane component fractions of the electric dipole contribution using the analytical formulae of Brouder (1990), referring to theory to extract the origin of their multiple-scattering pathways of Natoli et al. (2003). This analysis was extended to a fourth lithian mica studied previously and allowed characterization of the local environment and ordering around the potassium atoms in the interlayer of the entire set of micas. The AXANES in-plane components are notably similar to the XANES spectra recorded on randomly oriented powders, provided these are oriented at the "magic angle" (Pettifer et al. 1992). Most observed contributions arise from multiple-scattering interactions of the photoelectron ejected from the potassium absorber colliding with atoms located in the interlayer itself. Note that this includes not only interactions with other coplanar potassium and/or alkali atoms distributed along the interlayer plane, but also with their near- and next-nearest neighboring oxygen atoms which lie on the basal planes of the tetrahedral sheets facing the interlayer. By contrast, the AXANES out-of-plane component suggests that several multiple-scattering pathways cross the energetic and structural barrier represented by the tetrahedral sheets. They reach not only the X anions that are located on the upper level of the octahedral sheets, at the center of the open cavity in the tetrahedral sheet, but also the metal cations centering the octahedral sheet itself. Therefore, the out-of-plane components provide indirect information on the number of independent octahedral sites, the cation oxidation state, and the trans- vs. cis-orientation of the anionic sites