426 research outputs found

    Magnetism and Phase Separation in the Ground State of the Hubbard Model

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    We discuss the ground state magnetic phase diagram of the Hubbard model off half filling within the dynamical mean-field theory. The effective single-impurity Anderson model is solved by Wilson's numerical renormalization group calculations, adapted to symmetry broken phases. We find a phase separated, antiferromagnetic state up to a critical doping for small and intermediate values of U, but could not stabilise a Neel state for large U and finite doping. At very large U, the phase diagram exhibits an island with a ferromagnetic ground state. Spectral properties in the ordered phases are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Phase diagram of the frustrated Hubbard model

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    The Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition in the paramagnetic phase of the one-band Hubbard model has long been used to describe similar features in real materials like V2_2O3_3. Here we show that this transition is hidden inside a rather robust antiferromagnetic insulator even in the presence of comparatively strong magnetic frustration. This result raises the question of the relevance of the Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition for the generic phase diagram of the one-band Hubbard model.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetic phase diagram of the Hubbard model with next-nearest-neighbour hopping

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    We calculate the magnetic phase diagram of the Hubbard model for a Bethe lattice with nearest neighbour (NN) hopping t1t_1 and next nearest neighbour (NNN) hopping t2t_2 in the limit of infinite coordination. We use the amplitude t2/t1t_2/t_1 of the NNN hopping to tune the density of states (DOS) of the non-interacting system from a situation with particle-hole symmetry to an asymmetric one with van-Hove singularities at the lower (t2/t1>0t_2/t_1>0) respectively upper (t2/t1<0t_2/t_1<0) band edge for large enough ∣t2/t1∣|t_2/t_1|. For this strongly asymmetric situation we find rather extended parameter regions with ferromagnetic states and regions with antiferromagnetic states.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    An Improvement Study of the Decomposition-based Algorithm Global WASF-GA for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization

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    The convergence and the diversity of the decompositionbased evolutionary algorithm Global WASF-GA (GWASF-GA) relies on a set of weight vectors that determine the search directions for new non-dominated solutions in the objective space. Although using weight vectors whose search directions are widely distributed may lead to a well-diversified approximation of the Pareto front (PF), this may not be enough to obtain a good approximation for complicated PFs (discontinuous, non-convex, etc.). Thus, we propose to dynamically adjust the weight vectors once GWASF-GA has been run for a certain number of generations. This adjustment is aimed at re-calculating some of the weight vectors, so that search directions pointing to overcrowded regions of the PF are redirected toward parts with a lack of solutions that may be hard to be approximated. We test different parameters settings of the dynamic adjustment in optimization problems with three, five, and six objectives, concluding that GWASF-GA performs better when adjusting the weight vectors dynamically than without applying the adjustment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    On X-ray-singularities in the f-electron spectral function of the Falicov-Kimball model

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    The f-electron spectral function of the Falicov-Kimball model is calculated within the dynamical mean-field theory using the numerical renormalization group method as the impurity solver. Both the Bethe lattice and the hypercubic lattice are considered at half filling. For small U we obtain a single-peaked f-electron spectral function, which --for zero temperature-- exhibits an algebraic (X-ray) singularity (∣ω∣−α|\omega|^{-\alpha}) for ω→0\omega \to 0. The characteristic exponent α\alpha depends on the Coulomb (Hubbard) correlation U. This X-ray singularity cannot be observed when using alternative (Keldysh-based) many-body approaches. With increasing U, α\alpha decreases and vanishes for sufficiently large U when the f-electron spectral function develops a gap and a two-peak structure (metal-insulator transition).Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, revte

    Antiferromagnetic Order of Strongly Interacting Fermions in a Trap: Real-Space Dynamical Mean-Field Analysis

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    We apply Dynamical Mean-Field Theory to strongly interacting fermions in an inhomogeneous environment. With the help of this Real-Space Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (R-DMFT) we investigate antiferromagnetic states of repulsively interacting fermions with spin 1/2 in a harmonic potential. Within R-DMFT, antiferromagnetic order is found to be stable in spatial regions with total particle density close to one, but persists also in parts of the system where the local density significantly deviates from half filling. In systems with spin imbalance, we find that antiferromagnetism is gradually suppressed and phase separation emerges beyond a critical value of the spin imbalance.Comment: 4 pages 5 figures, published versio

    A Multi-objective Exploratory Procedure for Regression Model Selection

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    Variable selection is recognized as one of the most critical steps in statistical modeling. The problems encountered in engineering and social sciences are commonly characterized by over-abundance of explanatory variables, non-linearities and unknown interdependencies between the regressors. An added difficulty is that the analysts may have little or no prior knowledge on the relative importance of the variables. To provide a robust method for model selection, this paper introduces the Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Variable Selection (MOGA-VS) that provides the user with an optimal set of regression models for a given data-set. The algorithm considers the regression problem as a two objective task, and explores the Pareto-optimal (best subset) models by preferring those models over the other which have less number of regression coefficients and better goodness of fit. The model exploration can be performed based on in-sample or generalization error minimization. The model selection is proposed to be performed in two steps. First, we generate the frontier of Pareto-optimal regression models by eliminating the dominated models without any user intervention. Second, a decision making process is executed which allows the user to choose the most preferred model using visualisations and simple metrics. The method has been evaluated on a recently published real dataset on Communities and Crime within United States.Comment: in Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Vol. 24, Iss. 1, 201

    Parallel Nonbinary LDPC Decoding on GPU

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    Nonbinary Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes are a class of error-correcting codes constructed over the Galois field GF(q) for q > 2. As extensions of binary LDPC codes, nonbinary LDPC codes can provide better error-correcting performance when the code length is short or moderate, but at a cost of higher decoding complexity. This paper proposes a massively parallel implementation of a nonbinary LDPC decoding accelerator based on a graphics processing unit (GPU) to achieve both great flexibility and scalability. The implementation maps the Min-Max decoding algorithm to GPU’s massively parallel architecture. We highlight the methodology to partition the decoding task to a heterogeneous platform consisting of the CPU and GPU. The experimental results show that our GPUbased implementation can achieve high throughput while still providing great flexibility and scalability.National Science Foundation (NSF

    Multi-Objective Counterfactual Explanations

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    Counterfactual explanations are one of the most popular methods to make predictions of black box machine learning models interpretable by providing explanations in the form of `what-if scenarios'. Most current approaches optimize a collapsed, weighted sum of multiple objectives, which are naturally difficult to balance a-priori. We propose the Multi-Objective Counterfactuals (MOC) method, which translates the counterfactual search into a multi-objective optimization problem. Our approach not only returns a diverse set of counterfactuals with different trade-offs between the proposed objectives, but also maintains diversity in feature space. This enables a more detailed post-hoc analysis to facilitate better understanding and also more options for actionable user responses to change the predicted outcome. Our approach is also model-agnostic and works for numerical and categorical input features. We show the usefulness of MOC in concrete cases and compare our approach with state-of-the-art methods for counterfactual explanations

    Optimizing the DFCN Broadcast Protocol with a Parallel Cooperative Strategy of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Proceeding of: 5th International Conference, EMO 2009, Nantes, France, April 7-10, 2009This work presents the application of a parallel coopera- tive optimization approach to the broadcast operation in mobile ad-hoc networks (manets). The optimization of the broadcast operation im- plies satisfying several objectives simultaneously, so a multi-objective approach has been designed. The optimization lies on searching the best configurations of the dfcn broadcast protocol for a given manet sce- nario. The cooperation of a team of multi-objective evolutionary al- gorithms has been performed with a novel optimization model. Such model is a hybrid parallel algorithm that combines a parallel island- based scheme with a hyperheuristic approach. Results achieved by the algorithms in different stages of the search process are analyzed in order to grant more computational resources to the most suitable algorithms. The obtained results for a manets scenario, representing a mall, demon- strate the validity of the new proposed approach.This work has been supported by the ec (feder) and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science inside the ‘Plan Nacional de i+d+i’ (tin2005-08818-c04) and (tin2008-06491-c04-02). The work of Gara Miranda has been developed under grant fpu-ap2004-2290.Publicad
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