254 research outputs found

    From monoclonal antibody to gene for a neuron-specific glycoprotein in Drosophila

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    A monoclonal antibody (MAb24B10), derived from mice immunized with Drosophila retina, exclusively stains photoreceptor cells in the retina and their axonal projections to the optic ganglia. The antigen (Ag24B10) is a 160-kDa glycoprotein comprising about 0.8% of the retina protein. By microsequencing, 19 of the first 21 amino acids at the NH2-terminal end of the protein have been determined. Using synthetic oligonucleotide probes corresponding to a portion of this amino acid sequence, we isolated a homologous genomic clone. A partial DNA sequence of this clone, along with blot experiments on genomic DNA and RNA, indicate that this clone is part of the structural gene for Ag24B10. By in situ hybridization, the gene was localized to the tip of chromosome 3R

    Role of Predicted Metalloprotease Motif of Jab1/Csn5 in Cleavage of Nedd8 from Cul1

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    COP9 signalosome (CSN) cleaves the ubiquitin-like protein Nedd8 from the Cul1 subunit of SCF ubiquitin ligases. The Jab1/MPN domain metalloenzyme (JAMM) motif in the Jab1/Csn5 subunit was found to underlie CSN's Nedd8 isopeptidase activity. JAMM is found in proteins from archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes, including the Rpn11 subunit of the 26S proteasome. Metal chelators and point mutations within JAMM abolished CSN-dependent cleavage of Nedd8 from Cul1, yet had little effect on CSN complex assembly. Optimal SCF activity in yeast and both viability and proper photoreceptor cell (R cell) development in Drosophila melanogaster required an intact Csn5 JAMM domain. We propose that JAMM isopeptidases play important roles in a variety of physiological pathways

    The GATA1s isoform is normally down-regulated during terminal haematopoietic differentiation and over-expression leads to failure to repress MYB, CCND2 and SKI during erythroid differentiation of K562 cells

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    Background: Although GATA1 is one of the most extensively studied haematopoietic transcription factors little is currently known about the physiological functions of its naturally occurring isoforms GATA1s and GATA1FL in humansβ€”particularly whether the isoforms have distinct roles in different lineages and whether they have non-redundant roles in haematopoietic differentiation. As well as being of general interest to understanding of haematopoiesis, GATA1 isoform biology is important for children with Down syndrome associated acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia (DS-AMKL) where GATA1FL mutations are an essential driver for disease pathogenesis. <p/>Methods: Human primary cells and cell lines were analyzed using GATA1 isoform specific PCR. K562 cells expressing GATA1s or GATA1FL transgenes were used to model the effects of the two isoforms on in vitro haematopoietic differentiation. <p/>Results: We found no evidence for lineage specific use of GATA1 isoforms; however GATA1s transcripts, but not GATA1FL transcripts, are down-regulated during in vitro induction of terminal megakaryocytic and erythroid differentiation in the cell line K562. In addition, transgenic K562-GATA1s and K562-GATA1FL cells have distinct gene expression profiles both in steady state and during terminal erythroid differentiation, with GATA1s expression characterised by lack of repression of MYB, CCND2 and SKI. <p/>Conclusions: These findings support the theory that the GATA1s isoform plays a role in the maintenance of proliferative multipotent megakaryocyte-erythroid precursor cells and must be down-regulated prior to terminal differentiation. In addition our data suggest that SKI may be a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of children with DS-AMKL

    From regional pulse vaccination to global disease eradication: insights from a mathematical model of Poliomyelitis

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    Mass-vaccination campaigns are an important strategy in the global fight against poliomyelitis and measles. The large-scale logistics required for these mass immunisation campaigns magnifies the need for research into the effectiveness and optimal deployment of pulse vaccination. In order to better understand this control strategy, we propose a mathematical model accounting for the disease dynamics in connected regions, incorporating seasonality, environmental reservoirs and independent periodic pulse vaccination schedules in each region. The effective reproduction number, ReR_e, is defined and proved to be a global threshold for persistence of the disease. Analytical and numerical calculations show the importance of synchronising the pulse vaccinations in connected regions and the timing of the pulses with respect to the pathogen circulation seasonality. Our results indicate that it may be crucial for mass-vaccination programs, such as national immunisation days, to be synchronised across different regions. In addition, simulations show that a migration imbalance can increase ReR_e and alter how pulse vaccination should be optimally distributed among the patches, similar to results found with constant-rate vaccination. Furthermore, contrary to the case of constant-rate vaccination, the fraction of environmental transmission affects the value of ReR_e when pulse vaccination is present.Comment: Added section 6.1, made other revisions, changed titl

    Striatal vs extrastriatal dopamine D2 receptors in antipsychotic response - a double-blind PET study in schizophrenia

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    Blockade of dopamine D2 receptors remains a common feature of all antipsychotics. It has been hypothesized that the extrastriatal (cortical, thalamic) dopamine D2 receptors may be more critical to antipsychotic response than the striatal dopamine D2 receptors. This is the first double-blind controlled study to examine the relationship between striatal and extrastriatal D2 occupancy and clinical effects. Fourteen patients with recent onset psychosis were assigned to low or high doses of risperidone (1 mg vs 4 mg/day) or olanzapine (2.5 mg vs 15 mg/day) in order to achieve a broad range of D2 occupancy levels across subjects. Clinical response, side effects, striatal ([11C]-raclopride-positron emission tomography (PET)), and extrastriatal ([11C]-FLB 457-PET) D2 receptors were evaluated after treatment. The measured D2 occupancies ranged from 50 to 92% in striatal and 4 to 95% in the different extrastriatal (frontal, temporal, thalamic) regions. Striatal and extrastriatal occupancies were correlated with dose, drug plasma levels, and with each other. Striatal D2 occupancy predicted response in positive psychotic symptoms (r=0.62, p=0.01), but not for negative symptoms (r=0.2, p=0.5). Extrastriatal D2 occupancy did not predict response in positive or negative symptoms. The two subjects who experienced motor side effects had the highest striatal occupancies in the cohort. Striatal D2 blockade predicted antipsychotic response better than frontal, temporal, and thalamic occupancy. These results, when combined with the preclinical data implicating the mesolimbic striatum in antipsychotic response, suggest that dopamine D2 blockade within specific regions of the striatum may be most critical for ameliorating psychosis in schizophrenia.peer-reviewe

    The Batten Disease Palmitoyl Protein Thioesterase 1 Gene Regulates Neural Specification and Axon Connectivity during Drosophila Embryonic Development

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    Palmitoyl Protein Thioesterase 1 (PPT1) is an essential lysosomal protein in the mammalian nervous system whereby defects result in a fatal pediatric disease called Infantile Neuronal Ceroids Lipofuscinosis (INCL). Flies bearing mutations in the Drosophila ortholog Ppt1 exhibit phenotypes similar to the human disease: accumulation of autofluorescence deposits and shortened adult lifespan. Since INCL patients die as young children, early developmental neural defects due to the loss of PPT1 are postulated but have yet to be elucidated. Here we show that Drosophila Ppt1 is required during embryonic neural development. Ppt1 embryos display numerous neural defects ranging from abnormal cell fate specification in a number of identified precursor lineages in the CNS, missing and disorganized neurons, faulty motoneuronal axon trajectory, and discontinuous, misaligned, and incorrect midline crossings of the longitudinal axon bundles of the ventral nerve cord. Defects in the PNS include a decreased number of sensory neurons, disorganized chordotonal neural clusters, and abnormally shaped neurons with aberrant dendritic projections. These results indicate that Ppt1 is essential for proper neuronal cell fates and organization; and to establish the local environment for proper axon guidance and fasciculation. Ppt1 function is well conserved from humans to flies; thus the INCL pathologies may be due, in part, to the accumulation of various embryonic neural defects similar to that of Drosophila. These findings may be relevant for understanding the developmental origin of neural deficiencies in INCL

    Genetic Variations and Haplotype Diversity of the UGT1 Gene Cluster in the Chinese Population

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    Vertebrates require tremendous molecular diversity to defend against numerous small hydrophobic chemicals. UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) are a large family of detoxification enzymes that glucuronidate xenobiotics and endobiotics, facilitating their excretion from the body. The UGT1 gene cluster contains a tandem array of variable first exons, each preceded by a specific promoter, and a common set of downstream constant exons, similar to the genomic organization of the protocadherin (Pcdh), immunoglobulin, and T-cell receptor gene clusters. To assist pharmacogenomics studies in Chinese, we sequenced nine first exons, promoter and intronic regions, and five common exons of the UGT1 gene cluster in a population sample of 253 unrelated Chinese individuals. We identified 101 polymorphisms and found 15 novel SNPs. We then computed allele frequencies for each polymorphism and reconstructed their linkage disequilibrium (LD) map. The UGT1 cluster can be divided into five linkage blocks: Block 9 (UGT1A9), Block 9/7/6 (UGT1A9, UGT1A7, and UGT1A6), Block 5 (UGT1A5), Block 4/3 (UGT1A4 and UGT1A3), and Block 3β€² UTR. Furthermore, we inferred haplotypes and selected their tagSNPs. Finally, comparing our data with those of three other populations of the HapMap project revealed ethnic specificity of the UGT1 genetic diversity in Chinese. These findings have important implications for future molecular genetic studies of the UGT1 gene cluster as well as for personalized medical therapies in Chinese

    Changes in Body Weight and Psychotropic Drugs: A Systematic Synthesis of the Literature

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    <div><h3>Introduction</h3><p>Psychotropic medication use is associated with weight gain. While there are studies and reviews comparing weight gain for psychotropics within some classes, clinicians frequently use drugs from different classes to treat psychiatric disorders.</p> <h3>Objective</h3><p>To undertake a systematic review of all classes of psychotropics to provide an all encompassing evidence-based tool that would allow clinicians to determine the risks of weight gain in making both intra-class and interclass choices of psychotropics.</p> <h3>Methodology and Results</h3><p>We developed a novel hierarchical search strategy that made use of systematic reviews that were already available. When such evidence was not available we went on to evaluate randomly controlled trials, followed by cohort and other clinical trials, narrative reviews, and, where necessary, clinical opinion and anecdotal evidence. The data from the publication with the highest level of evidence based on our hierarchical classification was presented. Recommendations from an expert panel supplemented the evidence used to rank these drugs within their respective classes. Approximately 9500 articles were identified in our literature search of which 666 citations were retrieved. We were able to rank most of the psychotropics based on the available evidence and recommendations from subject matter experts. There were few discrepancies between published evidence and the expert panel in ranking these drugs.</p> <h3>Conclusion</h3><p>Potential for weight gain is an important consideration in choice of any psychotropic. This tool will help clinicians select psychotropics on a case-by-case basis in order to minimize the impact of weight gain when making both intra-class and interclass choices.</p> </div

    Attempting to stop antipsychotic medication: success, supports, and efforts to cope

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    Purpose To explore supports and coping strategies used during attempts to discontinue antipsychotic medication and test for associations with success. Method 144 people who were taking or had taken antipsychotics completed The Experiences of Antipsychotic Medication Survey. Among them, 105 people had made at least one discontinuation attempt and answered a series of questions about their most recent attempt to stop. Content analysis and Chi-square tests of independence were used to categorise the data and explore associations. Success was defined as stopping all AM use irrespective of the duration of the medication-free period or whether relapse occurred, which were explored separately. Results Among the 105 people who had attempted discontinuation, 61.9% described unwanted withdrawal effects and 27.6% of the group described psychotic or manic relapse during the withdrawal period. Within this group 55% described successfully stopping all AM for varying lengths of time, half reported no current use, and half described having some form of professional, family, friend, and/or service user or peer support for their attempt. Having support was positively associated with success and negatively associated with both current use, and relapse during withdrawal. A range of coping efforts were described, but having coping strategies failed to show significant associations with any of the dependent variables explored. Among those who described successfully stopping, some described returning to AM for short periods when needed, while others reported managing well with alternative methods alone. Conclusions Findings cannot be readily generalised due to sampling constraints, but results suggest a wide range of supports and coping strategies may be used when attempting to discontinue antipsychotics. Many people may attempt to discontinue antipsychotics without any support. Those who have support for their attempts may be significantly less likely to relapse during withdrawal and more likely to succeed in their attempt. There is a pressing need for further research in this area
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