74 research outputs found

    Dossier Mobilités spatiales et ressources métropolitaines : l'accessibilité en questions

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    Cet article, avant tout méthodologique, explore la dispersion spatiale des lieux d'activité (étude et travail) fréquentés au quotidien par des individus au regard de leurs caractéristiques sociodémographiques et de leur lieu de résidence, dans l'agglomération de São Paulo. L'étude repose sur l'exploitation de données d'enquêtes sur les systèmes de mobilités réalisées auprès d'un échantillon de ménages. L'accent est mis sur la démarche qui fait intervenir une série d'analyses centrographiques que l'on combine dans un deuxième temps à une analyse typologique. Nous montrons l'intérêt de recourir à ces outils pour appréhender et visualiser les inégalités d'accès aux ressources urbaines en lien avec le cycle de vie des individus, la hiérarchie sociale et le lieu de résidence

    Natural variation of HIV-1 group M integrase: Implications for a new class of antiretroviral inhibitors

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    HIV-1 integrase is the third enzymatic target of antiretroviral (ARV) therapy. However, few data have been published on the distribution of naturally occurring amino acid variation in this enzyme. We therefore characterized the distribution of integrase variants among more than 1,800 published group M HIV-1 isolates from more than 1,500 integrase inhibitor (INI)-naïve individuals. Polymorphism rates equal or above 0.5% were found for 34% of the central core domain positions, 42% of the C-terminal domain positions, and 50% of the N-terminal domain positions. Among 727 ARV-naïve individuals in whom the complete pol gene was sequenced, integrase displayed significantly decreased inter- and intra-subtype diversity and a lower Shannon's entropy than protease or RT. All primary INI-resistance mutations with the exception of E157Q – which was present in 1.1% of sequences – were nonpolymorphic. Several accessory INI-resistance mutations including L74M, T97A, V151I, G163R, and S230N were also polymorphic with polymorphism rates ranging between 0.5% to 2.0%

    HIV-1 Envelope Subregion Length Variation during Disease Progression

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    The V3 loop of the HIV-1 Env protein is the primary determinant of viral coreceptor usage, whereas the V1V2 loop region is thought to influence coreceptor binding and participate in shielding of neutralization-sensitive regions of the Env glycoprotein gp120 from antibody responses. The functional properties and antigenicity of V1V2 are influenced by changes in amino acid sequence, sequence length and patterns of N-linked glycosylation. However, how these polymorphisms relate to HIV pathogenesis is not fully understood. We examined 5185 HIV-1 gp120 nucleotide sequence fragments and clinical data from 154 individuals (152 were infected with HIV-1 Subtype B). Sequences were aligned, translated, manually edited and separated into V1V2, C2, V3, C3, V4, C4 and V5 subregions. V1-V5 and subregion lengths were calculated, and potential N-linked glycosylation sites (PNLGS) counted. Loop lengths and PNLGS were examined as a function of time since infection, CD4 count, viral load, and calendar year in cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. V1V2 length and PNLGS increased significantly through chronic infection before declining in late-stage infection. In cross-sectional analyses, V1V2 length also increased by calendar year between 1984 and 2004 in subjects with early and mid-stage illness. Our observations suggest that there is little selection for loop length at the time of transmission; following infection, HIV-1 adapts to host immune responses through increased V1V2 length and/or addition of carbohydrate moieties at N-linked glycosylation sites. V1V2 shortening during early and late-stage infection may reflect ineffective host immunity. Transmission from donors with chronic illness may have caused the modest increase in V1V2 length observed during the course of the pandemic