1,386 research outputs found

    Exploring small energy scales with x-ray absorption and dichroism

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    Soft x-ray linear and circular dichroism (XLD, XMCD) experiments at the Ce M4,5_{4,5} edges are being used to determine the energy scales characterizing the Ce 4f4f degrees of freedom in the ultrathin ordered surface intermetallic CeAgx_x/Ag(111). We find that all relevant interactions, i. e. Kondo scattering, crystal field splitting and magnetic exchange coupling occur on small scales. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of combining x-ray absorption experiments probing linear and circular dichroism owing to their strong sensitivity for anisotropies in both charge distribution and paramagnetic response, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Consistent SDNs through Network State Fuzzing

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    The conventional wisdom is that a software-defined network (SDN) operates under the premise that the logically centralized control plane has an accurate representation of the actual data plane state. Nevertheless, bugs, misconfigurations, faults or attacks can introduce inconsistencies that undermine correct operation. Previous work in this area, however, lacks a holistic methodology to tackle this problem and thus, addresses only certain parts of the problem. Yet, the consistency of the overall system is only as good as its least consistent part. Motivated by an analogy of network consistency checking with program testing, we propose to add active probe-based network state fuzzing to our consistency check repertoire. Hereby, our system, PAZZ, combines production traffic with active probes to continuously test if the actual forwarding path and decision elements (on the data plane) correspond to the expected ones (on the control plane). Our insight is that active traffic covers the inconsistency cases beyond the ones identified by passive traffic. PAZZ prototype was built and evaluated on topologies of varying scale and complexity. Our results show that PAZZ requires minimal network resources to detect persistent data plane faults through fuzzing and localize them quickly

    Strongly interacting confined quantum systems in one dimension

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    In one dimension, the study of magnetism dates back to the dawn of quantum mechanics when Bethe solved the famous Heisenberg model that describes quantum behaviour in magnetic systems. In the last decade, one-dimensional systems have become a forefront area of research driven by the realization of the Tonks-Girardeau gas using cold atomic gases. Here we prove that one-dimensional fermionic and bosonic systems with strong short-range interactions are solvable in arbitrary confining geometries by introducing a new energy-functional technique and obtaining the full spectrum of energies and eigenstates. As a first application, we calculate spatial correlations and show how both ferro- and anti-ferromagnetic states are present already for small system sizes that are prepared and studied in current experiments. Our work demonstrates the enormous potential for quantum manipulation of magnetic correlations at the microscopic scale.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, including methods, final versio

    Fractional energy states of strongly-interacting bosons in one dimension

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    We study two-component bosonic systems with strong inter-species and vanishing intra-species interactions. A new class of exact eigenstates is found with energies that are {\it not} sums of the single-particle energies with wave functions that have the characteristic feature that they vanish over extended regions of coordinate space. This is demonstrated in an analytically solvable model for three equal mass particles, two of which are identical bosons, which is exact in the strongly-interacting limit. We numerically verify our results by presenting the first application of the stochastic variational method to this kind of system. We also demonstrate that the limit where both inter- and intra-component interactions become strong must be treated with extreme care as these limits do not commute. Moreover, we argue that such states are generic also for general multi-component systems with more than three particles. The states can be probed using the same techniques that have recently been used for fermionic few-body systems in quasi-1D.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    SIMS chemical analysis of extended impacts on the leading and trailing edges of LDEF experiment AO187-2

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    Numerous 'extended impacts' found in both leading and trailing edge capture cells were successfully analyzed for the chemical composition of projectile residues by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Most data were obtained from the trailing edge cells where 45 of 58 impacts were classified as 'probably natural' and the remainder as 'possibly man-made debris.' This is in striking contrast to leading edge cells where 9 of 11 impacts so far measured are definitely classified as orbital debris. Although all the leading edge cells had lost their plastic entrance foils during flight, the rate of foil failure was similar to that of the trailing edge cells, 10 percent of which were recovered intact. Ultraviolet embrittlement is suspected as the major cause of failure on both leading and trailing edges. The major impediment to the accurate determination of projectile chemistry is the fractionation of volatile and refractory elements in the hypervelocity impact and redeposition processes. This effect had been noted in a simulation experiment but is more pronounced in the LDEF capture cells, probably due to the higher average velocities of the space impacts. Surface contamination of the pure Ge surfaces with a substance rich in Si, but also containing Mg and Al, provides an additional problem for the accurate determination of impactor chemistry. The effect is variable, being much larger on surfaces that were exposed to space than in those cells that remained intact. Future work will concentrate on the analyses of more leading edge impacts and the development of new SIMS techniques for the measurement of elemental abundances in extended impacts
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