22 research outputs found

    On the inviscid Boussinesq system with rough initial data

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    We deal with the local well-posedness theory for the two-dimensional inviscid Boussinesq system with rough initial data of Yudovich type. The problem is in some sense critical due to some terms involving Riesz transforms in the vorticity-density formulation. We give a positive answer for a special sub-class of Yudovich data including smooth and singular vortex patches. For the latter case we assume in addition that the initial density is constant around the singular part of the patch boundary.Comment: 26 page

    On the V-states for the generalized quasi-geostrophic equations

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    We prove the existence of the V-states for the generalized inviscid SQG equations with α∈]0,1[.\alpha\in ]0,1[. These structures are special rotating simply connected patches with m−m- fold symmetry bifurcating from the trivial solution at some explicit values of the angular velocity. This produces, inter alia, an infinite family of non stationary global solutions with uniqueness.Comment: 54 page

    Dynamic Behavior of a Multi-Layer Quasi-Geostrophic Model: Weak and Time-Periodic Solutions

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    The quasi-geostrophic two-layer (QS2L) system models the dynamic evolution of two interconnected potential vorticities, each is governed by an active scalar equation. These vorticities are linked through a distinctive combination of their respective stream functions, which can be loosely characterized as a parameterized blend of both Euler and shallow-water stream functions. In this article, we study (QS2L) in two directions: First, we prove the existence and uniqueness of global weak solutions in the class of Yudovich, that is when the initial vorticities are only bounded and Lebesgue-integrable. The uniqueness is obtained as a consequence of a stability analysis of the flow-maps associated with the two vorticities. This approach replaces the relative energy method and allows us to surmount the absence of a velocity formulation for (QS2L). Second, we show how to construct mm-fold time-periodic solutions bifurcating from two arbitrary distinct initial discs rotating with the same angular velocity. This is achieved provided that the number of symmetry mm is large enough, or for any symmetry m∈N∗m\in \mathbb{N}^* as long as one of the initial radii of the discs does not belong to some set that contains, at most, a finite number of elements. Due to its multi-layer structure, it is essential to emphasize that the bifurcation diagram exhibits a two-dimensional pattern. Upon analysis, it reveals some similarities with the scheme accomplished for the doubly connected V-states of the Euler and shallow-water equations. However, the coupling between the equations gives rise to several difficulties in various stages of the proof when applying Crandall-Rabinowitz's Theorem. To address this challenge, we conduct a careful analysis of the coupling between the kernels associated with the Euler and shallow-water equations.Comment: 42 page

    Multipole vortex patch equilibria for active scalar equations

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    Axisymmetric Incompressible Viscous Plasmas: Global Well-Posedness and Asymptotics

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    This paper is devoted to the global analysis of the three-dimensional axisymmetric Navier--Stokes--Maxwell equations. More precisely, we are able to prove that, for large values of the speed of light c∈(c0,∞)c\in (c_0, \infty), for some threshold c0>0c_0>0 depending only on the initial data, the system in question admits a unique global solution. The ensuing bounds on the solutions are uniform with respect to the speed of light, which allows us to study the singular regime c→∞c\rightarrow \infty and rigorously derive the limiting viscous magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) system in the axisymmetric setting. The strategy of our proofs draws insight from recent results on the two-dimensional incompressible Euler--Maxwell system to exploit the dissipative--dispersive structure of Maxwell's system in the axisymmetric setting. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the asymptotic regime c→∞c\to\infty allows us to derive a robust nonlinear energy estimate which holds uniformly in cc. As a byproduct of such refined uniform estimates, we are able to describe the global strong convergence of solutions toward the MHD system. This collection of results seemingly establishes the first available global well-posedness of three-dimensional viscous plasmas, where the electric and magnetic fields are governed by the complete Maxwell equations, for large initial data as c→∞c\to\infty.Comment: 52 page

    Doubly connected V-states for the generalized surface quasi-geostrophic equations

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    In this paper, we prove the existence of doubly connected V-states for the generalized SQG equations with α∈]0,1[.\alpha\in ]0,1[. They can be described by countable branches bifurcating from the annulus at some explicit "eigenvalues" related to Bessel functions of the first kind. Contrary to Euler equations \cite{H-F-M-V}, we find V-states rotating with positive and negative angular velocities. At the end of the paper we discuss some numerical experiments concerning the limiting V-states.Comment: 65 page

    Dynamique des tourbillons pour quelques modèles de transport non-linéaires

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    In this dissertation, we are concerned with the study of some non-linear evolution models arising in fluid mechanics. We distinguish three independent parts. The first part of the thesis deals with the existence of the rotating vortex patches (called also V-states) for an inviscid quasi-geostrophic model. Our study is divided into two chapters dealing with different topological structures of the V-states. In the first chapter we study the simply connected case and we prove the existence of such structures in a neighborhood of the Rankine vortices by using the bifurcation theory. In the second chapter we discuss the doubly connected case where the patches admit only one hole. More precisely, close to a given annulus we describe this family by countable branches bifurcating from this annulus at some explicit angular velocities related to Bessel functions of the first kind. Our theoretical study was completed by numerical simulations on the limiting V-states and a number of interesting numerical observation were formulated opening new research perspectives. The second part of the thesis concerns the local well-posedness theory for the inviscid Boussinesq system with rough initial data. The problem is in some sense critical due to some terms involving Riesz transforms in the vorticity-density formulation. We give a positive answer for a special sub-class of Yudovich data including smooth and singular vortex patches. In the last part we address the problem of the incompressible limit for the 2D isentropic fluids associated to ill-prepared initial data and for which the vortices are not necessarily bounded and belong to some weighted BMO spaces. We mainly use two ingredients: On one hand, the Strichartz estimates to control the acoustic part and prove that it does not contribute for low Mach number. On the other hand, we use the transport compressible structure of the vorticity and we establish a linear propagation estimate in the spirit of a recent work of Bernicot and Keraani conducted in the incompressible case. The first part of the thesis deals with the existence of the rotating vortex patches (called also V-states) for an inviscid quasi-geostrophic model. Our study is divided into two chapters dealing with different topological structures of the V-states. In the first chapter we study the simply connected case and we prove the existence of such structures in a neighborhood of the Rankine vortices by using the bifurcation theory. In the second chapter we discuss the doubly connected case where the patches admit only one hole. More precisely, close to a given annulus we describe this family by countable branches bifurcating from this annulus at some explicit angular velocities related to Bessel functions of the first kind. Our theoretical study was completed by numerical simulations on the limiting V-states and a number of interesting numerical observation were formulated opening new research perspectives. The second part of the thesis concerns the local well-posedness theory for the inviscid Boussinesq system with rough initial data. The problem is in some sense critical due to some terms involving Riesz transforms in the vorticity-density formulation. We give a positive answer for a special sub-class of Yudovich data including smooth and singular vortex patches. In the last part we address the problem of the incompressible limit for the 2D isentropic fluids associated to ill-prepared initial data and for which the vortices are not necessarily bounded and belong to some weighted BMO spaces. We mainly use two ingredients: On one hand, the Strichartz estimates to control the acoustic part and prove that it does not contribute for low Mach number. On the other hand, we use the transport compressible structure of the vorticity and we establish a linear propagation estimate in the spirit of a recent work of Bernicot and Keraani conducted in the incompressible case.Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude théorique de quelques modèles d'évolution non-linéaires issus de la mécanique des fluides. Nous distinguons trois parties indépendantes. La première partie de la thèse traite essentiellement de l'existence des poches de tourbillon en rotation uniforme (appelées aussi V-states) pour un modèle quasi-géostrophique non visqueux. Notre étude est répartie sur deux chapitres où les poches présentent des structures topologiques différentes. Dans le premier chapitre nous étudions le cas simplement connexe et nous validons l'existence de ces structures dans un voisinage du tourbillon de Rankine en utilisant des techniques de bifurcation. Dans le deuxième chapitre nous abordons le cas doublement connexe où la poche admet un seul trou. Plus précisément, proche d'un anneau donné, nous décrivons cette famille par des branches dénombrables bifurquant de cet anneau à certaines valeurs explicites des vitesses angulaires liées aux fonctions de Bessel. Notre étude théorique a été complétée par des simulations numériques portant sur les V-states limites et un bon nombre de constatations ont été formulées ouvrant la porte à de nouvelles perspectives de recherche. La seconde partie concerne l'étude du problème de Cauchy pour le système de Boussinesq non visqueux 2D avec des données initiales de type Yudovich. Le problème est dans un certain sens critique à cause de quelques termes comportant la transformée de Riesz dans la formulation tourbillon-densité. Nous donnons une réponse positive pour une sous-classe comprenant les poches de tourbillon régulières et singulières. Dans la dernière partie nous analysons le problème de la limite incompressible pour les équations d'Euler isentropiques 2D associées à des données initiales très mal préparées et pour lesquelles les tourbillons ne sont pas forcément bornés mais appartiennent plutôt à des espaces de type ''BMO'' à poids. On utilise principalement deux ingrédients: d'un côté les estimations de Strichartz pour contrôler la partie acoustique. D'un autre côté, on se sert de la structure de transport compressible du tourbillon et on démontre une estimation de propagation linéaire dans l'esprit d'un travail récent de Bernicot et Keraani mené dans le cas incompressible

    An analytical and numerical study of steady patches in the disc

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    In this paper, we prove the existence of mm-fold rotating patches for the Euler equations in the disc, for both simply-connected and doubly-connected cases. Compared to the planar case, the rigid boundary introduces rich dynamics for the lowest symmetries m=1m=1 and m=2m=2. We also discuss some numerical experiments highlighting the interaction between the boundary of the patch and the rigid one.Comment: 56 page