222 research outputs found

    The impact of COVID-19 quarantine on mental health: an observational study from an outpatient service for non-psychotic patients in Russia (Moscow)

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    We aimed to compare psychiatric hospital visits during the COVID-19 quarantine period with the same period in 2019, to reveal the predictors of underutilization of mental health services. We then investigated the fluctuation of telemedicine service during the quarantine period. The retrospective study included patients with non-psychotic mental disorders who consecutively visited the Moscow clinic. The number of outpatient visits, inpatient admissions, sociodemographic factors were analyzed. We assessed the sample within two periods -the "quarantine period" (March 30 -June 9, 2020) and "control period" (March 30 -June 9, 2019). Psychiatric visits decreased in older, retired and disabled persons, and increased among the unemployed. In multivariate analysis, the reduction became significant for the number of inpatient admissions. Telemedicine calls gradually increased from the start of the service, but decreased towards the end of the quarantine. In conclusion, referrals to outpatient and inpatient psychiatric services decreased during the quarantine period, with newly established TMS potentially compensating for that decrease. The strongest factor associated with visits during the pandemic is employment status


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    The epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of leptospirosis were reviewed by the authors based on the research and literature analysis. It is established an new information on changing the dominant pathogenic leptospira serovars, clinical and pathogenetic role changes in blood flow of organ and immune reactions, thermographic semiotics of disease, therapeutic effectiveness of allogeneic antyleptospiras gammaglobulin itc.Представлено рецензію монографії, в якій на підставі багаторічних досліджень авторів і аналізу даних літератури у розглянуто епідеміологію, патогенез, клініку, діагностику, лікування та профілактику лептоспірозу. Наведено нову інформацію про зміни домінуючих сероварів патогенних лептоспір, клініко-патогенетичну роль порушень органного кровоплину та імунних реакцій організму, термографічну семіотику хвороби, лікувальну ефективність алогенного протилептоспірозного гаммаглобуліну тощо

    Quantum Gravity as Theory of "Superfluidity"

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    A version of the cosmological perturbation theory in general relativity (GR) is developed, where the cosmological scale factor is identified with spatial averaging of the metric determinant logarithm and the cosmic evolution acquires the pattern of a superfluid motion: the absence of "friction-type" interaction, the London-type wave function, and the Bogoliubov condensation of quantum universes. This identification keeps the number of variables of GR and leads to a new type of potential perturbations. A set of arguments is given in favor of that this "superfluid" version of GR is in agreement with the observational data.Comment: 8 pages, "Long Communication" at the XXVIII Spanish Relativity Meeting "A Century of Relativity Physics" Oviedo, Spain, 6-10 Sept. 2005; http://fisi24.ciencias.uniovi.es/ere05.html; To be published in "AIP Conference Proceedings

    Effect of Nitroglycerine on Some Parameters of the Prooxidant-Antioxidant Balance and Functional State of the Liver during Ischemia/Reperfusion

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    liver; nitroglycerine; rabbits; lipid peroxidationThe effect of nitroglycerine on some parameters of the prooxidant-antioxidant balance and functional state of the liver under conditions of ischemia/reperfusion was studied on rabbits. Hepatic ischemia/reperfusion was accompanied by accumulation of LPO products, depletion of the antioxidant defense system, and increase in blood trans-aminase activity. Nitroglycerine infusion before the reperfusion period decreased the concentration of LPO products, increased activity of the antioxidant system, and impro¬ved liver function

    A Modern Model of United Territorial Communities as a Factor of Business Development in Rural Areas: European-Ukrainian Realities

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    The purpose of the article is to investigate and describe the main trends in business development in rural areas in the context of Ukraine’s European integration prospects; identify the conditions, directions, and tools for setting up a rural business. Modern problems of Ukraine’s rural areas are characterized. It is proved that increasing the efficiency of the agricultural sector is a key factor for strengthening the economic potential of territorial communities. Main positive trends in the export of agricultural products of Ukraine, their impact on business development in rural areas are analyzed. The priority measures for innovative development of the agri-food sector are highlighted. Attention is focused on elaboration of alternative schemes for organizing rural development, which ensures diversification of employment and sources of income. The types of non-agricultural employment in rural areas are presented. The conditions, promising areas, tools for creating and developing business in rural areas are determined with regard to European practices. The need for stimulating local initiatives to unleash the potential of agricultural production and business, in order to fully use favorable for Ukraine conditions in the world agricultural market, is substantiated. It is argued that positive changes in the development of rural areas of Ukraine can be achieved by investing in innovation, support for business, human capital. Using the example of activities of united territorial communities (UTC) of Zhytomyr region, a system of measures for business development in rural areas is presented

    Использование модели акторов для реализации распределенных генетических алгоритмов

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    Досліджено можливості застосування моделі акторів як засобу проектування та аналізу розподілених програмних систем з високою завантаженістю. Основну увагу приділено використанню моделі акторів для реалізації паралельного розподіленого генетичного алгоритму. Здійснено огляд різноманітних моделей паралельних розподілених генетичних алгоритмів, окреслено їхні переваги та недоліки. Для концепції «господар-робітники» запропоновано адаптацію її синхронного та асинхронного варіантів до моделі акторів. Засобами фреймворку Akka створено розподілену систему – кластер акторів. У середовищі кластера описано розгортання застосунка, який демонструє використання пропонованої адаптації концепції «господар-робітники» для розв’язання задачі пошуку найкращої стратегії поведінки робота у штучному середовищі.The article presents an application of the actor model for the high load systems development and analysis. The main attention is dedicated to the usage of actors for an implementation of the distributed genetic algorithms. Different models of parallel distributed genetic algorithms, such as Master-Slave, coarse-grained, and fine-grained genetic algorithms, were investigated in regards to their strong and weak points. Synchronous and asynchronous variants of the Master-Slave approach were adapted to the actor model. With the power of Akka framework, a distributed system – cluster of actors – has been successfully created. Finally, the deployment into the cluster environment of a real program is described which demonstrates the usage of the proposed adaptation of Master-Slave approach for the task of finding robot’s best behavior strategy inside an artificial environment.Исследована возможность применения модели акторов в качестве средства проектирования и анализа высоконагруженных распределенных программных систем. Основное внимание уделено использованию модели актеров для реализации параллельного распределенного генетического алгоритма. Сделан обзор различных моделей параллельных распределеных генетических алгоритмов, очерчены их преимущества и недостатки. Для концепции «хозяин-рабочие» предложено применение ее синхронного и асинхронного вариантов к модели актеров. Средствами фреймворка Akka создана распределенная система – кластер актеров. В среде кластера описано развертывание приминения, которое демонстрирует использование предложенной адаптации концепции «хозяин-работкик» для решения задачи поиска наилучшей стратегии поведения робота в искусственной среде