29 research outputs found

    Langmuir–Blodgett films of polyaniline for low density lipoprotein detection

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    Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) films of polyaniline (PANI) were utilized for the fabrication of impedimetric immunosensor for detection of human plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) by immobilizing anti-apolipoprotein B (AAB) via EDC–NHS coupling. The modified electrodes were characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and scanning electron microscopy. AAB/PANI–SA LB immunoelectrodes studied by EIS spectroscopy revealed detection of LDL in the wide range of 0.018 μM (6 mg/dl) to 0.39 μM (130 mg/dl), covering the physiological range in blood, with a sensitivity of 11.25 kΩ μM− 1

    Effect of Nanoporous Gold Thin Film Morphology on Electrochemical DNA Sensing

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    Advances in materials science and chemistry have led to the development of a wide range of nanostructured materials for building novel electrochemical biosensors. A systematic understanding of the challenges related to electrode morphology involved in designing such sensors is essential for developing effective biosensing tools. In this study, we use nanoporous gold (np-Au) thin film electrode coatings with submicrometer thicknesses, as a model system to investigate the influence of nanostructuring on DNA–methylene blue (MB) interactions and their application to DNA biosensors. The interaction of single- and double-stranded DNA immobilized onto morphologically different np-Au films with MB was electrochemically interrogated via square wave voltammetry (SWV). The electrochemical signal from these electrodes in response to MB decayed progressively with each SWV scan. The decay rate was governed by accessibility of the electrochemically active np-Au surface by the analyte. The optimum frequency for extracting the maximum signal via SWV was influenced by the film morphology, where the optimum frequency was lower for the nanoporous morphology with lower density of molecular access points into the porous coating. Overall, the np-Au electrodes exhibited a 10-fold enhancement in probe grafting density and approximately 10-fold higher electrochemical current upon probe-target hybridization as compared to the planar Au electrodes. The np-Au electrodes enabled sensitive detection with a dynamic range of 10 to 100 nM that shifts by 1 order of magnitude for coarsened np-Au morphology due to increased target penetration into the porous network and hence enhanced hybridization efficiency. These findings provide insight into the influence of nanostructuring on the transport mechanisms of small molecules and nucleic acids, and yield an understanding of diverse sensor performance parameters such as DNA grafting density, hybridization efficiency, sensitivity and dynamic range

    Miniature Enzyme-Based Electrodes for Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide Release from Alcohol-Injured Hepatocytes

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    Alcohol insult to the liver sets off a complex sequence of inflammatory and fibrogenic responses. There is increasing evidence that hepatocytes play a key role in triggering these responses by producing inflammatory signals such as cytokines and reactive oxygen species (ROS). In the present study, we employed a cell culture/biosensor platform consisting of electrode arrays integrated with microfluidics to monitor extracellular H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, one of the major ROS types, produced by primary rat hepatocytes during alcohol injury. The biosensor consisted of hydrogel microstructures with entrapped horseradish peroxidase (HRP) immobilized on an array of miniature gold electrodes. These arrays of sensing electrodes were integrated into microfluidic devices and modified with collagen (I) to promote hepatocyte adhesion. Once seeded into the microfluidic devices, hepatocytes were exposed to 100 mM ethanol and the signal at the working electrode was monitored by cyclic voltammetry (CV) over the course of 4 h. The CV experiments revealed that hepatocytes secreted up to 1.16 μM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> after 3 h of stimulation. Importantly, when hepatocytes were incubated with antioxidants or alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor prior to alcohol exposure, the H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> signal was decreased by ∼5-fold. These experiments further confirmed that the biosensor was indeed monitoring oxidative stress generated by the hepatocytes and also pointed to one future use of this technology for screening hepatoprotective effects of antioxidants