16,349 research outputs found

    Mitigating performance limitations of single beam-pipe circular e+e- colliders

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    Renewed interest in circular e+e- colliders has spurred designs of single beam-pipe machines, like the CEPC in China, and double beam pipe ones, such as the FCC-ee effort at CERN. Single beam-pipe designs profit from lower costs but are limited by the number of bunches that can be accommodated in the machine. We analyse these performance limitations and propose a solution that can accommodate O(1000) bunches while keeping more than 90% of the ring with a single beam pipe.Comment: Poster presented at IPAC'15, Richmond, VA, USA, May 201

    Modeling microwave/electron-cloud interaction

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    Starting from the separate codes BI-RME and ECLOUD or PyECLOUD, we are developing a novel joint simulation tool, which models the combined effect of a charged particle beam and of microwaves on an electron cloud. Possible applications include the degradation of microwave transmission in tele-communication satellites by electron clouds; the microwave-transmission tecchniques being used in particle accelerators for the purpose of electroncloud diagnostics; the microwave emission by the electron cloud itself in the presence of a magnetic field; and the possible suppression of electron-cloud formation in an accelerator by injecting microwaves of suitable amplitude and frequency. A few early simulation results are presented.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to the Joint INFN-CERN-EuCARD-AccNet Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects: ECLOUD'12; 5-9 Jun 2012, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Ital

    On the recombination in high-order harmonic generation in molecules

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    We show that the dependence of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) on the molecular orientation can be understood within a theoretical treatment that does not involve the strong field of the laser. The results for H_2 show excellent agreement with time-dependent strong field calculations for model molecules, and this motivates a prediction for the orientation dependence of HHG from the N_2 3s_g valence orbital. For both molecules, we find that the polarization of recombination photons is influenced by the molecular orientation. The variations are particularly pronounced for the N_2 valence orbital, which can be explained by the presence of atomic p-orbitals.Comment: 6 pages 7 figure

    Ribonucleoparticle-independent transport of proteins into mammalian microsomes

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    There are at least two different mechanisms for the transport of secretory proteins into the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum. Both mechanisms depend on the presence of a signal peptide on the respective precursor protein and involve a signal peptide receptor on the cis-side and signal peptidase on the trans-side of the membrane. Furthermore, both mechanisms involve a membrane component with a cytoplasmically exposed sulfhydryl. The decisive feature of the precursor protein with respect to which of the two mechanisms is used is the chain length of the polypeptide. The critical size seems to be around 70 amino acid residues (including the signal peptide). The one mechanism is used by precursor proteins larger than about 70 amino acid residues and involves two cytosolic ribonucleoparticles and their receptors on the microsomal surface. The other one is used by small precursor proteins and relies on the mature part within the precursor molecule and a cytosolic ATPase

    Stripe-hexagon competition in forced pattern forming systems with broken up-down symmetry

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    We investigate the response of two-dimensional pattern forming systems with a broken up-down symmetry, such as chemical reactions, to spatially resonant forcing and propose related experiments. The nonlinear behavior immediately above threshold is analyzed in terms of amplitude equations suggested for a 1:21:2 and 1:11:1 ratio between the wavelength of the spatial periodic forcing and the wavelength of the pattern of the respective system. Both sets of coupled amplitude equations are derived by a perturbative method from the Lengyel-Epstein model describing a chemical reaction showing Turing patterns, which gives us the opportunity to relate the generic response scenarios to a specific pattern forming system. The nonlinear competition between stripe patterns and distorted hexagons is explored and their range of existence, stability and coexistence is determined. Whereas without modulations hexagonal patterns are always preferred near onset of pattern formation, single mode solutions (stripes) are favored close to threshold for modulation amplitudes beyond some critical value. Hence distorted hexagons only occur in a finite range of the control parameter and their interval of existence shrinks to zero with increasing values of the modulation amplitude. Furthermore depending on the modulation amplitude the transition between stripes and distorted hexagons is either sub- or supercritical.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Carrier-wave Rabi flopping signatures in high-order harmonic generation for alkali atoms

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    We present the first theoretical investigation of carrier-wave Rabi flopping in real atoms by employing numerical simulations of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in alkali species. Given the short HHG cutoff, related to the low saturation intensity, we concentrate on the features of the third harmonic of sodium (Na) and potassium (K) atoms. For pulse areas of 2Ď€\pi and Na atoms, a characteristic unique peak appears, which, after analyzing the ground state population, we correlate with the conventional Rabi flopping. On the other hand, for larger pulse areas, carrier-wave Rabi flopping occurs, and is associated with a more complex structure in the third harmonic. These new characteristics observed in K atoms indicate the breakdown of the area theorem, as was already demonstrated under similar circumstances in narrow band gap semiconductors

    Freezing of parallel hard cubes with rounded edges

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    The freezing transition in a classical three-dimensional system of parallel hard cubes with rounded edges is studied by computer simulation and fundamental-measure density functional theory. By switching the rounding parameter s from zero to one, one can smoothly interpolate between cubes with sharp edges and hard spheres. The equilibrium phase diagram of rounded parallel hard cubes is computed as a function of their volume fraction and the rounding parameter s. The second order freezing transition known for oriented cubes at s = 0 is found to be persistent up to s = 0.65. The fluid freezes into a simple-cubic crystal which exhibits a large vacancy concentration. Upon a further increase of s, the continuous freezing is replaced by a first-order transition into either a sheared simple cubic lattice or a deformed face-centered cubic lattice with two possible unit cells: body-centered orthorhombic or base-centered monoclinic. In principle, a system of parallel cubes could be realized in experiments on colloids using advanced synthesis techniques and a combination of external fields.Comment: Submitted to JC

    TLEP, first step in a long-term vision for HEP

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    The discovery of H(126) has renewed interest in circular e+e- colliders that can operate as Higgs factories, which benefit from three unique characteristics: i) high luminosity and reliability, ii) the availability of several interaction points, iii) superior beam energy accuracy. TLEP is an e+e- storage ring of 80-km circumference that can operate with very high luminosity from the Z peak (90 GeV) to the top quark pair threshold (350 GeV). It can achieve transverse beam polarization at the Z peak and WW threshold, giving it unparalleled accuracy on the beam energy. A preliminary study indicates that an 80 km tunnel could be constructed around CERN. Such a tunnel would allow a 100 TeV proton-proton collider to be established in the same ring (VHE-LHC), offering a long term vision.Comment: This is a contribution to the the Snowmass process 2013: Frontier Capabilitie

    Comments on "Wall-plug (AC) power consumption of a very high energy e+/e- storage ring collider" by Marc Ross

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    The paper arXiv:1308.0735 questions some of the technical assumptions made by the TLEP Steering Group when estimating in arXiv:1305.6498 the power requirement for the very high energy e+e- storage ring collider TLEP. We show that our assumptions are based solidly on CERN experience with LEP and the LHC, as well accelerators elsewhere, and confirm our earlier baseline estimate of the TLEP power consumption.Comment: 6 page

    The FCC-ee Interaction Region Magnet Design

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    The design of the region close to the interaction point of the FCC-ee experiments is especially challenging. The beams collide at an angle (+-15 mrad) in the high-field region of the detector solenoid. Moreover, the very low vertical beta_y* of the machine necessitates that the final focusing quadrupoles have a distance from the IP (L*) of around 2 m and therefore are inside the main detector solenoid. The beams should be screened from the effect of the detector magnetic field, and the emittance blow-up due to vertical dispersion in the interaction region should be minimized, while leaving enough space for detector components. Crosstalk between the two final focus quadrupoles, only about 6 cm apart at the tip, should also be minimized.Comment: Poster presented at IPAC16, May 8-13, Busan, Kore
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