904 research outputs found

    Extracellular matrix of the central nervous system: from neglect to challenge

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    The basic concept, that specialized extracellular matrices rich in hyaluronan, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (aggrecan, versican, neurocan, brevican, phosphacan), link proteins and tenascins (Tn-R, Tn-C) can regulate cellular migration and axonal growth and thus, actively participate in the development and maturation of the nervous system, has in recent years gained rapidly expanding experimental support. The swift assembly and remodeling of these matrices have been associated with axonal guidance functions in the periphery and with the structural stabilization of myelinated fiber tracts and synaptic contacts in the maturating central nervous system. Particular interest has been focused on the putative role of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in suppressing central nervous system regeneration after lesions. The axon growth inhibitory properties of several of these chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in vitro, and the partial recovery of structural plasticity in lesioned animals treated with chondroitin sulfate degrading enzymes in vivo have significantly contributed to the increased awareness of this long time neglected structur

    Youth e-participation: Lessons Learned from an Ongoing Project in Switzerland

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    E-participation describes the utilization of ICT means and social media in order to furtherdevelop citizen participation in the information society. Especially the youth is usingrespective applications and platforms quite naturally for communication and interaction.In an ongoing e-participation pilot project in a Swiss municipality an e-participationplatform has been developed. After presenting a general overview of the topic the projectincluding its initial situation as well as lessons learned are being presented

    The Use of ICT to support Regional Developments: Contributions from the Bled eConference

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    The Bled eConference quite often gets connected to the notion of eRegion. Therefore in this paper we will have a closer look at how the idea of an eRegion has been addressed by the conference over the past. After briefly looking at the emergence of the term eRegion, we summarize the contribution of the Bled eConference to the field of eRegion in the Research Track as well as in the Business Track. Whereas in the Research Track contributions have focussed mostly on developing existing regions through ICT means, the Business Track activities tackle especially cross-border challenges between regions

    TRANSIT: Übertragung von innovativen Entwicklungen in die Anwendung

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    Das Thema dieses Artikels ist die Erforschung des Wissens- und Technologie-Transfers unter besonderer Berücksichtigung informationslinguistischer Technologie. Dazu gehören die Analyse der potentiellen Anwendungssituation, die benutzeradäquate Aufbereitung des technologischen Wissens und eine problemorientierte Fortentwicklung bis hin zu einem anwendungsorientierten Prototypen. Diese Entwicklung wird exemplarisch am Beispiel des Computergestützten Texterschließungssystems CTX dargestellt

    Emerging Industrial Structures in the Digital Economy - the Case of the Financial Industry

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    The developments of the Digital Economy will have a fundamental impact on structures and processes of eco- nomic systems. The paper first outlines the general de- riving challenges applying them then to the financial in- dustry and especially the retail banking sector. Based on this analysis the concept of a virtual bank is developed as a typical new intermediary in the financial industry

    Editorial 21/1

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    Die Übersetzerin Grete Reiner

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