16,789 research outputs found

    Combined chips for atom-optics

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    We present experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates on a combined atom chip. The combined structure consists of a large-scale "carrier chip" and smaller "atom-optics chips", containing micron-sized elements. This allows us to work with condensates very close to chip surfaces without suffering from fragmentation or losses due to thermally driven spin flips. Precise three-dimensional positioning and transport with constant trap frequencies are described. Bose-Einstein condensates were manipulated with submicron accuracy above atom-optics chips. As an application of atom chips, a direction sensitive magnetic field microscope is demonstrated.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Multiple Reflections and Diffuse Scattering in Bragg Scattering at Optical Lattices

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    We study Bragg scattering at 1D atomic lattices. Cold atoms are confined by optical dipole forces at the antinodes of a standing wave generated inside a laser-driven cavity. The atoms arrange themselves into an array of lens-shaped layers located at the antinodes of the standing wave. Light incident on this array at a well-defined angle is partially Bragg-reflected. We measure reflectivities as high as 30%. In contrast to a previous experiment devoted to the thin grating limit [S. Slama, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 193901 (2005)] we now investigate the thick grating limit characterized by multiple reflections of the light beam between the atomic layers. In principle multiple reflections give rise to a photonic stop band, which manifests itself in the Bragg diffraction spectra as asymmetries and minima due to destructive interference between different reflection paths. We show that close to resonance however disorder favors diffuse scattering, hinders coherent multiple scattering and impedes the characteristic suppression of spontaneous emission inside a photonic band gap

    Stripe-hexagon competition in forced pattern forming systems with broken up-down symmetry

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    We investigate the response of two-dimensional pattern forming systems with a broken up-down symmetry, such as chemical reactions, to spatially resonant forcing and propose related experiments. The nonlinear behavior immediately above threshold is analyzed in terms of amplitude equations suggested for a 1:21:2 and 1:11:1 ratio between the wavelength of the spatial periodic forcing and the wavelength of the pattern of the respective system. Both sets of coupled amplitude equations are derived by a perturbative method from the Lengyel-Epstein model describing a chemical reaction showing Turing patterns, which gives us the opportunity to relate the generic response scenarios to a specific pattern forming system. The nonlinear competition between stripe patterns and distorted hexagons is explored and their range of existence, stability and coexistence is determined. Whereas without modulations hexagonal patterns are always preferred near onset of pattern formation, single mode solutions (stripes) are favored close to threshold for modulation amplitudes beyond some critical value. Hence distorted hexagons only occur in a finite range of the control parameter and their interval of existence shrinks to zero with increasing values of the modulation amplitude. Furthermore depending on the modulation amplitude the transition between stripes and distorted hexagons is either sub- or supercritical.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Dimensional Crossover in Bragg Scattering from an Optical Lattice

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    We study Bragg scattering at 1D optical lattices. Cold atoms are confined by the optical dipole force at the antinodes of a standing wave generated inside a laser-driven high-finesse cavity. The atoms arrange themselves into a chain of pancake-shaped layers located at the antinodes of the standing wave. Laser light incident on this chain is partially Bragg-reflected. We observe an angular dependence of this Bragg reflection which is different to what is known from crystalline solids. In solids the scattering layers can be taken to be infinitely spread (3D limit). This is not generally true for an optical lattice consistent of a 1D linear chain of point-like scattering sites. By an explicit structure factor calculation we derive a generalized Bragg condition, which is valid in the intermediate regime. This enables us to determine the aspect ratio of the atomic lattice from the angular dependance of the Bragg scattered light.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Diffraction of a Bose-Einstein condensate from a Magnetic Lattice on a Micro Chip

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    We experimentally study the diffraction of a Bose-Einstein condensate from a magnetic lattice, realized by a set of 372 parallel gold conductors which are micro fabricated on a silicon substrate. The conductors generate a periodic potential for the atoms with a lattice constant of 4 microns. After exposing the condensate to the lattice for several milliseconds we observe diffraction up to 5th order by standard time of flight imaging techniques. The experimental data can be quantitatively interpreted with a simple phase imprinting model. The demonstrated diffraction grating offers promising perspectives for the construction of an integrated atom interferometer.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Oxygen superstructures throughout the phase diagram of (Y,Ca)Ba2Cu3O6+x\bf (Y,Ca)Ba_2 Cu_3 O_{6+x}

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    Short-range lattice superstructures have been studied with high-energy x-ray diffuse scattering in underdoped, optimally doped, and overdoped (Y,Ca)Ba2Cu3O6+x\rm (Y,Ca)Ba_2 Cu_3 O_{6+x}. A new four-unit-cell superstructure was observed in compounds with x0.95x\sim 0.95. Its temperature, doping, and material dependence was used to attribute its origin to short-range oxygen vacancy ordering, rather than electronic instabilities in the CuO2\rm CuO_2 layers. No significant diffuse scattering is observed in YBa2_2Cu4_4O8_{8}. The oxygen superstructures must be taken into account when interpreting spectral anomalies in (Y,Ca)Ba2Cu3O6+x\rm (Y,Ca)Ba_2 Cu_3 O_{6+x}

    Displacement Operator Formalism for Renormalization and Gauge Dependence to All Orders

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    We present a new method for determining the renormalization of Green functions to all orders in perturbation theory, which we call the displacement operator formalism, or the D-formalism, in short. This formalism exploits the fact that the renormalized Green functions may be calculated by displacing by an infinite amount the renormalized fields and parameters of the theory with respect to the unrenormalized ones. With the help of this formalism, we are able to obtain the precise form of the deformations induced to the Nielsen identities after renormalization, and thus derive the exact dependence of the renormalized Green functions on the renormalized gauge-fixing parameter to all orders. As a particular non-trivial example, we calculate the gauge-dependence of tanβ\tan\beta at two loops in the framework of an Abelian Higgs model, using a gauge-fixing scheme that preserves the Higgs-boson low-energy theorem for off-shell Green functions. Various possible applications and future directions are briefly discussed.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figure

    The Frequency Dependence of Critical-velocity Behavior in Oscillatory Flow of Superfluid Helium-4 Through a 2-micrometer by 2-micrometer Aperture in a Thin Foil

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    The critical-velocity behavior of oscillatory superfluid Helium-4 flow through a 2-micrometer by 2-micrometer aperture in a 0.1-micrometer-thick foil has been studied from 0.36 K to 2.10 K at frequencies from less than 50 Hz up to above 1880 Hz. The pressure remained less than 0.5 bar. In early runs during which the frequency remained below 400 Hz, the critical velocity was a nearly-linearly decreasing function of increasing temperature throughout the region of temperature studied. In runs at the lowest frequencies, isolated 2 Pi phase slips could be observed at the onset of dissipation. In runs with frequencies higher than 400 Hz, downward curvature was observed in the decrease of critical velocity with increasing temperature. In addition, above 500 Hz an alteration in supercritical behavior was seen at the lower temperatures, involving the appearance of large energy-loss events. These irregular events typically lasted a few tens of half-cycles of oscillation and could involve hundreds of times more energy loss than would have occurred in a single complete 2 Pi phase slip at maximum flow. The temperatures at which this altered behavior was observed rose with frequency, from ~ 0.6 K and below, at 500 Hz, to ~ 1.0 K and below, at 1880 Hz.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures, prequel to cond-mat/050203