15,062 research outputs found

    From an axiological standpoint

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    I maintain that intrinsic value is the fundamental concept of axiology. Many contemporary philosophers disagree; they say the proper object of value theory is final value. I examine three accounts of the nature of final value: the first claims that final value is non‐instrumental value; the second claims that final value is the value a thing has as an end; the third claims that final value is ultimate or non‐derivative value. In each case, I argue that the concept of final value described is either identical with the classical notion of intrinsic value or is not a plausible candidate for the primary concept of axiology

    Computer program simulates design, test, and analysis phases of sensitivity experiments

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    Modular program with a small main program and several specialized subroutines provides a general purpose computer program to simulate the design, test and analysis phases of sensitivity experiments. This program allows a wide range of design-response function combinations and the addition, deletion, or modification of subroutines

    Fabrication and Electrical Characterization of Fully CMOS Si Single Electron Devices

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    We present electrical data of silicon single electron devices fabricated with CMOS techniques and protocols. The easily tuned devices show clean Coulomb diamonds at T = 30 mK and charge offset drift of 0.01 e over eight days. In addition, the devices exhibit robust transistor characteristics including uniformity within about 0.5 V in the threshold voltage, gate resistances greater than 10 G{\Omega}, and immunity to dielectric breakdown in electric fields as high as 4 MV/cm. These results highlight the benefits in device performance of a fully CMOS process for single electron device fabrication.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Polymer matrix and graphite fiber interface study

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    Hercules AS4 graphite fiber, unsized, or with EPON 828, PVA, or polysulfone sizing, was combined with three different polymer matrices. These included Hercules 3501-6 epoxy, Hercules 4001 bismaleimide, and Hexcel F155 rubber toughened epoxy. Unidirectional composites in all twelve combinations were fabricated and tested in transverse tension and axial compression. Quasi-isotropic laminates were tested in axial tension and compression, flexure, interlaminar shear, and tensile impact. All tests were conducted at both room temperature, dry and elevated temperature, and wet conditions. Single fiber pullout testing was also performed. Extensive scanning electron microphotographs of fracture surfaces are included, along with photographs of single fiber pullout failures. Analytical/experimental correlations are presented, based on the results of a finite element micromechanics analysis. Correlations between matrix type, fiber sizing, hygrothermal environment, and loading mode are presented. Results indicate that the various composite properties were only moderately influenced by the fiber sizings utilized

    GaAs Quantum Dot Thermometry Using Direct Transport and Charge Sensing

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    We present measurements of the electron temperature using gate defined quantum dots formed in a GaAs 2D electron gas in both direct transport and charge sensing mode. Decent agreement with the refrigerator temperature was observed over a broad range of temperatures down to 10 mK. Upon cooling nuclear demagnetization stages integrated into the sample wires below 1 mK, the device electron temperature saturates, remaining close to 10 mK. The extreme sensitivity of the thermometer to its environment as well as electronic noise complicates temperature measurements but could potentially provide further insight into the device characteristics. We discuss thermal coupling mechanisms, address possible reasons for the temperature saturation and delineate the prospects of further reducing the device electron temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 3 (color) figure