32 research outputs found

    Impact of global warming on beef cattle production cost in Brazil

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    Global warming is affecting agribusiness in its economic aspects. Therefore, the prediction of the evolution of Brazilian beef cattle production cost was made using the IPCC forecast scenario for global warming. The methodology consisted of two steps: (i) the development of a fuzzy model that estimated the grazing land capacity (RP) decrease risk as a function of the changes in the average total rain index, air temperature and increase in extension of the dry season; and (ii) the design of an algorithm for predicting the decrease in production as function of the RPfuzzy model, that results in the impact in beef cattle productivity, and consequent increase in production costs. Historical environmental data from important producing counties in the Cerrado were organized and a set of fuzzy Gaussian functions were developed, and three possible settings (optimistic, medium and pessimistic) were considered. The decrease in beef cattle productivity was estimated using the losses in production due to the increase in air temperature and vulnerability of pasture capacity. The boundary settings for the total increase of production cost scenario used the number of animals per area of grazing land, the adoption of grain supplement and its future scenario; and the result output function pointed to a threshold within a variation from an increase in production cost of 80% (optimistic) to 160% (pessimistic). Under the optimistic scenario the total cost of Brazilian beef cattle production in the Cerrado became near to US2.88kg1,whileinthepessimisticscenariothiscostreachedUS 2.88 kg-1, while in the pessimistic scenario this cost reached US 4.16 kg-1, challenging the international competitiveness of this economic segment.O aquecimento global afeta o agronegócio em seus aspectos econômicos. Foi feita previsão daevolução do custo de produção de carne bovina brasileira usando a predição de aquecimento global do IPCC. A metodologia consistiu de duas etapas: (i) o desenvolvimento de modelo fuzzy que estimou o risco de decréscimo da capacidade de pastagens (RP) em função das mudanças no índice pluviométrico total, na temperatura do ar e na extensão da estação de seca; e (ii) o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo para predição do decréscimo da produção em função de um modelo fuzzy de RP que resulte no impacto na produtividade bovina de corte e conseqüente aumento no custo de produção. Foram organizados os dados históricos de fatores ambientais dos municípios importante produção no Cerrado e um conjunto de funções Gaussianas fuzzy foi desenvolvido e três estimativas possíveis (otimista, média e negativa) foram consideradas. O decréscimo na produtividade do gado foi estimado usando as perdas de produção devido ao acréscimo da temperatura bem como da vulnerabilidade da capacidade de pastagem. O estabelecimento dos limites para o cenário do acréscimo do custo de produção usou o número de unidade animal por área de pastagem, a adoção de suplemento de grãos e o cenário de produção futura; e o resultado da função de saída apontou para uma variação do acréscimo do custo de produção de 80% (otimista) até 160% (pessimista). Sob o cenário otimista, o custo total da produção brasileira de carne bovina no Cerrado chega a US2,88kg1,enquantonocenaˊriopessimistaestecustopodeatingirUS 2,88 kg-1, enquanto no cenário pessimista este custo pode atingir US 4,16 kg-1, o que pode comprometer a competitividade internacional do setor

    Virtual Practice of Biochemistry: Ascendant Chromatography on Paper of Amino acids.

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    Chromatography is a method used for analyses of mixture components based on different criteria: adsorbility, solubility, molecular mass, ionic charge and affinity. It is an important subject of Biochemistry. This work reports the development and the validation of a software that simulated a laboratory activity named Ascendant Chromatography on Paper of Aminoacids. The organization and the multimedia material collection were done during the 2008/2 semester. The most representative images were inserted into the learning object. The tool used for the software development was Adobe® Flash® CS3. The first application of this object was in Biochemistry I (Pharmacy-UFRGS) in 2009/1. Using this experience, a new version was developed which was tested by the students of the same subject in 2009/2. After a 50-minute class (theoretical-practical), the students of both semesters were divided in two groups. Group I answered a questionnaire about chromatography basic concepts and after used the software. Group II was submitted to an inverse protocol. The groups also evaluated the technical aspects of the software animation/simulation and the activity carried out. Associating both applications results (2009/1 and 2009/2), the present learning object can be valid as a support for practical teaching of basic biochemistry

    Evaluation of Serum Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity in a Virtual Environment

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    Introduction: Lactate dehydrogenase is a citosolic enzyme involved in reversible transformation of pyruvate to lactate. It participates in anaerobic glycolysis of skeletal muscle and red blood cells, in liver gluconeogenesis and in aerobic metabolism of heart muscle. The determination of its activity helps in the diagnosis of various diseases, because it is increased in serum of patients suffering from myocardial infarction, acute hepatitis, muscular dystrophy and cancer. This paper presents a learning object, mediated by computer, which contains the simulation of the laboratory determination serum lactate dehydrogenase activity measured by the spectrophotometric method, based in the decrease of absorbance at 340 nm. Materials and Methods: Initially, pictures and videos were obtained recording the procedure of the methodology. The most representative images were selected, edited and inserted into an animation developed with the aid of the tool Adobe ® Flash ® CS3. The validation of the object was performed by the students of Biochemistry I (Pharmacy-UFRGS) from the second semester of 2009 and both of 2010. Results and Discussion: The analysis of students' answers revealed that 80% attributed the excellence of the navigation program, the display format and to aid in learning. Conclusion: Therefore, this software can be considered an adequate teaching resource as well as an innovative support in the construction of theoretical and practical knowledge of Biochemistry. Available at: http://www6.ufrgs.br/gcoeb/LD

    Hyperpalatable Diet and Physical Exercise Modulate the Expression of the Glial Monocarboxylate Transporters MCT1 and 4.

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    Hyperpalatable diets (HP) impair brain metabolism, and regular physical exercise has an apparent opposite effect. Here, we combined a prior long-term exposure to HP diet followed by physical exercise and evaluated the impact on some neuroenergetic components and on cognitive performance. We assessed the extracellular lactate concentration, expression of monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), and mitochondrial function in the hippocampus. Male C57BL/6J mice were fed 4 months with HP or a control diet. Subsequently, they were divided in the following groups: control diet sedentary (CDS), control diet exercise (CDE), HP diet sedentary (HPS), and HP diet exercise (HPE) (n = 15 per group) and were engaged for an additional 30-day period of voluntary exercise and HP diet. Relative to the control situation, exercise increased MCT1, MCT4, and PDH protein levels, while the HP diet increased MCT1 and MCT4 protein levels. The production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the mitochondrial membrane potential (∆Ѱm) stimulated by succinate in hippocampal homogenates were not significantly different between groups. ADP phosphorylation and the maximal respiratory rate induced by FCCP showed similar responses between groups, implying a normal mitochondrial function. Also, extracellular brain lactate levels were increased in the HPE group compared to other groups soon after performing the Y-maze task. However, such enhanced lactate levels were not associated with improved memory performance. In summary, hippocampal protein expression levels of MCT1 and 4 were increased by physical exercise and HP diet, whereas PDH was only increased by exercise. These observations indicate that a hippocampal metabolic reprogramming takes place in response to these environmental factors

    As aves do rio Peixoto de Azevedo, Mato Grosso, Brasil

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    <abstract language="eng">A check-list of the birds of the rio Peixoto de Azevedo, Mato Grosso, Brazil (10º 10' S, 54º 50' W) is presented, based on collections prepared by Werner Bokermann and Emílio Dente during the months of July and August, 1976; June through August, 1977; August of 1978; March, May, June, August and October, 1979; August of 1980 and only sporadically after these dates. Each species account includes the date that specimens were collected, gonad development, weight, color of the soft parts (iris, bill and tarsus), and, when necessary, notes on systematics. Measurements are presented in millimeters and weights in grams, with the mean of the sample expressed between parentheses. Theses data are yet scanty in brazilian ornithological literature

    Lactate transporters in the rat barrel cortex sustain whisker-dependent BOLD fMRI signal and behavioral performance.

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    Lactate is an efficient neuronal energy source, even in presence of glucose. However, the importance of lactate shuttling between astrocytes and neurons for brain activation and function remains to be established. For this purpose, metabolic and hemodynamic responses to sensory stimulation have been measured by functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy and blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI after down-regulation of either neuronal MCT2 or astroglial MCT4 in the rat barrel cortex. Results show that the lactate rise in the barrel cortex upon whisker stimulation is abolished when either transporter is down-regulated. Under the same paradigm, the BOLD response is prevented in all MCT2 down-regulated rats, while about half of the MCT4 down-regulated rats exhibited a loss of the BOLD response. Interestingly, MCT4 down-regulated animals showing no BOLD response were rescued by peripheral lactate infusion, while this treatment had no effect on MCT2 down-regulated rats. When animals were tested in a novel object recognition task, MCT2 down-regulated animals were impaired in the textured but not in the visual version of the task. For MCT4 down-regulated animals, while all animal succeeded in the visual task, half of them exhibited a deficit in the textured task, a similar segregation into two groups as observed for BOLD experiments. Our data demonstrate that lactate shuttling between astrocytes and neurons is essential to give rise to both neurometabolic and neurovascular couplings, which form the basis for the detection of brain activation by functional brain imaging techniques. Moreover, our results establish that this metabolic cooperation is required to sustain behavioral performance based on cortical activation