32 research outputs found

    Ambulatório Pais-Bebês: experiência em um hospital escola

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    The objective of this article is to present the work developed at the parent-baby clinic(Ambulatório Pais-Bebês) at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, so as to emphasizethe importance of this assistance modality to professionals of related areas within thehospital environment. The authors emphasize the experience developed by aninterdisciplinary group of professionals who are dedicated to research, teaching andproviding assistance for babies and their families for about 10 years. It is hoped thatthe both research and practice will be stimulated in this area of childhood and adolescentpsychiatry, still little explored in Brazil. This collaboration among professionals resultedfrom the need to assist a growing number of babies who present development-relatedhealth problems, as well as to prevent gaps in the relationship with the caretakers. Ingeneral, although most cases are serious, intervention tends to be brief and withfavorable results. The authors believe that this may result from the fact that, between0 and 3 years of age, babies are extremely responsive to environmental changes.Therapeutic interventions that focus on such changes elicit responses from the babieswho, in turn, also stimulate their caretakers to provide better qualified care. The clinicalexperience throughout our experience has shown that the cost of such interventionsis extremely low, and as a consequence such actions should be prioritized as part ofthe effort to prevent mental problems in children.O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o trabalho que vem sendo realizado noambulatório pais-bebês, enfatizando a importância desta modalidade de atendimentopara os profissionais de áreas afins, em âmbito hospitalar. Os autores destacam aexperiência desenvolvida por um grupo multidisciplinar de profissionais, que se dedicaà pesquisa, ao ensino e ao atendimento de bebês e suas famílias há cerca de 10anos. Visa-se estimular a prática e a pesquisa nessa área de conhecimento dapsiquiatria da infância e adolescência, ainda pouco exploradas em nosso país. Surgiuda necessidade de atender uma demanda crescente de bebês com problemas desaúde em diversas áreas do desenvolvimento, bem como de prevenir falhas na relaçãocom seus cuidadores. Em geral, apesar dos casos serem graves, as intervençõescostumam ser breves e com bons resultados. Os autores acreditam que isso possaocorrer em função de que, entre 0 e 3 anos de idade, os bebês são muito responsivosàs mudanças em seu ambiente. Intervenções terapêuticas, que focalizam taismudanças, provocam respostas nos bebês que, por sua vez, também estimulam seuscuidadores a proporcionarem uma maternagem mais qualificada. A experiência clínica,ao longo deste tempo, tem demonstrado que tais intervenções são de baixíssimocusto e, conseqüentemente adquirem uma magnitude prioritária na prevenção deproblemas mentais em crianças

    Estimativa dos Fluxos Superficiais de Energia Utilizando o Modelo de Superfície Noah

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    This study aims to compare the surface flows of energy (sensibleheat and latent) obtained from Candiota07 micrometeorologicalexperiment with the results estimated by the Noah surface model.According to the results, the Noah surface model presents a goodagreement with observed data, except for the flow of latent heat duringthe night.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo comparar os fluxos superficiaisde energia (calor sensível e latente) obtidos a partir do experimentomicrometeorológico Candiota07 com os resultados estimados pelomodelo de superfície Noah. De acordo com os resultados, o modelo desuperfície Noah apresenta uma boa concordância com os dados observados,exceto para o fluxo de calor latente durante o período noturno

    The fallow period plays an important role in annual CH4 emission in a rice paddy in southern Brazil.

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    Paddy fields are significant anthropogenic sources of methane (CH4) emissions. In southern Brazil, rice is grown in lowland flooded areas once a year, followed by a long fallow period. This study aimed to measure CH4 fluxes in a rice paddy field in southern Brazil during the rice-growing season of 2015/2016 and the following fallow period. The fluxes were estimated using the eddy covariance (EC) technique and soil chamber (SC). Diurnal and seasonal variations of CH4 fluxes and potential meteorological drivers were analyzed. The CH4 fluxes showed distinct diurnal variations in each analyzed subperiod (vegetative, reproductive, pre-harvest, no rice, and land preparation), characterized by a single-peak diurnal pattern. The variables that most influenced methane emissions were air and surface temperatures. In the growing season, the rice vegetative stage was responsible for most of the measured emissions. The accumulated annual emission estimated was 44.88 g CH4 m?2 y?1, being 64% (28.50 g CH4 m?2) due to the rice-growing season and 36% (16.38 g CH4 m?2) due to the fallow period. These results show the importance of including fallow periods in strategies to mitigate methane emissions in flood irrigated rice-growing areas

    Ambulatório Pais-Bebês: experiência em um hospital escola

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    The objective of this article is to present the work developed at the parent-baby clinic(Ambulatório Pais-Bebês) at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, so as to emphasizethe importance of this assistance modality to professionals of related areas within thehospital environment. The authors emphasize the experience developed by aninterdisciplinary group of professionals who are dedicated to research, teaching andproviding assistance for babies and their families for about 10 years. It is hoped thatthe both research and practice will be stimulated in this area of childhood and adolescentpsychiatry, still little explored in Brazil. This collaboration among professionals resultedfrom the need to assist a growing number of babies who present development-relatedhealth problems, as well as to prevent gaps in the relationship with the caretakers. Ingeneral, although most cases are serious, intervention tends to be brief and withfavorable results. The authors believe that this may result from the fact that, between0 and 3 years of age, babies are extremely responsive to environmental changes.Therapeutic interventions that focus on such changes elicit responses from the babieswho, in turn, also stimulate their caretakers to provide better qualified care. The clinicalexperience throughout our experience has shown that the cost of such interventionsis extremely low, and as a consequence such actions should be prioritized as part ofthe effort to prevent mental problems in children.O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o trabalho que vem sendo realizado noambulatório pais-bebês, enfatizando a importância desta modalidade de atendimentopara os profissionais de áreas afins, em âmbito hospitalar. Os autores destacam aexperiência desenvolvida por um grupo multidisciplinar de profissionais, que se dedicaà pesquisa, ao ensino e ao atendimento de bebês e suas famílias há cerca de 10anos. Visa-se estimular a prática e a pesquisa nessa área de conhecimento dapsiquiatria da infância e adolescência, ainda pouco exploradas em nosso país. Surgiuda necessidade de atender uma demanda crescente de bebês com problemas desaúde em diversas áreas do desenvolvimento, bem como de prevenir falhas na relaçãocom seus cuidadores. Em geral, apesar dos casos serem graves, as intervençõescostumam ser breves e com bons resultados. Os autores acreditam que isso possaocorrer em função de que, entre 0 e 3 anos de idade, os bebês são muito responsivosàs mudanças em seu ambiente. Intervenções terapêuticas, que focalizam taismudanças, provocam respostas nos bebês que, por sua vez, também estimulam seuscuidadores a proporcionarem uma maternagem mais qualificada. A experiência clínica,ao longo deste tempo, tem demonstrado que tais intervenções são de baixíssimocusto e, conseqüentemente adquirem uma magnitude prioritária na prevenção deproblemas mentais em crianças

    Multi-layer ultrasonic imaging of as-built wire + arc additive manufactured components

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    Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of metal Additively Manufactured (AM) components is crucial for the identification of any potential defects. Ultrasonic testing is recognised for its volumetric imaging capability in metallic components and high defect sensitivity. However, conventional ultrasonic techniques suffer from challenges when deployed on components with curved and non-planar geometries, such as those often encountered in AM builds. The body of work introduces the concept of inspection of Wire+Arc Additive Manufacture (WAAM) components from their non-planar as-built surface, eliminating the requirement for post-manufacturing machining. In-situ or post-manufacturing inspection is enabled via an autonomously deployed conformable phased array roller-probe deploying Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT)-surface finding and multi-layer adaptive Total Focusing Method (TFM) algorithms, for fully focussed imaging of the as-built WAAM component. The concept of the imaging approach is demonstrated by inspection, through the as-built surface, of two titanium WAAM components, one containing reference bottom-drilled holes, and the other with intentionally introduced Lack of Fusion (LoF) defects. The TFM images of the WAAM components feature sufficient Signal-to-Noise Ratio to enable defect detection along with strong agreement against reference X-Ray CT data, confirming the competency of the approach for volumetric or layer-specific inspection of as-built WAAM components

    Laser-assisted surface adaptive ultrasound (SAUL) inspection of samples with complex surface profiles using a phased array roller-probe

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    The market for cost-effective additive manufactured (AM) complex components has evolved rapidly within the recent years urging the practitioners to devise robust non-destructive evaluation strategies to ensure the quality and integrity of such components. Among other AM techniques, Wire + Arc Additive manufacturing (WAAM) has particularly proven to offer high deposition rates allowing to manufacture large-scale near net shape components within shorter lead-times. However, it is difficult to fully control the occurrence of manufacturing defects such as gas pores, lack of fusion, and keyholes, especially when the gas tungsten arc welding provides the process heat. Phased Array Ultrasonics Testing (PAUT) has been one of the preferred long-standing non-destructive evaluation methods used to inspect such weld defects and has a clear potential to be applied in WAAM inspection. Performing interlayer inspection of WAAM reduces the scrappage and re-work time. For an effective WAAM inspection, it is essential to establish a good contact between the PAUT array and the complex surface of the WAAM. Thereby, an PAUT roller probe with a flexible tire that can tolerate high temperatures (< 350˚C) was designed and developed. The tire accommodates the geometric mismatch between the curved surface of the WAAM and the stand-off delay line within the roller probe – shown in Figure 1(a). Also, it is equally important to correct the PAUT focal laws such that the UT beam is well-focused as the roller probe scans over a WAAM component with a varying surface profile. This enhances and maintains the detection sensitivity along the sample. For this purpose, a Surface Adaptive Ultrasound (SAUL) algorithm was embedded in a robotically delivered inspection system. The system is planned and executed in LabVIEW to interface a KUKA KRC4 robot controller, PEAK LTPA PAUT controller and a Micro-Epsilon laser profiler (see Figures 1(b) and (c)). Required contact and orientation between PAUT roller probe and the WAAM component is maintained through real time force-torque control. During the scan, the surface profile is acquired at a predefined frequency using the laser profiler, and then processed on the fly within the SAUL algorithm to update the PAUT controller focal laws helping to keep in a consistent depth of focus regardless of the changes of the WAAM surface. The system was initially tested on an aluminium reference bock which was specifically designed with a varying surface curvature and flat bottom holes of 1 mm in diameter. The performance is also assessed using a titanium WAAM wall with flat bottom holes. Holes were successfully detected in both studies