359 research outputs found

    Unified models of the cosmological dark sector

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    We model the cosmological substratum by a viscous fluid that is supposed to provide a unified description of the dark sector and pressureless baryonic matter. In the homogeneous and isotropic background the \textit{total} energy density of this mixture behaves as a generalized Chaplygin gas. The perturbations of this energy density are intrinsically non-adiabatic and source relative entropy perturbations. The resulting baryonic matter power spectrum is shown to be compatible with the 2dFGRS and SDSS (DR7) data. A joint statistical analysis, using also Hubble-function and supernovae Ia data, shows that, different from other studies, there exists a maximum in the probability distribution for a negative present value q00.53q_{0} \approx - 0.53 of the deceleration parameter. Moreover, different from other approaches, the unified model presented here favors a matter content that is of the order of the baryonic matter abundance suggested by big-bang nucleosynthesis.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, submitted to the Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting - ERE 2010, Granada, September 6 - September 10, 201

    Non-adiabatic Chaplygin gas

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    The split of a generalised Chaplygin gas with an equation of state p = -A/\rho^{\alpha} into an interacting mixture of pressureless matter and a dark-energy component with equation of state p_{\Lambda} = - \rho_{\Lambda} implies the existence of non-adiabatic pressure perturbations. We demonstrate that the square of the effective (non-adiabatic) sound speed c_s of the medium is proportional to the ratio of the perturbations of the dark energy to those of the dark matter. Since, as demonstrated explicitly for the particular case \alpha = -1/2, dark-energy perturbations are negligible compared with dark-matter perturbations on scales that are relevant for structure formation, we find |c_s^2| << 1. Consequently, there are no oscillations or instabilities which have plagued previous adiabatic Chaplygin-gas models.Comment: Version to appear in Physics Letters

    Matter power spectrum for the generalized Chaplygin gas model: The relativistic case

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    The generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) model is the prototype of a unified model of dark energy (DE) and dark matter (DM). It is characterized by equation-of-state (EoS) parameters AA and α\alpha. We use a statistical analysis of the 2dFGRS data to constrain these parameters. In particular, we find that very small (close to zero) and very large values (α1\alpha\gg 1) of the equation-of-state parameter α\alpha are preferred. To test the validity of this type of unification of the dark sector we admit the existence of a separate DM component in addition to the Chaplygin gas and calculate the probability distribution for the fractional contributions of both components to the total energy density. This analysis favors a model for which the Universe is nearly entirely made up of the separate DM component with an almost negligible Chaplygin gas part. This confirms the results of a previous Newtonian analysis.Comment: Latex file, 8 pages, 15 figures in eps forma

    Collisional equilibrium, particle production and the inflationary universe

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    Particle production processes in the expanding universe are described within a simple kinetic model. The equilibrium conditions for a Maxwell-Boltzmann gas with variable particle number are investigated. We find that radiation and nonrelativistic matter may be in equilibrium at the same temperature provided the matter particles are created at a rate that is half the expansion rate. Using the fact that the creation of particles is dynamically equivalent to a nonvanishing bulk pressure we calculate the backreaction of this process on the cosmological dynamics. It turns out that the `adiabatic' creation of massive particles with an equilibrium distribution for the latter necessarily implies power-law inflation. Exponential inflation in this context is shown to become inconsistent with the second law of thermodynamics after a time interval of the order of the Hubble time.Comment: 19 pages, latex, no figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Generalised equilibrium of cosmological fluids in second-order thermodynamics

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    Combining the second-order entropy flow vector of the causal Israel-Stewart theory with the conformal Killing-vector property of ui/Tu_{i}/T, where uiu_{i} is the four-velocity of the medium and T its equilibrium temperature, we investigate generalized equilibrium states for cosmological fluids with nonconserved particle number. We calculate the corresponding equilibrium particle production rate and show that this quantity is reduced compared with the results of the previously studied first-order theory. Generalized equilibrium for massive particles turns out to be compatible with a dependence ρa2\rho \propto a ^{-2} of the fluid energy density ρ\rho on the scale factor a of the Robertson-Walker metric and may be regarded as a realization of so-called K-matter.Comment: 17 pages, iopfts.tex file, submitted to Class. Quantum Gra

    Cosmological perturbation theory and conserved quantities in the large-scale limit

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    The linear cosmological perturbation theory of an almost homogeneous and isotropic perfect fluid universe is reconsidered and formally simplified by introducing new covariant and gauge-invariant variables with physical interpretations on hypersurfaces of constant expansion, constant curvature or constant energy density. The existence of conserved perturbation quantities on scales larger than the Hubble scale is discussed. The quantity which is conserved on large scales in a flat background universe may be expressed in terms of the fractional, spatial gradient of the energy density on constant expansion hypersurfaces or, alternatively, with the help of expansion or curvature perturbation variables on hypersurfaces of constant energy density. For nonvanishing background curvature the perturbation dynamics is most suitably described in terms of energy density perturbations on hypersurfaces of constant curvature.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, to appear in Class.Quantum Gra

    Viscous dark fluid universe

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    We investigate the cosmological perturbation dynamics for a universe consisting of pressureless baryonic matter and a viscous fluid, the latter representing a unified model of the dark sector. In the homogeneous and isotropic background the \textit{total} energy density of this mixture behaves as a generalized Chaplygin gas. The perturbations of this energy density are intrinsically non-adiabatic and source relative entropy perturbations. The resulting baryonic matter power spectrum is shown to be compatible with the 2dFGRS and SDSS (DR7) data. A joint statistical analysis, using also Hubble-function and supernovae Ia data, shows that, different from other studies, there exists a maximum in the probability distribution for a negative present value q00.53q_0 \approx - 0.53 of the deceleration parameter. Moreover, while previous descriptions on the basis of generalized Chaplygin gas models were incompatible with the matter power spectrum data since they required a much too large amount of pressureless matter, the unified model presented here favors a matter content that is of the order of the baryonic matter abundance suggested by big-bang nucleosynthesis.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure