11 research outputs found

    Prevalência de hipertensão arterial em indígenas do Brasil: uma revisão sistemática com meta-análise

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    OBJETIVO Evaluar las evidencias acerca de la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial en indígenas brasileños por medio de una revisión sistemática y la realización de metanaálisis. MÉTODO Se llevó a cabo la búsqueda por dos revisores, sin restricción de fecha e idioma en las bases de datos PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y Portal de Periódicos de Capes. También se hizo un modelo de metarregresión en que el último año de recolección de cada estudio fue utilizado como variable moderadora. RESULTADOS Fueron incluidos 23 artículos en la revisión. Hubo ausencia de hipertensión en los indígenas en 10 estudios y las prevalencias fueron crecientes y variadas, alcanzando niveles de hasta el 29,7%. La prevalencia combinada de hipertensión en los indígenas en el período de 1970 a 2014 fue del 6,2% (IC95%, 3,1% - 10,3%). En la regresión, el valor de la razón de probabilidades fue de 1,12 (IC95%, 1,07 - 1,18; p < 0,0001), indicando un incremento del 12% cada año en la probabilidad de que un indígena presente hipertensión arterial. CONCLUSIÓN Hubo aumento creciente en la prevalencia, pese a la ausencia de hipertensión, en cerca de la mitad de los estudios, probablemente consecuente de cambios de hábitos culturales, económicos y de estilo de vida, resultantes de la interacción del indio con la sociedad no indígena.OBJECTIVE Evaluating the evidence of hypertension prevalence among indigenous populations in Brazil through a systematic review and meta-analysis. METHODS A search was performed by two reviewers, with no restriction of date or language in the databases of PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, Virtual Health Library and Capes Journal Portal. Also, a meta-regression model was designed in which the last collection year of each study was used as a moderating variable. RESULTS 23 articles were included in the review. No hypertension was found in indigenous populations in 10 studies, and its prevalence was increasing and varied, reaching levels of up to 29.7%. Combined hypertension prevalence in Indigenous from the period of 1970 to 2014 was 6.2% (95% CI, 3.1% - 10.3%). In the regression, the value of the odds ratio was 1.12 (95% CI, 1.07 - 1.18; pOBJETIVO Avaliar as evidências sobre a prevalência de hipertensão arterial em indígenas brasileiros por meio de uma revisão sistemática e realização de meta-análise. MÉTODO Realizou-se busca por dois revisores, sem restrição de data e idioma nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e Portal de Periódicos da Capes. Também foi feito um modelo de meta-regressão em que o último ano de coleta de cada estudo foi utilizado como variável moderadora. RESULTADOS Foram incluídos 23 artigos na revisão. Houve ausência de hipertensão nos indígenas em 10 estudos e as prevalências foram crescentes e variadas, atingindo níveis de até 29,7%. A prevalência combinada de hipertensão nos indígenas no período de 1970 a 2014 foi de 6,2% (IC95%, 3,1% - 10,3%). Na regressão, o valor da razão de chances foi de 1,12 (IC95%, 1,07 - 1,18; p < 0,0001), indicando aumento de 12% a cada ano, na chance de um indígena apresentar hipertensão arterial. CONCLUSÃO Houve aumento crescente na prevalência, apesar da ausência de hipertensão, em cerca da metade dos estudos, provavelmente decorrente de mudanças de hábitos culturais, econômicos e de estilo de vida, resultantes da interação do índio com a sociedade não indígena

    “Body and Soul Pain”: Conception and social support network for women who experienced marital violence

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    Violence is a problem to be understood in an interdisciplinary way. This qualitative study aimed to understand the conception of women who experienced marital violence and structurally analyze their social support networks. Five women who reported their spouses to the Women’s Police Station (DECCM) and were being monitored by the Technical Team of the Women’s Emergency Support Service (SAPEM) were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. A constructive-interpretive analysis was performed to identify the conceptions of experience of marital violence and through the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) it was possible to make an analysis and a graphic representation of the social support network for the women participating in this study. In general, it was observed that all women understand physical violence as actions that cause damage to the human anatomical and physiological structure. However, their conceptions are not limited to physical injury; they are also related to affective issues. For the participants, conjugal violence is not fragmented into “types of violence”, on the contrary, it occurs “agglutinated”, affecting the body and soul. Regarding the development of women’s social support network, they all have a family member as support – usually sons/daughters or mothers – and most of them count on the SAPEM technical team. The police station/police is also part of the network. Therefore, these tactics used in the social support network structure have different mechanisms by which the women reorganized their stories, electing some people and/or institutions, excluding others, highlighting this or that person and/or institution to make them agents for minimizing threatening behavior to themselves and their families. These people, when called in, seem to act either to curb violence and to strengthen the couple’s marital bonds or to break these bond


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223658345094Através de uma revisão bibliográfica, apresentamos algumas das principais espécies animais envolvidas no ciclo de transmissão da leptospirose. Foram lidos 80 trabalhos publicados, a busca se deu através de portais indexadores, bibliotecas, livros e informes técnicos que citam como descritores as palavras (lepstospiras em animais; sorovares de leptospiras e leptospirose em animais). Assim relatamos os achados de leptospira em espécies domésticas de criação, sinantrópicas e silvestres. Conhecer os sorovares prevalentes, bem como os hospedeiros que participam do ciclo da leptospirose, são estratégias de grande importância que devem ser adotadas para o entendimento epidemiológico da doença

    Assessment of cardiovascular risk factors, emphasizing Arterial Hypertension, in Indians from Mura Ethnicity: comparative investigation between rural and urban populations

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    A prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovascular, com destaque para a hipertensão arterial tem mostrado tendência presente e ascendente em populações indígenas. O objetivo principal desse estudo foi comparar o perfil de fatores de risco cardiovascular, com destaque para hipertensão arterial, em indígenas Mura da área rural e urbana do município de Autazes, Amazonas. Casuística e Métodos: Estudo transversal, realizado no município de Autazes no estado do Amazonas com 455 indígenas da etnia Mura (234 indígenas da área rural e 221 da área urbana). Os participantes foram caracterizados em relação a variáveis sociodemográficas, hábitos e estilos de vida, condições de saúde, perfil antropométrico, perfil lipídico e glicemia de jejum. A pressão arterial foi avaliada pela medida casual, com aparelho automático validado. Hipertensão foi definida para valores 140 e/ou 90 mmHg ou diagnóstico prévio de hipertensão.Avaliou-se os fatores associados a hipertensão arterial, por meio da regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, sendo considerados estatisticamente significativos, valores de p0,05. Resultados: A maioria era do sexo feminino (57,8%), a média de idade foi de 42,2(16,7) anos, analfabetismo e ensino fundamental incompleto (58,0%), morando com companheiro (73,5%). A prevalência de hipertensão nos indígenas Mura foi de 26,6% (IC95% 22,5-30,7), menor entre os da área rural (21,8% vs 31,7%,p0,05). Os indígenas Mura da área rural foram diferentes (p0,05) dos indígenas da área urbana, respectivamente, em relação a: idade menos elevada [40,5(16,5) vs 43,7(16,8) anos)]; estado civil amasiado (58,2% vs 33,4%); renda familiar menorque três salários (43,6% vs 51,6%); mais trabalho temporário (61,5% vs 47,1%); venda mais elevada de produtos agropecuários e da pesca (53,4% vs 30,3%); pertencentes a classe econômica D e E (97,8% vs 74,2%). Em relação às características antropométricas, os indígenas da área rural foram diferentes (p0,05) dos da área urbana, respectivamente, para: IMC menos elevado [25,7(4,1) vs 27,6(5,2) kg/m²]; presença de obesidade (15,8% vs 35,3%); circunferência da cintura aumentada substancialmente (8,5% vs 42,1%); relação cintura quadril aumentada (81,2% vs 89,1%); percentual de gordura corporal muito alta (32% vs 48,8%); gordura visceral alto (17,1% vs 25,3%). Quanto aos hábitos e estilos de vida, os indígenas da área rural foram diferentes (p0,05) dos da área urbana em relação ao: menor índice de tabagismo com 11 anos ou mais (46,5% vs 62,0%); maior índice de: etilismo (57,3% vs 22,2%), sedentarismo (17,1% vs 11,3%)]. Quanto o modo de preparo dos alimentos, os indígenas da área rural se diferenciaram (p0,05) dos da área urbana, respectivamente, quanto à maior: utilização do método da cocção (81,2% vs 72,8%); adição de sal nas refeições prontas (58,1% vs 43,9%) e utilização de açúcar (100% vs 97,7%). Em relação à hipertensão arterial, os indígenas da área rural foram diferentes (p0,05) dos da área urbana, respectivamente, quanto à: menor prevalência de hipertensão referida (12,8% vs 28,1%); receberam menos orientações para tratamento não medicamentoso (18,2% vs 55,8%); deixaram de comparecer às consultas marcadas por falta de dinheiro (68,4% vs 25,0%); tinham dificuldade para realizar o tratamento medicamentoso por esquecimento (85,0% vs 14,3%). Quanto aos antecedentes familiares de doenças cardiovasculares, os indígenas da área rural referiram menos (p0,05): problemas de coração (28,6% vs 34,8%), acidente vascular encefálico (22,6% vs 34,8%), diabetes mellitus (26,0% vs 45,7%), dislipidemias (25,6% vs 43,9%) e de hipertensão arterial (57,7% vs 72,4%). Em relação aos antecedentes pessoais, os indígenas da área rural foram diferentes (p0,05) ao referirem ausência: de problemas de coração (63,7% vs 72,4%), de acidente vascular encefálico (99,1% vs 94,1%), de diabetes mellitus (62,0% vs 83,3%) e de dislipidemias (56,0% vs 60,3%). Os indígenas hipertensos foram estatisticamente diferentes dos indígenas não hipertensos, respectivamente, em relação a: idade mais elevada [53,6(16,6) vs 37,9(14,4) anos]; analfabetismo e ensino fundamental incompleto (71,0% vs53,3%); viver sem companheiro (60,3% vs 77,2%); renda familiar menor que três salários (57,1% vs 44,0%); tinham menos trabalho remunerado temporário (46,3% vs 57,5%); menos benefício de programa social (43,8% vs 66,2%); aposentados (43,0% vs 20,4%). Os indígenas hipertensos foram diferentes (p0,05) dos indígenas não hipertensos por apresentarem a maior elevação: do IMC [28,9(5,0) vs 25,8(4,3) kg/m²], de obesidade (40,5% vs 19,8%), da circunferência do pescoço aumentada (75,2% vs 54,8%); da circunferência da cintura aumentada substancialmente (28,1% vs 21,9%), da relação cintura quadril aumentada (95,0% vs 81,4%), índice de conicidade mais elevado [1,32(0,05) vs 1,25(0,07)], gordura visceral muito alto (55,4% vs 34,7 gordura corporal muito alto (22,3% vs 5,7%); músculo esquelético baixo (45,0% vs 25,1%). Apresentaram ainda: triglicérides alto (30,6% vs 16,8%); colesterol alto (16,5% vs 6,0%); diabetes mellitus (6,6% vs 1,8%). Quanto aos hábitos de vida, os indígenas hipertensos referiram menos (p0,05): tabagismo (12,4% vs 23,4%), utilização de pílula ou hormônio anticoncepcional (15,1% vs 26,8%, p0,05). Eram mais praticantes de atividades físicas regulares (50,4% vs 46,1%). Quanto à alimentação, os indígenas hipertensos foram diferentes (p0,05) quanto à menor aquisição de alimentos da caça e/ou pesca (48,8% vs 68,3%), menor utilização de óleo vegetal (96,7% vs 99,7%) e adição de sal nas refeições prontas (43,0% vs 54,2%), porém utilizava mais gordura animal ou banha para o preparodos alimentos (12,7% vs 5,1%). Os indígenas hipertensos foram diferentes (p0,05) dos indígenas não hipertensos por apresentarem respectivamente mais história pregressa: de problemas de coração (14,9% vs 3,6%), de ocorrência de acidente vascular encefálico (9,1% vs 1,2%), ter diabetes mellitus (12,4% vs 2,4%) e ter tido e/ou ainda possuir dislipidemias (29,2% vs 9,6%).O fator de risco não modificável associado à hipertensão foi a idade [RP ajustada = 1,04 (IC95% 1,03-1,05)]. Entre os fatores modificáveis associaram-se à hipertensão: o IMC [RP ajustada = 1,07 (IC95%1,05-1,10)], os triglicerídeos classificados como limítrofe [RP ajustada = 1,68 (IC95% 1,19-2,38)] e alto [RP ajustada = 1,47 ( IC95% 1,06-2,04)], antecedente pessoal de dislipidemia [RP ajustada = 1,50(IC95% 1,09-1,94)], preparo de alimentos com gordura animal [RP ajustada = 1,89(IC95% 1,30-2,74)] e com gordura vegetal animal [RP ajustada = 0,36(IC95% 0,26-0,51)]. Conclusão: A prevalência de hipertensão foi alta, ainda se observou sinais de mudanças de hábitos e estilos de vidas, semelhantes à população não indígena.The prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, highlighting the arterial hypertension, has shown current and ascendant trend in Indian samples. The main objective of this study was to compare the profile of cardiovascular risk factors, emphasizing the arterial hypertension, of Mura ethnicitys Indians from rural and urban zones in Autazes, Amazon. Casuistic and Methods: cross-sectional research conducted in Amazon state with 455 Indians from the Mura ethnicity (234 Indians from rural zone and 221 from urban zone). We characterized the sample regarding sociodemographic variables, habits and lifestyle, health status, anthropometric profile, fat levels, and fasting glucose.Blood pressure was assessed trough casual measure with a validated automatic device.Hypertension was defined when blood pressure was 140 and/or90 mmHg or face a previous medical diagnosis of it.Poisson Regression with robust variance was applied to assess the factors associated with arterial hypertension. P values 0,05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Most of sample was complained for women (57,8%), with mean age of 42,2(16,7) years, Illiteracy and incomplete basic education (58,0%) and living with a partner (73,5%). The prevalence of hypertension in the Mura Indians was of 26,6% (95% CI 22,5-30,7), lower among those from rural zone (21,8% vs 31,7%, p0,05). The Mura Indians from rural area were different (p0,05) of those from urban ones regarding to: early age [40,5(16,5) vs43,7(16,8) years)]; cohabitating marital status (58,2% vs 33,4%); family income lower than 3 minimum wages (43,6% vs 51,6%); extra temporary work (61,5% vs 47,1%); increased selling of agricultural and fishing products (53,4% vs 30,3%); and pertaining the economic classesD and E (97,8% vs 74,2%). Concerning the anthropometric features, the Indians from rural area were different (p0,05) of those from urban zones, respectively, for: lower IMC [25,7(4,1) vs 27,6(5,2) kg/m²]; presence of obesity (15,8% vs 35,3%); substantially increasedwaist circumference (8,5% vs 42,1%); increased waist-hip ratio (81,2% vs 89,1%); very high Fat body percentage (32,0% vs 48,8%); high visceral fat (17,1% vs 25,3%). About habits and lifestyle, Indians from the rural zone showed difference (p0,05) to the other group regarding: lower index of smoking- 11 years or more (46,5% vs 62,0%); higher index of alcoholism (57,3% vs 22,2%); and sedentary lifestyle (17,1% vs 11,3%)]. The use of cooking method (81,2% vs 72,8%); extra salt in ready meals (58,1% vs 43,9%) and sugar intake (100% vs 97,7%) were different between the groups. In relation to arterial hypertension, both groups had differed (p0,05) in respect of: lower prevalence of referred hypertension (12,8% vs 28,1%); poorly guided about non-pharmacological treatment (18,2% vs 55,8%); absence in medical consultation due to lack of money (68,4% vs 25,0%); and difficulty to attend the pharmacological therapy due to forgetting (85% vs 14,3%). About the family background on heart diseases, the Indians from rural zone reported less (p0,05): heart diseases(28,6% vs 34,8%), brain stroke (22,6% vs 34,8%), diabetes mellitus (26,0% vs 45,7%), dyslipidemias (25,6% vs 43,9%) andarterial hypertension (57,7% vs 72,4%). The personal antecedents of rural Indians were different (p0,05) in the absence of: heart diseases (63,7% vs 72,4%), brain stroke (99,1% vs 94,1%), diabetes mellitus (62,0% vs 83,3%) and dyslipidemias (56,0% vs 60,3%). Hypertensive Indians were statistically different from the healthy ones regarding to: advanced age [53,6(16,6) vs 37,9(14,4) years]; Illiteracy and incomplete basic education (71,0% vs 53,3%); single marital status (60,3% vs 77,2%); family income less than three minimum wages (57,1% vs 44,0%); less temporary paid labor (46,3% vs 57,5%); less social programs benefits (43,8% vs 66,2%); retired (43,0% vs 20,4%). The group(hypertensive) differed by presenting increased: BMI [28,9(5,0) vs 25,8(4,3) kg/m²], obesity (40,5% vs 19,8%), neck circumference (75,2% vs 54,8%); waist circumference (28,1% vs 21,9%), hip-waist ratio (95,0% vs 81,4%), conicity index [1,32(0,05) vs 1,25(0,07)], visceral fat (55,4% vs 34,7),body fat (22,3% vs 5,7%); and poor skeletal muscle (45,0% vs 25,1%). They also presented: high levels of triglycerides (30,6% vs 16,8%); high cholesterol levels (16,5% vs 6,0%); and diabetes mellitus (6,6% vs 1,8%). Concerning life habits, hypertensives Indians referred less: smoking (12,4% vs 23,4%) and use of contraceptive pill or hormones (15,1% vs 26,8%, p0,05). They practice more regular physical activities than the non-hypertensive individuals (50,4% vs 46,1%). Hypertensive Indians were different on nutrition, regarding to: lower acquisition of hunting and fishing foods (48,8% vs 68,3%), lower use of vegetal oil (96,7% vs 99,7%) and higher salt addition in ready meals (43,0% vs 54,2%). However, they use more animal fat or lard for foods preparation (12,7% vs 5,1%). These hypotensive Indians had also more previous antecedents of: heart diseases (14,9% vs 3,6%), brain stroke occurrence (9,1% vs 1,2%), diabetes mellitus (12,4% vs 2,4%) and presence or historic of dyslipidemias (29,2% vs 9,6%).The unchangeable risk factor associated to hypertension was age [PR adjusted = 1,04 (95% CI1,03-1,05)]. The following changeable risk factors associated to the outcome were: BMI [PR adjusted= 1,07 (95% CI1,05-1,10)], border [PR adjusted = 1,68 (95% CI1,19-2,38)] and high [PR adjusted = 1,47 (95% CI1,06-2,04)] levels of triglycerides, personal records of dyslipidemia [PR adjusted = 1,50(95% CI1,09-1,94)], food preparation with animal [PR adjusted = 1,89(95% CI1,30-2,74)] and animal-vegetal fats [PR ajusted = 0,36(95% CI0,26-0,51)]. Conclusion: Hypertension was highly prevalent and the signs of lifestyles and habits changes were similar to those found in non-Indian population

    Estimation of direct costs for the implantation and effectiveness of vaccination against HPV in the State of Amazonas

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    The study estimated the direct costs of implementing and conducting vaccination campaigns against HPV in the state of Amazonas. This is a cross-sectional prospective study, using mathematical models and descriptive of economic evaluation in health. Primary and secondary data were used to estimate the costs involved in the campaigns carried out between the years of 2013 and 2014. The costs were evaluated through the Pearson correlation analysis, with significant values of pXXXXXX0.05. It was identified that in the Amazon, the percentage coverage of the campaign for the 1st dose was 95.4%, in the second dose to the coverage was 94.4% and in the third dose 84.1% of the female adolescents. The total direct costs estimated for the three stages of the campaign, revealed the value of R $ 16,149,814.79, applied through the State Department of Health of Amazonas, as well as costs presented a statistically significant correlation with the target population variable (pXXXX0.001). The vaccination campaigns in Amazonas are very expensive and the complexity and dynamicity of the state’s territoriality and human resources must be considered, making it necessary to apply the principle of equity in the process of planning health actions for the implantation and the implementation of vaccination campaigns in the Amazon

    Technical clearance for mental disorders among the servers in the city hall of Manaus: a preliminary analysis

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    This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of work absenteeism due to mental disorders among the servers of the Prefeitura Municipal de Manaus - PMM, registered by the Junta Médica do Município, in the period January to December 2011. It was found, after the documentary analysis, data of extreme significance that converge with numerous studies which indicate the nature of work as a risk factor for mental illness. It is through them that mental disorders has been a major cause of absence from work activities, especially among the servers in the area of health and education, representing 10% of total permits issued in 2011. These findings may support future studies that focus on health promotion and quality of life of these professionals, thus becoming a major challenge for policy maker

    Cardiovascular risk factors with an emphasis on hypertension in the Mura Indians from Amazonia

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    Abstract Background The Brazilian indigenous population is currently undergoing a process of epidemiological transition regarding the occurrence of communicable diseases, malnutrition and non-communicable chronic diseases. Chronic non-infectious diseases are the most common causes of death worldwide, and hypertension is one of the main cardiovascular risk factors. Thus, the main objective of this paper was to evaluate the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, with an emphasis on hypertension, in the Mura Indians living in the municipality of Autazes in the northern Brazilian state of Amazonas. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted among 455 natives (57.8% women, 42.2 ± 16.7 years) selected by simple random sampling. Sociodemographic variables, habits and lifestyles, anthropometric data, fasting glycaemia and lipid profiles were evaluated. Blood pressure was measured with a validated automatic device. Values of p ≤ 0.05 were considered significant. Results The prevalence of hypertension was 26.6%. The other cardiovascular risk factors were as follows: increased waist-hip ratio (85.1%); increased neck circumference (60.2%); increased waist circumference (48.6%); overweight (57.1%); physical inactivity (52.7%); use of alcoholic beverages (40.2%); high total cholesterol (27.5%); increased triglycerides (23.5%); smoking (20.4%); and diabetes mellitus (3.0%). In relation to non-hypertensive individuals, indigenous hypertensive individuals were (p ≤ 0.05) older and had a higher proportion of individuals living with partners and individuals who were retired, as well as a lower level of schooling and higher family income. The indigenous people living in urban areas had a higher prevalence of hypertension than did those living in rural areas. In relation to habits and lifestyles, hypertensive Indians had a lower prevalence of smoking, higher frequency of the use of animal fat during meal preparation, lower frequency of vegetable oil use and lower frequency of salt addition to already-prepared meals. An assessment of anthropometric variables and laboratory markers showed that the hypertensive indigenous individuals had higher values of body mass index, neck circumference, waist circumference, visceral fat, Conicity Index, and body fat than did the non-hypertensive individuals. Conclusion The prevalence of hypertension and other important cardiovascular risk factors in the Mura Indians was high. This finding is probably due to the adoption of inappropriate habits and lifestyles

    Níveis pressóricos elevados e risco cardiovascular entre indígenas Munduruku

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    Objetivo: identificar os fatores de risco associados à préhipertensão e hipertensão arterial entre indígenas Munduruku da Amazônia brasileira. Método: estudo transversal realizado com 459 indígenas Munduruku selecionados por meio de amostragem aleatória estratificada. Foram avaliadas variáveis sociodemográficas, hábitos e estilos de vida, dados antropométricos, glicemia de jejum e perfis lipídicos. Utilizou-se aparelho automático calibrado e validado para medir a pressão arterial. As análises dos dados coletados foram realizadas pelo software R versão 3.5.1. Para as variáveis contínuas, utilizou-se o teste Kruskall-Wallis; para as categóricas, o Exato de Fischer. Considerou-se nível de significância de 5% e valor p≤0,05. Resultados: a prevalência de níveis pressóricos alterados foi de 10,2% para valores sugestivos de hipertensão e de 4,1% para pré-hipertensão. O risco de pré-hipertensão entre indígenas associou-se a ser do sexo masculino (OR=1,65; IC95% 0,65-4,21) e ter circunferência da cintura aumentada substancialmente (OR=7,82; IC95% 1,80-34,04). Quanto ao risco para hipertensão arterial, associou-se à idade (OR=1,09; IC95% 1,06-1,12), à circunferência da cintura aumentada (OR=3,89; IC95% 1,43-10,54) e à circunferência da cintura aumentada substancialmente (OR=5,46; IC95% 1,78-16,75). Conclusão: entre indígenas Munduruku, os homens estavam mais vulneráveis para desenvolver hipertensão; a idade e a circunferência da cintura aumentada mostraram-se como fortes fatores de risco cardiovascular.Objective: to identify the risk factors associated with prehypertension and arterial hypertension among Munduruku indigenous people in the Brazilian Amazon. Method: a cross-sectional study carried out with 459 Munduruku indigenous people selected by means of stratified random sampling. Sociodemographic variables, habits and lifestyles, anthropometric data, fasting glucose and lipid profiles were evaluated. An automatic device calibrated and validated to measure blood pressure was used. The analyses of the data collected were carried out in the R software, version 3.5.1. For continuous variables, the Kruskall-Wallis test was used; for the categorical ones, Fischer’s Exact. The significance level was set at 5% and p-value≤0.05. Results: the prevalence of altered blood pressure levels was 10.2% for values suggestive of hypertension and 4.1% for pre-hypertension. The risk of prehypertension among indigenous people was associated with being male (OR=1.65; 95% CI=0.65-4.21) and having a substantially increased waist circumference (OR=7.82; 95% CI=1.80-34.04). Regarding the risk for arterial hypertension, it was associated with age (OR=1.09; 95% CI=1.06-1.12), with increased waist circumference (OR=3.89; 95% CI=1.43-10, 54) and with substantially increased waist circumference (OR=5.46; 95% CI=1.78-16.75). Conclusion: among Munduruku indigenous people, men were more vulnerable to developing hypertension; age and increased waist circumference proved to be strong cardiovascular risk factors.Objetivo: identificar los factores de riesgo asociados con la prehipertensión y la hipertensión arterial entre los indígenas Munduruku en la Amazonía brasileña. Método: estudio transversal realizado con 459 indígenas Munduruku seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio estratificado. Se evaluaron variables sociodemográficas, hábitos y estilos de vida, datos antropométricos, glucosa en ayunas y perfiles lipídicos. Se utilizó un dispositivo automático calibrado y validado para medir la presión arterial. Los análisis de los datos recopilados se llevaron a cabo mediante el software R versión 3.5.1. Para las variables continuas se utilizó la prueba de KruskalWallis; para las categóricas, Exacto de Fischer. El nivel de significancia se estableció en 5% y p≤0,05. Resultados: la prevalencia de niveles alterados de presión arterial fue del 10,2% para valores sugestivos de hipertensión y del 4,1% para prehipertensión. El riesgo de prehipertensión entre los indígenas se asoció al sexo masculino (OR=1,65; IC95% 0,65-4,21) y a un aumento sustancial de la circunferencia de cintura (OR=7,82; IC95% 1,80-34,04). En cuanto al riesgo de hipertensión arterial, se asoció con la edad (OR=1,09; IC95% 1,06-1,12), con un aumento de la circunferencia de la cintura (OR=3,89; IC95% 1,43-10,54) y con un aumento sustancial de la circunferencia de la cintura (OR=5,46; IC95% 1,78-16,75). Conclusión: entre los indios Munduruku, los hombres eran más vulnerables a desarrollar hipertensión, la edad y el aumento de la circunferencia de la cintura demostraron ser fuertes factores de riesgo cardiovascular