66 research outputs found

    Making the case for grid-connected photovoltaics in Brazil

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    AbstractIn the developed world, grid-connected photovoltaics (PVs) are the fastest-growing segment of the energy market. From 1999 to 2009, this industry had a 42% compound annual growth-rate. From 2009 to 2013, it is expected to grow to 45%, and in 2013 the achievement of grid parity – when the cost of solar electricity becomes competitive with conventional retail (including taxes and charges) grid-supplied electricity – is expected in many places worldwide. Grid-connected PV is usually perceived as an energy technology for developed countries, whereas isolated, stand-alone PV is considered as more suited for applications in developing nations, where so many individuals still lack access to electricity. This rationale is based on the still high costs of PV when compared with conventional electricity. We make the case for grid-connected PV generation in Brazil, showing that with the declining costs of PV and the rising prices of conventional electricity, urban populations in Brazil will also enjoy grid parity in the present decade. We argue that governments in developing nations should act promptly and establish the mandates and necessary conditions for their energy industry to accumulate experience in grid-connected PV, and make the most of this benign technology in the near future

    Extreme overirradiance events in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    Phenomena of overirradiance have been pointed all over the World. This note presents the most extreme enhancement event reported in Brazil, which contains an irradiance reading of 1590 W/m2 measured in São Paulo (latitude 23°32′S) at relatively low altitude (760 m a.s.l.)

    Potencial de uso de sistemas fotovoltaicos sin baterías en aplicaciones productivas rurales

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    Desde hace ya varios años, la disminución de los precios de sistemas fotovoltaicos viabilizó su uso para fines productivos. En el Brasil aún existe una gran cantidad de comunidades rurales cuyas actividades económicas podrían ser mejoradas con el acceso a la energía eléctrica producida por sistemas fotovoltaicos. Las baterías son un elemento importante dentro del sistema pero su uso trae una serie de problemas de mantenimiento, aumento de costos y disminución de la confiabilidad del sistema. Por ese motivo, el presente artículo analiza el potencial de algunas aplicaciones fotovoltaicas que no necesitan el uso de baterías y finalmente hace sugerencias de algunos factores que deben ser tomados en cuenta en la elaboración de estos proyectos.For several years, the decline in prices of photovoltaic systems enable their use for productive purposes. In Brazil there are a lot of rural communities whose economic activities could be improved with access to electricity produced by photovoltaic systems. Batteries are an important element within the system but its use brings a series of maintenance problems, increased costs and decreased reliability. For that reason, this article analyzes the potential of the productive use of some applications that do not require batteries and finally makes suggestions for some factors to be considered in developing these projects.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Programa brasileiro de formação e certificação de instaladores de sistemas fotovoltaicos de pequeno e médio porte

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    A experiência obtida no âmbito de aplicação da Resolução Normativa ANEEL No. 83/2004 revela projetos bem sucedidos, mas também muitos outros que não os são, o que, além de resultar em conseqüente desperdício de recursos, leva à confusão e à desmerecida perda de credibilidade na tecnologia fotovoltaica. A lista das causas concretas, que também são comuns a outros setores do desenvolvimento rural, mostra uma carência de treinamento específico que garanta a manutenção e sustentabilidade dos equipamentos instalados. Considerando as lições do passado o Laboratório de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos do Instituto de Eletrotécnica Energia da Universidade de São Paulo, LSF-IEE/USP, propõe um programa de formação e certificação de instaladores de sistemas fotovoltaicos de pequeno e médio porte. Este trabalho apresenta a estruturação, conteúdo programático e proposta de implantação.The experience obtained in the application of the Ordinance ANEEL No. 83/2004 reveals successful projects using photovoltaic systems, but also many unsuccessful initiatives that result in waste of resources, confusion and loss of credibility in the photovoltaic technology. One of the reasons for the problems regarding photovoltaic projects, that are also commons in others sectors of rural development, is the absence of specific qualified technician that supports the maintenance and the sustainability of the installed equipments. Considering the lessons learned in the past, the Laboratory of Photovoltaic Systems of the Electrotechnical and Energy Institute of the University of São Paulo, LSF-IEE/USP, proposes a program to qualify photovoltaic technicians to work in small and medium photovoltaic autonomous systems. In this article, we present the structure, the contents and the proposal of implantation.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Programa brasileiro de formação e certificação de instaladores de sistemas fotovoltaicos de pequeno e médio porte

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    A experiência obtida no âmbito de aplicação da Resolução Normativa ANEEL No. 83/2004 revela projetos bem sucedidos, mas também muitos outros que não os são, o que, além de resultar em conseqüente desperdício de recursos, leva à confusão e à desmerecida perda de credibilidade na tecnologia fotovoltaica. A lista das causas concretas, que também são comuns a outros setores do desenvolvimento rural, mostra uma carência de treinamento específico que garanta a manutenção e sustentabilidade dos equipamentos instalados. Considerando as lições do passado o Laboratório de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos do Instituto de Eletrotécnica Energia da Universidade de São Paulo, LSF-IEE/USP, propõe um programa de formação e certificação de instaladores de sistemas fotovoltaicos de pequeno e médio porte. Este trabalho apresenta a estruturação, conteúdo programático e proposta de implantação.The experience obtained in the application of the Ordinance ANEEL No. 83/2004 reveals successful projects using photovoltaic systems, but also many unsuccessful initiatives that result in waste of resources, confusion and loss of credibility in the photovoltaic technology. One of the reasons for the problems regarding photovoltaic projects, that are also commons in others sectors of rural development, is the absence of specific qualified technician that supports the maintenance and the sustainability of the installed equipments. Considering the lessons learned in the past, the Laboratory of Photovoltaic Systems of the Electrotechnical and Energy Institute of the University of São Paulo, LSF-IEE/USP, proposes a program to qualify photovoltaic technicians to work in small and medium photovoltaic autonomous systems. In this article, we present the structure, the contents and the proposal of implantation.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Programa brasileiro de formação e certificação de instaladores de sistemas fotovoltaicos de pequeno e médio porte

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    A experiência obtida no âmbito de aplicação da Resolução Normativa ANEEL No. 83/2004 revela projetos bem sucedidos, mas também muitos outros que não os são, o que, além de resultar em conseqüente desperdício de recursos, leva à confusão e à desmerecida perda de credibilidade na tecnologia fotovoltaica. A lista das causas concretas, que também são comuns a outros setores do desenvolvimento rural, mostra uma carência de treinamento específico que garanta a manutenção e sustentabilidade dos equipamentos instalados. Considerando as lições do passado o Laboratório de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos do Instituto de Eletrotécnica Energia da Universidade de São Paulo, LSF-IEE/USP, propõe um programa de formação e certificação de instaladores de sistemas fotovoltaicos de pequeno e médio porte. Este trabalho apresenta a estruturação, conteúdo programático e proposta de implantação.The experience obtained in the application of the Ordinance ANEEL No. 83/2004 reveals successful projects using photovoltaic systems, but also many unsuccessful initiatives that result in waste of resources, confusion and loss of credibility in the photovoltaic technology. One of the reasons for the problems regarding photovoltaic projects, that are also commons in others sectors of rural development, is the absence of specific qualified technician that supports the maintenance and the sustainability of the installed equipments. Considering the lessons learned in the past, the Laboratory of Photovoltaic Systems of the Electrotechnical and Energy Institute of the University of São Paulo, LSF-IEE/USP, proposes a program to qualify photovoltaic technicians to work in small and medium photovoltaic autonomous systems. In this article, we present the structure, the contents and the proposal of implantation.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Capacitación y transferencia tecnológica: su importancia en la sostenibilidad de los proyectos basados en tecnología solar fotovoltaica

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    En el presente artículo se aborda el tema de la capacitación en el medio rural a partir de una perspectiva sociotécnica, teniendo el objetivo de transmitir algunos aprendizajes resultantes de la experiencia en campo. El desarrollo de este tipo de acciones muestra que a pesar de las dificultades inherentes a las zonas rurales empobrecidas, la transmisión de conocimientos técnicos no es algo imposible de ser realizado. Sin embargo, la metodología escogida debe llevar en cuenta la realidad y el entorno de estos pobladores así como la inclusión de su etnoconocimiento. Debido a sus actividades de subsistencia, la gran mayoría de pobladores rurales manipula diversas variables físicas, faltando solamente explicarlas. En tal sentido, la capacitación debe ser ofrecida aprovechando toda esta base de conocimientos pre-existentes y empleando un lenguaje adecuado para ello. En el artículo también se relata algunas experiencias en este campo relacionadas con la implantación de la tecnología fotovoltaica.In this article, the subject of the training in the rural region is approached from a social-technical perspective, with the objective of transmitting the knowledge resulting from the experience in the field. The development of this type of actions shows that, in spite of the difficulties inherent to the impoverished rural areas, the transference of technical knowledge is not something impossible of being carried out. Therefore, the chosen methodology should take into account the reality and the environment of these residents, as well as the inclusion of their ethnical-knowledge. Due to their subsistence activities, the great majority of rural residents manipulate diverse physical variables, only lacking to them the explanation of it. Hence, the training should be offered taking advantage of this whole base of pre-existent knowledge, and using an appropriate language for this purpose. In the article, some experiences in this field related with the installation of the photovoltaic technology are also reported.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Capacitación y transferencia tecnológica: su importancia en la sostenibilidad de los proyectos basados en tecnología solar fotovoltaica

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    En el presente artículo se aborda el tema de la capacitación en el medio rural a partir de una perspectiva sociotécnica, teniendo el objetivo de transmitir algunos aprendizajes resultantes de la experiencia en campo. El desarrollo de este tipo de acciones muestra que a pesar de las dificultades inherentes a las zonas rurales empobrecidas, la transmisión de conocimientos técnicos no es algo imposible de ser realizado. Sin embargo, la metodología escogida debe llevar en cuenta la realidad y el entorno de estos pobladores así como la inclusión de su etnoconocimiento. Debido a sus actividades de subsistencia, la gran mayoría de pobladores rurales manipula diversas variables físicas, faltando solamente explicarlas. En tal sentido, la capacitación debe ser ofrecida aprovechando toda esta base de conocimientos pre-existentes y empleando un lenguaje adecuado para ello. En el artículo también se relata algunas experiencias en este campo relacionadas con la implantación de la tecnología fotovoltaica.In this article, the subject of the training in the rural region is approached from a social-technical perspective, with the objective of transmitting the knowledge resulting from the experience in the field. The development of this type of actions shows that, in spite of the difficulties inherent to the impoverished rural areas, the transference of technical knowledge is not something impossible of being carried out. Therefore, the chosen methodology should take into account the reality and the environment of these residents, as well as the inclusion of their ethnical-knowledge. Due to their subsistence activities, the great majority of rural residents manipulate diverse physical variables, only lacking to them the explanation of it. Hence, the training should be offered taking advantage of this whole base of pre-existent knowledge, and using an appropriate language for this purpose. In the article, some experiences in this field related with the installation of the photovoltaic technology are also reported.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    O problema da inserção da geração distribuída com sistemas fotovoltaicos em unidades consumidoras de baixa tensão no Brasil

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    Este estudo pretende identificar os motivos de a microgeração distribuída de eletricidade com Sistemas Fotovoltaicos não ter sido inserida na matriz elétrica brasileira, a despeito dos benefícios dessa tecnologia. A expansão da oferta necessária para o Brasil passar dos atuais 110 GW de potência instalada para 171 GW, em 2020, ocorrerá através de investimentos em outras fontes de energia. Partindo da análise de documentos gerados por especialistas e de contribuições da sociedade a uma consulta realizada pela Agência Reguladora do Setor Elétrico, este trabalho traz uma compilação dos pontos-chaves a serem atacados e algumas soluções de ordem técnica e regulatória necessárias ao enfrentamento da questão. Verificou-se que a ausência de regulamentação específica é o mote do problema, já que o antigo argumento dos altos custos de geração fotovoltaico tende a desaparecer diante da aproximação de um contexto de paridade tarifária.This study aims to identify the reasons why distributed microgeneration of electricity with photovoltaic systems have not been included in the Brazilian energy matrix, despite the benefits of this technology. The expansion of the electricity supply needed for Brazil from the current 110 GW of installed capacity to 171 GW in 2020 will occur with investments in other energy sources. Based on the analysis of documents generated by experts and society contributions to a public consultation made by the Regulatory Agency of the Electricity Sector, this paper presents a compilation of key points to be attacked and some technical and regulatory solutions needed to face the issue. It was found that the absence of a specific regulation is the crucial problem, since the old argument of high cost of photovoltaic generation tends to disappear in the approaching context of grid-parity.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES