174 research outputs found

    Significance of Nano- and Microtopography for Cell-Surface Interactions in Orthopaedic Implants

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    Cell-surface interactions play a crucial role for biomaterial application in orthopaedics. It is evident that not only the chemical composition of solid substances influence cellular adherence, migration, proliferation and differentiation but also the surface topography of a biomaterial. The progressive application of nanostructured surfaces in medicine has gained increasing interest to improve the cytocompatibility and osteointegration of orthopaedic implants. Therefore, the understanding of cell-surface interactions is of major interest for these substances. In this review, we elucidate the principle mechanisms of nano- and microscale cell-surface interactions in vitro for different cell types onto typical orthopaedic biomaterials such as titanium (Ti), cobalt-chrome-molybdenum (CoCrMo) alloys, stainless steel (SS), as well as synthetic polymers (UHMWPE, XLPE, PEEK, PLLA). In addition, effects of nano- and microscaled particles and their significance in orthopaedics were reviewed. The significance for the cytocompatibility of nanobiomaterials is discussed critically

    The new HMI beamline MAGS an instrument for hard X ray diffraction at BESSY

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    The Hahn Meitner Institute Berlin is operating the new hard X ray diffraction beamline MAGS at the Berlin synchrotron radiation source BESSY. The beamline is intended to complement the existing neutron instrumentation at the Berlin Neutron Scattering Centre. The new beamline uses a 7 T multipole wiggler to produce photon fluxes in the 1011 1012 photons s 100 mA 0.1 bandwidth range at energies from 4 to 30 keV at the experiment. It has active bendable optics to provide flexible horizontal and vertical focusing and to compensate the large heat load from the wiggler source. The experimental endstation consists of a six circle Huber diffractometer which can be used with an additional polarization analyser and different sample environments. The beamline is intended for single crystal diffraction and resonant magnetic scattering experiments for the study of ordering phenomena, phase transitions and materials scienc

    Spinning around or stagnation - what do osteoblasts and chondroblasts really like?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The influcence of cytomechanical forces in cellular migration, proliferation and differentation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is still poorly understood in detail.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human MSCs were isolated and cultivated onto the surface of a 3 × 3 mm porcine collagen I/III carrier. After incubation, cell cultures were transfered to the different cutures systems: regular static tissue flasks (group I), spinner flasks (group II) and rotating wall vessels (group III). Following standard protocols cells were stimulated lineage specific towards the osteogenic and chondrogenic lines. To evaluate the effects of applied cytomechanical forces towards cellular differentiation distinct parameters were measured (morphology, antigen and antigen expression) after a total cultivation period of 21 days in vitro.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Depending on the cultivation technique we found significant differences in both gen and protein expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Cytomechanical forces with rotational components strongly influence the osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation.</p

    Migration pattern of cementless press fit cups in the presence of stabilizing screws in total hip arthroplasty

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the initial acetabular implant stability and late acetabular implant migration in press fit cups combined with screw fixation of the acetabular component in order to answer the question whether screws are necessary for the fixation of the acetabular component in cementless primary total hip arthroplasty. One hundred and seven hips were available for follow-up after primary THA using a cementless, porous-coated acetabular component. A total of 631 standardized radiographs were analyzed digitally by the "single-film-x-ray-analysis" method (EBRA). One hundred 'and one (94.4%) acetabular components did not show significant migration of more than 1 mm. Six (5.6%) implants showed migration of more than 1 mm. Statistical analysis did not reveal preoperative patterns that would identify predictors for future migration. Our findings suggest that the use of screw fixation for cementless porous- coated acetabular components for primary THA does not prevent cup migration

    Radiologische Diagnose des femoroazetabulären Impingements

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    Zusammenfassung: Beim femoroazetabulären Impingement (FAI) bewirkt ein anatomisches Missverhältnis zwischen proximalem Femur und Azetabulum eine frühzeitige Abnützung der Gelenkflächen. Um Symptome wie eingeschränkte Beweglichkeit und Schmerzen zu beheben, aber auch um dem degenerativen Prozess vorzubeugen oder ihn zu verlangsamen, ist häufig eine Operation notwendig. Dabei hängt das Resultat vom präoperativen Gelenkstatus ab - mit schlechten Ergebnissen bei bereits fortgeschrittener Hüftgelenkarthrose. Dies erklärt die Notwendigkeit einer akkuraten Diagnostik, um Frühstadien der Gelenkschädigung erkennen zu können. Die Diagnostik des FAI beinhaltet klinische Untersuchung, Röntgendiagnostik und Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT). Die Standardröntgen-radiologische Untersuchung beim FAI wird anhand von 2 Röntgenaufnahmen durchgeführt, der a.p.-Beckenaufnahme sowie einer seitlichen Aufnahme des proximalen Femurs wie z.B. der"lateralen cross-table”- oder der Lauenstein-Aufnahme. Hierbei müssen Positionskriterien eingehalten werden, um Verzerrungsartefakte auszuschließen. Die MRT-Bildgebung ermöglicht eine Untersuchung der Hüfte in 3 Ebenen und sollte zudem radial geplante Sequenzen für eine verbesserte Darstellung der randnahen Strukturen wie Labrum und peripherem Knorpel beinhalten. Die Verwendung von Kontrastmittel für ein direktes MR-Arthrogramm (MRA) hat sich insbesondere für die Darstellung von Labrumschäden als vorteilhaft erwiesen. Die Datenlage in Hinblick auf die Knorpelbildgebung ist noch unklar. Weiterentwicklungen der Techniken werden in naher Zukunft die Diagnostik der Hüfte verbessern können. Hierzu zählen u.a. biochemisch sensitive MRT-Anwendunge

    Institutional maintenance of macroeconomic equilibrium and well-being

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    Goodwill component changes the pricing mechanism and gives the production of knowledge marketable character, complementing its with cognitive component. The paper substantiates the need to institute a regulated competitive market order as the search strategy of social sustainable balance consolidated on the basis of the reproduction cognitive capital process

    Delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of hip joint cartilage: pearls and pitfalls

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    With the increasing advances in hip joint preservation surgery, accurate diagnosis and assessment of femoral head and acetabular cartilage status is becoming increasingly important. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the hip does present technical difficulties. The fairly thin cartilage lining necessitates high image resolution and high contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). With MR arthrography (MRA) using intraarticular injected gadolinium, labral tears and cartilage clefts may be better identified through the contrast medium filling into the clefts. However, the ability of MRA to detect varying grades of cartilage damage is fairly limited and early histological and biochemical changes in the beginning of osteoarthritis (OA) cannot be accurately delineated. Traditional MRI thus lacks the ability to analyze the biological status of cartilage degeneration. The technique of delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) is sensitive to the charge density of cartilage contributed by glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which are lost early in the process of OA. Therefore, the dGEMRIC technique has a potential to detect early cartilage damage that is obviously critical for decision-making regarding time and extent of intervention for joint-preservation. In the last decade, cartilage imaging with dGEMRIC has been established as an accurate and reliable tool for assessment of cartilage status in the knee and hip joint

    Risk factors for recurrent injurious falls that require hospitalization for older adults with dementia: a population based study

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    Background: Older adults with dementia are at an increased risk of falls, however, little is known about risk factors for recurrent injurious falls (a subsequent fall after the first fall has occurred) among this group. This study aimed to identify risk factors for recurrent injurious falls requiring hospitalization among adults aged 60+ years with dementia. Methods: This retrospective, whole-population cohort study was conducted using the Western Australian Hospital Morbidity Data System and Western Australian Death Registrations from 2001 to 2013. Survival analysis using a stratified conditional Cox model (type 1) was undertaken to identify risk factors for recurrent injurious falls requiring hospitalization. Results: There were 32,519 participants with an index hospital admission with dementia during the study period. Over 27 % (n = 8970) of the cohort experienced a total of 11,073 injurious falls requiring hospitalization during follow up with 7297 individuals experiencing a single fall, 1330 experiencing two falls and 343 experiencing three or more falls. The median follow-up time for each individual was 2.49 years. Females were at a significantly increased risk of 7 % for recurrent injurious falls resulting in hospitalization (adjusted hazard ratio 1.07, 95 % CI 1.01–1.12), compared to males. Increasing age, living in rural areas, and having an injurious fall in the year prior to the index hospital admission with dementia also increased the risk of recurrent injurious falls resulting in hospitalization. Conclusions: Screening those with dementia for injurious falls history could help to identify those most at risk of recurrent injurious falls. Improvement of heath care an

    Газофазное наводораживание титанового сплава ВТ 1-0 с покрытиями никеля

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    Исследование влияния никелевого покрытия и режимов газофазного наводороживания на взаимодействие водорода с титановым сплавом ВТ1-0Study of the effect of nickel plating and gas-phase hydrogenation modes on the interaction of hydrogen with VT1-0 titanium allo