169 research outputs found


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    This solar energy stirling engine is one of the alternatives to be used as a power plant. This solar energy will beconcentrated and stored in the battery / battery with a heat source that is focused on the stirling engine with fresnel lens. Due to the non-continuous solar energy in order to generate electricity continuously, the thermal storage fluid is used and completed by isolator materials. This Thermal storage fluid can store heat for a long enough time so that the stirling machine can run when the sun is in an unstable state of irradiation. Fluid used in this research are paraffin liquid, lubricant oil and sesame oil. The ability of the thermal storage fluid to store heat will affect the power generated on the stirling engine. From these conditions, the researchers utilizing solar energy using a fresnel lens-based stirling engine using various isolator. During this test by determining the temperature of the thermal storage fluid can know the power generated from the stirling machine. The use of insulators with thermal conductivity values (k) of each test material were glasswool, styrofoam, polyurethane foam, and aluminum foil, is consecutively 0.038 W/moC, 0.033 W/moC, 11.6 W/moC, 0.062 W/moC. The observation results show that temperature drop from 200oC to 160oC using glasswool can hold longer for 8.2 minutes and styrofoam and polyurethane foam can withstand temperature dropping for 7 minutes. The avarages power generated using an insulator is 8 Wat


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    The national petroleum reserves in form as proven reserves or potential reserves continue to decrease every year. The decreace of potential fossil energy encourages goverment to prioritize renewable energy to avoid energy crisis, one of them which is biomass pellet (biopellet). Biopellet is a fuel which made from densified solid biomass. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of mixed material and the best composition of biopelet made from coconut fiber and damar latex and the quality compared with the existing quality standard. In this research, there are two form of biopelet,which is biopelet from saw dust and kenanga, and the other is biopellet from coconut fiber and damar latex. The ratio of saw dust and kenanga in first form is 5:1 and 10:1 which is seperate by variation of its size 20, 60, and 170 mesh. And the second form with damar latex composition is 0%, 10% and 20% with the size of coconut fiber + 60 mesh. The mixture is molded into biopelet and then tested to determine the value of heat, density, moisture content, ash content, volatile matter content and fixed carbon. From the result of research, it is found that the best biopellet composition of the first form is the sample with the ratio of saw dust and kenanga 5:1 in size 20 mesh that produces biopellet with moisture content of 2.8846%, ash content of 3.8835%, volatile matter content 70.1402%, fixed carbon 23.0917%, density 0.8114 gr/cm3 , and calorific value of 4724.0509 cal/gram. And for the second form the best biopellet is with composition coconut fiber 80% and damar latex 20%, that produces moisture content of 3.2872%, ash content of 2.4866%, volatile matter content 77.7634%, fixed carbon 16.4628%, density 1.4363 gr/cm3 , initial flame up to fire 8.10 seconds and calorific value of 5243.7426 cal/gram. Calorific value, physical analysis and chemical analysis of this biopelet meet the standards of SNI 8021-2014.The national petroleum reserves in form as proven reserves or potential reserves continue to decrease every year. The decreace of potential fossil energy encourages goverment to prioritize renewable energy to avoid energy crisis, one of them which is biomass pellet (biopellet). Biopellet is a fuel which made from densified solid biomass. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of mixed material and the best composition of biopelet made from coconut fiber and damar latex and the quality compared with the existing quality standard. In this research, there are two form of biopelet,which is biopelet from saw dust and kenanga, and the other is biopellet from coconut fiber and damar latex. The ratio of saw dust and kenanga in first form is 5:1 and 10:1 which is seperate by variation of its size 20, 60, and 170 mesh. And the second form with damar latex composition is 0%, 10% and 20% with the size of coconut fiber + 60 mesh. The mixture is molded into biopelet and then tested to determine the value of heat, density, moisture content, ash content, volatile matter content and fixed carbon. From the result of research, it is found that the best biopellet composition of the first form is the sample with the ratio of saw dust and kenanga 5:1 in size 20 mesh that produces biopellet with moisture content of 2.8846%, ash content of 3.8835%, volatile matter content 70.1402%, fixed carbon 23.0917%, density 0.8114 gr/cm3 , and calorific value of 4724.0509 cal/gram. And for the second form the best biopellet is with composition coconut fiber 80% and damar latex 20%, that produces moisture content of 3.2872%, ash content of 2.4866%, volatile matter content 77.7634%, fixed carbon 16.4628%, density 1.4363 gr/cm3 , initial flame up to fire 8.10 seconds and calorific value of 5243.7426 cal/gram. Calorific value, physical analysis and chemical analysis of this biopelet meet the standards of SNI 8021-2014

    Processing of Alumina Powder into Ceramic Foam Materials by Impregnating Polyurethane Sponge with Bonded Ceramic Slurry

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    Ceramic foams have an interesting combination of properties, such as low weight, high temperature stability, high permeability, high porosity, low thermal conductivity, and low heat capacity. These properties have lead to a diverse range of applications, such as metal melt filtration, ion-exchange filtration, heat exchangers catalyst support, and refractory linings. Most of the production routes to such materials are via expensive sol-gel or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique. For that reason, the objective of this research is to develop a simple and economical method to synthesize and subsequently characterize ceramic foam using Alumina processed via powder routes, by an aid of Polyurethane (PU) sponge as template. The fundamental components for the process are; ceramic (Alumina powder, Al2O3), available foam (Polyurethane, PU-sponge) as a template, Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose (CMC) as an organic binder, Sodium Meta Silicate (Na2O.SiO) as a sintering aid, and distilled water (H2O) as a wetting agent. The process starts with selection of the template from four different samples of PU sponge by using various analysis such as TGA and SEM-EDS analysis. Next is the production of ceramic slurry by mixing the optimum compositions of each material in a ball mill. The resulting slurry is then impregnated into cut of the selected PU sponge in which a way that it carry a high loading. Subsequent to that, the impregnated foam will undergo drying process to remove the water before the organic additives were removed by calcination process. The impregnated foam will then subsequently undergo firing and re-firing (sintering process) with slow scheduled to get the foam microstructure and to burn out all the remaining processing additives. The resulting ceramic foam will then be characterized in terms of its porosity, pore structure, pore individual shape, density, linear and volume shrinkages, crystallinity and crushing strength

    C02 CORROSION IN OIL AND GAS PIPELINES (Mechanistic Modelling)

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    Existence of C02, a corrosive gas with production is one of major obstacles that faced by oil and gas industry. C02 will react will water to form weak carbonic acid which later react with metal. Corrosion is process where electrochemical process takes place in the presence of electrolytes and corrosive agents in all metal equipments including oil and gas pipelines. There are several key factors that affect the process of corrosion including temperature, pH, C02 partial pressure, the effect of flow, corrosion inhibitor, organic acid, glycol/methanol, condensation in wet gas flow and non-ideal solution & gases [1 0]. In oil and gas business, any decision made is carefully decided as it involves money and cost. As well as selecting equipments for operation purpose, all factors including price, availability and lifespan of the product should be taken into consideration to make sure the profit of the project is maximized. Since C02 corrosion is one of the factors that contribute in shortening the lifespan of equipments especially for oil and gas pipelines, one efficient method should be used to estimate the corrosion rate by considering all causes of C02 corrosion. Mechanistic model is an effort in predicting the corrosion rate of C02 corrosion of mild steel. In this project, one prediction model is run based on a model developed by Corrosion in Multiphase System Center of Ohio University. This model takes temperature, pressure, C02, water chemistry, pipe as major input calculating corrosion rate [5]. Prediction model is used to evaluate C02 corrosion rate of carbon steel for pipelines in oil and gas industr

    Sistem Kata Sapaan dalam Bahasa Ocu di Desa Sipungguk Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau

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    Penelitian ini menggambarkan kata sapaan dalam bahasa Ocu. Kata sapaan adalah bahasa yang digunakan oleh seseorang kepada lawan tuturnya, baik itu kepada orang yang lebih tua, sebaya, atau kepada orang yang lebih muda. Melalui kata sapaan, seseorang dapat membedakan tingkatan usia, pangkat, jabatan, hubungan kekerabatan, dan jenis  kelamin seseorang. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dan metode penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, terdapat kata sapaan berdasarkan keturunan (hubungan darah) dan perkawinan. Kata sapaan berdasarkan keturunan terdiri atas (1) kata sapaan terhadap orang tua (kakek dan nenek), (2) kata sapaan terhadap nenek, (3) kata sapaan terhadap kakek, (4) kata sapaan terhadap ibu kandung, (5) kata sapaan terhadap ayah kandung, (6) kata sapaan terhadap saudara kandung atau sepupu, (7) kata sapaan terhadap saudara perempuan kandung atau sepupu, (8) kata sapaan terhadap saudara kandung anak pertama, (9) kata sapaan terhadap saudara kandung anak kedua, (10) kata sapaan terhadap saudara kandung anak ketiga, dan (11) kata sapaan terhadap anak kandung. Sedangkan berdasarkan perkawinan, terdiri atas (1) kata sapaan terhadap suami, (2) kata sapaan terhadap istri, (3) kata sapaan terhadap ayah mertua, (4) kata sapaan terhadap ibu mertua, (5) kata sapaan terhadap kakak ipar, dan (6) kata sapaan terhadap menantu. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan kata sapaan berdasarkan keturunan lebih dominan jika dibandingkan dengan kata sapaan berdasarkan perkawinan

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Pengiriman Barang terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen pada PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Regional I Sumatera

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    Fokus penelitian ini adalah Kualitas Pelayanan di Kantor Pos Regional I Sumatera. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapa besar kualitas pelayanan di Kantor Pos Regional I Sumatera. Namun pada kenyataannya yang peneliti temukan di lapangan masih adanya keterlambatan pengiriman, kurangnya sarana dan prasarana, dan lahan parkir yang kurang memadai. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitas pelayanan Parasuraman dalam Arif (2007:135). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif menggunakan metode observasi & wawancara melibatkan dua orang. Hasil menurut penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan menaruh keterangan tentang kualitas pelayanan, agar Kantor Pos Regional I Sumatera citra nya semakin baik dimata konsumen, dan juga konsumen lebih senang lagi memakai jasa Kantor Pos Regional I Sumatera sehingga terciptanya tujuan akhir yaitu terciptanya kepuasan konsume


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    Humans present on earth have actually been equipped with knowledge by the creator. The knowledge that humans get is used as a helping tool for survival. Electronic commerce requires business actors to innovate and be creative so that consumers are interested in shopping at their online shop. In addition, electronic trading also requires business actors to make rules and conditions that apply to legally bind and protect such trade. The rules that are made should be able to bind the parties carrying out e-commerce. What needs to be known is that engagements that occur in e-commerce are not only between business actors/producers, but also consumers and other parties who act as senders of goods known as expeditions. The development of online trading/e-commerce requires that business actors also apply applicable rules in order to protect the rights and obligations of the parties in electronic trading or e-commerce. Keywords: Consumer Protection, Electronic Tradin


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    Penelitian ini berfokus pada abnormalitas yang terjadi pada tokoh perempuan dalam naskah Malin Kundang karya Syafril. Abnormalitas adalah suatu perilaku yang tidak sesuai dengan keadaan pada umumnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk abnormalitas dan penyebab terjadinya abnormalitas tokoh perempuan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif adalah metode yang digunakan untuk meneliti kondisi objek yang alamiah dan peneliti sebagai instrumen kunci. Teori yang digunakan ialah psikologi sastra, khususnya teori psikologi kepribadian yang dikemukan oleh Gordon W. Allport. Tujuan penelitian psikologi sastra ialah untuk memahami aspek-aspek kejiwaan yang terkandung dalam karya sastra. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah teknik baca catat, kepustakaan, dan instrumen. Setelah permasalahannya dianalisis maka disimpulkan beberapa hal, yaitu: (1) tindakan abnormal tidak peduli dengan kehidupan keluarganya yang miskin; (2) perkataan berprasangka buruk kepada suaminya; (3) perkataan yang tidak sesuai situasi dan kondisi; (4) tidak percaya dengan apa yang telah diceritakan oleh tokoh perempuan tua; (5) menganggap sebuah doa tidak akan ada lagi gunanya, (6) dan mengatakan suaminya telah hilang dan telah menikah dengan perempuan lain. &nbsp

    Glycemic Index Values Of Instant Multigrain Beverage: Current Knowledge And Future Prospects

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    Grains often consumed as food but with advanced technology, it is in powdered form which is convenient to consumers as they can prepare it instantly. Instant multigrain beverage product provides longer shelf life and convenient to sedentary people. The study is aimed to study the glycemic index values for instant multigrain beverage based on current knowledge and future prospects, observe the differences between methods based on in vitro and clinical trial method for determination of glycemic index and to suggest the recommended glycemic index values for instant multigrain beverage based on previous studies. From the results, the strength of the current study on clinical trial is greater than in vitro method because of its accuracy. However, previous studies shown that in vitro method have fewer limitations compared to clinical trial that were described as costly, time-consuming, laborious and required participants among human beings that are motivated to complete the study research. And it can be concluded that instant multigrain beverage is considered having low GI value based on several previous studies done by researchers worldwide. Most multigrain products evaluated as low GI due to their high dietary fibre content, high protein content and other studies that resulted in slow glycemic response when consuming multigrain products. The recommended glycemic value between 30-40, averaged as 35