193 research outputs found

    Nethnography and Social Network Analysis for Studying Online Social Space

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    Author's accepted manuscriptThis chapter contributes to the current methodological debate on digital, internet-based studies in social research. Based upon an introductive analysis of the research's perspectives, trajectories, and stages that have brought the online social spaces into social research, the chapter focuses on the advantages of combining quanti-quali approaches for approaching online complexity. In particular, the authors offer a deep discussion concerning the value, the methodological, and ethical challenges of netnography and social network analysis (SNA) methods for inquiring online social research by proposing a possible emerging methodological framework guiding further empirical studies.acceptedVersio

    Filosofia pubblica e citizen science: verso una citizen philosophy?

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    In recent years, the phenomenon known as citizen science, that shows citizens collaborating side by side with experts in the process of producing scientific knowledge, has exploded in various forms. Born mainly in the field of natural sciences, it rapidly expanded to social sciences and humanities: today we also speak of citizen humanities. However, what about philosophy? Lately, public philosophy, that is a philosophy for and with everyone, has redefined the role of philosophy in society and the relationship between professionals and citizens. Public philosophy brings the discipline everywhere and to anyone who is willing to welcome it. The object of this contribution is to understand if, and possibly under which conditions, public philosophy produces an advancement for the discipline itself, thereby becoming a form of citizen science, or, as I suggest calling it, a form of citizen philosophy . To understand this, it will first be necessary to clarify the respective definitions of citizen science and public philosophy. I will discuss whether, and possibly in what terms or under what conditions, the scientific statute of philosophy opens up to citizen science practices and what challenges this poses to the philosophical community

    Competências coletivas dos membros do Comitê de Sucessão

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Germano Glufke ReisArtigo (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização MBA em Gestão de Talentos e Comportamento HumanoInclui referênciasResumo: Este estudo busca identificar as competências coletivas mais importantes para o grupo de executivos que irá compor o comitê de sucessão. Este grupo tem o objetivo de garantir a sustentabilidade do negócio através do mapeamento de posiçõeschave, a definição das competências essenciais destas posições e a identificação dos perfis mais adequados para preenche-las. Preparar uma linha de sucessão para garantir o preenchimento rápido de posições que podem abrir devido à expansão, rotatividade e ou mudanças de estratégia importantes que afetam a estrutura organizacional é uma importante missão deste comitê. Este grupo também possui a responsabilidade por tomar decisões sobre a carreira dos candidatos mapeados e também por suas ações de desenvolvimento, sendo esta uma das mais importantes etapas do processo de preparação de sucessores. Outro desafio para os membros do comitê de sucessão é lidar com a expectativa dos candidatos mapeados, pois nem sempre será possível prever quando as movimentações ocorrerão, o comitê nem sempre terá o controle deste tempo e bons candidatos podem desistir no meio do caminho, pois tem mais urgência ou expectativa de crescimento e muitas vezes buscam esta alternativa em outra organização. Outro desafio é lidar com as emoções e sentimentos de quem está sendo sucedido, pois nem sempre o próximo passo de carreira está claro e o sentimento de não estar mais sendo útil causa um sofrimento no ocupante atual

    O uso da ferramenta Scratch nos processos de inclusão escolar : a turma da Mônica em uma aula com anir

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    Dentre as diferentes práticas inovadoras que permeiam a educação especial, o uso das Tecnologias Digitais Educacionais (TDE) tem se apresentado como uma das alternativas viáveis em uma educação verdadeiramente inclusiva. Dentre as referidas tecnologias encontram-se os jogos digitais, os quais podem ser idealizados e criados visando uma perspectiva inclusiva. O presente trabalho parte da experiência no Estágio I do curso de Pedagogia, o qual se deu junto à Escola Alternativa, na qual um jogo digital foi criado na plataforma Scratch e utilizado como estratégia complementar no Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) com o aluno que nomeei de Anir. O objetivo foi o de analisar o uso da ferramenta Scratch na criação de jogos usados nos Processos de Inclusão Escolar de um aluno no ensino fundamental a fim de evidenciar as potencialidades e desafios desse recurso. Para tanto, analisou-se na literatura científica, de que forma os jogos digitais podem contribuir com a perspectiva educacional inclusiva, bem como que características os jogos digitais precisam ter para se apresentarem como recurso pedagógico inclusivo. Em consonância com as pesquisas realizadas, a experiência com o jogo digital denominado “Turma da Mônica: uma aula com Anir” indicou um resultado primoroso para a aprendizagem do aluno atendido pelo AEE. A conclusão do referido trabalho é de que jogos digitais que levem em consideração os gostos e necessidades de aprendizagem do aluno, contribuem positivamente para elevar sua motivação, autoestima, atenção e habilidades cognitivas. Ademais, também contribuem para a formação de laços afetivos com o professor, o que é imprescindível para o contexto educacional e aquisição de conhecimento.Among the different innovative practices that permeate special education, the use of Digital Educational Technologies (DET) has been presented as one of the viable alternatives in a truly inclusive education. Among these technologies are digital games, which can be idealized and created with an inclusive perspective. The present work is based on the experience in Stage I of the Pedagogy course, which took place at the Alternative School, in which a digital game was created on the Scratch platform and used as a complementary strategy in the Specialized Educational Service (SES) with student Anir. The objective was to analyze the use of the Scratch tool in the creation of games used in the School Inclusion Processes of a student in elementary school in order to highlight the potential and challenges of this resource. In order, it was analyzed in the scientific literature, how digital games can contribute to the inclusive educational perspective, as well as what characteristics digital games need to have to be considered as an inclusive pedagogical resource. In line with the research carried out, the experience with the digital game called “Turma da Mônica: a class with Anir” indicated an excellent result for the learning of the student assisted by the AEE. The conclusion of this work is that digital games that consider the student's learning tastes and needs, contribute positively to raising their motivation, self-esteem, attention and cognitive skills. Furthermore, they also contribute to the formation of affective bonds with the teacher, which is essential for the educational context and acquisition of knowledge


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    Robotic transposition and ureteroureterostomy of type 1 retrocaval ureter

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    Retrocaval ureter (RCU) is a rare malformation of the inferior vena cava. We report a case of a 60-years-old female presented with right flank pain and computed tomography scan diagnosis of (RCU). She underwent robotic transposition and ureteroureterostomy of RCU. No complications were recorded. After 1 year of follow-up the patient remains asymptomatic and without signs of obstruction. Robotic repair of RCU with preservation of the retrocaval segment is a safe procedure with the advantages of the vision and dexterity in dissection and suturing

    Multiparametric Mri in the Management of Prostate Cancer: an Update-A Narrative Review

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    The growing interest in multiparametric MRI is leading to important changes in the diagnostic process of prostate cancer. MRI-targeted biopsy is likely to become a standard for the diagnosis of prostate cancer in the next years. Despite it is well known that MRI has no role as a staging technique, it is clear that multiparametric MRI may be of help in active surveillance protocols. Noteworthy, MRI in active surveillance is not recommended, but a proper understanding of its potential may be of help in achieving the goals of a delayed treatment strategy. Moreover, the development of minimally invasive techniques, like laparoscopic and robotic surgery, has led to greater expectations as regard to the functional outcomes of radical prostatectomy. Multiparametric MRI may play a role in planning surgical strategies, with the aim to provide the highest oncologic outcome with a minimal impact on the quality of life. We maintain that a proper anatomic knowledge of prostate lesions may allow the surgeon to achieve a better result in planning as well as in performing surgery and help the surgeon and the patient engage in a shared decision in planning a more effective strategy for prostate cancer control and treatment. This review highlights the advantages and the limitations of multiparametric MRI in prostate cancer diagnosis, in active surveillance and in planning surgery