45 research outputs found

    Implementation of 3 T Lactate-Edited 3D 1H MR Spectroscopic Imaging with Flyback Echo-Planar Readout for Gliomas Patients

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    The purpose of this study was to implement a new lactate-edited 3D 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) sequence at 3 T and demonstrate the feasibility of using this sequence for measuring lactate in patients with gliomas. A 3D PRESS MRSI sequence incorporating shortened, high bandwidth 180° pulses, new dual BASING lactate-editing pulses, high bandwidth very selective suppression (VSS) pulses and a flyback echo-planar readout was implemented at 3 T. Over-prescription factor of PRESS voxels was optimized using phantom to minimize chemical shift artifacts. The lactate-edited flyback sequence was compared with lactate-edited MRSI using conventional elliptical k-space sampling in a phantom and volunteers, and then applied to patients with gliomas. The results demonstrated the feasibility of detecting lactate within a short scan time of 9.5 min in both phantoms and patients. Over-prescription of voxels gave less chemical shift artifacts allowing detection of lactate on the majority of the selected volume. The normalized SNR of brain metabolites using the flyback encoding were comparable to the SNR of brain metabolites using conventional phase encoding MRSI. The specialized lactate-edited 3D MRSI sequence was able to detect lactate in brain tumor patients at 3 T. The implementation of this technique means that brain lactate can be evaluated in a routine clinical setting to study its potential as a marker for prognosis and response to therapy

    DNA Resection at Chromosome Breaks Promotes Genome Stability by Constraining Non-Allelic Homologous Recombination

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    DNA double-strand breaks impact genome stability by triggering many of the large-scale genome rearrangements associated with evolution and cancer. One of the first steps in repairing this damage is 5′→3′ resection beginning at the break site. Recently, tools have become available to study the consequences of not extensively resecting double-strand breaks. Here we examine the role of Sgs1- and Exo1-dependent resection on genome stability using a non-selective assay that we previously developed using diploid yeast. We find that Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking Sgs1 and Exo1 retains a very efficient repair process that is highly mutagenic to genome structure. Specifically, 51% of cells lacking Sgs1 and Exo1 repair a double-strand break using repetitive sequences 12–48 kb distal from the initial break site, thereby generating a genome rearrangement. These Sgs1- and Exo1-independent rearrangements depend partially upon a Rad51-mediated homologous recombination pathway. Furthermore, without resection a robust cell cycle arrest is not activated, allowing a cell with a single double-strand break to divide before repair, potentially yielding multiple progeny each with a different rearrangement. This profusion of rearranged genomes suggests that cells tolerate any dangers associated with extensive resection to inhibit mutagenic pathways such as break-distal recombination. The activation of break-distal recipient repeats and amplification of broken chromosomes when resection is limited raise the possibility that genome regions that are difficult to resect may be hotspots for rearrangements. These results may also explain why mutations in resection machinery are associated with cancer

    Drosha drives the formation of DNA:RNA hybrids around DNA break sites to facilitate DNA repair

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    The error-free and efficient repair of DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) is extremely important for cell survival. RNA has been implicated in the resolution of DNA damage but the mechanism remains poorly understood. Here, we show that miRNA biogenesis enzymes, Drosha and Dicer, control the recruitment of repair factors from multiple pathways to sites of damage. Depletion of Drosha significantly reduces DNA repair by both homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). Drosha is required within minutes of break induction, suggesting a central and early role for RNA processing in DNA repair. Sequencing of DNA:RNA hybrids reveals RNA invasion around DNA break sites in a Drosha-dependent manner. Removal of the RNA component of these structures results in impaired repair. These results show how RNA can be a direct and critical mediator of DNA damage repair in human cells

    Treatment of hyperprolactinemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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