368 research outputs found

    Melatonin and cortisol profiles in patients with pituitary tumors

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    The optic tract section at the optic chiasm is expected to disturb the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) rhythm, circadian rhythm and melatonin secretion rhythms in humans, although detailed studies have never been conducted. The aim of this paper was to describe melatonin and cortisol profiles in patients with a pituitary tumor exerting optic chiasm compression. Six patients with pituitary tumors of different size, four of whom had significant optic chiasm compression, were examined. In each brain, MRI, an ophthalmological examination including the vision field and laboratory tests were performed. Melatonin and cortisol concentrations were measured at 22:00h, 02:00h, 06:00h, and 10:00h in patients lying in a dark, isolated room. One of the four cases with significant optic chiasm compression presented a flattened melatonin rhythm. The melatonin rhythm was also disturbed in one patient without optic chiasm compression. Larger tumors may play a role in the destruction of neurons connecting the retina with the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and breaking of basic way for inhibiting effect to the SCN from the retina

    The Complexity of Nash Equilibria in Simple Stochastic Multiplayer Games

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    We analyse the computational complexity of finding Nash equilibria in simple stochastic multiplayer games. We show that restricting the search space to equilibria whose payoffs fall into a certain interval may lead to undecidability. In particular, we prove that the following problem is undecidable: Given a game G, does there exist a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium of G where player 0 wins with probability 1. Moreover, this problem remains undecidable if it is restricted to strategies with (unbounded) finite memory. However, if mixed strategies are allowed, decidability remains an open problem. One way to obtain a provably decidable variant of the problem is restricting the strategies to be positional or stationary. For the complexity of these two problems, we obtain a common lower bound of NP and upper bounds of NP and PSPACE respectively.Comment: 23 pages; revised versio

    Regular Strategies in Pushdown Reachability Games

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    International audienceWe show that positional winning strategies in pushdown reachability games can be implemented by deterministic finite state au-tomata of exponential size. Such automata read the stack and control state of a given pushdown configuration and output the set of winning moves playable from that position. This result can originally be attributed to Kupferman, Piterman and Vardi using an approach based on two-way tree automata. We present a more direct approach that builds upon the popular saturation technique. Saturation for analysing pushdown systems has been successfully implemented by Moped and WALi. Thus, our approach has the potential for practical applications to controller-synthesis problems

    Experimental calibration for DCDC specimens

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    The main advantages of DCDC-specimens are their completely stable crack extension properties and very high path stability due to the strongly negative T-stress term. Unfortunately, problems of DCDC tests can be identified by comparing experimental results that show for different materials (silicon nitride, glass) deviations from the results to be expected by 2-dimensional FE modelling as usual done in literature. Experimental calibrations on silicon nitrides and mixtures of silicon nitride and silicon carbide resulted in modified relations deviating from FE-results in literature. As a possible source for the differences of measurements and 2-D-FE results, we identified the influence of Poisson’s number. This parameter obviously causes deviations between straight-crack assumption in FEmodelling and observable curved crack fronts in the experiments. In order to avoid specimen buckling we also used short specimens of roughly half length. This may slightly affect the stress intensity factors

    Semantic Labelling and Learning for Parity Game Solving in LTL Synthesis

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    We propose "semantic labelling" as a novel ingredient for solving games in the context of LTL synthesis. It exploits recent advances in the automata-based approach, yielding more information for each state of the generated parity game than the game graph can capture. We utilize this extra information to improve standard approaches as follows. (i) Compared to strategy improvement (SI) with random initial strategy, a more informed initialization often yields a winning strategy directly without any computation. (ii) This initialization makes SI also yield smaller solutions. (iii) While Q-learning on the game graph turns out not too efficient, Q-learning with the semantic information becomes competitive to SI. Since already the simplest heuristics achieve significant improvements the experimental results demonstrate the utility of semantic labelling. This extra information opens the door to more advanced learning approaches both for initialization and improvement of strategies

    Particulate Matter Exposure Exacerbates High Glucose-Induced Cardiomyocyte Dysfunction through ROS Generation

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    Diabetes mellitus and fine particulate matter from diesel exhaust (DEP) are both important contributors to the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Diabetes mellitus is a progressive disease with a high mortality rate in patients suffering from CVD, resulting in diabetic cardiomyopathy. Elevated DEP levels in the air are attributed to the development of various CVDs, presumably since fine DEP (<2.5 µm in diameter) can be inhaled and gain access to the circulatory system. However, mechanisms defining how DEP affects diabetic or control cardiomyocyte function remain poorly understood. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate cardiomyocyte function and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in isolated rat ventricular myocytes exposed overnight to fine DEP (0.1 µg/ml), and/or high glucose (HG, 25.5 mM). Our hypothesis was that DEP exposure exacerbates contractile dysfunction via ROS generation in cardiomyocytes exposed to HG. Ventricular myocytes were isolated from male adult Sprague-Dawley rats cultured overnight and sarcomeric contractile properties were evaluated, including: peak shortening normalized to baseline (PS), time-to-90% shortening (TPS90), time-to-90% relengthening (TR90) and maximal velocities of shortening/relengthening (±dL/dt), using an IonOptix field-stimulator system. ROS generation was determined using hydroethidine/ethidium confocal microscopy. We found that DEP exposure significantly increased TR90, decreased PS and ±dL/dt, and enhanced intracellular ROS generation in myocytes exposed to HG. Further studies indicated that co-culture with antioxidants (0.25 mM Tiron and 0.5 mM N-Acetyl-L-cysteine) completely restored contractile function in DEP, HG and HG+DEP-treated myocytes. ROS generation was blocked in HG-treated cells with mitochondrial inhibition, while ROS generation was blocked in DEP-treated cells with NADPH oxidase inhibition. Our results suggest that DEP exacerbates myocardial dysfunction in isolated cardiomyocytes exposed to HG-containing media, which is potentially mediated by various ROS generation pathways

    Delayed identification and diagnosis of Huntington’s disease due to psychiatric symptoms

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative illness that affects 2–9/100.000 of the general population. The usual onset is at around age 35–40 years, but there were cases with onset above 55 years. The disease manifests clinically with many neurological and psychiatric symptoms, leading in advanced phases to dementia, but cognitive symptoms are frequently present much earlier in the disease course. HD is caused by an expanded polyglutamine stretch in the N-terminal part of a 350 kDa protein called huntingtin (HTT). This stretch is encoded by a trinucleotide CAG repetition in exon 1 of HTT. An expansion of greater than 36 repeats results in HD. The number of repeats is inversely correlated with the age of onset of motor symptoms, and disease onset during childhood or adolescence is associated with more than 60 CAG repeats. Mood disturbances may be one of the earliest symptoms of HD and may precede the onset of the motor pheno-type for almost 10 years. Neuropsychiatric symptoms may delay the appropriate diagnosis of HD and have major implications for disease management, prognosis and quality of life for patients and families. This case study is about a 58 years old female patient with late identification of Huntington’s disease after two admissions to psychiatric inpatient units, for the treatment of behavioral disturbances

    Solving Parity Games on Integer Vectors

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    We consider parity games on infinite graphs where configurations are represented by control-states and integer vectors. This framework subsumes two classic game problems: parity games on vector addition systems with states (vass) and multidimensional energy parity games. We show that the multidimensional energy parity game problem is inter-reducible with a subclass of single-sided parity games on vass where just one player can modify the integer counters and the opponent can only change control-states. Our main result is that the minimal elements of the upward-closed winning set of these single-sided parity games on vass are computable. This implies that the Pareto frontier of the minimal initial credit needed to win multidimensional energy parity games is also computable, solving an open question from the literature. Moreover, our main result implies the decidability of weak simulation preorder/equivalence between finite-state systems and vass, and the decidability of model checking vass with a large fragment of the modal mu-calculus.Comment: 30 page