11 research outputs found

    Efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus in Cannabis sativa L. fertilized with sludge froma wastewater treatment plant and with phosphogypsum

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    Sewage sludge and phosphogypsum are by-products of wastewater treatment and phosphorus fertiliser production, respectively. Considering all known methods of their management, it seems rational to use these waste products in agriculture. While assimilating nutrients contained in sewage sludge or phosphogypsum, agricultural crops contribute to the recycling of these otherwise noxious materials. The objective of this study was to identify the effect of fertilization with sewage sludge and with phosphogypsum on selected physiological parameters that determine the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus in Cannabis sativa L. Field tests were conducted on three varieties of Cannabis sativa: Białobrzeskie, Tygra and Beniko. Plots were fertilized with sewage sludge as an equivalent of nitrogen nutrition in a dose of 170 kg N.ha-1 and with phosphogypsum applied in three doses: 100, 500 and 1000 kg.ha-1. The plants were subjected to physiological assays (relative content of chlorophyll and leaf area index) on three dates in 2014: 29 June (early development stage), 26 July (full development) and 20 September (final development stage). The study discusses the effect of fertilization with sewage sludge and phosphogypsum on the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus in Cannabis sativa

    Transforming Growth Factor β1 (TGFβ1) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in the blood of healthy people and patients with Graves’ orbitopathy — a new mechanism of glucocorticoids action?

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    Wstęp: Pierwsza część pracy dotyczy ludzi zdrowych — dostarcza dane o stężeniach TGFβ1 i VEGF we krwi (z podziałem i bez podziału na płeć), ich wartości punktowe (godz. 8), średniodobowe stężenie (MDC), pole pod krzywą (AUC; całkowite dobowe wydzielanie), rytm okołodobowy. Druga część pracy dotyczy orbitopatii Gravesa (GO). Celem pracy było: 1) określenie fizjologicznego wzoru wydzielania TGFβ1 i VEGF; 2) porównanie okołodobowych surowiczych stężeń TGFβ1 i VEGF u chorych z nowo rozpoznaną nadczynnością tarczycy i aktywną fazą GO oraz u ludzi zdrowych (H); 3) ocena wpływu wysokodawkowej dożylnej pulsacyjnej terapii metyloprednizolonem (MP) na stężenia TGFβ1 i VEGF we krwi chorych z GO.Materiał i metody: Przebadano 22 zdrowych (H); 16 pacjentów z nadczynnością tarczycy i GO leczonych MP (6 g/14 dni) obserwowanych okulistycznie. Krew pobierano przed i po 2 tygodniach terapii MP. Stężenia TGFβ1 i VEGF oznaczono metodą ELISA.Wyniki: Nie stwierdzono różnic w stężeniu TGFβ1 i VEGF we krwi między zdrowymi kobietami i zdrowymi mężczyznami — dalszym analizom poddawano więc grupę zdrowych (H) składającą się z kobiet i mężczyzn. Krew pobierano przed i po 2 tygodniach terapii MP. Choć wykazanie braku rytmów okołodobowych stężeń TGFβ1 i VEGF we krwi umożliwia zastosowanie ich oceny punktowej to jednak stwierdzono, że bardziej precyzyjną jest ocena MDC i AUC. Nie wykazano różnicy w TGFβ1 MDC/AUC między GO i H. VEGF MDC/ AUC były wyższe u GO niż u H. MP zwiększył TGFβ1 MDC/AUC, tym samym u GO po MP, TGFβ1 MDC/AUC były też wyższe niż u H. Nie stwierdzono różnicy w VEGF MDC/AUC podczas MP. MP był skuteczny u 15/16 chorych.Wnioski:1. Terapia MP zwiększa MDC i AUC TGFβ1. Skuteczność MP u chorych z aktywną fazą GO może być związana z jego wpływem na stężenia TGFβ1 we krwi, co sugeruje istnienie nieznanego dotąd mechanizmu działania glikokortykosteroidów polegającego na zwiększaniu wydzielania TGFβ1.2. Podwyższone stężenia VEGF we krwi u chorych z nadczynnością tarczycy i aktywną fazą GO mogą być odzwierciedleniem długotrwałego procesu autoimmunologicznego w tkankach oczodołu i tarczycy oraz nasilonej angiogenezy w gruczole tarczowym. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (5): 349–356) Introduction: The first part of this paper is related to healthy people and presents concentrations of TGFβ1 and VEGF in blood (with and without dividing data with respect to sex), their single measurement values (at 8 am), Mean Daily Concentrations (MDC), Area Under the Curves (AUC; total daily secretion), and circadian rhythm. The second part of the work is related to Graves’ orbitopathy (GO). The aim of the study were: 1) to determine the physiological pattern of TGFβ1 and VEGF secretion; 2) to compare the serum TGFβ1 and VEGF circadian profile in newly diagnosed thyreotoxic patients with active GO and healthy controls (H); and 3) to estimate the influence of high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone pulse therapy (MP) on TGFb1 and VEGF blood levels in GO.Material and methods: Twenty-two healthy (H) subjects and 16 hyperthyroid GO patients were treated with MP (6 g/14 days) and followed up by ophthalmological assessment. Blood was collected before and after 2 weeks MP-therapy. TGFβ1 and VEGF levels were determined by the ELISA method.Results: No difference was observed in the concentrations of TGFβ1 and VEGF in the blood of healthy women and men — in further analysis, a combined healthy male and female cohort was used (H). While the absence of circadian rhythms in the concentrations of TGFβ1 and VEGF allows the application of a single measurement approach, MDC and AUC measurements were found to be more precise. There were no differences in TGFβ1 MDC/AUC between GO and H. VEGF MDC/AUC in GO were higher than in H. MP-therapy increased TGFb1 MDC/AUC, thus in GO after MP, the TGFβ1 MDC/AUC were higher than in H. There were no differences in VEGF MDC/AUC during MP-therapy. MP-therapy was effective in 15/16 patients.Conclusions:1. MP-therapy increases MDC and AUC of TGFβ1. The effectiveness of MP-therapy in patients with active GO may be related to its influence on TGFβ1 concentrations in blood. The results suggest the existence of a new mechanism of glucocorticoids action, consisting of an increase in the secretion of TGFβ1.2. The elevated serum VEGF in thyreotoxic patients with active GO may reflect long-standing autoimmune processes in orbital and thyroid tissues and intensified angiogenesis in the thyroid gland. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (5): 348–356

    Aktywność transkrypcyjna genów TGFbeta1 i ich receptorów w gruczole tarczowym

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      Introduction: Determination of gene-candidates’ profile expression responsible for fibrosis, immunosuppression, angiogenesis, and neoplasia processes in the pathogenesis of thyroid gland disease. Material and methods: Sixty-three patients underwent thyroidectomy: 27 with non-toxic nodular goitre (NG), 22 with toxic nodular goitre (TNG), six with papillary cancer (PTC), and eight with Graves’ disease (GD). In thyroid tissues, transcriptional activity of TGFbeta1 and its receptors TGFbetaRI, TGFbetaRII, and TGFbetaRIII genes were assessed using RT-qPCR (Reverse Transcriptase Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction). Molecular analysis was performed in tissues derived from GD and from the tumour centre (PTC, NG, TNG) and from peripheral parts of the removed lobe without histopathological lesions (tissue control). Control tissue for analysis performed in GD was an unchanged tissue derived from peripheral parts of the removed lobe of patients surgically treated for a single benign tumour. Results/Conclusions: Strict regulation observed among transcriptional activity of TGFb1 and their receptor TGFbetaRI-III genes in control tissues is disturbed in all pathological tissues – it is completely disturbed in PTC and GD, and partially in NG and TNG. Additionally, higher transcriptional activity of TGFb1 gene in PTC in comparison with benign tissues (NG, GD) and lower expression of mRNA TGFbRII (than in TNG, GD) and mRNA TGFbetaRIII than in all studied benign tissues (NG, TNG, GD) suggests a pathogenetic importance of this cytokine and its receptors in PTC development. In GD tissue, higher transcriptional activity of TGFbetaRII and TGFbetaRIII genes as compared to other pathological tissues was observed, indicating a participation of the receptors in the pathomechanism of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). TGFbeta1 blood concentrations do not reflect pathological processes taking place in thyroid gland. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (4): 375–382)    Wstęp: Wyznaczenie profilu ekspresji genów-kandydatów odpowiedzialnych za procesy włóknienia, immunosupresji, angiogenezy, nowotworzenia w patogenezie chorób gruczołu tarczowego. Materiał i metody: W grupie badanej było 63 chorych poddanych tyreoidektomii: 27 z wolem guzkowym nietoksycznym (NG), 22 z wolem guzkowym toksycznym (TNG), 6 z rakiem brodawkowatym (PTC), 8 z chorobą Gravesa-Basedowa (GD). W tkankach tarczycy oceniono ilościowo aktywność transkrypcyjną genów TGFb1 i jego receptorów TGFbetaRI, TGFbetaRII, TGFbetaRIII metodą RT-qPCR (ilościową reakcją łańcuchową polimerazy z udziałem odwrotnej transkryptazy). Analizę molekularną wykonano w tkankach pochodzących od GD i z centrum zmiany guzowatej (PTC, NG, TNG) oraz z obwodowych części usuniętego płata w których nie stwierdzono zmian histopatologicznych (tkanka kontrolna). Tkankę kontrolną dla analizy wykonanej u chorych z GD stanowiła niezmieniona tkanka tarczycy pochodząca z obwodowych części usuniętego płata chorych operowanych z powodu pojedynczego łagodnego guza. Wyniki/Wnioski: Obserwowana ścisła regulacja pomiędzy aktywnością transkrypcyjną genów TGFb1 i jego receptorów TGFbetaRI-III w tkankach kontrolnych ulega zaburzeniu we wszystkich tkankach patologicznych – całkowitemu w PTC i GD, częściowemu w NG i TGN. Dodatkowo, większa aktywność transkrypcyjna TGFbeta1 w PTC w porównaniu z tkankami łagodnymi (NG, GD) oraz mniejsza ekspresja mRNA TGFbRII (niż w TNG, GD) i mRNA TGFbetaRIII w porównaniu z łagodnymi tkankami (NG, TNG, GD) sugeruje patogenetyczne znaczenie tej cytokiny i jej receptorów w rozwoju PTC. W tkance GD, zwraca uwagę większa aktywność transkrypcyjna genów TGFbetaRII i TGFbetaRIII w porównaniu do innych tkanek patologicznych wskazując na udział tych receptorów w patomechanizmie autoimmunologicznej choroby tarczycy (AITD). Stężenia TGFbeta1 we krwi nie odzwierciedlają procesów patologicznych zachodzących w gruczole tarczowym. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (4): 375–382)

    Hemp-Based Phytoaccumulation of Heavy Metals from Municipal Sewage Sludge and Phosphogypsum Under Field Conditions

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of three hemp cultivars to accumulate heavy metals under sewage sludge (SS) and phosphogypsum (PG) application. The field study was carried out from 2014 to 2016 on Luvisol (loamy sand) in Poland. The experiment scheme included five treatments—T0: the control without fertilization, T1: 170 kg N (nitrogen) ha−1 from sewage sludge, T2: 170 kg N ha−1 from sewage sludge and 100 kg ha−1 of phosphogypsum, T3: 170 kg N ha−1 from sewage sludge and 500 kg ha−1 of phosphogypsum, and T4: 170 kg N ha−1 from sewage sludge and 1000 kg ha−1 of phosphogypsum. It was found that the application of municipal sewage sludge enriched the soil with the bioavailable forms of heavy metals to the greatest extent and contributed to the highest increase in their contents in vegetative and generative organs of hemp plants. These parameters showed a phosphogypsum dose-dependent decline, which could hinder the phytoextraction process. The greatest extractions of heavy metal(loid)s (HMs) from the soil treated with SS and PG were achieved by the Tygra variety, which had the highest bioconcentration factor (BCF) and biomass yield

    Occurrence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Hemp (Cannabis sativa) Plants and Soil Fertilized with Sewage Sludge and Phosphogypsum

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    The colonization of soil and roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the formation of spores under the influence of fertilization with phosphogypsum and sewage sludge were examined. Identification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi was carried out in soil and in roots of outdoor experimental hemp plantation. Assessment of the colonization was carried out by molecular and microscopic methods. The material for the isolation of DNA consisted of soil samples taken from mycorrhizal soil and hemp roots of cv. Białobrzeskie, cv. Tygra, and cv. Beniko. In nested PCR reactions part of the small subunit (SSU) region, the region of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and part of large subunit (LSU) rDNA region were amplified. As a result of the cloning and sequencing of the DNA, it was found that the greatest similarity of the obtained sequences present in the samples of roots and soil was to the following species: Diversispora sp., Funneliformis sp., Glomus sp., Funneliformis mosseae, Glomus caledonium, Funneliformis geosporum, Glomus occultum. The colonization by the fungi was estimated and found to differ depending on the hemp cultivar and doses of fertilizers. Cultivar Tygra showed no negative impact on biomass production by intensive mycorrhization, proved its high tolerance to phosphogypsum and sewage sludge pollution, and responded positively regarding biomass production

    Diagnostic system for non-invasive assessment of rotor cage condition of induction motors

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    Ocena stanu klatki silników indukcyjnych jest ciągle aktualnym problemem diagnostyki stanu tych maszyn. Na rynku zasadniczo nie ma urządzeń, które mogły by w sposób kompleksowy automatycznie diagnozować uszkodzenia klatek silników zarówno podczas stanu ustalonego w oparciu o metodę MCSA jak i podczas rozruchu wykorzystując analizę przetworzonego przebiegu prądu rozruchowego. Na podstawie wieloletnich doświadczeń, autorów artykułu, w prowadzeniu badań stanu klatek wirnika dla wielu maszyn w różnych gałęziach przemysłu, opracowano urządzenie pomiarowe i specjalistyczne oprogramowanie pozwalające diagnozować rożne typy silników indukcyjnych klatkowych podczas rozruchu jak i stanu ustalonego. W artykule przedstawiono sposób pomiaru sygnału diagnostycznego, którym jest prąd stojan. Odwołano się do wiarygodności pomiarów diagnostycznych. Przedstawiono funkcjonalność oprogramowania do pomiarów diagnostycznych i analiz podczas stanu ustalonego i rozruchu. Przedstawiono wyniki wybranych pomiarów diagnostycznych, formy prezentacji wyników oceny stanu oraz przedstawiono przykłady zastosowania opracowanego systemu w badaniach przemysłowych w różnych gałęziach przemysłu.The assessment of the cage condition of induction motors is still a current problem in diagnosing the condition of these machines. There are basically no devices on the market that could comprehensively and automatically diagnose damage to motor frames, both during the steady state based on the MCSA method and during start-up using the analysis of the processed inrush current waveform. Based on many years of experience of the authors of the article, in conducting research on the condition of rotor cages for many machines in various industries, a measuring device and specialized software were developed to diagnose various types of squirrelcage induction motors during start-up and in the steady state. The article presents the method of measuring the diagnostic signal, which is the stator current. The reliability of the diagnostic measurements was referred to. The functionality of the software for diagnostic measurements and analyzes during steady state and start-up is presented. The results of selected diagnostic measurements, forms of presentation of the results of condition assessment and examples of the application of the developed system in industrial research in various branches of industry are presented

    Biotic and abiotic determinants of soil organic matter stock and fine root biomass in mountain area temperate forests : examples from Cambisols under European beech, Norway spruce, and silver fir (Carpathians, Central Europe)

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    Forest ecosystems significantly contribute to the global organic carbon (OC) pool, exhibiting high spatial heterogeneity in this respect. Some of the components of the OC pool in a forest (woody aboveground biomass (wAGB), coarse root biomass (CRB)) can be relatively easily estimated using readily available data from land observation and forest inventories, while some of the components of the OC pool are very difficult to determine (fine root biomass (FRB) and soil organic matter (SOM) stock). The main objectives of our study were to: (1) estimate the SOM stock; (2) estimate FRB; and (3) assess the relationship between both biotic (wAGB, forest age, foliage, stand density) and abiotic factors (climatic conditions, relief, soil properties) and SOM stocks and FRB in temperate forests in the Western Carpathians consisting of European beech, Norway spruce, and silver fir (32 forest inventory plots in total). We uncovered the highest wAGB in beech forests and highest SOM stocks under beech forest. FRB was the highest under fir forest. We noted a considerable impact of stand density on SOM stocks, particularly in beech and spruce forests. FRB content was mostly impacted by stand density only in beech forests without any discernible effects on other forest characteristics. We discovered significant impacts of relief-dependent factors and SOM stocks at all the studied sites. Our biomass and carbon models informed by more detailed environmental data led to reduce the uncertainty in over- and underestimation in Cambisols under beech, spruce, and fir forests for mountain temperate forest carbon pools

    Effects of Bee Pollen on Growth Performance, Intestinal Microbiota and Histomorphometry in African Catfish

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    This study aimed to determine the dietary effects of honeybee pollen (BP) on growth parameters, intestinal microbiota, hepatic histoarchitecture, and intestinal histomorphometry of African catfish Clarias gariepinus juveniles. The feeding experiment was carried out in a recirculating aquaculture system under controlled conditions for 21 days to achieve more than a 10-fold increase in weight in fish from the control group. Fish were fed well-balanced commercial feed without any supplements and served as a reference group (group C) and other diets enriched with varying BP levels as 1% (BP1), 2% (BP2), and 3% (BP3). Results showed a significant (p < 0.05) effect of the dietary BP not only on the growth parameters (such as final body weight: 5.0 g to 6.6–7.5 g, weight gain: 0.23 g/d to 0.31–0.35 g/d, body length: 84.7 mm to 93.8–95.9 mm, and specific growth rate: 11.7%/d to 13.1–13.7%/d, group C vs. experimental groups, respectively) but also on the development of beneficially important gut microbiota, such as lactic acid-producing bacteria. In BP-enriched groups, an average of 45% higher body weight gain was observed compared to those reared in the control group. The histological analysis showed that dietary BP may have a positive effect on the development of the intestinal tract and may enhance the absorption of nutrients with the potential ability to maintain a normal hepatic histoarchitecture of the treated African catfish. The results obtained suggest the optimum level of BP additive to feed for African catfish should be 1%