109 research outputs found

    Kartiranje krških formacija ispod povijesne zgrade u Szydłówu u Poljskoj pomoću georadara

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    The Mid-Poland Uplands Belt is a vast area characterized by the presence of carbonate and sulphate rocks. In some parts of this region karst forming and developing processes are dynamic in character. The studied area is the terrain around a historic church in a small village of Szydłów. The building is situated on a hill which is formed by Sarmatian detrital limestone undergoing karst processes. At the foot of the hill there is a number of small caves. Characteristic geological structure and land transformations that are present due to the karst processes prompted the authors to conduct a GPR survey. The aim of this study was to verify whether there is a continuation of caves in the area around the monument. An analysis was made to estimate the risk of damaging the historic building due to the ongoing karst processes. The authors obtained good quality results from GPR measurements. The results confirmed the existence of unknown voids and loosening in rock structure. On radargrams, the authors recorded stratum mapping which confirms the existence of gravitational loosening of the rock mass near the cave ceilings and walls. The results prove that the GPR is an appropriate instrument for mapping some of the karst structures and evaluation of the orogen stability.Brdski pojas u srednjoj Poljskoj veliko je područje u kojem prevladavaju karbonatne i sulfatne stijene. U nekim su dijelovima ove procesi okršavanja dinamičkog karaktera. Proučavan je teren oko povijesne crkve u Szydłówu. Građevina se nalazi na brdu koje je formirano procesima karstifikacije klastičnih vapnenaca sarmata. U podnožju brda ima nekoliko malih špilja. Karakteristične geološke strukture i transformacije terena koje su posljedica karstifikacije potaknule su autore da provedu istraživanja georadarom. Cilj je ove studije verificirati postojanje špilja i u prostoru oko spomenika. Napravljena je analiza rizika oštećenja spomenika krškim procesima. Mjerenjima georadarom dobijeni su dobri rezultati koji potvrđuju postojanje do sada nepoznatih šupljina i oslabljenih stijenskih struktura. Prema zabilježenim radarogramima autori su potvrdili da dolazi do gravitacijskig slabljenja stijenske mase u blizini stropa i zidova špilja. Rezultati dokazuju da je georadar prikladan instrument za kartiranje nekih krških struktura i procjenu stabilnosti stijena

    An attempt at a typology of karst lakes in the Połaniec Basin (Małopolska Upland)

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    The main goal of the paper is to attempt a typology of karst lakes in the Połaniec Basin (Małopolska Upland). The typology was conducted on the basis of a dependence analysis of several essential morphometric parameters of lake basins. The considered data comprised 23 lakes with respect to15 morphometric features.The correlation analysis, mainly in a group of lakes that are located in single karst sinkholes, revealed that length and width of basins are distinctly associated features. It is also noticeable that basin shape determines lake volume, even though pools, that are characterised by similar water content volume, may differ in area. Moreover, an increase in maximum depth of basins does not necessarily imply any grow in their volume. Likewise, there is no prevalent dependence between basin area and maximum depth.The cluster analysis, among reasonable indications, singled out generally divisions of the considered lakes into two sets. One of the sets comprises Duży Staw and Dziki Staw, while the other consists of all the remaining lakes. Less frequent divisions into three indicated Duży Staw, Dziki Staw, and Czwarty Staw as leading lakes. Divisions into 19–22 clusters were also suggested, however it does not seem to be reliable. As a consequence, the cluster analysis elucidate that Duży Staw and Dziki Staw stand out the most from the other lakes. This remainder constitutes rather close to each other, but not an ideally uniform group of lakes

    Największe atrakcje turystyczne w województwie świętokrzyskim w opinii turystów

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    Nowadays, tourism is becoming one of the most dynamically developing part of the economy. Many countries and regions are seeing it as a source of significant revenue. For this reason all the time there are creating a lot of new attractions and touristic objects. Tourism is greatly carefully monitored and analyzed. The ranking list of the greatest touristic attractions are being created. The basis for the development of such rankings is the number of tickets sold in individual objects. Therefore, in one of the most popular touristic object in świętokrzyskie voivodeship anonymous survey was conducted. The aim of the study was receiving tourists’ opinion about the biggest attractions in region. Results indicate that tourism in this area is identified with Świętokrzyskie Mountains. What is important, many tourists mentions new, objects, witch the most popular is Bałtó

    Ground Penetrating Radar investigation of limestone karst objects in the Botanical Garden in Kielce

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    Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is one of the most effective and rapid types of geophysical survey methods. The present study was carried out in the Botanical Garden in Kielce, which is currently undergoing a second stage of infrastructure development. This object is located in the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Region, characterized by large scale deformations in the development of karst origins. Those structures threaten existing buildings and can be obstacles to newly constructed ones. Radargrams presented in this paper show significant potential of the GPR method in mapping of karst phenomena. Proper acquisition parameters and optimal processing of raw data resulted in a clear image of the structure of rock mass under the Botanical Garden, along acquired profile lines. Additionally, precise GPS coordinate links and established researchers’ experience of conducting this type of surveys helped in the process of mapping the anomalies in the limestone. Under these conditions, the survey minimized the need for a second method and resulted in high quality data acquisition. The study provided information about underlying rock mass structure development and registered anomalies whose origins include voids or caves of karst genesis. The area studied covers a large part of the Botanical Garden. Described anomalies can be dynamic in origin

    The use of archived precipitation data in the assessment of soil erosion risk in the Świętokrzyskie Province of central-southern Poland

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    The usefulness of archived IMGW–PIB published reports was discussed as a source of information on high total and intensity precipitation that generates the risk of soil erosion. The study area consist of theŚwiętokrzyskie Province of central-southern Poland. The data were obtained mainly from yearbooks: The Atmospheric Precipitation Yearbooks and Results of pluviographic studies and precipitation of high intensity for the period 1959–1981. The analysis is limited to the occurrence of rainfall events that produced at least 30 mm of rainwater and were classified as A3 or higher on the Chomicz scale of rainstorms and downpours. A total of 247 rainstorms and downpours were recorded at 74 weather stations in the Świętokrzyskie Province. The utilized data sets allowed he estimation of erosivity index values using a simplified Wischmeier and Smith equation. Their erosivity index reached up to 6,387.8 MJ∙mm∙ha−1∙h−1 with a median value of 455.8 MJ∙mm∙ha−1∙h−1. This maximum value of EI was recorded at the Słupia weather station in the southwestern part of the study area. However, higherosivity rainfalls most often occurred in the lower section of the Nida Valley (in the Wiślica weather station). Precipitation characterized by the greatest erosivity occurred in June and July

    The Carbon Footprint Methodology in CFOOD Project

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    In the paper, the research on the process of optimizing the carbon footprint to obtain the low-carbon products is presented. The optimization process and limits were analyzed based on the CFOOD project co-financed by the Polish Research and Development Agency. In the article, the carbon footprint (CF) testing methods with particular emphasis on product life cycle assessment (LCA) are discussed. The main problem is that the energy received from the energy-meters per the production stage is not directly represented in the raw data set obtained from the factory because many machines are connected to a single measurement point. In the paper, we show that in some energy-demanding production stages connected with cooling processes the energy used for the same stage and similar production can differ even 25-40%. That is why the energy optimization in the production can be very demanding

    Burial crypts in solid rock – a geophysical case study of a small church with a unique polychrome in Szydłów (S Poland)

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    Lesser Poland (Małopolska) is a historic region of Poland. The presented case study was undertaken in the All Saints’ Church in the town of Szydłów, in which conservation and restoration works were carried out to preserve Gothic wall paintings by identifying and eliminating the causes of their degradation, and these efforts were supported by geophysical surveying. The conducted studies constitute a step not only to determine the age of the construction of the Szydłów temple, but also to improve knowledge of medieval architecture and mural paintings in Lesser Poland. The geophysical research with application of GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) helped to locate previously unknown structures under the temple floor. This survey indicated four, possibly connected, structural objects clearly visible in GPR profiles. Carried out works confirmed that anomalies visible on radargrams mark two crypts. This discovery of the hidden construction elements emphasizes and strengthens the earlier suppositions of the unique character of this temple

    Skin giant neoplastic ulcers – treatment options and clinical challenges

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    Introduction. Skin giant neoplastic ulcers are a very serious diagnostic and therapeutic problem. The objective of this work was to present the experiences and strategies of our center concerning the treatment of this type of neoplastic ulcers. Material and methods. In this paper we present and analyze 15 cases of patients treated for giant ulcers. This represented 0.4% of all patients treated surgically for skin cancer in our center (n = 3983). Ulcers in this group of patients were located within the head (n = 6), chest (n = 4), abdomen (n = 2), male genitals (n = 1) and lower limbs (n = 2). Results. Our observations indicate that the treatment of giant skin neoplastic ulcers (although they are relatively rare) is a major clinical challenge and requires individualized multidirectional diagnostic and therapeutic methods