76 research outputs found

    Understanding Community Change: A Look at Low-Income Chicago Neighborhoods in the 1990s

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    Examines the trajectory of low-income neighborhoods in Chicago according to economic, housing, racial, and immigrant characteristics, finding that low-income communities closest to downtown enjoyed the most significant gains

    Collaborators or Competitors? Exploring the Relationships between Community Development Financial Institutions and Conventional Lenders in Small Business Finance

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    This study examines the nature of the interaction of banks and community development financial institutions (CDFIs) in small business lending. We examine the experience of six different CDFIs that vary by size, corporate structure, and market. We explore how they both collaborate and compete with regulated lenders, and how changes in local and national market dynamics affect their activities. Our case studies are not necessarily representative of the CDFI industry, but they offer insights on the factors that shape CDFIs' interactions with and responses to more mainstream institutions. Our findings are therefore more descriptive than prescriptive, although we offer suggestions for both CDFI practice and future research

    Collaborators or competitors? Exploring the relationships between community development financial institutions and conventional lenders in small business finance

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    This study examines the nature of the interaction of banks and community development financial institutions (CDFIs) in small business lending. We examine the experience of six different CDFIs that vary by size, corporate structure, and market. We explore how they both collaborate and compete with regulated lenders, and how changes in local and national market dynamics affect their activities. Our case studies are not necessarily representative of the CDFI industry, but they offer insights on the factors that shape CDFIs’ interactions with and responses to more mainstream institutions. Our findings are therefore more descriptive than prescriptive, although we offer suggestions for both CDFI practice and future research.Community development ; Small business - Finance

    The motion of /48/ Doris and the mass of Jupiter

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    Definitive orbit obtained for /48/ Doris based on mass of Jupite

    Customer Perspective On The Purchase and Use Of Sustainable And Innovative Furniture In A Co-Creation Process

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    For developing a European industrial cooperation and involvement in the furniture industry, the international research project INEDIT conducted a survey for furniture customers. By finding out the needs and wishes of the customer regarding innovative products and the production process the project will establish a new way for designing and producing furniture. Within INEDIT a platform is built on which customized, technologically innovative and sustainable furniture can be created and produced in a co-creation process. The furniture industry should thus become significantly more flexible, transparent and sustainable. Following the "do-it-together" approach, a business ecosystem will be generated which creates added value not only for customers but also for designers, suppliers and manufacturing companies. In order to involve the customer even more actively in the design process and the production, the platform will provide access to a mix of digital and physical services and is linked to all other stakeholders in the value chain. To match the platform and the process to the needs, wishes and demands of the customer an anonymous survey with 300 participants was developed and conducted. By analyzing the survey, important factors were found for buying and for using furniture considering new technological inventions (e.g. 3D-printing or smart objects), sustainability of the products and the production process. Furthermore, the potential customer-group and their usage of the do-it-together process and additional activities can be tightened

    Tracking system analytic calibration activities for the Mariner Mars 1971 mission

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    Data covering various planning aspects of Mariner Mars 1971 mission are summarized. Data cover calibrating procedures for tracking stations, radio signal propagation in the troposphere, effects of charged particles on radio transmission, orbit calculation, and data smoothing

    Density of asteroids

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    A considerable amount of information regarding the processes that occurred during the accretion of the early planetesimals is still present among the small bodies of our solar system. A review of our current knowledge of the density of small bodies is presented here. Intrinsic physical properties of small bodies are sought by searching for relationships between the dynamical and taxonomic classes, size, and density. Mass and volume estimates for 287 small bodies are collected from the literature. The accuracy and biases affecting the methods used to estimate these quantities are discussed and best-estimates are strictly selected. Bulk densities are subsequently computed and compared with meteorite density, allowing to estimate the macroporosity within these bodies. Dwarf-planets apparently have no macroporosity, while smaller bodies can have large voids. This trend is apparently correlated with size: C and S-complex asteroids tends to have larger density with increasing diameter. The average density of each Bus-DeMeo taxonomic classes is computed. S-complex asteroids are more dense on average than those in the C-complex that in turn have a larger macroporosity, although both complexes partly overlap. Within the C-complex, B-types stand out in albedo, reflectance spectra, and density, indicating a unique composition. Asteroids in the X-complex span a wide range of densities, suggesting that many compositions are included in the complex. Comets and TNOs have high macroporosity and low density, supporting the current models of internal structures made of icy aggregates. The number of density estimates sky-rocketed during last decade from a handful to 287, but only a third of the estimates are more precise than 20%. Several lines of investigation to refine this are contemplated, including observations of multiple systems, 3-D shape modeling, and orbital analysis from Gaia astrometry.Comment: 163 pages, 395 figures, 6 tables -- Accepted for publication in Planetary & Space Scienc

    Eine sehr kurze EinfĂĽhrung in das linguistische Stammbaummodell

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    Diesen August jährt sich ein Ereignis zum 170. Mal, das die historische Linguistik und unsere Vorstellung von Sprachen nachhaltig geprägt hat. Am 15. August 1853 schrieb der deutsche Philologe August Schleicher seinen Artikel „Die ersten Spaltungen des indogermanischen Urvolkes“. Darin brachte er eins der wichtigsten Modelle der historischen Linguistik erstmals zu Papier: Das Stammbaummodell. Dieses Modell geht davon aus, dass sich Sprachen durch Aufspaltungen einer älteren (Ur-)Sprache in m..

    Eine kleine Geschichte der Elbenschriften von J.R.R. Tolkien

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    Dieser Blogpost beschäftigt sich mit einem privaten Interesse von mir: der Entwicklung von J.R.R. Tolkiens Schriftsystemen. J.R.R. Tolkien war nicht nur Sprachwissenschaftler und Autor (Der Herr der Ringe etc.) sondern auch begeisterter Sprachen- und Schriftenerfinder. Vor allem seine Elbenschrift Tengwar ist mittlerweile weltberühmt. Tolkien hat diese Schrift nicht an einem Tag erfunden, auch nicht in einem Jahr. Sie ist das Resultat einer mehr als zwanzigjährigen Zeit des Experimentierens ..

    What am I actually doing (with my life)?

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    For about one and a half years I have been working on my PhD project about the history of the North Halmahera languages. In this blog post, I want to describe briefly what I am actually doing. zur deutsche Version dieses Posts What are the North Halmahera languages? Halmahera is an island in East Indonesia, close to the equator and between Sulawesi and New Guinea. The island looks a little bit like a star with four peninsulas connected in the center. Halmahera and the surrounding islan..
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