270 research outputs found

    Poetic Diction and Poetic References in the Preludes of Plato’s Laws

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    This doctoral dissertation investigates how Plato elaborates and incorporates the works of the poets in the preludes to the laws. It is argued that the poetic style of the preludes represents a key element for the Athenian’s purpose of persuading the citizens of Magnesia to spontaneously abide to the new legislation that is being laid out.The analysis is divided in four chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the general approach that has been followed in the reading of the dialogue, for example, the acknowledgement of the parainetic and protreptic nature of the Platonic dialogues. Chapter 2 engages with the methodology used, a distinction is here made between poetic influences and poetic references occurring in the preludes. Chapter 3 concerns the investigation of 21 preludes which have been divided in three groups: group 1, “Praise and Blame”, examines the encomiastic discourse of the Athenian, and more specifically the poetic references to the epinician genre; group 2, “Jussive Parainesis”, analyses the diction and the prescriptive style of the preludes; group 3, “Myth as Poetic Rationale” focusses on the resort to fictive stories as a useful means to instil in the young the desire to follow the regulations established for Magnesia. Each group is followed by a concluding section, which summarises the results of the preceding analysis. Chapter 4 restates the findings of the investigations, interprets the preludes in relation to tragic theatre and engages in a discussion regarding the important meaning at 7.717b of the politeia as “truest tragedy.

    The multilateral security organizations at stake. NATO, OSCE and the Covid-19 emergency: an opportunity into the crisis?

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    The Coronavirus outbreak showed how nobody was prepared to this crisis and to its economic, social and political implications which now represent the main challenge for political actors. However, if the measures taken by national states to curb the sanitary emergency seem to have partially restored their capacity to address the events, the Covid-19 has struck a significant blow to the already fragile multilateral system, as exemplified by the allegations – some of them based on coherent elements of criticism, other with less objective basis and misleading – to the World Health Organization (WHO). To better investigate the impact of this unprecedented crisis on the international institutions and its implications on security, the present article aims first to shed light on how two important organizations as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), have reacted and are acting to this crisis: an aspect  just partially covered by the public media and that deserves to be better explored to avoid misleading interpretations. Secondly, trying to offer to the national stakeholders and public opinions a useful way to look on the Covid-19’s impact on these forums, the analysis will also reflect on the possibility that this crisis could be turn by the organizations into an opportunity to relaunch themselves and become more aware of the other elements of concern as health risks, climate change and migration which, even not strictly related with the conventional interpretation of security, are posing undeniable aspects of concern. In front of the contradiction between the emerging of complex global challenges and the deteriorating of the multilateral order, this crisis should foster organizations and states to find a new reason to cooperate in answering to the future global threats, recognizing that a better security is possible only through a comprehensive approach

    Dance/Movement Therapy at an After School Program for At Risk Adolescent Girls in Yonkers, New York

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    This thesis examines how the addition of dance/movement therapy affected the participants of an afterschool program hosted by The Mary J. Blige Center for Women and Girls in Yonkers, New York. A brief history of the city of Yonkers, focusing on the impact of political changes on the socioeconomic divide, is provided, as is a discussion of Mary J. Blige’s experiences growing up in this urban environment and her decision to open a center for women and children. Through a review of the literature, the effectiveness of afterschool programs in teaching adolescents life skills, building positive and trusting relationships, increasing selfesteem and strengthening impulse control and social skills is examined A case study is presented, describing the author’s experience developing dance/movement therapy groups with adolescent girls attending the center’s after school program

    A Missed Rebirth: The Rockefeller Foundation's Involvement in the Economic and Social Development of Sardinia after the Second World War

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    The stipend from the Rockefeller Archive Center (RAC) under the Research Stipend Program has provided me with an opportunity to clarify one of the most forgotten pages of the late phase of the "Sardinian Project" i.e., the involvement of the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) in the studies for the economic and social rehabilitation and development of the Italian Island of Sardinia in the early 1950s. The issue has been particularly debated in the contemporary history of Sardinia, as well as in the political debate at that time because, despite the initial great interest, the involvement of the American institution (and other international players) did not take place. On the contrary, the economic "re-birth" of Sardinia was possible mainly through the so-called "Rebirth Plan," approved by the local and national governments in June 1962, twelve years after the "missed rebirth."Over the past seventy years, two main positions have emerged in this regard. One agrees that the RF was never involved "for a lira or a dollar" in the planning of Sardinia's socio-economic development. The second one states that the American foundation was, to some extent, directly involved, at least in the preliminary phase. However, to date, both theories have failed to look directly and deeply into the historical record for a more precise and objective reconstruction. This report summarizes the first results of my research conducted at the RAC in September 2022, which aims to gain a better knowledge of this page of local history, that possesses underrated - and largely unknown - national and international implications

    Gli Studi teologici

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    È del 1562 l’avvio a Sassari – da parte dei gesuiti1 – delle prime scuole di latinità e un anno dopo di quelle di umane lettere e di filosofia. Più complesso l’iter che porterà nel 1571 all’apertura delle scuole di teologia trasformate successivamente nella Facoltà teologica. Nel 1612, il generale della Compagnia di Gesù, Claudio Acquaviva, concederà infatti al Rettore del collegio di Sassari la facoltà di conferire i gradi accademici e – cinque anni dopo – Filippo III trasformerà quel collegio in Università, ma con una significativa limitazione: il potere di conferire i gradi accademici veniva ristretto alle sole facoltà di Filosofia e Teologia. Sebbene non siano mancati nel corso dei secoli professori di prestigio, il maggior apporto della facoltà teologica di Sassari non fu quello di produrre studi particolarmente originali e nuove prospettive di ricerca. L’obiettivo, quello che da sempre aveva accompagnato la facoltà, era stato quello di contribuire a preparare culturalmente le nuove generazioni di ecclesiastici della Sardegna

    Artefacts of Emergency Law, Gender and Anti-Colonial Resistance in Mandatory Palestine

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    The article focuses on the account given by Hilda Wilson, during a year spent as an English schoolteacher in Palestine, of the emergency regulations adopted by the British authorities to quell the Great Arab Revolt which unfolded in the years 1936-1939. The article attempts to offer a more detailed inquiry into the real-life experience of women in order to give a more contextual, complex and relational account of the life of law in the Mandatory ‘peripheries’ during an anti-colonial uprising. Wilson’s account and her relationship with the indigenous anti-colonial revolt is investigated through a feminist and post-colonial legal approach which aims to re-write legal histories from below. As part of a broader critical legal approach to the history of law, this article aims to intervene in the discussion on methods and methodology in the writing of legal histories. In terms of methods, the paper relies on primary materials such as diaries and material objects as the primary tools for legal research. In terms of methodology, it applies interdisciplinary insights to the understanding of legal order/disorder and to the construction of hybrid legal subjectivities. In this sense, the article contributes to feminist perspectives on international law, focusing on the intersections between gender, race and law in order to give a different account of the space for women’s self-determination in Mandatory Palestine

    Theoretical Principles of In Vitro Selection Using Combinatorial Nucleic Acid Libraries

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    A new paradigm for drug discovery and biological research has developed from technologies that integrate combinatorial chemistry with rounds of selection and amplification, a technique called in vitro selection or systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX). This overview unit discusses nucleic acid libraries that can be used, affinity probability distributions, an equilibrium model for SELEX, and optimal conditions including concentrations and signalâ toâ noise ratios.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143632/1/cpnc0901.pd


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    n this paper a detailed structural analysis (under the seismic and wind loads) of an historical tall building in Milan is carried out. It’s one of the first tall building (109 m height) realized in Italy in the 56- 59 years, and an important restoration is affecting it with intended use change (from office to luxury hotel and residences). To investigate the characteristics of concrete several destructive, non-destructive and combined tests are conducted. Moreover, additional destructive and chemical tests on the reinforced bars steel are performed too. Some finite elements models (FEMs) are implemented by using beam and plate elements considering two different boundary conditions (base fixed and elastic soil by Winkler model) and the interaction of the close existing lower constructions presence. In all of the FEMs, the materials characteristics are assigned basing on the tests results and a their subsequent statistical interpretation. The seismic load, implemented by a response spectrum analysis, and the wind load are applied in according to the Italian Construction Code (NTC). The structural resistance verifies are carried out in terms of shear and combined compressive-bending stress, whereas further ductility verifies are conducted considering appropriate nonlinear behaviours of the concrete and the steel bars. Finally some hypothesis to improve the structural behaviour under the lateral loads are proposed by considering cost-benefit analysis

    Una centrale perifericitĂ . Il Mediterraneo e le organizzazioni internazionali regionali di sicurezza negli anni Settanta e Ottanta: NATO, WEU, CSCE

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    The research aims to investigate the aspects related to the Mediterranean security within the main European Regional Security Organizations – i.e. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Western European Union (WEU) e la Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) – during the Cold War, with a particular attention for the 70s and the 80s on the basis of an extensive analysis on new primary sources evidences from the NATO Archives; the CSCE/OSCE Archives; the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU); the National Archives (Kew, Richmond, Surrey, United Kingdom). The PhD thesis - realized with the research perspective of the History of international relations – aims from one side, to shed light on one of the most dispute and neglect themes within the multilateral security organizations as it was (is?) the Mediterranean, contributing to add a missing page in the specific literature; and from the other, the research aims to reflect on how both the multilateral actors and national states perceived the evolution of the Mediterranean security challenges during the Cold War. Related to this aspect, it will be particularly interesting to see how, between the 70s and the first part of the 80s, in the Euro-Mediterranean region started to emerge new security issues from the traditional ones (the Soviet military and political threat), as the growing gap in the the economic, social and demography development between the two shores of the basin; the political and institution fragility of the Maghreb states; the spread of phenomena as the diffusion of WMD, the emerging of the international terrorism and the religious fundamentalism. The research shows as these challenges - some still valid nowadays - were detected by the actors of the basin and discussed within the multilateral framework, but also why and how, however, the organizations and states acted more as spectators than actors, contributing to renewing of the interpretation of the Mediterranean as a central periphery for Europe
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